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These laptop chillers

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NE1 got one of these, worth $100?  Seems way overpriced for what it is, buhhhhh, could you build your own for cheaper?

But they do allegedly work better than the traditional ones without a seal.

Thought about it for a bit, $65 is the cost of a refurb air purifier. $110 you can get a new one.


Introducing Laptop Chiller , Tp4 Edition


Costco C545 air purifier.

Hepa filtration 99% pm2.5 removal, 0% dust.

High performance 243 CADR (CFM) max output.

Manila Envelope, bubble insulated, eco-friendly baffle

Off brand office Tape fastener.

Performance testing.  9750h + 1660Ti,  Minus-10 Celcius cooling Delta using Minimum fanspeed on air purifier.


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Wed, 08 May 2024, 18:19:35 ---NE1 got one of these, worth $100?  Seems way overpriced for what it is, buhhhhh, could you build your own for cheaper?

But they do allegedly work better than the traditional ones without a seal.
--- End quote ---
What if the seal blocks the primary vent?

This is why I call B.S. on all of these unless built by the laptop manufacturer.


--- Quote from: Leslieann on Thu, 09 May 2024, 05:31:43 ---What if the seal blocks the primary vent?

This is why I call B.S. on all of these unless built by the laptop manufacturer.

--- End quote ---

The seal is about the right size for most vents. But they make slightly smaller/ slightly bigger versions to accommodate different sized laptops.  There's a nother brand (IETS) that has removable staged seals to make the opening slightly bigger/ smaller.

The 1 thing Tp4 is cautious about is that the seals are memory foam, and these don't hold up well to heat. Wonder how durable they are.

And of course, these coolers are ridiculously overpriced. $50 would imho be pushing it. $30 and it's a deal. $100, is crazy town.

It creates a pressurized chamber beneath the laptop compared to traditional fans. So the airflow is now unidirectional, and it also cools the whole board like where the ssd is.

In Tp4's g5, the ssd gets pretty hot 61*C,  with the cooler going, it goes down to 44*C.  CPU/GPU Minus 10*C each.

Tried some OC, +60mhz on gpu. That's pretty gud'.

For a gaming laptop, this is a pretty interesting mod. The benefit speaks for itself,  but definitely wait for the coolers to come down to $50 ish.  Or DIY like Tp4.

The IETS version has a little filter paper in its intake, it's something to think about since increasing airflow means increased dust ingress.  The filter media size is extremely tiny though, and full of holes around itself, not sure how good that seal is.

DIY using air purifier guarantees good seal and absolutely pristine air. Large impeller means lower rpm, higher air pressure, and almost no noise.

The desktop chillers are noisy beasts. 


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