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Build your Dream Keyboard under $500

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--- Quote from: alaricljs;616592 ---Were they color cycling like the disco Ducky?  Those are 2 lead LEDs and the color cycling is handled by the LEDs.  RGB leds do not come in 3mm packages, so for true RGB you get stuck dealing not only with 4 leads but a 66% larger LED body.  That's an extremely tight fit under a key cap.
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That would make more sense.  Unfortunately I can't remember where I saw the post; whoever it was mentioned doing the RGB mod but didn't go into specifics, and the board had keycaps on it in all of the pictures :(


--- Quote from: ShakeR;616429 ---To the best of my knowledge, although I'm sure anything can be modded to do anything, Cherry Switches don't support RGB leds (adjustable) because they only support two wires where three are needed to change the color.
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SMT Diodes would probably fit under there.


--- Quote from: Djuzuh;616431 ---Since the budget is set pretty high, I assumed we wouldn't have any problem putting the led inbetween the switch by some clever way. I know you can't use them in the switch itself.

I also didn't want to beat the dead horse any more :P.
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Not to continue this tangent, but I honestly think with the high demand for mechanical switches and back lighting, this has to be the next step for Cherry.  My guess would be they make a 3 pin switch sometime b/w 2013 and 2014.


--- Quote from: WRXChris;616568 ---I got an old g80 board for it's clear stems, and it had bi-color LEDs (3 leads) in all of the f-keys.  The third lead was bent around the switch housing.  

Also, I have seen pics of KMACs with RGB LEDs in them, and since the KMAC is plate mounted there would be no room for the lead to go around the switch housing, so I would assume that they modded the switches by drilling extra holes in the housing for the 2 extra leads.
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Wow, that's nuts / awesome.  Can you find these in the US?  I'm not familiar with KMAC.

kmac is a custom keyboard created on a korean keyboard board (kbdmania I believe). They were not a lot of them being made, and they were all snatched up very fast.


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