Author Topic: CaptusWorks PBT manufacturer [5 side sublimation] +US Vendorship  (Read 52247 times)

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Offline CaptusKeys

  • * Vendor
  • Thread Starter
  • Posts: 106
    • Captus Keycaps
Hey there! Note that the following is roughly a copy and re-iteration of our CaptusWorks Bauhaus IC post!

Specifications and things we can do for you as a designer/private client/distributor

PBT keycaps with 1.5mm+ thickness
Profiles: Cherry (More to be acquired soon)
5 side sublimation method
Below 500 MOQ on most designs
No manufacturing que time - We are looking to color match, manufacture and deliver sets to distributors within less than 2 months after respective GB is completed!
Very responsive 24/7 client support
Streamlined design submission forms and custom packaging capabilities
Fair and negotiable designer cuts on our platform
Competitive market price points

Some sample preview:

Other capabilities:
click for some product reviews we did in the past

Alu/Brass solid color/duo tonal bead blasted or matte artisanal keycap designing/in-house manufacturing or collaborations.


900x400 rubber bottom, custom deskmat production with custom colored seams and needlework.

US based distributor
Curated products
Great designer % , reasonable fees

Social Links
If you have any questions please reach out at one of our platforms below

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