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Limtied Edition RACE

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Thought I would get a quick interest check on this model.  Your thoughts?

White Frame, Pink ABS Caps, White LED backlit

[ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 53317[/ATTACH]
[ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 53318[/ATTACH]
[ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 53319[/ATTACH]
[ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 53320[/ATTACH]

Freaking sexy. How much are they?


--- Quote from: Raging Salmon;617429 ---I liked the idea for the Cherry Green CM Storm better...
--- End quote ---

Wait I didn't hear about this. I'd go with this over the RACE


--- Quote from: Raging Salmon;617429 ---I liked the idea for the Cherry Green CM Storm better...
--- End quote ---

Agreed, I prefer rare switches to rare color schemes.

I also would rather get an MX Green board before the limited edition race. I know that Feng is also running a GB for the pink edition, so many of the people who want one might be participating in his GB (can't confirm that of course). The whole "It's going to be a CS storm seems rather rumors to me. I would rather wait for some pics / confirmation before jumping to any conclusions as to whom the manufacturer is going to be. But heck it wouldn't be the first time that I was wrong.



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