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Hello geekhack!

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ShakeR: now has a geekhack vendor forum!  (Thanks iMav)

The support from the geekhack community, even before launched on April 16th 2012, has been very encouraging.  It makes achieving our very ambitious goals much less daunting ;)

A little about us...

Yes! We have a store AND a keyboard showroom. If you're ever in the Nashville, TN area, please stop by and check out the mechanical wonder firsthand :) 7107 Juniper Road, Fairview, TN 37062

Our Mission
1. To create the largest catalog composed strictly of mechanical keyboards and their accessories. (
2. Make this catalog incredibly easy to navigate via our 'Mechanical Keyboard Finder'. (
3. Help support and grow the mechanical keyboard community by providing a vast, organized Mechanical Keyboard knowledge base. (*

This 3rd item is key and I want to emphasize that we are not just another place to buy keyboards.  We are committed to the growth and support of the mechanical keyboard community.

We put customers first, we ship fast, we ship Internationally, and we always want to grow.  So keep an eye on our site, our Facebook page (, and our vendor forum here on geekhack, because we are constantly adding products and interactive site features to

We look forward to serving geekhack and the entire keyboard community.


Joel Tubre (aka ShakeR)

Hello! Awesome site, nice to see you guys on GH.

Love your site!  Glad your in the vendor forums now!

Grats on getting a vendor forum!

Thanks again!  Looks like I'll be spending even more time on geekhack now (my wife will be thrilled... ;)


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