wow what a clean design damn. love how the novelties interact with each other, with the orange portal leading to the blue.
. The concept itself lends to a lot of fun with novelty positioning. I immediately fell in love with the literal appropriateness of the escape novelty being someone escaping the room with a portal, and enter novelty key being someone entering a room via a portal. It just works!
I like it. Really like the colorful alpha kits too. Keep the font centered to make it more distinct from the GMK set.
Thank you! I think I will likely keep the font centered and utilise a font closer to the original game that kapowaz suggested
I mentioned this in the GMK thread, but dyesub offers a lot more options over doubleshot in terms of color usage and an opportunity here to differentiate this set from the GMK one. You have the right idea with the gradient caps but perhaps not the best execution there. Also, there's a lot of gray in the game that I think would make this set look better if incorporated.
Yes, I am leveraging the ability of dyesub and KAT MOQ to offer more options for kitting and novelty designs. I agree the gradient caps aren't well-executed, and will be reworking them. The white transition is too awkward as is, either I'll make the majority of the spacebar white, with the colours gradient mainly on the peripheries and/or going with solid blocks of colours. I do agree the game has a lot more gray and black, but after multiple efforts trialling how to incorporate those colors more (i.e. making the mods or alphas or accents coloured), I couldn't get them to look as good as the clean white variants (see image album of concepts:
I'm going to say the same thing on GMK Gateway's IC thread as well, but instead of both of you rushing out your IC's, [whether or not you didn't rush it, it feels incredibly rushed], I wish you both would have thought about really fleshing them out at the same time, and releasing them at the same time as well-thought out interest checks. I like and dislike things about both versions, and honestly this could have been a wonderful collaboration between two designers in the community. As much as you say you both say there are no hard feelings, just know that the way you both went about this turn of events, reflects somewhat poorly on both of you. You both let your pride get in the way of your IC's looking fully fleshed out and it just simply cannot be ignored.
Best of luck to you both.
Ouch, harsh words Eura, but you know I respect your views regardless. I'm not going to deny I rushed the IC out (*cough* renders in cherry), but the bulk of the work such as colours, kitting and novelties is definitely IC ready for feedback. Could this IC be more fleshed out? Yes. Does it really need to be prior to posting it? No. But that's an off-topic debate on what the GH community's rising expectations of what is considered "IC" ready. Rushing to IC is not the worst thing in the world, and it's not like I'm just posting a KLE render.
Not that it's a great excuse, but I felt that posting my IC at the same evening as Smokey's; versus a few days later whilst I wait renders would be better, since a) I wanted to pre-emptively avoid being called a copycat (we're both clear we did not steal the idea from the other); b) it's spicier to see reactions simultaneously. It's also clear that we have our differing visions/executions of the same inspiration, and seeing the community's reactions to both would be a more fair evaluation of the merits of each others ideas, versus it being cluttered of baseless accusations.
On a more important and interesting point, and to in regards to the actually purpose of IC, I'd love to know what you actually like and dislike about the design, and what to improve/change.
After further thought and reflection, I'm also not against a collaboration if Smokey is open to it, but that requires two to tango.
I'm guessing the Nordic kit would come with an ISO enter and it's just missing from the pictures? Because having to buy the UK kit to get the ISO enter to actually use your Nordic kit seems a bit awkward.
If there's a problem with too many kits my suggestion would be cutting the black alphas for the less common languages/layouts and only keeping the orange/blue. My reasoning being that it should stay quite true to the portal theme whilst still giving minorities access to pretty keyboards (which is one of the draws of KAT/KAM).
I think the kitting with regard to ISO needs some adjustments. More likely the better route is to put each ISO enter key with its own mods kit rather than lumping four of them into a single kit.
Thank you for pointing this out. Part of me forgot, and part of me was hoping everyone just gets the novelty kit, so that kinda covers that gap in kitting, but after speaking to nopunin10did (whose underrated KAT Napoleonic set I
heavily derived kitting from for obscurer alphas from), I will be implementing ISO enter keys into the default mods kits.
A standalone Colemak and separate Dvorak alpha kit would be preferable.
Take a look at KAT Space Cadet and Napoleonitic for examples.
My preference is white background with colored legends.
Hi, I was definitely thinking along those lines would be a good idea. For kitting, I was mainly deriving off Konstantin's significant contributions to JSS's KAT Monochrome and Macsurfy's KAT Refined as a base, but as I ventured into obscure alphas, have started to appreciated Nopunin10did's alternative approach to those layouts.
Wait what I thought i just saw a GMK set like this
Yes, we're twinsies. Fraternal twins.
That Colevrak+ kit... I know it’s a WIP, but it’s the most bonkers Colevrak kit I’ve seen. I *love* it. I could take it as-is once finished or as a standalone Colemak kit (please support DH and DHm if you split it off).
Yes, it kind of broke my brain whilst I trying to make the Colevrak+ kit. When I do clean it up, I will endeavour to support DH and DHm too in its own kit.
Just to be clear, I wouldn’t offer a DH or DHm set as a standalone apart from a Colemak kit. I would just include the 6 keys needed for DH/DHm in the Colemak set, specifically:
K3 B,
K2 G, K, and M,
K1 D, and H.
I'll continue reworking Colemak/DH(DHm) in a way to ensure there is compatibility for as many as I can, whilst trying to not make kits unnecessarily expensive.
Sad not to see French Kit, but this set reminds me so many things
Hi, I am polling the option, but given its lack of popularity based on the sales data of many KAT sets, unfortunately something has to give as the number of SKUs is already high. Text variants of ortho and 40s will be culled (icons will stay).
I love this set so much!
Thank you. <3
I like it! Good luck with the alternative layouts, I'll be using Colemak Dhm myself
Thanks. Will definitely cover Colemak Dhm!