With just about 24 hours left in this buy I thought I'd provide some final updates.
First, if you have any change to make to your order GO DO IT RIGHT NOW. Seriously. Once I close the buy changes will be difficult and error-prone. You'll receive a final reminder email on Monday describing your committed sets and letting you know what your estimated costs will be.
I'm still waiting on an answer from SP for blank pricing. I will let everyone know what the pricing looks like and which blanks are getting made as soon as I possibly can. I'm sorry this is dragging out so much. If we get the blank pricing and blanks you need won't get made, you can cancel your order.
Finally, ALL SETS HAVE TIPPED! You will not have to worry about missing a set, so long as you have bought in at the lowest MOQ. Many sets have reached higher MOQ's and are going to be cheaper.
Thanks for all of your support. Without you this set would not be possible.