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Interest Checks / Re: [IC] TORO60 - CWKL/HHKB 60% with Exploded Spacebar (GB IS LIVE)
« Last post by shiva1796 on Tue, 18 February 2025, 08:35:04 »
These look so good!
Off Topic / Re: Plane Crashes, silver lining
« Last post by fohat.digs on Tue, 18 February 2025, 07:54:45 »

They're mostly functionally illiterate.

Tragically, all too true.

Why else would millions of American voters propel MAGA supporters into positions of power?
Making Stuff Together! / Re: Wanting some feedback on my project
« Last post by Leslieann on Tue, 18 February 2025, 04:57:52 »
Looks good and not be a downer...

Are you making this yourself at work or having a friend do it?
I ask because your expectation of $350-400 is extremely low. If you're in the US and paying a shop this is probably closer to 3x that (or more), and you probably will not get it right the first, or possibly even the second time. And then you still need finish. The reason group buys get this price is because they already went through prototyping (you hope) and they're ordering in bulk, one-offs always cost a whole lot more.
Off Topic / Re: Gaming PC Parts discussion thread.
« Last post by Leslieann on Tue, 18 February 2025, 04:29:45 »
Ne 1 miss Dvds?
I miss VHS :)
Image quality was soooo bad, but it wasn't horrible thanks to CRTs blur.
I don't think it was necessarily DVD that was the issue.
A lot of movies were just VHS transferred over, they weren't adjusted to fit the larger screens or remastered. The transfer was poorly done and the companies just used it as a money grab.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] MW Indigo Dyeing| Double Shot
« Last post by shiva1796 on Tue, 18 February 2025, 04:13:57 »
These look nice! I know someone who loves a darkish blue gonna send em it.
New Members / Feels great to be part of the community
« Last post by shiva1796 on Tue, 18 February 2025, 04:10:47 »
Hello everyone, I've visited the forum on multiple occasions when I needed answers to question, feels only natural to start giving back.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] GMK CYL Prussian Blue - 2024 Relaunch!
« Last post by tactilesbad on Tue, 18 February 2025, 03:39:33 »
day 1 buy
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] TORO60 - CWKL 60% with Exploded Spacebar
« Last post by tactilesbad on Tue, 18 February 2025, 03:29:50 »
The combination of the Exploded spacebar and the Chinese Win-key blockers reduces the amount of space we can use. Hence, 7u was not possible.

But it could still be possible to have this layout and support split spacebar (2.25 + 1.25 + 2.75) :D :D :D
I love the design but obviously this won't take a standard DZ60/etc PCB, so if there isn't split space support on the official PCB then this is no bueno for me.

it's not a 40% there's no need for a split spacebar
Making Stuff Together! / Re: Wanting some feedback on my project
« Last post by Spectre72 on Tue, 18 February 2025, 00:08:35 »
Went through 2 more redesigns as I wasn't entirely happy with how it looked, Figured if I'm gonna spend 350-400 bucks or so on a custom potentially one off board might as well make it something I love.
Weight is still plain without any engraving, still not sure if I want one or how one should look so for now it's blank.

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