geekhack Community > Keyboards

Stab shrinks ...

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--- Quote from: Eszett on Fri, 23 July 2021, 13:23:03 ---Understood, Leopard, but tell me did you mean 3204? Since I can't find a reference for 3404 ...

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Oh in that case, since I assume your board isn't hotswap, is to get a syringe and a needlestick and carefully inject lube into the stabilizer stem (NOT into the space between the stem and the housing), you might get weird looks for getting a syringe and a needlestick but it will be worth it, if you didn't get the explanation here's a great video explaining it.

BTW by 3204 I've meant Trybosis 3204, which is a plastic lube meant to lube switches and also can be used for the stabilzier housing, I've used 3204 becuase using something like dielectric grease will make them sluggish.

Actually my keyboard is hotswap but I guess that doesn't help regarding the stabs, they aren't hot swap.

You say dielectric grease makes stabs sluggish, that's interesting, because some sources explicitely recommend dielectric grease for lubing the wires of stabs.

I luckily found a video of "keybored" who compiles several different mods against stab rattling, he says he hasn't tried the heatshrink mod for stab wires. But he covers several other alternative mods and that pretty much answers my original question.


--- Quote from: Eszett on Fri, 23 July 2021, 21:12:30 ---Actually my keyboard is hotswap but I guess that doesn't help regarding the stabs, they aren't hot swap.

You say dielectric grease makes stabs sluggish, that's interesting, because some sources explicitely recommend dielectric grease for lubing the wires of stabs.

I luckily found a video of "keybored" who compiles several different mods against stab rattling, he says he hasn't tried the heatshrink mod for stab wires. But he covers several other alternative mods and that pretty much answers my original question.

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If your keyboard is hotswap then you can easily mod the stabs, stabilizers aren't permanent, if they're plate mount you can easily clip them off the plate, if they're PCB mount then you'll need to remove all switches before you would be able to remove them off the PCB.

When I said dielectric grease make the stabs sluggish I've meant when using it as lube for the housing, not for the wires that goes into the stem, since dielectric grease is thick and sticky and not meant for lubrication, it will cause drag between the stabilizer stem and the housing, therfore most of the sources you found probably lubed the housing with 205g0 or something else. 

Right, if you was referring to the housing of the stabs, then it makes sense (that dielectric grease makes them sluggish)

What about wrapping the wire in teflon tape? Like plumbers use on threads? Dunno how you would secure it on there though.


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