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Interest Checks / Re: [IC] Astro Domes - BKE Style EC/Topre Domes
« Last post by flittyregg on Mon, 17 February 2025, 20:39:49 »
super excited for this!
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] GMK CYL Shōgun |set renamed - novelty kit updates
« Last post by konstantin on Mon, 17 February 2025, 19:29:02 »
I think GMK Kintsugi would be a better fitting name for this set; Shōgun sounds and feels kinda generic given how many similarly themed/named sets have run over the past years. That being said, I'm very partial towards the kintsugi novelties — I absolutely love how they look, whereas the other ones are just kinda meh (imho!). I'd also like to see R3 PgUp, R4 PgDn included in the base kit for full 65% compat, similar to GMK Black & Gold. Either way, I'll definitely be following along :thumb:
Off Topic / Re: Plane Crashes, silver lining
« Last post by noisyturtle on Mon, 17 February 2025, 19:22:49 »
Where is the outrage for Trump directly causing these disasters and murdering 100s of innocent people. I don't understand why people are not raging in the streets over his decisions to cut federal aviation employees and traffic controllers literally killing their families and friends. Is anyone mad? Am I going crazy?
Would you do it CYL? I really like the design.

Right now, the focus is MTNU. However, if this set gets a run as MTNU, I might consider repackaging it at a later date.

Furthermore, I have a CYL set that I will be releasing within the next month, so stay tuned there. I also have one that I plan to finish the medium term, so there will be plenty of CYL goodness to go around.

geekhack Media / Re: Post Your Killed By Kaps / Kult Worship Kaps!
« Last post by hayt on Mon, 17 February 2025, 18:52:16 »
Mystery bags <3

geekhack Media / Re: Post Your Killed By Kaps / Kult Worship Kaps!
« Last post by hayt on Mon, 17 February 2025, 18:51:08 »
Off Topic / Plane Crashes, silver lining
« Last post by tp4tissue on Mon, 17 February 2025, 18:37:34 »
Look, Tp4 told ya'll these things were deathtraps since the beginning beginning.

It was at best barely going to work during _The Best of Times.

Now that capitalism has come crashing down, the Horse-mens are readily apparent.

Is there NE gud'news Tp ?

They're firing air traffic controllers, labor, inflation, government free for all.   The net outcome is, possibly, hopefully people would fly less, because it's clearly more dangerous.

Boeing had a hell of a time, pushing to regulate themselves, trying to get rid of the FAA, and look what happened, major labor disputes, assassinated whistleblowers, quality problems, Planes blow up, Grounding. etc etc.

It'd be kinda silly to get into one of these metal tube climate destroyers any time soon.

LESS flying = Reduced climate impact. /Silver lining.   Puts on airlines. Look at Hathaway, they bailed even though eating huge losses from the beginning.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] MW Indigo Dyeing| Double Shot
« Last post by indux-WT on Mon, 17 February 2025, 18:09:35 »
Looks awesome, will be picking one up! Any european vendors?

It's not certain yet, but I think it will
Ergonomics / Best way to add negative tilt to keyboard?
« Last post by s1tar99 on Mon, 17 February 2025, 17:44:14 »
Negative tilt has been a lifesaver for my RSI. I've just picked up a Realforce R2 55g, and have been using a Grifiti wrist pad to prop up the front end, but am wondering if anyone has found something that's about TKL width that has been a good solution.

Looking for recommendations for something solid like acoustic foam speaker stands or any other sort of foam wedge, rather than a keyboard tray that mounts under the desk. Thanks!
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] MW Indigo Dyeing| Double Shot
« Last post by Zahul on Mon, 17 February 2025, 14:20:14 »
Looks awesome, will be picking one up! Any european vendors?
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