geekhack Community > Keyboard Keycaps
Vim Keycaps
I had some Vim keycaps made, what do you think?
I'm going to get the letter legends smaller, I think.
Pictures of the final product included here too.
Looks pretty good!
The font is a bit off but I think that's just because of what's used with SA Retro.
If I were to try this, I would get the color green you got, the font to match what's on SA Retro, and DIY side-print the arrow icons.
I like the idea of front-printed arrows, but I wanted to match the style of the original ADM-3A terminal, which is the basis for Vim's HJKL nav.
More info here.
After sleeping on it, I am definitely going have the font made smaller, I just hope SP doesn't rake me over the coals by charging me the full price again. I bought a bunch of the Vim Caps Lock replacement keys, so hopefully selling those will offset this (probably) failed experiment.
wow, it's so cool. I like it :cool:
Thank you!
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