geekhack Marketplace > CM Storm

MX Clear Switches

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+1 for mx clear switches

The biggest reason why I don't yet own any CMStorm Quickfire Rapid is that the Nordic layout offerings are only in Black or Red MX switches.
If it had been available in Brown or Blue switches, I would have already bought one.
If I had heard that it would be available in MX Clear switches, I would have pre-ordered and camped outside the store!

Ergo clears would also be very nice. Cherry said they'd be willing to make them if the demand was high enough.

I've noticed a phenomenon that once someone who loves Clears tries MX Whites they abandon Clears like a bad habit.


--- Quote from: dante on Mon, 18 March 2013, 19:33:51 ---I've noticed a phenomenon that once someone who loves Clears tries MX Whites they abandon Clears like a bad habit.

--- End quote ---
I don't know, I have more keyboards with greens, and I like the whites (which feel very similar). I've never had a KB with clears, but I have two with ergo clears and I still like them. They're my go-to tactile nonclicky switch.


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