geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders

Double shot blue return

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too blue

Ack! That's pretty bright / vibrant. Do you know what colour code that is? It's hard to choose based on the two pics of the colour samples I saw (in the round 3 thread, pg. 140, and in the clear blanks thread). Based on those pics, BO seems to be a good choice.

If anything, we'll try to error on the dark side rather than have a really bright enter key. I think it would look better on the dull side.

What about the cost?

Cost unknown at this point. I'll assume it'll be similar to similar keys of low quantity. It's a standard Return key, with standard markings, rather than a custom design so it shouldn't be too shocking.

A few more days and 7bit should be able to respond.


--- Quote from: DrunkenDonut;314148 ---Cost unknown at this point. I'll assume it'll be similar to similar keys of low quantity. It's a standard Return key, with standard markings, rather than a custom design so it shouldn't be too shocking.

A few more days and 7bit should be able to respond.
--- End quote ---

$1.5 per key if 25 are produced.

Do you want Return of RETURN? Should it be centered of off-center?

Or do you want


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