... Yes... Is the Satan GH60 even remotely like the normal GH60? Or should I try to get a proper one instead? Either through the second-hand market now that they're shipping (a bit) or through a (hopefully) new round.
You should consider the two (Satan GH60 and the proper GH60) as two different 60% PCBs, that don't have much in common except the form factor (60%) and the same MCU (atmega32u4). Different layout support, different row/col pinout, different backlight support, different quality... It's just plain annoying and the Chinese call their board GH60 for marketing purposes.
That does not mean that Satan GH60 is better or worse than GH60 - it depends on what you want.
Given that you'd probably be using TMK on both, the firmware that they come with does not matter at all. I would consider the quality of Satan GH60 as the same as most "Chinese" things - mostly acceptable/good, but QC sucks, so you may get a defective one. (By the way, the proper GH60s were also manufactured in China I think.)
I've order a different 60% PCB (Red Scarf II) from Taobao, and the quality was OK - everything worked fine, even though the PCB wasn't cleaned from flux.