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Post your Artisan Caps

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--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Sun, 20 October 2024, 20:44:08 ---
--- Quote from: notananthem on Thu, 17 October 2024, 13:42:54 ---Its been ages since I have been using my JD45 and other boards, just pulled them out and wondered about a few of the artisans I have. Pic provided- can anyone identify the log, and the sorta clear alien guy?

Identified ones I remember are
1) booper/keykollective challenger (purple in cyan) kosmonavt
2) aero mechashark, v1 peach
3) keyforge saber, wisteria
4) ??? log guy
5) ??? well-done clear alien guy glow eyes

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Such cool caps, love the kosmo and mechashark especially.

I don't know number 5, but number 4 seems to be Entling v2 by zorb caps.

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Yeah just found it as "Forest" color Entling v2 👍

Ringing A Successful Alarm Craglus and Greyface Grimacing V1? (not too sure about this one, was a gold bag) by Stupid Fruit Caps.

Super cool caps, love the GID on the grimacing. Now I just need blue alert to ship (even though it pairs well with my dcs beige blanks)


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