geekhack Marketplace > Interest Checks

[Interest Check] Custom Keypads


So I'm new to this whole GeekHack thing (I've been part of the mechanical keyboards subreddit for a few months), but I've decided to check out everyone's interest for custom keypads made by yours truly.

A while ago I was in the market for a "gaming keypad". I asked the community on reddit about the Razer Orbweaver, and they pretty much told me to make my own, as it would be cheaper and more customizable. So that's what I did. I did some research, and asked a hell of a lot of questions, and made this. I now exclusively use this for gaming. To me, it's way more comfortable, along with the fact that I ended up using Greetech blues instead of MX blues, which are a lot springier and in my opinion better for gaming. And now, months later, I decided I wanted to share these keypads with anyone who's interested. I make a simple Interest Check form, posted it on reddit, and someone suggested I post it here as well. So here it is! Let me know if you have any suggestions for what else I could do to improve anything.

Ralph Furley:
Is that made with CNC or Die Cast?

Which part?

The cases in the photos are made out of wood but what would the case for the final product be made out of? Would you be able to consider offering cnc aluminium?

I was planning on getting 3D printed cases and plates.


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