geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders

MX Xxxxx key caps

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--- Quote from: gohu;308703 ---I got an invoice recently and... am I really the *only* one to have voted for some of those?
--- End quote ---

Yes, just gauging intrest. Don't know if anyone realy want these or sense for me to do larger order and resell...

I'm off for holly days until Sunday 20th March 2011!

The vote-system will work without me. Just send your order lists to me, 7bit_vote.

You will get some statistics from time to time.

Don't ask 7bit or me any questions during that time. We will not answer!

There will be no update of payment status. Anybody should keep track of that themselves! It is sufficient to pay when I'm back again.

For questions, please read the first post in the main thread.

Have a lot of fun ...

I need the color codes for some of these keys:

MXBLUE   BO (Blue) ???
MXBLACK   NN (Black)


--- Quote from: 7bit;317556 ---I need the color codes for some of these keys:

MXBLUE   BO (Blue) ???
MXBLACK   NN (Black)

TGH for brown?
Also, can't quite make out what would be right for those clears. There is a few white options, anyone wanna go and decide?


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