
geekhack Projects => Making Stuff Together! => Topic started by: Dox on Sun, 26 June 2011, 01:11:58

Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sun, 26 June 2011, 01:11:58
As some of you may know, I've started a personal keyboard project back in April after I've joined geekhack and it finally came to completion last week.

It's a 60% keyboard like the HHKB but with cherry mx switches and programmable multiple layout firmware.

Here are the details about the keyboard and all the information you need if you want to build one for yourself.

First, Ive started out by drawing up the PCB in the software from ( Download Here. (

Then, I've redrawn the entire keyboard in Solidworks to design the case/mounting plate and to make sure everything would fit.  Download Here. (

Once I was set with the design, I've ordered the PCB from ( directly from the software. 2 PCB cost 149$.
I've ordered 128 clear and 30 blue switches from Mouser ( for 160$ and a G80-3000 from Half-Saint for 45$ to harvest some cherry blue stem and springs.
I'm using ergo clear and blue switches in my keyboards.

I got 200 1N41418 diodes from ( for about nothing.

For the controller, I'm using a teensy form ( I've ordered 3 of those for 48$.
I've took the code from PrinsValium symmetric stagger keyboard ( and modified it to fit my needs. Download Here. (

It doesn't have NKRO but it does have 6KRO + 4 modifiers.

Code: [Select]
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include &quot;usb_keyboard.h&quot;

#define bool            uint8_t
#define true            1
#define false           0

#define _PINB           (uint8_t *const)&PINB
#define _PORTC          (uint8_t *const)&PORTC
#define _PORTD          (uint8_t *const)&PORTD
#define _PORTF          (uint8_t *const)&PORTF

#define NULL            0
#define NA              0
#define KEY_MACRO       0
#define KEY_FN          0
#define FN_KEY1_ID     13*6+1
#define FN_KEY2_ID     0*6+1
#define MACRO_KEY_ID    0*6+0

const uint8_t is_modifier[84] = {
//ROW 0          ROW 1 ROW 2            ROW 3            ROW 4            
1,              1,               1, 1,               0,               0, // COL  0
1,               0, 0,               0,               0,   0, // COL  1
1,               0, 0,               0,               0,               0, // COL  2
0,               0, 0,               0,               0,               0, // COL  3
0,               0, 0,               0,               0,               0, // COL  4
0,               0, 0,               0,               0,               0, // COL  5
0,               0, 0,               0,               0,               0, // COL  6
0,               0, 0,               0,               0,               0, // COL  7
0,               0, 0,               0,               0,               0, // COL  8
1,               0, 0,               0,               0,               0, // COL  9
1,               0, 0,               0,               0,               0, // COL 10
0,               0, 0,               0,               0,               0, // COL 11
1,               1, 0,               0,               0,               0, // COL 12
0,               1, 0,               0,               0,                 // COL 13
 0 // COL 14

const uint8_t layer1[84] = {
//ROW 0          ROW 1 ROW 2            ROW 3            ROW 4            
KEY_LEFT_GUI,    KEY_Z, KEY_A,           KEY_Q,           KEY_1,       NULL, // COL  1
KEY_LEFT_ALT,    KEY_X, KEY_S,           KEY_W,           KEY_2,           NULL, // COL  2
NULL, KEY_C, KEY_D,           KEY_E,           KEY_3,           NULL, // COL  3
NULL,            KEY_V, KEY_F,           KEY_R,           KEY_4,           NULL, // COL  4
KEY_SPACE,       KEY_B, KEY_G,           KEY_T,           KEY_5,           NULL, // COL  5
NULL,            KEY_N, KEY_H,     KEY_Y,  KEY_6,           NULL, // COL  6
NULL,            KEY_M, KEY_J,           KEY_U,           KEY_7,       NULL, // COL  7
NULL,            KEY_COMMA, KEY_K,           KEY_I,           KEY_8,           NULL, // COL  8
KEY_RIGHT_ALT,   KEY_PERIOD, KEY_L,           KEY_O,           KEY_9,           NULL, // COL  9
KEY_RIGHT_GUI,   KEY_SLASH, KEY_SEMICOLON,   KEY_P,           KEY_0,           NULL, // COL 10
NULL,            NULL, KEY_QUOTE,       KEY_LEFT_BRACE,  KEY_MINUS,       NULL, // COL 11

const uint8_t layer2[84] = {
//ROW 0          ROW 1 ROW 2            ROW 3            ROW 4            
KEY_LEFT_GUI,    KEY_Z, KEY_LEFT,        KEY_Q,           KEY_F1,          NULL, // COL  1
KEY_LEFT_ALT,    KEY_X, KEY_DOWN,        KEY_UP,          KEY_F2,   NULL, // COL  2
NULL, KEY_C, KEY_RIGHT,       KEY_E,           KEY_F3,   NULL, // COL  3
NULL,            KEY_V, KEY_F,           KEY_R,           KEY_F4,       NULL, // COL  4
KEY_SPACE,       KEY_B, KEY_G,     KEY_T,           KEY_F5,          NULL, // COL  5
NULL,            KEY_N, KEY_H,           KEY_Y,           KEY_F6,          NULL, // COL  6
NULL,            KEY_M, KEY_J,           KEY_U,           KEY_F7,          NULL, // COL  7
KEY_RIGHT_GUI,   KEY_DOWN, KEY_LEFT,        KEY_PAUSE,       KEY_F10,         NULL, // COL 10
NULL, NULL, KEY_RIGHT,       KEY_UP,          KEY_F11,         NULL, // COL 11

const uint8_t layer3[84] = {
//ROW 0          ROW 1 ROW 2            ROW 3            ROW 4            
KEY_LEFT_GUI,    KEY_Z, KEY_LEFT,        KEY_Q,           KEY_F1,       NULL, // COL  1
KEY_LEFT_ALT,    KEY_X, KEY_DOWN,        KEY_UP,          KEY_F2,          NULL, // COL  2
NULL, KEY_C, KEY_RIGHT,       KEY_E,           KEY_F3,          NULL, // COL  3
NULL,            KEY_V, KEY_F,           KEY_R,           KEY_F4,          NULL, // COL  4
KEY_SPACE,       KEY_B, KEY_G,           KEY_T,           KEY_F5,          NULL, // COL  5
NULL,            KEY_N, KEY_H,     KEY_Y,  KEY_F6,          NULL, // COL  6
NULL,            KEYPAD_0,   KEYPAD_1,        KEYPAD_4,        KEYPAD_7,        NULL, // COL  7
NULL,            KEY_COMMA, KEYPAD_2,        KEYPAD_5,        KEYPAD_8,        NULL, // COL  8
KEY_RIGHT_ALT,   KEY_PERIOD, KEYPAD_3,        KEYPAD_6,        KEYPAD_9,        NULL, // COL  9

const uint8_t *layout = layer1;

uint8_t *const row_port[6]  = { _PINB,  _PINB,  _PINB,  _PINB,  _PINB,  _PINB};
const uint8_t   row_bit[6]  = {  0x01,   0x02,   0x04,   0x08,   0x10,   0x20};
uint8_t *const col_port[14] = {_PORTD, _PORTD, _PORTD, _PORTD, _PORTD, _PORTC, _PORTD, _PORTD, _PORTF, _PORTF, _PORTF, _PORTF, _PORTF, _PORTF};
const uint8_t   col_bit[14] = {  0x01,   0x02,   0x04,   0x08,   0x10,   0x40,   0x80,   0x40,   0x01,   0x02,   0x10,   0x20,   0x80,   0x40};

bool pressed[84];
uint8_t queue[7] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
uint8_t mod_keys = 0;

void init(void);
void send(void);
void poll(void);
void key_press(uint8_t key_id);
void key_release(uint8_t key_id);

int main(void) {
  for(;;) poll();

void send(void) {
  uint8_t i;
    layout = layer2;
  else if(pressed[FN_KEY2_ID])
 layout = layer3;
    layout = layer1;
  for(i=0; i<6; i++)
    keyboard_keys[i] = layout[queue[i]];
  keyboard_modifier_keys = mod_keys;

void poll() {
  uint8_t row, col, key_id;
  for(col=0; col<14; col++) {
    *col_port[col] &= ~col_bit[col];
    for(row=0; row<6; row++) {
      key_id = col*6+row;
      if(!(*row_port[row] & row_bit[row])) {
      else if(pressed[key_id])
    *col_port[col] |= col_bit[col];

void key_press(uint8_t key_id) {
  uint8_t i;
  pressed[key_id] = true;
    mod_keys |= layer1[key_id];
  else {
    for(i=5; i>0; i--) queue[i] = queue[i-1];
    queue[0] = key_id;

void key_release(uint8_t key_id) {
  uint8_t i;
  pressed[key_id] = false;
    mod_keys &= ~layout[key_id];
  else {
    for(i=0; i<6; i++) if(queue[i]==key_id) break;
    for(; i<6; i++) queue[i] = queue[i+1];

void init(void) {
  uint8_t i;
  CLKPR = 0x80; CLKPR = 0;
  // PORTB is set as input with pull-up resistors
  // PORTC,D,F are set to high output
  DDRB  = 0x00; DDRC  = 0xFF; DDRD  = 0xFF; DDRF  = 0xFF;
  PORTB = 0xFF; PORTC = 0xFF; PORTD = 0xFF; PORTF = 0xFF;
  for(i=0; i<84; i++) pressed[i] = false;

Current layout: [ATTACH=CONFIG]19756[/ATTACH]

For the mounting plate/case I've redrawn it in the software from ( They quote the case at around 400$ for 2 cases depending of the material, finish, tolerances. Download Here. (
I didn't personally used emachineshop. I've ordered mine form I guy I know and I'm not pleased with the result. The bends in the parts are slightly too far out on the plates but the cutting for the switches at least is perfect. I will probably use emachineshop to order a part to fix my problem tho.
Strait switches but gap in assembly.

Then, I've started to receive parts and assemble the keyboards.

1: Solder the diodes on the PCB.

2: Solder some wires to the teensy and place the switches and stabilizers on the plate.

3: Solder the teensy to the PCB and then the PCB to the switches.

4: Have fun with your new keyboards!

So that is how you build a DoxKB!

Sorry about the bad pictures...
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: kriminal on Sun, 26 June 2011, 02:02:12
tough.. KB is sexy :)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: REVENGE on Sun, 26 June 2011, 02:38:36
Well I guess the production costs aren't bad for a one-off...
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: sordna on Sun, 26 June 2011, 03:01:17
Nice! Have you considered doing a keyboard with the keys in vertical columns (no stagger) or at least with a symmetrical stagger ?

For me the worst thing about off-the-shelf keyboards is the ridiculous stagger, a keyboard from scratch like yours would present a wonderful opportunity to get rid of it.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sun, 26 June 2011, 03:07:05
That was my plan at first but I changed my mind because I couldn't figure yet the perfect layout. I'm still thinking about it and the next one will probably be a vertical column layout.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: sordna on Sun, 26 June 2011, 03:11:45
Well, here's an idea:

I bet you'll have it finished before that company does :-)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sun, 26 June 2011, 03:13:49
I've only build the ergo clear keyboard last night and I got to say that those switches are freaking awesome! I'm now thinking of changing my blue one to ergo clear too.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sun, 26 June 2011, 03:18:54
Yeah something like the Truly ergonomic keyboard would be good. I'll let them 2 months and if it's still not available i'll build one!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: sordna on Sun, 26 June 2011, 03:21:31
Quote from: Dox;368308
Yeah something like the Truly ergonomic keyboard would be good. I'll let them 2 months and if it's still not available i'll build one!

Send them an email, maybe they'll hire you and finally ship the thing in this lifetime! You're in Canada too!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: keyboardlover on Sun, 26 June 2011, 06:47:55
Great mod Dox! Glad to hear you like the ergo clears.

Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sun, 26 June 2011, 09:52:37
Quote from: acfrazier;368318
My only kvetch? FN key where the left control key is in your layout. I realize it can be changed, but:

I've always been swapping control/CapsLock key on my keyboards. And as you said, the layout can be easily changed.

Quote from: keyboardlover;368346
Great mod Dox! Glad to hear you like the ergo clears.

Show Image

Thanks, I'm modding my blue one to ergo clear today. I don't get why cherry isn't making those switches standard because they feel sooooo good!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: keyboardlover on Sun, 26 June 2011, 09:53:39
I know, I agree completely.

Hey, I just realized you're in Quebec. I was in Quebec City a couple weeks ago and loved it!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: laden3 on Sun, 26 June 2011, 21:21:12
Dear Dox,

Could you do some of us a favor by tweaking the case of your keyboard a little so that a kbc poker can fit into it? I really enjoy my poker and my only complain is that there are no metal plates available...

Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sun, 26 June 2011, 21:34:20
I would need a Poker to see if it's even possible to fit a plate in it but I don't currently own one.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Input Nirvana on Sun, 26 June 2011, 22:23:52
Quote from: keyboardlover;368346
Great mod Dox! Glad to hear you like the ergo clears.

Show Image

Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: didjamatic on Mon, 27 June 2011, 07:34:00
Seriously awesome keyboard build!  The links are very helpful, I might just have to do some myself.  Well done!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Fri, 01 July 2011, 13:48:51
Thanks didjamatic! It would be great to see someone else try it. If you have any questions just ask!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Mr. Perfect on Fri, 01 July 2011, 22:35:35
Nice work. How did you go about tracing out the PCB? Does it have NKRO? I was half considering a mod that would give a G80-8113 a standard nav cluster and move the numpad to the left side, but if you need an electrical engineering degree then I'd best forget about it. :noidea:
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Fri, 01 July 2011, 22:45:36
I've ordered the PCB from ( Tracing it is nothing more than linking rows and columns of switches. It doesn't have NKRO but it does have 6KRO + 4 modifiers. You don't need and engineering degree to make it but it you have any experience with soldering and programming it would help.

Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Teal on Tue, 02 August 2011, 15:36:09
Where did you get the switch stabilizers (for spacebar/LShift/Enter) and keycaps?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Tue, 02 August 2011, 15:47:33

Not that he did, but that's everything I could find in the US.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Teal on Tue, 02 August 2011, 16:00:11
Ah, thank you. I couldn't find any relevant thread, but I suppose my Google-fu is just that weak. I'm assuming general Cherry boards use those stabilisers -> have fitting keycaps?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Tue, 02 August 2011, 16:07:08
Some boards use Cherry, some use Costar, all are physically compatible as far as the key stem fitting in the hole.  On the retail available Cherry stabilizers space bars are not necessarily compatible.  Filco spacebars will not fit on any of them, but the only issue is the stabilizer wire which can be bent and cut to the shorter length needed for a Filco spacebar.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: mtl on Tue, 02 August 2011, 17:12:51
Great work!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Tue, 02 August 2011, 17:26:00
Thanks, mtl!

I've ordered the stabilizers from Mouser. Cherry stabilizers. As alaricljs said, the space bar one had a too long wire so I cut it and bend it to fit.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Wed, 03 August 2011, 10:48:49
Quote from: ripster;392276
Actually that's not quite true either.  Datacomp built keyboards have stabilizers with different spacing.

This came out so well I'll drag Geekgirl out of retirement.
(Attachment) 23196[/ATTACH]

Nothing I said is inconsistent with what you just said.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Wed, 03 August 2011, 11:19:44
Quote from: ripster;392288
Depends on how you define "all".

No it doesn't, since I qualified that statement by saying:

Quote from: alaricljs;391811
...  as far as the key stem fitting in the hole...
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 24 October 2011, 05:51:06
definitely interested in this am interest in this layout though (Esc would actually be the main key)
might even be up for a few depending.

as to me it looks like there is a larger gap between the keys than normal.

which stabilizers are used for this? ones like Filco or Leopold? Also where can you get the plate mounted part?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Mon, 24 October 2011, 09:08:18
Quote from: TheProfosist;437875
definitely interested in this am interest in this layout though (Esc would actually be the main key)
Show Image

might even be up for a few depending.

as to me it looks like there is a larger gap between the keys than normal.

which stabilizers are used for this? ones like Filco or Leopold? Also where can you get the plate mounted part?

Spacing is standard, it's a illusion with the shiny backplate.
All the files are available to download and modify in the article.
I used cherry stabilizers from Mouser.
I got the plates from a contact but I give a link in the article for a place online.

Edit: See the spacing:
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: sordna on Mon, 24 October 2011, 09:28:01
Quote from: TheProfosist;437875
definitely interested in this am interest in this layout though (Esc would actually be the main key)
Show Image

might even be up for a few depending.

I think moving the arrow keys to IJKL would be better than PL;'  ... also, having an additional set of arrow keys on the left (WASD) would be cool too!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 24 October 2011, 09:29:18
Quote from: Dox;437922
Spacing is standard, it's a illusion with the shiny backplate.
All the files are available to download and modify in the article.
I used cherry stabilizers from Mouser.
I got the plates from a contact but I give a link in the article for a place online.

Edit: See the spacing:
(Attachment) 29676[/ATTACH]
spacing looks much better in that picture
yes I know they are problem is that I have no experience in CAD or C (i believe whats used for the teensy)
Wondering if anyone else would be interested. That way we could make a few and split costs. Also if we all stick with the same layout we could probably get a discount through WASD.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 24 October 2011, 09:32:08
Quote from: sordna;437926
I think moving the arrow keys to IJKL would be better than PL;'  ... also, having an additional set of arrow keys on the left (WASD) would be cool too!
arrow key are where they are so that you can hold right Fn with your pinky. media keys are over by WASD because the fit nicely also the standard user is used to using arrows with their right hand.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 24 October 2011, 09:53:44
if you get that layout setup i'd be interesting in a case too, but i'd prob modify the function layer... i really don't like the way the arrows are setup... the HHKB arrow setup, it works better when holding down the Fn key with the pinky.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 24 October 2011, 10:01:23
Quote from: ishtob;437941
if you get that layout setup i'd be interesting in a case too, but i'd prob modify the function layer... i really don't like the way the arrows are setup... the HHKB arrow setup, it works better when holding down the Fn key with the pinky.
I agree with you there but from my testing this should still work may take some getting used to. I designed this layout as a competitor to a HHKB, one that someone should be able to use with almost no adjustment from a standard keyboard.

So you would be in for everything except for the keycaps? I think wasd would have a problem if it would just be a slight alteration.

Do you think I should post an interest check in the Group Buy sub forum?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 24 October 2011, 10:02:42
Dox do you think that you could post some more pic of the inside. Im kind of wondering how you did everything in there.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 24 October 2011, 11:09:09
i would be in for the board and case, I got extra blue, clear, and brown donor boards sitting around that i can make some ergo clears with.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Mon, 24 October 2011, 11:17:01
Quote from: TheProfosist;437947
Dox do you think that you could post some more pic of the inside. Im kind of wondering how you did everything in there.
I'll try to take some pictures tonight.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: sordna on Mon, 24 October 2011, 12:13:26
Solution to the arrow key disagreements is to make the 2nd layer user programmable. The "proper / touch-typing way" for multi-key combos is to hold the modifer (in this case the Fn) with the opposite hand, it's very strenuous for the hand to hold the Fn with the pinky and do arrow work with other fingers of the same hand... it's a similar stress to dragging/drawing with a mouse: bad for RSI.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 24 October 2011, 12:42:48
so who would be interested in getting a group buy for the pcb? think i'd be interested in getting the board to play around with customizing... i do have a teensy sitting around already
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 24 October 2011, 13:31:03
Dox, is it okay that we use your files? i know some people dosen't like thier stuff used by others.

I'm considering printing that board but use it with a modified key layer
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 24 October 2011, 15:40:04
Quote from: ishtob;438029
so who would be interested in getting a group buy for the pcb? think i'd be interested in getting the board to play around with customizing... i do have a teensy sitting around already
pcb, for sure. though I dont know how many I need yet. what about the plate?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Mon, 24 October 2011, 17:01:57
Quote from: ishtob;438074
Dox, is it okay that we use your files? i know some people dosen't like thier stuff used by others.

I'm considering printing that board but use it with a modified key layer
I don't mind at all. that's why all the files are available.
I'm now using hasu's firmware with mouse keys and working media control in windows.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 24 October 2011, 17:07:41
Quote from: Dox;438349
I don't mind at all. that's why all the files are available.
I'm now using hasu's firmware with mouse keys and working media control in windows.
both of those sound really nice to add it hink I would put the mouse buttons on ZXC so I could hold left win with my pinky
 z=right x=middle c=left possibly f=forward v=back
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 25 October 2011, 01:32:41
Profosist: I tweeked DOX's PCB file to fit the layout you want with the software and got this:

I also moved a few traces so I can use the PCB mounted stabilizers if I end up not being able to afford the casing (just go all PCB mounted :D)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 25 October 2011, 01:37:16
Quote from: ishtob;438704
Profosist: I tweeked DOX's PCB file to fit the layout you want with the software and got this:
Show Image

I also moved a few traces so I can use the PCB mounted stabilizers if I end up not being able to afford the casing (just go all PCB mounted :D)
I was thinking about this would it be any more expensive or hard to add the ability to have leds in the keys? I dont have any real reasoning behind this because getting backlight keys would be hard and I am not that intered in a back light board just thought it would be an option and might have some nice glow effect since there is no case around the switches.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 25 October 2011, 01:44:19
Just checked price, I can order 2 keep one and ship you the other for $65-70. The price quote right now is $56 per board + 10.50 shipping
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 25 October 2011, 01:45:08
Quote from: TheProfosist;438707
I was thinking about this would it be any more expensive or hard to add the ability to have leds in the keys? I dont have any real reasoning behind this because getting backlight keys would be hard and I am not that intered in a back light board just thought it would be an option and might have some nice glow effect since there is no case around the switches.

it would take alot of time since we would need to flip all the switches 180 degrees for the LED to be on the right side.

alternatively you can just use: this ( if you want lights around the border
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 25 October 2011, 01:51:27
Quote from: ishtob;438716
it would take alot of time since we would need to flip all the switches 180 degrees for the LED to be on the right side.

alternatively you can just use: this ( if you want lights around the border
so you would have to basically remake the PCB. which would kinda suck. I just though I would put some LEDs in since I have to do everything already. but its just more work and changes so ill skip. also I have some other interested people and I couldnt do this right away. Also we could try a PCB group buy to start out with because I know I dont have the money to do the entire build right away.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 25 October 2011, 01:59:23
yup basically...

im going to keep tweeking around see if i can get the teensy to be able to be soldered straight onto the underside of the board or at the space under the spacebar (gives us access to that button on the topside... but not sure if its useful, and we would also need to somehow route the USB out to the back too...)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 25 October 2011, 02:00:34
just checked price for more quanitity... its going to be pretty much splitting up that $10 shipping... unless we can get ALOT of people
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 25 October 2011, 02:13:20
Quote from: ishtob;438723
yup basically...

im going to keep tweeking around see if i can get the teensy to be able to be soldered straight onto the underside of the board or at the space under the spacebar (gives us access to that button on the topside... but not sure if its useful, and we would also need to somehow route the USB out to the back too...)
That would be great. the USB thing shouldnt be too hard to do. you may be able to desolder the one thats on there and get something that would mount right on the casing. if not modify a short mini usb cable and find a way to get some soft of female end to mound on the case.

The switches and the case seem to be the most costly.

Quote from: ishtob;438725
just checked price for more quanitity... its going to be pretty much splitting up that $10 shipping... unless we can get ALOT of people

well ill get to talking to them about the pcb then right away at least.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 25 October 2011, 07:38:51
Quote from: ishtob;438725
just checked price for more quanitity... its going to be pretty much splitting up that $10 shipping... unless we can get ALOT of people
could you probably get a quote on a case I can probably secure at a min 3 more orders than mys self.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Tue, 25 October 2011, 07:48:36
I took the liberty to throw together a DOX-PCB using my KiCAD libraries. It would be a good starting point for any keyboard design. It was an easy job considering I had a larger board with more or less the same layout done already. Just had to clean everything up a bit...
I would really recommend adding the controller somewhere on the PCB as well. This saves some messy wiring...
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Tue, 25 October 2011, 09:32:39
Quote from: ishtob;438723
yup basically...
im going to keep tweeking around see if i can get the teensy to be able to be soldered straight onto the underside of the board or at the space under the spacebar (gives us access to that button on the topside... but not sure if its useful, and we would also need to somehow route the USB out to the back too...)

I wanted to place the teensy under the spacebar too but I realized that it would make the keyboard much higher.

Quote from: PrinsValium;438791
I took the liberty to throw together a DOX-PCB using my KiCAD libraries. It would be a good starting point for any keyboard design. It was an easy job considering I had a larger board with more or less the same layout done already. Just had to clean everything up a bit...
I would really recommend adding the controller somewhere on the PCB as well. This saves some messy wiring...

Nice PV! As you can see the controller is hard to fit in a board that small with buttons everywhere. Do you have any idea where it could be installed?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Tue, 25 October 2011, 09:40:27
Quote from: Dox;438829
I wanted to place the teensy under the spacebar too but I realized that it would make the keyboard much higher.

Nice PV! As you can see the controller is hard to fit in a board that small with buttons everywhere. Do you have any idea where it could be installed?

Sort of, I did it like this ( It is not optimal to have the connector at the edge like that when using a case of course. But it should be possible to orient it in other ways. It's a bit tinkery but it works. The only big problem is that the switches it overlaps won't be easily removable.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Tue, 25 October 2011, 17:41:02
Quote from: PrinsValium;438840
Sort of, I did it like this ( It is not optimal to have the connector at the edge like that when using a case of course. But it should be possible to orient it in other ways. It's a bit tinkery but it works. The only big problem is that the switches it overlaps won't be easily removable.

Oh yeah, I remember now, the surface mounted trick.
Do you have a way to import some points from a cad drawing (dwg, dxf) to KiCAD to place some vias at a specific position? I ask this because I will soon design the PCBs for my split ergo keyboard ( and that would make my task much more easy.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Tue, 25 October 2011, 18:02:18
What is your reason for having vias in a particular location?

Aside from that I have found no way with KiCad to do that sort of thing.  You would need to have an origin on the CAD drawing that directly correlates to an origin on your PCB and then transfer the coordinates manually by measure.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Tue, 25 October 2011, 18:12:09
The reason is that I already have a 3d model with all the components placed and I want to replicate the exact location of the components on the PCB so it will fit in the case.
If there is no way to do this, I'll do the origin correlation method.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Tue, 25 October 2011, 18:19:03
Hrm... As long as in KiCad you put in all the components then the auto-router will route around them... so any holes, all the switches, connectors diodes and so on.  There are also settings for minimum safe distance near a hole, another trace, and so forth.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 25 October 2011, 19:36:34
would it be poaaible to find a way to solder this right to the board and avoid all of that wiring?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Tue, 25 October 2011, 20:19:24
That's what's being discussed... in my own design I do away with the standoff portion of the pins, although I haven't had the chance to test that yet I see no reason it wouldn't work.  This would lessen the stack height of the PCBs.  In the case of the Dox it's going to be a difficult time due to there being no unoccupied space on both sides of the PCB.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Tue, 25 October 2011, 20:31:49
Quote from: alaricljs;439427
That's what's being discussed... in my own design I do away with the standoff portion of the pins, although I haven't had the chance to test that yet I see no reason it wouldn't work.  This would lessen the stack height of the PCBs.  In the case of the Dox it's going to be a difficult time due to there being no unoccupied space on both sides of the PCB.
Yeah that was my plan too for my next design I think that should be possible. As you said, the problem with the doxkb is that there is no space to mount it (not surface soldered), even with the reduced stack height I don't think that if would fit under the spacebar.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 25 October 2011, 20:33:22
yea I wouldnt worry about puuting it under the spacebar I would just want to solder it directly to the board. would that eliminate all the wires?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Tue, 25 October 2011, 20:55:18
The teensy will definitely not fit under the space bar.  You could fit the components there if you wanted to SMD solder and not have the really nice half-k boot loader.

Redoing the PCB to include the controller on-board would mean that traces for all the switch connections would be on the PCB and would eliminate the wires.  In order to do this without losing your mind or paying an arm and a leg it would need to be a double sided PCB.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Tue, 25 October 2011, 21:43:56
Next time I'm designing a keyboard I think I will look into programming the AVR from scratch myself (and how to solder the sucker in there in the first place...). This would also allow me to use a less powerful AVR if I would want to, or more powerful of course =) And the chips are truly surface mounted, and [SIZE=0]tiny![/SIZE], it would fit anywhere...

Using a couple of multiplexers/demultiplexers the number of needed pins drops significantly too. I found that the HHKB has a smart solution. It uses a binary-to-decimal decoder chip for the supplying the rows. It has 4 input pins (4 output pins required from the controller) to take a 4-bit binary number. Depending on this binary number it lights up 1 out of 10 output pins supplying 10 rows, they are then interleaved to give 5 actual rows on the PCB layout. An 8 to one channel demultiplexer for the columns would requires 4 more controller pins (1 as the input to the controller and 3 for selecting column). So in total 8 controller pins for a total of 8×10 key positions.

I don't know if the Teensy even fits Between a plate and the PCB. If it does it would be possible to put it under the space bar. This would require the Filco style stabilizers, since the stabilizer wire will get in the way with a cheery one. And Filco style requires a mounting plate.

I would really recommend getting two-sided PCBs with solder masks and everything. With the all the cheapest choices they aren't almost any more expensive at pcbwing than what DOX paid for his (and there probably are other places in the same price segment). Shipping might be more from China though I guess.

Edit: Also I managed to hook the Teensy into my PCB on that square matrix layout prototype, using only 30 or so jumpers. The routing do require some hair pulling and teeth gnashing though =P
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 25 October 2011, 21:53:50
so though it would be a pain to make the pcb would it be anymore expensive to do the dual sided PCB. If it not much more I think it would be worth it to eliminate the wiring would anyone be up to the task of designing the pcb?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Tue, 25 October 2011, 23:09:02
Doh... Prins is right, if you "surface mount" the teensy then it should fit under the plate under the space bar... I really need more sleep and less OT... wait what am I saying?  I love the OT money.  Think I need to figure out how to get paid OT for sleeping!

Dual layer PCBs are not significantly more expensive in reasonable quantities, one-offs and such are probably cheaper, tho I admit not checking :)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 26 October 2011, 00:46:00
done with adding teensy to the PCB:

i was going to try to have the usb come out the back, but staggered MX switches are impossible to work around
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 26 October 2011, 01:25:12
Quote from: ishtob;439565
done with adding teensy to the PCB:
Show Image

i was going to try to have the usb come out the back, but staggered MX switches are impossible to work around
awesome. is it coming out of the left then would this cable ( work to take pressure off and make it head back?

also I assume that you would put all of the switches on then put on the teensy?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 26 October 2011, 07:06:34
aw shoot i just noticed the leads are flipped around on this -___-

yes, switches should go first. actually thinking of it, cable coming out the side is better for me since i keyboard for my laptop when im at school
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 26 October 2011, 09:28:32
there we go, done. The teensy will now be int eh right orientation
can someone check my layout to see if I'm doing this right? I have actually no idea what I'm doing... just connecting the sections like its a grid
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 26 October 2011, 12:38:07
added more holes in case people had pulled MX switches from PCB mounted keyboards (like me... heh)

here it is:

anyone knows where to find the measurements for the holes for poker's space bar stabilizers?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Wed, 26 October 2011, 13:32:30
Quote from: alaricljs;439528
Doh... Prins is right, if you "surface mount" the teensy then it should fit under the plate under the space bar... I really need more sleep and less OT... wait what am I saying?  I love the OT money.  Think I need to figure out how to get paid OT for sleeping!
Firefighting, in a quite town... Did you check if the Teensy fits there? I have no idea or possibility to check at the moment. Seems like it could get tight =P

Quote from: alaricljs;439528
Dual layer PCBs are not significantly more expensive in reasonable quantities, one-offs and such are probably cheaper, tho I admit not checking :)

11.1"×3.6" double sided board with solder masks on both sides and silkscreen only on one side = $56 per board @ 2 boards (RoHS compliant = $65). Plus shipping. (

Edit: A new version with the ATmega32U4 mounted directly on the keyboard PCB, including the same surrounding components as on the Teensy. I only autorouted it. It probably wouldn't hurt to make some of the tracks wider. The crystal also has the wrong footprint, but it is only a quick prototype.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Wed, 26 October 2011, 14:18:17
Mmmm, the USB connector would have to be removed, but you would have to do that anyway because no usb cable ever would fit in there.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 26 October 2011, 15:47:21
you can always fit a pcb mounted usb connector and use wires to hook that up in what ever direction or place you'd like.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 26 October 2011, 20:28:30
Okay, cleaned up the layout a bit. Also added holes since i have a broken poker keyboard with a good case laying around that i was planning to throw this board into. here it is:
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 26 October 2011, 20:31:29
Pris: yes i just measured the teensy i got here and the custom component should be right. I have a caliper and it matched up +/- 0.05mm so it should be fine.

Prof: I'm going to go ahead and just order 2 for myself for now, I want to make sure it works before we all order a messed up board :P i'll post the file up after I test it out in person
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 26 October 2011, 22:10:46
sounds great. I would have to have everyone getting bad boards.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 26 October 2011, 22:50:19
hey DOX: any reason why your col12 is after col13 on your code?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Wed, 26 October 2011, 22:54:48
Yeah that's because this was an early iteration of the firmware. I can post the up to date firmware tomorrow.

Edit: You can find both firmwares on my github (
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 26 October 2011, 23:00:54
cool i'll take a look, I think i have my firmware setup, now just need to wait for the PCB and diodes for come in.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 27 October 2011, 01:36:57
If you could do a step by step when putting this together it would be great. I have the idea down but for others (and my friends) it would be great.

Also is anyone willing to make firmware for my layout? I believe you would have to use the firmware mentioned here ( for the media keys to work. I have also added mouse buttons to the layout because its is possible due to that firmware and I will update the layout that I have up currently to have mouse buttons:


I would like the mouse buttons to be Z: mouse 2 (right click), X: mouse 3 (middle click), C: mouse 1 (left click), V: mouse 4 (back), and F: mouse 5 (forward).
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 27 October 2011, 07:54:03
prof i can do the layout for you once i figure out how to modify dox's layout.

Dox: can you explain how your layers work? it seems that you are using the semicolon to activate another layer?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 27 October 2011, 08:44:50
Quote from: ishtob;440408
prof i can do the layout for you once i figure out how to modify dox's layout.

Dox: can you explain how your layers work? it seems that you are using the semicolon to activate another layer?
thanks much sorry that I cant be of more help besides just coming up with ideas.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 27 October 2011, 08:57:57
can't seem to find a how to add media keys other than vol up/down and mute

>.< sorry i'm a pharmacy student.. not a compsci major so this is like trying to decipher latin
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 27 October 2011, 09:02:33
Quote from: ishtob;440431
can't seem to find a how to add media keys other than vol up/down and mute

>.< sorry i'm a pharmacy student.. not a compsci major so this is like trying to decipher latin
lol I may be a bit more qualified I havnt taken a look yet also did you grab the firmware mentioned here ( I know a link isnt provided to it...
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Thu, 27 October 2011, 09:09:29
Quote from: ishtob;440408
prof i can do the layout for you once i figure out how to modify dox's layout.

Dox: can you explain how your layers work? it seems that you are using the semicolon to activate another layer?
I guess you are using hasu's firmware. Yes the semicolon is a "passive" function key. If you press it normally, it will work just as expected but if you hold it and press other keys, it switch to the fn layer.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 27 October 2011, 09:12:35
Quote from: Dox;440438
I guess you are using hasu's firmware. Yes the semicolon is a "passive" function key. If you press it normally, it will work just as expected but if you hold it and press other keys, it switch to the fn layer.
Interesting is that the only way to implement a Fn key?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hasu on Thu, 27 October 2011, 09:16:57

See usb_keycodes.h, you will find keycodes for media keys.

Semicolon works as Fn key and normal key. You can use a normal key as Fn key, but this is a bit confusing and imposes some bug/problem.
I'm using Semicolon  to switch to mousekey layer happily, but other might find this irritating.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 27 October 2011, 09:18:35
Quote from: hasu;440441

See usb_keycodes.h, you will find keycodes for media keys.

Semicolon works as Fn key and normal key. You can use a normal key as Fn key, but this is a bit confusing and imposes some bug/problem.
I'm using Semicolon  to switch to mousekey layer happily, but other might find this irritating.
could you use the System Request key to switch layers it doesnt have a use anyway as a normal key.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 27 October 2011, 09:41:15
does these layers stay after we release the keys or does it return to layer 1 (defualt layer)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hasu on Thu, 27 October 2011, 09:47:00
It is a momentary, layer switching is just valid while Fn key pressed.
My firmware has no toggle feature for layer switching at this time.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 27 October 2011, 09:52:59
ok cool thanks...

and dox, to load hasu's firmware do I load config.h in the DoxKB folder? or do i use another .h file
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Thu, 27 October 2011, 11:20:20
Quote from: hasu;440456
It is a momentary, layer switching is just valid while Fn key pressed.
My firmware has no toggle feature for layer switching at this time.

It kinda have a toggle feature. You have to hold the 2 shifts and press the layer number to witch you want to switch. Ex: LShift+RShift+2 = Layer 2.
You have to be, careful as you need at least one number on your fn layer to be able to switch back to the normal layout.

Quote from: ishtob;440458
ok cool thanks...

and dox, to load hasu's firmware do I load config.h in the DoxKB folder? or do i use another .h file

To load the formware you have to "make" in the macway folder and load the maxway.hex with the teensy loader.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 27 October 2011, 11:29:35
Quote from: Dox;440507
To load the formware you have to "make" in the macway folder and load the maxway.hex with the teensy loader.

how do I do that? i'm a bit lost... do i do this in terminal or something?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Thu, 27 October 2011, 11:32:07
Yeah you have to build the firmware. See here (
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 27 October 2011, 12:41:13
ok, thanks, i'll give it a try when i get home
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 27 October 2011, 16:56:06
one thing to note about my layout is that Esc should be on the default layer and that ` and ~ should be on the secondary layer.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 27 October 2011, 22:27:02
yup thats how i want it too profosist.
okay i got my firmware setup... soon as i get the board and have it all setup and tested i'll do one for your layout.

I think i might stick to 2 layers for now and leave the rest of the codes in there for now.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 27 October 2011, 23:14:23
Quote from: ishtob;440878
yup thats how i want it too profosist.
okay i got my firmware setup... soon as i get the board and have it all setup and tested i'll do one for your layout.

I think i might stick to 2 layers for now and leave the rest of the codes in there for now.
two layers is all I need were you able to use the system request key to do the layer switching?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 27 October 2011, 23:34:46
where would that key be in this layout? last time i checked the DOX layout doesn't have the sys req key
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 28 October 2011, 00:33:41
Quote from: ishtob;440891
where would that key be in this layout? last time i checked the DOX layout doesn't have the sys req key
I know that my layout does have it but what is currently used to go to the second layer? hasu said that he used holding down the semi colon as the modifier could hat be chanded to sys rq sice its not even on the board?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 28 October 2011, 00:44:19
its still a momentary switch using semicolon...He's only using that because he ran out of non-regular keys to assign to function groups. There are 7 FN defined in his codes. I'm using FN2 and FN7 right now for left and right FN, but right now they will both switch the keyboard to layer 2
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 28 October 2011, 00:47:25
Quote from: ishtob;440912
its still a momentary switch using semicolon...He's only using that because he ran out of non-regular keys to assign to function groups. There are 7 FN defined in his codes. I'm using FN2 and FN7 right now for left and right FN, but right now they will both switch the keyboard to layer 2
sounds good!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Index on Sat, 29 October 2011, 00:11:26
Quote from: PrinsValium;439858
Firefighting, in a quite town... Did you check if the Teensy fits there? I have no idea or possibility to check at the moment. Seems like it could get tight =P

11.1"×3.6" double sided board with solder masks on both sides and silkscreen only on one side = $56 per board @ 2 boards (RoHS compliant = $65). Plus shipping. (

Edit: A new version with the ATmega32U4 mounted directly on the keyboard PCB, including the same surrounding components as on the Teensy. I only autorouted it. It probably wouldn't hurt to make some of the tracks wider. The crystal also has the wrong footprint, but it is only a quick prototype.

Hey Prins, this is exactly what I needed for my keyboard project (the files you attached). I decided to switch from a Tenkeyless to a 60% due to the new sexy aluminum poker cases from imsto's group buy. All I need to do is just move the usb port over a bit so it can fit through the usb hole on the aluminum case. I also need to put some dipswitches on the back of the pcb. I was wondering if I could use it.

EDIT1: I also need to put in some holes for the case screws. Also, need to figure out the dip switch settings.

EDIT2: Actually, Prins I was wondering if you could fix up the pcb. In exchange I will code the custom firmware since I know alot about embedded programming, and worked with the atmega series before (if you guys still need a programmer).
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 29 October 2011, 06:26:44
once I know that the PCB is working I think that I might post something in the group buy section.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sat, 29 October 2011, 14:49:16
Quote from: Index;441624
Hey Prins, this is exactly what I needed for my keyboard project (the files you attached). I decided to switch from a Tenkeyless to a 60% due to the new sexy aluminum poker cases from imsto's group buy. All I need to do is just move the usb port over a bit so it can fit through the usb hole on the aluminum case. I also need to put some dipswitches on the back of the pcb. I was wondering if I could use it.

EDIT1: I also need to put in some holes for the case screws. Also, need to figure out the dip switch settings.

EDIT2: Actually, Prins I was wondering if you could fix up the pcb. In exchange I will code the custom firmware since I know alot about embedded programming, and worked with the atmega series before (if you guys still need a programmer).

index, check out the holes i put on my layout... i measured it to my spare poker keyboard... i'll let you know if they are in the correct place on tuesday when the PCB gets here.

so yea, take a look
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: AvenZerg on Sat, 29 October 2011, 16:37:00
how much did it cost you in total to create those keyboards? (This might have been asked and answered already but i couldn't be bothered to scroll through all of the pages)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 30 October 2011, 07:05:22
Quote from: AvenZerg;441935
how much did it cost you in total to create those keyboards? (This might have been asked and answered already but i couldn't be bothered to scroll through all of the pages)
The cost for the original idea is in the OP. We have just started our build pcb quote has been $56 per @ 2 boards ( but I have no clue what price ishtob got his at.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 30 October 2011, 15:19:50
Quote from: TheProfosist;442179
The cost for the original idea is in the OP. We have just started our build pcb quote has been $56 per @ 2 boards ( but I have no clue what price ishtob got his at.
it was $56 a board with min of 2 and $10 shipping
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 02 November 2011, 09:54:39
pcb board came in, rest of the components should be here tomorrow. I wont be able to assemble this till next week after my midterms, quizzes and papers are done.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 02 November 2011, 10:08:35
Sounds good, take your time and dont get behind.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 04 November 2011, 02:44:44
DOX: how come the isolated esc on the upper left is not working on my test board, I have the firmware setup the same as yours
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 04 November 2011, 09:22:20
never mind, found i set the # of column wrong
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 04 November 2011, 13:04:46
aite, finished the prototype, I'm still working on the layout where it would be a drop in for poker cases... the current one requires the case to be modified (drilled)
here's some pictures:

The screw holes were all wrong :( so i had to drill my own, going to be updating the board with the correct locations.
still working on the other layout... there was 1 trace going to the wrong pin on teensy, and it's been corrected on the new layout im working on.

I might also just flip all the switch 180degrees and add holes and wire up an option for people who want LED lit keys
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Fri, 04 November 2011, 13:15:16
Very nice! I'm happy to see that this project has been usefull to someone else!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 04 November 2011, 14:25:04
yes please add the Led option. would you add trace to the pcb for the leds?

o and thanks greatly for testing this out beforehand.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 04 November 2011, 15:27:00
Im not too sure on how to wire LED, and no idea where to source the 3mm LEDs :( so if someone can find a tutorial for me that would be awesome

I was thinking of using the switchs below the poker board (the DIN switchs?) and have that be the lighting options... like WASD only or the full backlit
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Fri, 04 November 2011, 15:31:36
There's a bazillion 3mm LEDs on ebay.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: braaaiiins on Fri, 04 November 2011, 15:38:46
This is awesome. I've been lurking this thread for awhile. I'm curious, how did you guys get a 1.75 right shift key cap that fit that row.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Fri, 04 November 2011, 15:45:58
Any electronics supplier should have a bunch ( of them. Standard 3mm LEDs are the T1 package.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: N8N on Fri, 04 November 2011, 15:46:44
It looks like the same size as a space saver Cherry board, but I don't have one handy to look at because the location of the arrow keys messed me up when I tried one...  WASD could make you whatever you want though
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Fri, 04 November 2011, 15:47:50
Personally, I ordered some blank keycaps from SP but the right shift on compact cherry keyboards are 1.75
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: braaaiiins on Fri, 04 November 2011, 15:55:41
Thanks for that info. The layout you two have chosen is perfect. That right shift mod with that extra key is exactly what I would have changed on the KBC Poker. That and the ability to program every layer.... -drool-. Eventually, I hope to be able to replicate what you've done here.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 04 November 2011, 18:14:11
Quote from: Dox;445757
Personally, I ordered some blank keycaps from SP but the right shift on compact cherry keyboards are 1.75
how much were the key caps from SP and would it be possible to get with lettering? Im guessing that would be more. I would go through WASD but that right shift...
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 04 November 2011, 18:20:17
I have an old g80 compact POS keyboad that had the shortened sift key
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Fri, 04 November 2011, 18:20:42
I think that they had the 1.75 right shift in stock in that color. But I had to get some non stock blanks that cost me 20$ each. I don't know anything about lettering but for single keycaps like that it would probably be costly.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 04 November 2011, 18:22:20
Quote from: Dox;445865
I think that they had the 1.75 right shift in stock in that color. But I had to get some non stock blanks that cost me 20$ each. I don't know anything about lettering but for single keycaps like that it would probably be costly.
I wouldnt mind just the right shift not having lettering I wonder if they could match WASD's colors
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: N8N on Fri, 04 November 2011, 19:12:07
I have a Noppoo Choc Pro as well.  It's got a few little quirks but is otherwise almost identical in appearance and feel to a Filco.  Basically, they make the keyboard NKRO over USB which is a feature that nobody else has, but I don't know if anyone has got it to work with a Mac yet, and the Caps Lock LED doesn't work under Linux (I assume both are related to the NKRO over USB.  The Linux thing I think is really a failing of at least Ubuntu/Debian and maybe other Linux distros as well.)  Other than that it's a good board if you like browns.

The keycaps on the Noppoo are some of the nicest feeling that I've tried, but the wonky font annoyed me enough that I replaced them with some from WASD.  I'm actually using that one at home... still trying to get used to browns.  I'm using clears at work because they're quieter; I don't bottom out on them.  Maybe someday I will get to the point that I can take the browns to work, but it's not looking likely at this point.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 04 November 2011, 19:56:52
this is the type of keybaord i got my shift key:

but that's the laser printed one, look for the suffix of "G81-????Hxxx" for doubleshot
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 04 November 2011, 20:09:15
Quote from: ishtob;445908
this is the type of keybaord i got my shift key:

but that's the laser printed one, look for the suffix of "G81-????Hxxx" for doubleshot
Thanks Ill keep that as a backup option if I cant get a whole new set.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 06 November 2011, 19:59:19
aite here we go, I'm not done double checking to make sure nothing crosses wrong, The LED should work? i think.. not sure if its going to draw too much current.. my calculation says its going to be close to 1200mA worth of power because I have it all chained up in parallel


I also decided to add a DIP switch where the poker's switches were to select the region of LED backlit:
1 = master On/Off
2 = WASD only
3 = Esc only
4 = Rest of keybaord
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 06 November 2011, 20:18:16
One thing that you might want to take into consideration is that usb 2.0 ports output 500mah so probably 3 would be needed to power this keyboard which would defintly be problematic if your using on a laptop or anything with minimal usb ports. Additionally about the led dip switch one thing i always thought was stupid was WASD only. Wouldnt everything but WASD be more helpful since you know were wasd is since its the only thing thats no light up and everything else is backlit?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 06 November 2011, 21:01:49
beauty of the DIP switch design is you can leave the WASD section off while the rest of the keyboard lit!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 06 November 2011, 21:03:28
Quote from: ishtob;447025
beauty of the DIP switch design is you can leave the WASD section off while the rest of the keyboard lit!
o nice, didnt look at it that way. Any ideas on the power consumption  of the LEDs? now were going to need ourselves some double shot backlight compatible keycaps.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 06 November 2011, 21:03:52
is it possible to light the LED to like 25% power, so it would be at ~400mA?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 06 November 2011, 21:06:42
Quote from: ishtob;447028
is it possible to light the LED to like 25% power, so it would be at ~400mA?
I have no clue. Other fullsize keyboards manage to run off 1 USB port and they have a fair bit more leds.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 06 November 2011, 21:13:15
the blue 3mm i found is runs off 2.7V and uses 20mA of power... is it okay to cut that down to 5mA? to get like 25% of the original brightness?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 06 November 2011, 21:17:33
ok, at 5mA, im going to be getting about 30-40% brightness of the fully driven one, but total current used would be about 315mA
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 06 November 2011, 21:20:57
You could wire 2 in a series then the series in parallel. I dont know what that would do for power consumption though. I only suggested that because of the voltage that may not work for other color LEDs or even other LEDs.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 06 November 2011, 21:40:12
well you would have to adjust the resister accordingly to each color LED, but most 3mm LED I looked at have a forward current of 20mA regardless of color, voltage varies
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 06 November 2011, 21:53:40
Hmm alright I wonder what keyboard manufacturers do because a full keyboard would be somewhere around 2000mah if they are all at full power. As for the color of the LED I vote white.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Sun, 06 November 2011, 22:52:01
wtf... PWM

edited to get capitals!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Index on Sun, 06 November 2011, 23:15:28
Hey anyone have problems autorouting in KiCAD? For me, it seems to take forever, it's been running for 12+ hours and still nothing -___-.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 06 November 2011, 23:23:42
i did it all by hand :P so iono, sorry
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 07 November 2011, 01:49:34
so where are we sitting on this?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Mon, 07 November 2011, 05:13:35
Most LEDs need ~>3V (There are 5V LEDs as well, but not in the same diversity.) which means they need to be connected in series with a resistor, or they will be blown up by the current. The Teensy pins should be capable to provide ~40mA each (Probably not all at the same time..). Driving each row of LEDs one at a time, using one Teensy pin for each LED on that row should be possible, I think.

LEDs can be connected in matrices, much like switches are, and like supressing ghosting by pinpointing the exact switch being pressed, it is possible to control which exact LEDs to lit. I think it should be possible to use the same set of pins to read the switch matrix and control the LED matrix. I'm attaching a schematic for how I would do it. All component parameters still need to be chosen correctly. And this is of course under the usual caveat, I'm not an electrical engineer =)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 07 November 2011, 07:37:27
i think im going to leave the LED all in parallel, white LED will be ~3.4V so we can't do a series of 2 LED (since that would drop the voltage to 2.5)

going to need to under-drive the LED to limit it to usb usable range
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Mon, 07 November 2011, 07:43:05
My design will take care of all LED issues. It requires correct programming of the controller of course to only activate one row of LEDs at a time. Lighting up one row at a time requires max ~25mA×13 = 325mA.

There are 5V LEDs too, with them you don't need to worry about any current limiting resistors. You still need to figure out how to only drive a maximum of 20 LEDs at the same time.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 07 November 2011, 07:47:12
looks intesrting prinsvalium,
there will be about 62 keys, are we going to be able to have enough current for that?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Mon, 07 November 2011, 08:10:08
There needs to be some more resistors in my design. All transistor base connections will need one to control the base-emitter current. The transistor connecting the row-transistors to ground should probably be of darlington type.

I'm not completely sure how diodes work, but I think they will not lead any current at all if their forward voltage is not reached. This would do as a built in safety feature to make it impossible to drive more than one LED per column at time even if every row would be connected to ground. One row is at most 14 LEDs, 14 × 25mA is "only" 325mA. The diodes might be able to take short bursts of current higher than their specified continuous current rating. This should be clear from the LED datasheet in that case. I think this is probably an unnecessary risk though. That would require more interesting programming involving timer overflow interrupts to ensure no LEDs are burst fed for too long =) The output couldn't be increased by too much though because of the 500mA roof. I also don't know how much current that can be passed through the Teensy board itself. The ATmega is specified to be able to supply the 40mA/pin. The ground connections on the Teensy board would be subjected to ~400mA though. I don't know how thick those traces are. It would of course be possible to wire the USB ground directly onto the keyboard PCB as well.

My idea is to interleave the scans of the two matrices. First the LED matrix is scanned. This requires the B-port to be set as outputs. Then the key matrix is scanned, B-port as inputs with pull-up resistors.
During the LED scan the column pins control which LEDs get lit, and during the key scan they control which column to scan. Depending on the key scan frequency needed N LED scans could be done per key scan.

Important edit: OK, so there is an absolute maximum current of 200mA for the whole ATmega chip.. This can of course be solved by connecting each LED-matrix-column through a transistor drawing the current directly from the USB connection. =/ Or by ensuring that only half of the columns are driven at the same time.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Mon, 07 November 2011, 08:48:41
To answer the auto-router question... In my experience with KB PCBs, first-pass routing to all points should not take long at all.  The cleanup stage can take a few hours tho.  If your first pass is taking a long time then it's not going to happen.  Changing design rules (trace width, gap) to get it routed is my first step.  You can't go too small tho.  When I added SMT parts to a previously routed board it didn't work because the trace size was too big for the part.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Mon, 07 November 2011, 08:59:11
Yes, the freerouter can't handle if pins are too close together not allowing them to be connected without violating minimum distances. If that is the case it simply goes on trying forever. Sometimes it also gets stuck on something that is actually possible to solve. Then you can stop the autorouting and do that connection by hand, and restart the autorouting. This usually happens with the very last few connections. So usually optimization takes on after restarting.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: dorkvader on Mon, 07 November 2011, 23:39:22
Quote from: PrinsValium;447253
I'm not completely sure how diodes work, but I think they will not lead any current at all if their forward voltage is not reached.

LED's are tricky things. You should try hooking one up to a power supply sometime. I have an unregulated power supply with voltage adjustment (in the from of a panel-mounted variac). One day, I plugged a LED into it. I turned on the power supply, and slowly cranked up the voltage.

To my surprise, the voltage stayed almost completely constant. This is because the diode "forced" the circuit to operate at it's forward voltage. This meant that when I twisted the knob, instead of changing the voltage like it normally did, the power supply changed it's current into the LED. This was almost unmeasurable, as I was putting about 5-20 mA into it, and the gauge goes up to 10A.

Now, if you have a regulated power supply, then things can change. Depending on the type of regulation, a diode might not operate at all until it's voltage threshold is reached.

The standard LED driver that I've looked into is a constant current source. Since the LED is already a fixed voltage, a constant current will fix the power, brightness, etc. This is not always so simple, as the best way to make a constant current power supply seems to be making a constant voltage power supply, and running the output through a diode. So you could do that.

Perhaps a better way, and certainly one that is utilized more frequently by flashlight makers is to control the brightness by making a power supply capable of outputting the maximum current, then pulsing it (PWM). The "width" of the on/off square wave will determine the brightness. Make sure it's over 65 Hertz, or you'll see it flicker, especially at night. I was considering using a 555 timer (or similar) and fixing it at some arbitrarily high rate, then using that to flip a transistor, thereby flashing the light, but this doesn't work, as the frequency doesn't really matter that much, it's the "duty cycle" or "percentage of the time the square wave is high" that determines the brightness.

Of course this should be pretty easy to do with a microcontroller. You'd need just one pin to control the brightness, by running the signal through a transistor, which switches the power (current) from the LED powersupply (AKA 5V to 3.3V source, or otherwise current limited supply from USB power ) to the LED bank. Then, by switching the ground sinks, you can theoretically control the LED's individually as a matrix, though I don't know if there's enough pins for all that on the chip.

Quote from: PrinsValium;447253
This would do as a built in safety feature to make it impossible to drive more than one LED per column at time even if every row would be connected to ground. One row is at most 14 LEDs, 14 × 25mA is "only" 325mA. The diodes might be able to take short bursts of current higher than their specified continuous current rating.

They usually can. I'd recommend reading the unusually good datasheets that CREE puts out as a general guide. Also, if there's some sort of hesitating on the package, then it'll be better.

Quote from: PrinsValium;447253
This should be clear from the LED datasheet in that case.

Like I said: usually, but I've soon some poor LED datasheets. Some (most) are abysmal.
Quote from: PrinsValium;447253
I think this is probably an unnecessary risk though. That would require more interesting programming involving timer overflow interrupts to ensure no LEDs are burst fed for too long =) The output couldn't be increased by too much though because of the 500mA roof.

Are you suggesting that you set up a "flicker" like what I have suggested, but instead of having each LED be hot, then neutral, you switch power down the line (I like to think of those lights going around in a circle on movie display boards outside the theater.) Hmm, that could work well, though each line would only be hot for 100/(# of columns) %of the time, so you'd probably need much higher current (theoretically (# of columns) more) for each pulse to achieve the equivalent brightness. This should not be an issue for lower brightnesses, though.

Quote from: PrinsValium;447253
I also don't know how much current that can be passed through the Teensy board itself. The ATmega is specified to be able to supply the 40mA/pin. The ground connections on the Teensy board would be subjected to ~400mA though. I don't know how thick those traces are. It would of course be possible to wire the USB ground directly onto the keyboard PCB as well.

Ideally, I'd say you'd not be passing any appreciable current through the TEENSY, just using it to flip a transistor on and off for you. You colud power the LED's completely separately, and not even have to worry about the grounds, unless you want to also control each LED on/off with the teensy, but even then, 400 mA should be enough for that, as USB is only specc'd to 500 mA in the first place. Though maybe this is more a limitation of USB, not the teensy. Does the Teensy draw a max of 100 mA? If so, then this makes sense.

Quote from: PrinsValium;447253
My idea is to interleave the scans of the two matrices. First the LED matrix is scanned. This requires the B-port to be set as outputs. Then the key matrix is scanned, B-port as inputs with pull-up resistors.
During the LED scan the column pins control which LEDs get lit, and during the key scan they control which column to scan. Depending on the key scan frequency needed N LED scans could be done per key scan.

This is all microcontroller stuff, and I have more experience with analog stuff, so I really can't comment here.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now. I hope this made sense to at least someone. As always, I'm not a EE, so take with brick of salt.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Tue, 08 November 2011, 01:16:52
Quote from: dorkvader;447819
LED's are tricky things. [...]
The standard LED driver that I've looked into is a constant current source. Since the LED is already a fixed voltage, a constant current will fix the power, brightness, etc. This is not always so simple, as the best way to make a constant current power supply seems to be making a constant voltage power supply, and running the output through a diode. So you could do that.

I've been reading electronics-for-beginners-books the last couple of weeks, and when they are building a power supply this is the exact way they control the voltage. They use the reverse voltage of a zener diode though as this is more distinct I think.

Quote from: dorkvader;447819
Perhaps a better way, and certainly one that is utilized more frequently by flashlight makers is to control the brightness by making a power supply capable of outputting the maximum current, then pulsing it (PWM).

The ATmega chips have some pins with built in PWM. I've been using this to "dim" the diodes on my symmetric stagger boards. It took some head bashing to the ATmega data sheet (500 pages of EE stuff) but once I got the hang of it I was able to make it work at least.

Quote from: dorkvader;447819

Are you suggesting that you set up a "flicker" like what I have suggested, but instead of having each LED be hot, then neutral, you switch power down the line (I like to think of those lights going around in a circle on movie display boards outside the theater.) Hmm, that could work well, though each line would only be hot for 100/(# of columns) %of the time, so you'd probably need much higher current (theoretically (# of columns) more) for each pulse to achieve the equivalent brightness. This should not be an issue for lower brightnesses, though.

I was thinking of lighting up the rows one at a time. So a duty cycle of ~1/5 would be obtained. Have one pin for each of the columns to control which LEDs to light up. First set these pins to the desired pattern on the first row. Connect first row to ground for 1/5 cycle. Apply the desired pattern for the second row to the column pins. Connect second row to ground for 1/5 cycle, and so on...

I was told at a electronics forum that apparently you don't need to increase the intensity of the diode with the inverse of the duty cycle. Funky eye/brain features lowers this number significantly. Even though the total output of photons is lower, the eye/brain is fooled by the higher maximum intensity. The 7-segment displays I was asking about there are able to take about 3 times the continuous current at a 1/10 duty cycle and in 0.1ms bursts. This should add up to about the same perceived brightness.

I can see how it would probably be quite abysmal to have the firmware hang when driving some LEDs at 3 times their rated continuous current... So some care in the programming would be advisable =D Probably have timer controlled interrupts to ensure that no row is hot for too long. I haven't even started looking into interrupt programming though...

Quote from: dorkvader;447819
Of course this should be pretty easy to do with a microcontroller. You'd need just one pin to control the brightness, by running the signal through a transistor, which switches the power (current) from the LED powersupply (AKA 5V to 3.3V source, or otherwise current limited supply from USB power ) to the LED bank. Then, by switching the ground sinks, you can theoretically control the LED's individually as a matrix, though I don't know if there's enough pins for all that on the chip.

So that is 14 pins for the columns and 5 pins for the rows. Then I don't see any problem reusing the 5 row pins as input pins when reading the key matrix. So after cycling all LED rows, the row pins are set as input, and the column pins are pulled low one at a time the usual way. Now we have to be able to disconnect ground from the row transistors, so add another (beefier) transistor that connects them all to ground (takes one more pin to control).

Quote from: dorkvader;447819

Ideally, I'd say you'd not be passing any appreciable current through the TEENSY, just using it to flip a transistor on and off for you. You colud power the LED's completely separately, and not even have to worry about the grounds, unless you want to also control each LED on/off with the teensy, but even then, 400 mA should be enough for that, as USB is only specc'd to 500 mA in the first place. Though maybe this is more a limitation of USB, not the teensy. Does the Teensy draw a max of 100 mA? If so, then this makes sense.

No, I can hardly think it draws 100mA on it's own. I was only trying to say that 14×25mA would safely be below 500mA. This however still doesn't cut it =P I added an edit to my last post. The maximum total current rating of the ATmega is 200mA so pulling 14×25mA through it is probably a very bad idea. I thought it would be great to avoid the 14 extra transistors for supplying the columns directly from USB power but it is probably advisable to use them anyhow.

Quote from: dorkvader;447819
As always, I'm not a EE, so take with brick of salt.

Whoever said he was? =D
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Tue, 08 November 2011, 02:05:45
I think I might have figured out how f@#¤ing diodes do work... The voltage drop across the PN transition in the diode is a constant independent of the current through it (well actually it is an exponential relation I=ke^V, the diode is the expodweeb¹ (, and you'd have to consult the load line).  If the voltage V across a diode is greater than V_d (it's forward voltage) it can be seen as a voltage source (with zero resistance) of V_d in the reverse direction. So applying V>V_d across it will give rise to an infinite current through the diode, quickly killing it.. Connect a resistor in series with the diode and you have made yourself a voltage divider. The voltage across the resistor V_r is IR and across the diode it still is V_d. V=V_R+V_d=IR+V_d, I=(V-V_d)/R, R is used to control the current to the desired level.

Now, that made so much sense I might just as well call it a day and go back to sleep =D

¹ ( Agarwal 6.002, Lecturing Grand Master.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 10 November 2011, 14:15:24
ran into an issue with the LED, they are theright size, but the base of the LED is too wide for the switch's housing

anyone knows where to get a 3mm LED  that doesnt have that plastic lip at the base?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: braaaiiins on Thu, 10 November 2011, 23:00:52
I hope one of you decides to play with RGB LEDs soon.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 10 November 2011, 23:04:12
Quote from: braaaiiins;449749
I hope one of you decides to play with RGB LEDs soon.
dont those have more than 2 leads?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: braaaiiins on Thu, 10 November 2011, 23:33:42
Quote from: TheProfosist;449751
dont those have more than 2 leads?

Yea, they have 4 total.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 10 November 2011, 23:35:48
Quote from: braaaiiins;449757
Yea, they have 4 total.
To my knowledge you can only fit a led with 2 leads into a cherry switch without modification of the switch casing.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 11 November 2011, 00:50:38
aite, so some exact knife work did the trick, but i only did 5, it takes FOREVER!!

also remind me not to do another PCB during midterms :P there was so much mistake i'm pretty sure i've mastered the art of point-to-point soldering.... anyways, here's the result:

oh, and this is what i'm typing on at the moment.
no mre cutting needed on the case :D )
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 11 November 2011, 00:52:17
Nice so what kinks do we have to work out yet?

Also I think that I am going to do the Phantom build as well because 7bit's layout really peaked my interests (
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 11 November 2011, 01:15:03
so the few kinks I've fixed by cutting with xacto and point-point solder, I've also revised the PCB file as I correct each mistake.
There's also how the Teensy is mounted... I'm not too happy with it, I had to saw off half a mini usb connector and solder a tiny wire to each individual line then wire to the PCB... so it looks like this: it was darn difficult, anyone knows a better way?
notice gap next to the space bar swithc, I've moved the teensy on the revised layout over a bit more to allow that stupid little stub of a miniusb more room

i got so it should be 99% now (yea I've only been typing on this for about 30min so I may have still missed something.)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 11 November 2011, 01:22:04
Ialso I assume by the first pic that the LEDs are working what method did you use to achieve this and stay below the max output by a single usb port?

also is this the most recent pcb (
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 11 November 2011, 01:25:43
i a cutting the current by 50% of max, i've found a chart somewhere showing that lowering the current does not lower birghtness in a linear fashion, so it's still plenty bright at 5mA. running them all parallel should use about 300mA, I read somewhere tha tmost keyboard only draws a max of 250mA, so I'm hoping that teensy would be on the lower end of that, and fit the ~500mA
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 11 November 2011, 01:35:15
Alright, everything sounds good and together. Could post a up to date files and material needed? And if you have any recommended places please share them.

I plan to get stuff like the switches and the stabilizers from the groupbuy for the Phantom. I wonder if SP could do doubleshot keys that would work with backlighting, the cost might be killer though. As for the case, you used a poker case, what do you think the best option for that is?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 11 November 2011, 02:19:25
I heard WASD is going to be stocking the stabilizers at the end of this year, I kinda want to pick up some and switch out the current one.

I'm going to double check the file again and get it posted sometimes this weekend. If someone is savey with solidworks or CAD stuff, feel free to make a plate for us... I'm terrible at autocad, the last model I made was made in meters instead of millimeters :P
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 11 November 2011, 02:25:58
Quote from: TheProfosist;449790
Also I think that I am going to do the Phantom build as well because 7bit's layout really peaked my interests (

yea I was looking at that project too, I'm considering getting one to replace my GF's ducky... but she's being really resistant about me spending more $$$ on keyboards and wants to stick to her ducky browns
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 11 November 2011, 02:36:14
Quote from: ishtob;449825
yea I was looking at that project too, I'm considering getting one to replace my GF's ducky... but she's being really resistant about me spending more $$$ on keyboards and wants to stick to her ducky browns
I really liked 7bits layout and had to take a crack at making a layout for it and I actually think the layout is better than the DOX one that I made.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 11 November 2011, 02:47:52
erm... so odd thing, i never noticed that the teensy LED lights every time something is pressed, and since it is now the top side, you can see  it flash as you type....  its pretty cool actually
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Fri, 11 November 2011, 04:18:21
Quote from: ishtob;449434
ran into an issue with the LED, they are theright size, but the base of the LED is too wide for the switch's housing

anyone knows where to get a 3mm LED  that doesnt have that plastic lip at the base?

Depending on how brittle the plastic is, use either a very sharp chisel (or knife) or just sand it off...
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 11 November 2011, 10:32:31
i used exacto knife to draw a line then use a plier to crack the section off
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 12 November 2011, 23:27:00
Is it possibly to lock a function layer with the teensy (like toggling on and off)?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Sun, 13 November 2011, 08:50:44
It's just a program, of course it's possible. The question is how easy is it to get that particular firmware modified for that behavior.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 13 November 2011, 14:04:19
Quote from: alaricljs;451105
It's just a program, of course it's possible. The question is how easy is it to get that particular firmware modified for that behavior.
Alright, well I will have to see once the firmware for the Phantom is made available then.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 14 November 2011, 09:57:58
Quote from: TheProfosist;447027
o nice, didnt look at it that way. Any ideas on the power consumption  of the LEDs? now were going to need ourselves some double shot backlight compatible keycaps.

going to try to make the LED into series of 2's to split the current.. we won't be able to drive any LED that requires more than 2.5V but it will significantly cut down the current usage for all the LED within the voltage range (msot are around 2.1-2.2V)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 14 November 2011, 16:02:36
Quote from: ishtob;451810
going to try to make the LED into series of 2's to split the current.. we won't be able to drive any LED that requires more than 2.5V but it will significantly cut down the current usage for all the LED within the voltage range (msot are around 2.1-2.2V)
have you found any LEDs that meet those specifications?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 14 November 2011, 16:13:39
no.. the 3mm fits, but have to be filed/trimmed before it would sit flush against the switch housing
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 14 November 2011, 16:14:28
oh u mean the spec of what I'm making? yes, the orange LED i use are 2.2V, and i've been running thme at 6mA with reasonable (non-blinding, but bright enough to shine through) brightness
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 14 November 2011, 16:25:19
I though white would look cool though orange would definitely be interesting.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 14 November 2011, 19:28:53
white would be cool, we just need to find ones that uses less than 2.5V and it will work wiht the new layout, oh here it is in the attachments

i worked out the issues with the prototype I bought, this one should be better, not saying its goin got be 100% mistakes free, since I learn from trial and error :P
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 15 November 2011, 12:00:17
I am rather curious, what was wrong with having the LED's facing the other direction? Personally I would think if you have front printed keycaps then having the LED to the front could show through nicely, while if you have normal printed keycaps then having the LED to the back could be quite nice. I am only saying printed keycaps because I can not that the LED light would show through printed/engraved/lasered keycaps unless they were actually already semi-transparent themselves or had "windows" as some keycaps do like the leopold capslock for example.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 15 November 2011, 14:13:03
I tried both orientations before I decided this way, I have a set of the old filch set as you can tell from what I've posted, the white plastic used let's some light through(though only visible in a dark room) while the grey doesn't, it doesn't get captured well on camera :(
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 16 November 2011, 01:20:45
getting back light keys for this is going to be pretty hard I might just skip that and get clears caps pertaining that they are labeled. Have we looked into a plate or case  for this pcb?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 16 November 2011, 11:56:22
the PCB works with the poker case, that's what I've been using... I'm still looking into having a plate fabricated to also fit in the poker
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 16 November 2011, 18:39:39
Has there been much interest in attempting to achieve NKRO via PS/2? I know for most people that isn't a deal breaker, but it has come in handy more times than not and I really don't want to go back to those dark ages without it.

I am currently looking over the PCB for changing the layout slightly to use the original sized right shift key, although I do not know the exact position for the mount. It seems like every version of the PCB I have seen on here needed modification in some way, almost every time it seems like extra wires were necessary as opposed to completely PCB based connections. Is there any documentation on the PCB to teensy connections?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 16 November 2011, 18:53:41
Quote from: ripster;453596
I herd NKRO gaming on the Model F AT is making a comeback in some Hipster circles.

But other than that........................
I had a temp job a while back doing books to braille and for the software we were using it was actually essential to have nkro to type out the characters. I am sure there are more efficient methods out there but you try convincing a boss who is many levels above you to change their business ways.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Wed, 16 November 2011, 19:08:24
NKRO over USB is possible with the teensy. I'ts already available in hasu's code too!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 16 November 2011, 19:17:47
But is that NKRO only when in Windows like the Noppoo Choc Mini? Because I run Debian Gnu/Linux as my primary operating system,
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 16 November 2011, 19:19:47
I get 6KRO on mac, im not sure about other platforms since mac is all I have at the moment
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: N8N on Wed, 16 November 2011, 19:21:16
I dunno how the Choc Mini works, but the Choc Pro works just fine under Ubuntu.  The only weirdness is the Caps Lock LED which we've discussed before and actually appears to be a Linux issue rather than an issue with the keyboard; it would seem that the coders didn't allow for the possibility that more than one keyboard would be plugged in simultanously (I have a similar issue with any keyboard plugged into a laptop) It still will register more keys simultaneously than I have fingers :)

I'm happily typing this on a Choc Pro right now and just ignoring the damn LED.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Wed, 16 November 2011, 19:32:16
Quote from: ishtob;453629
I get 6KRO on mac, im not sure about other platforms since mac is all I have at the moment
You need to activate the NKRO feature in the code. I think it have been tested with Windows and Ubuntu, not sure about other distros and mac.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Wed, 16 November 2011, 19:46:32
where can I find the Teensy sample code to enable NKRO over USB feature?  Thanks.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Wed, 16 November 2011, 19:50:50
Quote from: litster;453661
where can I find the Teensy sample code to enable NKRO over USB feature?  Thanks.
You,can look into Hasu's GitHub repertory. (

But tere is no sample code. I think that the big part of it is how you configure the USB reports.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 16 November 2011, 20:53:04
yea I just thought now that a normal right shift might be better the I can order and actually use the feature. yes I know that I am going to have to change my layout a bit but I think that the normal caps might trump that. (right now im thinking of right alt for the right FN key)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 16 November 2011, 20:58:18
Quote from: TheProfosist;453688
yea I just thought now that a normal right shift might be better the I can order and actually use the feature. yes I know that I am going to have to change my layout a bit but I think that the normal caps might trump that. (right now im thinking of right alt for the right FN key)
My idea if you remember was replace the Menu key with the Fn key, and that actually works out very comfortably with pl;' for arrow keys. ( Try it out by placing your pinky on the menu key and reaching to the Fn layer I laid out. (I use thumb plus any finger for reaching top row comfortably)

Although for those that want options perhaps we could influence someone like WASD to get one of the short right shift keys and add it so his mold collection? I would think there wouldn't be any foul for him to make a mold of one of those and distribute keys for buyers like us. That way we could have fully customized keycaps for our new keyboard.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 16 November 2011, 21:27:02
have just tried both Menu and Right Alt. Both are uncomfortable but Menu more so than right alt both are not optimal. I vote for a layer that locking right shift into being Fn with a layer as personally I dont use the key though it shouldnt be too hard to edit this to be any key you want on the right side thats why it will be it own layer. Also left Win would be the Fn layer as Left Ctrl is also uncomfortable. Standard the keyboard will have a standard layout but there will be a toggleable layer for a HHKB layout. Also the keyboard will have a standard backspace for compatibility of key caps and because my original design was designed to have a high adoption rate with new users. I will make the layout soon, right now I am working on updating my Phantom layout.

ishtob would you be willing to change up the pcb when you have time?

Also where can I source stabilizers? Because were having trouble with that in the Phantom groupbuy. I remember mention of diodes in the beginning, I understand what they are used for but where are they put?

As for the plate we still need one of those as well as some sort of backplate for those people who dont want to cannibalize a poker.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 16 November 2011, 21:31:36
Quote from: TheProfosist;453700
have just tried both Menu and Right Alt. Both are uncomfortable but Menu more so than right alt both are not optimal. I vote for a layer that locking right shift into being Fn with a layer as personally I dont use the key though it shouldnt be too hard to edit this to be any key you want on the right side thats why it will be it own layer. Also left Win would be the Fn layer as Left Ctrl is also uncomfortable. Standard the keyboard will have a standard layout but there will be a toggleable layer for a HHKB layout. Also the keyboard will have a standard backspace for compatibility of key caps and because my original design was designed to have a high adoption rate with new users. I will make the layout soon, right now I am working on updating my Phantom layout.

ishtob would you be willing to change up the pcb when you have time?

Also where can I source stabilizers? Because were having trouble with that in the Phantom groupbuy. I remember mention of diodes in the beginning, I understand what they are used for but where are they put?

As for the plate we still need one of those as well as some sort of backplate for those people who dont want to cannibalize a poker.
I am pretty sure WASD said he would be receiving stabilizers very soon (costar and cherry I believe) In the mean time I think mouser has the Cherry ones if I am not mistaken.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 16 November 2011, 21:51:11
Quote from: TheProfosist;453688
yea I just thought now that a normal right shift might be better the I can order and actually use the feature. yes I know that I am going to have to change my layout a bit but I think that the normal caps might trump that. (right now im thinking of right alt for the right FN key)

I can change the layout for you if that i what you want
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 16 November 2011, 21:59:30
Quote from: ishtob;453714
I can change the layout for you if that i what you want
Thanks alot!, now we need to get the other stuff buttoned down. Once i know everything can be made or bought ill bite and buy everything.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 16 November 2011, 23:04:03
Do you have any plans to develop a version to use the Chameleon or Aikon controllers?

I would love a PCB layout to the keylayout I posted just a few posts ago if that wouldn't be any trouble. It does not need to allow for LED's so the switches can be either direction without the LED lead holes. Thank you very much in advance for any help or advice. It might be important to note that I plan on using costar stabalizers and I don't know if your original has the sizing for that or the Cherry stabalizers on the PCB

I wonder how possible it would be to place the controller as close to the middle on the top row as possible so that the keyboard could have a detatchable mini-usb angled adapter as mentioned earlier in the forum. I would be happy to investigate into this once I figure out how the rows/columns relate to the pins on the Teensy.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 16 November 2011, 23:45:15
Quote from: bloodygood;453737
Do you have any plans to develop a version to use the Chameleon or Aikon controllers?

I would love a PCB layout to the keylayout I posted just a few posts ago if that wouldn't be any trouble. It does not need to allow for LED's so the switches can be either direction without the LED lead holes. Thank you very much in advance for any help or advice. It might be important to note that I plan on using costar stabalizers and I don't know if your original has the sizing for that or the Cherry stabalizers on the PCB

I wonder how possible it would be to place the controller as close to the middle on the top row as possible so that the keyboard could have a detatchable mini-usb angled adapter as mentioned earlier in the forum. I would be happy to investigate into this once I figure out how the rows/columns relate to the pins on the Teensy.
I would say probably not to the other controllers as the availability of the Teensy is much higher than any of the others. Also the teensy is what this project started out using and everything that we have worked on was designed with it in mind. Also where are you planning on getting costar stabilizers? As I was planning on using Cherry because their readily available. I believe the mini usb posrt does go out the back though ishtob might have had some trouble with that.

Also ishtob could we get some more pictures of home your current one turned out I know you did show a few before but I think the were only about problem areas. Also could you go over the concerns that you have again to see if we can drum up some ideas? Also where you put your teensy would we need some sort of cutout so the button is still accessible with a plate on top?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 00:11:41
Quote from: TheProfosist;453750
I would say probably not to the other controllers as the availability of the Teensy is much higher than any of the others. Also the teensy is what this project started out using and everything that we have worked on was designed with it in mind. Also where are you planning on getting costar stabilizers? As I was planning on using Cherry because their readily available. I believe the mini usb posrt does go out the back though ishtob might have had some trouble with that.

Also ishtob could we get some more pictures of home your current one turned out I know you did show a few before but I think the were only about problem areas. Also could you go over the concerns that you have again to see if we can drum up some ideas? Also where you put your teensy would we need some sort of cutout so the button is still accessible with a plate on top?
As I said in a previous post I heard WASD say he would be getting them in at some point in the near future. I believe WASD keyboards use costar, he just wasn't originally selling them as separates because he wasn't stockpiling them as we would need for a groupbuy. My main gripe with cherry stabilizers is that they do not feel as natural or comfortable as costar ones. I don't want to make something I don't absolutely love 100%.

And yes I do know the project wasn't originally meant for the other controllers but it wouldn't hurt to ask, maybe there was some curiosity towards it but the idea was still in prototype you know?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 00:42:33
what does the costar stab's look like? I've only got a working template for the cherry PCB mounted stabs (I'm actually typing on it right now) if you can find me a schematic or something from costar's manufacturer I may be able to get something made.... though I would have no way to test it.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 01:15:38

here's the layout you guys want, I have not checked this out live yet, I have a version of this latest revision (but with the short shfit +FN) in the mail, it should be here tomorrow, but spare switches aren'y coming for a week, so I won't be able to troubleshoot and look for errors until sometimes next week.

one more thing, you will see "##" over a few resisters, those will need to be different from the rest, as they are not connected to a serie of 2 LED but rather regulates 1 single LED, you will need a resister of a different value or you will burn out those LED
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 01:21:30
Quote from: ishtob;453771
what does the costar stab's look like? I've only got a working template for the cherry PCB mounted stabs (I'm actually typing on it right now) if you can find me a schematic or something from costar's manufacturer I may be able to get something made.... though I would have no way to test it.
As far as what they look like the only examples I have (at the moment) are from the wiki which have nice resolution pictures. Each one should line up perfectly under the stems as long as the keys are compatible with Filco's/WASD. I am trying to find the schematic data and I will update this post if I find it, but for tonight (it is late) I am heading to bed.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 01:25:56
ok, so it looks like something we need to do on the plate, not the PCB
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 01:36:22
oh, and those who wants to use this PCB, know that you will need to but and solder a miniusb to fit right next to the space bar switch stabilizer so taht the teensy's usb port will be connect to the one in the back, you will also need this ( for mounting the USB to the back of the board

Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 01:39:16
Quote from: bloodygood;453592
Has there been much interest in attempting to achieve NKRO via PS/2? I know for most people that isn't a deal breaker, but it has come in handy more times than not and I really don't want to go back to those dark ages without it.

I am currently looking over the PCB for changing the layout slightly to use the original sized right shift key, although I do not know the exact position for the mount. It seems like every version of the PCB I have seen on here needed modification in some way, almost every time it seems like extra wires were necessary as opposed to completely PCB based connections. Is there any documentation on the PCB to teensy connections?

the wires I've used are to fix mistakes I've made in designing the traces. MY idea was to have the only wire you would need are to hook up the USB of the teensy to the pcb mounted USB port as seen below:

unless someone knows of a way to use the ports on the teensy to accomplish this, I dont see anyway to avoid having some wires
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 01:51:36
Quote from: ishtob;453809
oh, and those who wants to use this PCB, know that you will need to but and solder a miniusb to fit right next to the space bar switch stabilizer so taht the teensy's usb port will be connect to the one in the back, you will also need this ( for mounting the USB to the back of the board

(Attachment) 32274[/ATTACH]
The Teensy is soldered to the underside of the PCB right? This picture is just confusing me a bit I guess( I just do not see how you would gain access to the Teensy button under neath a metal plate if it is mounted to the top side of the PCB, and couldn't that cause problems to the key travel for the spacebar or risk a short under the metal plate?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 01:54:00
Quote from: bloodygood;453825
The Teensy is soldered to the underside of the PCB right? This picture is just confusing me a bit I guess
Show Image
I just do not see how you would gain access to the Teensy button under neath a metal plate if it is mounted to the top side of the PCB, and couldn't that cause problems to the key travel for the spacebar or risk a short under the metal plate?

I am currently without a plate, everything is just PCB mounted... haven't had time to learn to work CAD to get a plate drawn up, but if I were to draw a plate, this section would not have a plate over, and hte button can be accessed by removing the space bar keycap
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Thu, 17 November 2011, 01:58:44
Quote from: ishtob;453827
I am currently without a plate, everything is just PCB mounted... haven't had time to learn to work CAD to get a plate drawn up, but if I were to draw a plate, this section would not have a plate over, and hte button can be accessed by removing the space bar keycap

Could you wire the switch off-board so you can access the switch without removing the spacebar?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 01:59:16
Quote from: ishtob;453827
I am currently without a plate, everything is just PCB mounted... haven't had time to learn to work CAD to get a plate drawn up, but if I were to draw a plate, this section would not have a plate over, and hte button can be accessed by removing the space bar keycap
I think it would be possible to move the Teensy to the underside and still have a USB mount port to the top of the PCB. Give me some time and I will go over the layout in my head tomorrow and see what I can come up with. Working with multiple layers really does take a lot of getting used to visually. Since I wasn't originally planning on working with the LED leads though I am not sure I am qualified to adjust for that.
Quote from: litster;453831
Could you wire the switch off-board so you can access the switch without removing the spacebar?
I could see that being possible, but it would take modifying the Teensy and that is such tiny hardware that I wouldn't personally want to make that adjustment.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:00:17
so the plate would look kind of like this:
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:04:58
Quote from: ishtob;453833
so the plate would look kind of like this:
Although that is assuming the Costar stabilizer would still be balanced and hold properly given the gap right next to it. Like I said, I will think it over tonight and work on moving the Teensy to the underside of the PCB in the morning. I think it is a much better idea to just open up the case and press the button on the underside, then trying to deal with desoldering or having a metal plate with gaps. Also ensures that both types of stabilizers would be unaffected by the Teensy's shape
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:05:23
Quote from: bloodygood;453832
I could see that being possible, but it would take modifying the Teensy and that is such tiny hardware that I wouldn't personally want to make that adjustment.

I suppose you don't have to remove that existing switch from the teensy PCB, just wire in a separate switch that you can reach easily.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:09:40
Quote from: litster;453836
I suppose you don't have to remove that existing switch from the teensy PCB, just wire in a separate switch that you can reach easily.
I suppose it is a good time for me to ask this, what all does the Teensy button do anyway? Is it something we will need to press more than once per day, week, month, year? If we only need it for the initial updating of the code I really doubt we need to access the button again and therefore leaving it hidden prevents accidental erases perhaps?
The teensy is very teensy.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:12:07
or we just re do some of the PCB traces and a dd a hole, and flip the teensy around then drill a hole in the bottom of the case, you would be  able to access the button with a pen or similar objects
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:13:04
Quote from: bloodygood;453838
I suppose it is a good time for me to ask this, what all does the Teensy button do anyway? Is it something we will need to press more than once per day, week, month, year? If we only need it for the initial updating of the code I really doubt we need to access the button again and therefore leaving it hidden prevents accidental erases perhaps?
Show Image

The teensy is very teensy.

I use it less and less, the first week after i finished the board, I did it every day to tweak my function layers as I saw fit, but not so much anymore
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:16:38
Quote from: ishtob;453796
here's the layout you guys want, I have not checked this out live yet, I have a version of this latest revision (but with the short shfit +FN) in the mail, it should be here tomorrow, but spare switches aren'y coming for a week, so I won't be able to troubleshoot and look for errors until sometimes next week.

one more thing, you will see "##" over a few resisters, those will need to be different from the rest, as they are not connected to a serie of 2 LED but rather regulates 1 single LED, you will need a resister of a different value or you will burn out those LED
what are the specs of the 2 different resistors that we would need also have you been able to track down and white leds that fall into the specification that we need to work with the DOX?

Quote from: ishtob;453804
ok, so it looks like something we need to do on the plate, not the PCB
yes its something with the plate and I think the holes are the same size the only difference would be the spacing for the spacebar which should be easy to include both.

Quote from: ishtob;453815
the wires I've used are to fix mistakes I've made in designing the traces. MY idea was to have the only wire you would need are to hook up the USB of the teensy to the pcb mounted USB port as seen below:
Show Image

unless someone knows of a way to use the ports on the teensy to accomplish this, I dont see anyway to avoid having some wires
couldnt you desolder the usb port on the teensy and wire directly to it would that be easier?

Quote from: litster;453836
I suppose you don't have to remove that existing switch from the teensy PCB, just wire in a separate switch that you can reach easily.
is removing the spacebar that big of deal to get at the switch?

Quote from: bloodygood;453838
I suppose it is a good time for me to ask this, what all does the Teensy button do anyway? Is it something we will need to press more than once per day, week, month, year? If we only need it for the initial updating of the code I really doubt we need to access the button again and therefore leaving it hidden prevents accidental erases perhaps?
Show Image

The teensy is very teensy.
you only really use it until you find the layout that you like which for me has already been determined and tested
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:18:32
Quote from: ishtob;453841
I use it less and less, the first week after i finished the board, I did it every day to tweak my function layers as I saw fit, but not so much anymore
That is pretty much what I was thinking, it is something that probably shouldn't be accessible at all times since it is only really necessary at first, and maybe later down the road for very rare tweaks. Spending the first week or so with the keyboard not screwed together but still assembled allows easy access to change it at will, then once you are happy with the setup you can screw it together and the next time you need to really make a change, just unscrew it and press the button.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:22:59
Quote from: TheProfosist;453844
couldnt you desolder the usb port on the teensy and wire directly to it would that be easier?

is removing the spacebar that big of deal to get at the switch?
For the sake of everyone who plans on making this mod, doing as little modifying to components really would be favorable because it would make it more accessible to the public and those who are just getting started.
1. solder teensy
2. solder mx switches
3. solder usb hub
I know that isn't necessarily the actual order of course, but that isn't my point. Promoting simplicity boosts confidence. Makes the project truly user friendly and intrigues more members to try it.

No removing the spacebar is not that big of a deal, but it also looks cleaner when switching out keycaps later, or not worrying about bottoming out and hitting the micro controller. And the idea of not placing something there you won't be using all the time.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:29:05
Quote from: TheProfosist;453844
what are the specs of the 2 different resistors that we would need also have you been able to track down and white leds that fall into the specification that we need to work with the DOX?

No, all the white I've came by are using 2.9-3.4V, if you can find anything =<2.5V it would work, but we'll need to calculate new vales for those resisters (prob 1ohm)
as for the current layout, baed on the 2.2V LED's im using, it should be 100ohm for the seried LED and 470 for the lone LED, this would provide 6mA of power to every LED, which you've seen in my pics

Quote from: TheProfosist;453844

couldnt you desolder the usb port on the teensy and wire directly to it would that be easier?

Yes, that would work, but is it easier?
First of all: I hate desoldering :P
secondly, those pads are tiny, and with the soldering I have I don't think I would be able to accurately solder wires to thsoe pads even after I remove the

Quote from: TheProfosist;453844

is removing the spacebar that big of deal to get at the switch?
you only really use it until you find the layout that you like which for me has already been determined and tested

I believe you just answered your own question
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:33:15
Quote from: bloodygood;453848
For the sake of everyone who plans on making this mod, doing as little modifying to components really would be favorable because it would make it more accessible to the public and those who are just getting started.
1. solder teensy
2. solder mx switches
3. solder usb hub
I know that isn't necessarily the actual order of course, but that isn't my point. Promoting simplicity boosts confidence. Makes the project truly user friendly and intrigues more members to try it.

No removing the spacebar is not that big of a deal, but it also looks cleaner when switching out keycaps later, or not worrying about bottoming out and hitting the micro controller. And the idea of not placing something there you won't be using all the time.

I tested and retested before ordering the board as I have a metal space bar (which mean contact of any short = bad) I've already assembled the board, using it for the past week and half and i yet to have any issues with shorting out.
I planned it to sit at the same height as the plate (if there will be any) and the USB section would be under the switch.

There is going to be an issue for those who are going to be using the filco/leo hybrid space bar, as the USB will be directly under the leo-MX switch thingy.

edit: Oh, and I bottom out all the time... especially when i'm mad :P
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:39:21
Quote from: bloodygood;453848
For the sake of everyone who plans on making this mod, doing as little modifying to components really would be favorable because it would make it more accessible to the public and those who are just getting started.
1. solder teensy
2. solder mx switches
3. solder usb hub
I know that isn't necessarily the actual order of course, but that isn't my point. Promoting simplicity boosts confidence. Makes the project truly user friendly and intrigues more members to try it.

No removing the spacebar is not that big of a deal, but it also looks cleaner when switching out keycaps later, or not worrying about bottoming out and hitting the micro controller. And the idea of not placing something there you won't be using all the time.
steps for my build: (in order)
1. solder diodes (and resisters if your using LED)
2. Solder wires to a cut mini usb's back end
3. solder other end of those wire to PCB
4. plug in and solder teensy
5. solder USB
6. solder MX switches
optional: add LED

that's basically it, takes about 2 hours to solder (most of it spent on the diodes and resisters)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:47:28
Quote from: ishtob;453851
No, all the white I've came by are using 2.9-3.4V, if you can find anything =<2.5V it would work, but we'll need to calculate new vales for those resisters (prob 1ohm)
as for the current layout, baed on the 2.2V LED's im using, it should be 100ohm for the seried LED and 470 for the lone LED, this would provide 6mA of power to every LED, which you've seen in my pics

Yes, that would work, but is it easier?
First of all: I hate desoldering :P
secondly, those pads are tiny, and with the soldering I have I don't think I would be able to accurately solder wires to thsoe pads even after I remove the

I believe you just answered your own question
yea your plan for the teensy usb seems fine

no that question was to lister.

Quote from: ishtob;453852
I tested and retested before ordering the board as I have a metal space bar (which mean contact of any short = bad) I've already assembled the board, using it for the past week and half and i yet to have any issues with shorting out.
I planned it to sit at the same height as the plate (if there will be any) and the USB section would be under the switch.

There is going to be an issue for those who are going to be using the filco/leo hybrid space bar, as the USB will be directly under the leo-MX switch thingy.

edit: Oh, and I bottom out all the time... especially when i'm mad :P
what if I were to get cherry stabilizers which would take a leopold spacebar would that work?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:51:04
no, the filco sized stabilizers gives just enough room for a cut-usb and teensy to fit with the teensy board to just touch the space bar switch (in the groove where the plate should be if i had one)

leo stabs would not leave enough room for the usb, it would still be possible for you to do the desolder usb head trick, but I would also need to move the hole where the wires from the usb goes.... since it will be directly under the stab.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 02:56:28
Quote from: ishtob;453856
no, the filco sized stabilizers gives just enough room for a cut-usb and teensy to fit with the teensy board to just touch the space bar switch (in the groove where the plate should be if i had one)

leo stabs would not leave enough room for the usb, it would still be possible for you to do the desolder usb head trick, but I would also need to move the hole where the wires from the usb goes.... since it will be directly under the stab.
the reason why I brought this up is we currenly dont have source for costar/filco stabilizer. WASD might be stocking them but I dont want to count on it as it not a definite thing

also I plan to pick up these for my dox since standard keys will now fit red (at least I think thats whats in the pic) look rather nice. did you happen to see any of those that are withing the specifications we need. Also any recommended places to look for leds?

when do you plan on ordering your switches and what kind? I might be in for some for the dox since the Phantom buy is going to take a while.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 03:01:31
I've been ordering them from onlinecomponents:
plate mount (

PCB mount (

These dont come with the metal bar so I've been making my own from a 1/16inch stainless steel rod
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 03:06:48
Red LED will work, they operate at 2.1-2.5V which is very similar to the 2.2-2.7 of the orange
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 03:18:31
WASD already does sell the stabilizer bars And the plan he said was to get them in this December/January. Remember he already uses costar for his keyboards so he definitely has access to them he just hasn't made them available for purchase separately yet.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 03:20:43
Quote from: ishtob;453859
I've been ordering them from onlinecomponents:
plate mount (

PCB mount (

These dont come with the metal bar so I've been making my own from a 1/16inch stainless steel rod
those look like Cherry/Leopold to me but if you cutting your own wire it would matter. You can get the wire for the Costar/Filco ones from WASD but i dont think those would work with cherry (though i have never tried).

Quote from: ishtob;453860
Red LED will work, they operate at 2.1-2.5V which is very similar to the 2.2-2.7 of the orange
alright, otherwise you can look ast mouser idk what they have to offer but i know the have switches and stabilizers as well.

Quote from: bloodygood;453866
WASD already does sell the stabilizer bars And the plan he said was to get them in this December/January. Remember he already uses costar for his keyboards so he definitely has access to them he just hasn't made them available for purchase separately yet.
ill go post in his subforum and find out for sure.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 03:29:29
Quote from: TheProfosist;453868
ill go post in his subforum and find out for sure.
This was the thread I am referring to
In fact you posted in that very thread, so instead of starting a new one perhaps give it a bump and a request for an update on the ETA.

And now I am heading to bed, have to wake up my girlfriend in 3 and a half hours.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 03:42:03
Quote from: bloodygood;453871
This was the thread I am referring to
In fact you posted in that very thread, so instead of starting a new one perhaps give it a bump and a request for an update on the ETA.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 04:34:07
Finalized my layout:

Default Layer

Layer 1

Layer 2

Layer 3

Fn 2 toggles layer 2 and Fn 3 toggles layer 3.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 08:34:47
no offense, but part of your layout doesnt make sense, you have 1 FN key to trigger layer 1, how do you expect to trigger layer 2 or 3? press 2 keys down at the same time? it seems inconvenient and cluncky, and more importantly I'm not sure if the firmware supports that, the FN layers might conflict since soon as you press FN2 or 3 layer 1 stops, and that stops the FN1 on layer 1, which would then stop FN2 or 3, leaving those 2 layer still unusable
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 08:45:46
Quote from: ishtob;453940
no offense, but part of your layout doesnt make sense, you have 1 FN key to trigger layer 1, how do you expect to trigger layer 2 or 3? press 2 keys down at the same time? it seems inconvenient and cluncky, and more importantly I'm not sure if the firmware supports that, the FN layers might conflict since soon as you press FN2 or 3 layer 1 stops, and that stops the FN1 on layer 1, which would then stop FN2 or 3, leaving those 2 layer still unusable
Well I created the layer for just the Fn layer 2 which really isnt needed as it just creates a second Fn key i would always be using this so no need and I shall eliminate it. Then all it would be is you hold Fn and you have access to layer 1. I also have it set that if you hold Fn and hit Fn 3 it toggles layer 3 on or off. This would hopefully still allow you to hold Fn and have access to layer one. I hope this would be available. If not I wont be too heartbroken for the DOX it will throw my Phantom design into a bind though.

They started talking about programming NKRO for the Phantom, it may help with the firmware for the DOX.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 08:54:12
last I checked DOX had 6KRO over USB, and I dont think the current firmware supports toggling of layers, they only stay on as long as you have the FN key held

Don't get me wrong, I would love to be able to toggle between layers, I just dont have the proficiency in C to modify or add to the main body of the firmware.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 08:57:06
I will take a look athe codes for the phantom and see what I can do though
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 09:02:25
either way I'm almost done putting together your firmware from modifying hasu and dox's keymaps
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 09:06:54
Quote from: ishtob;453952
either way I'm almost done putting together your firmware from modifying hasu and dox's keymaps
thanks much you just doing layer one then right? by default just make right shift Fn cause I dont use it for shift anyway.

Hmm there is probably a way to do toggling layers we would need someone who is versed in C and would be better if the worked with a teensy before
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 09:16:30
sure thing, we can do that until we get get the FN layer toggle figured out, its not like you cant re-flash the teensy as you see if anyways
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 09:20:12
ahh shoot, I forgot to bring my keycap puller with me, I'll have to wait to test out your firmware after I get home, later this evening.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 09:22:07
Quote from: ishtob;453959
sure thing, we can do that until we get get the FN layer toggle figured out, its not like you cant re-flash the teensy as you see if anyways
Yes hopefully once the base firmware for Phantom is worked on more Ill see if a toggleable layer is possible or if that function can be worked in.

Quote from: ishtob;453965
ahh shoot, I forgot to bring my keycap puller with me, I'll have to wait to test out your firmware after I get home, later this evening.
No problem its not like im completely in a hurry we still have a few things that need to be figured out before I plan on ordering.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 09:52:38
Or you could go with the original idea I came up with for the Fn layer.
( (more pictures, not mine, from another member who purchased the keyswitch)
It costs about 11.32 each, plate mounted. But I only purchased one for my left Fn key as the right one will be used as a hold down temporary Fn switch, the left one can be toggled to stay on until pressed again. To me, definitely worth it. Also thinking about getting another one for one of my left shift key as I use the right one far more often. I prefer having shift lock instead of caps lock because shift + keys does more than caps lock + keys.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:03:00
Thosee would be perfect for the phantom I had 2 keys doing nothing now with those I could toggle layer though I  doubt you could toggle 2 at the same time.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:18:41
woa.. where would we get a hold of that switch?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:20:46
Quote from: ishtob;454009
woa.. where would we get a hold of that switch?
Sorry about that, it was on the first page of the thread I linked to, I forgot to actually link it here also This is it, as I said I have purchased it from here with no problem
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:26:58
might put 4 on my Phantom shift locks and layer toggles. does online components have better prices on other items than mouser?

also ishtop your going to put another DOX together right? mind doing a step by step of just a instructions on the basics of putting it together.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:30:28
sure thing, it will be next week though, i ran out of diodes and switches
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:32:43
Quote from: ishtob;454025
sure thing, it will be next week though, i ran out of diodes and switches
Great its cool. whats switches you getting and where are you buying from?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:35:59
Well this is a link to their full stock of Cherry MX keyswitches
(Plate Mounted) - Clear switches
1-24 :   $0.92
25-99 :   $0.85 - Blue switches
1-24 :   $0.92
25-99 :   $0.85 - Black switches
1-9 :   $0.94
10-24 :   $0.89
25-49 :   $0.84
50-99 :   $0.70 - Toggle switch
1-49 :   $11.32
If you want red switches you would need to order either black+blue switches in the amount you want. or try to find either the stem or spring elsewhere, sorry. Also they do not sell brown switches. If you want ergo clears it also means buying Clear+blue switches, or buying the springs elsewhere.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:38:08
Quote from: bloodygood;454034
Well this is a link to their full stock of Cherry MX keyswitches
(Plate Mounted) - Clear switches
1-24 :   $0.92
25-99 :   $0.85 - Blue switches
1-24 :   $0.92
25-99 :   $0.85 - Black switches
1-9 :   $0.94
10-24 :   $0.89
25-49 :   $0.84
50-99 :   $0.70
If you want red switches you would need to order either black+blue switches in the amount you want. or try to find either the stem or spring elsewhere, sorry. Also they do not sell brown switches.
I do like clears but I think i may prefer brown for prolonged typing and general usage. Clears definitely have their on typing style. Maybe I should go Ergo-Clear? Would that be Blue+Clear?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:40:41
I bought cherry browns, and I got alot of clear stems that i'm going to be swapping it. if you look back on all the pics I've posted, they were all ergo clears :) i love them
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:41:25
oh wait.. they are blues
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:42:35
Quote from: TheProfosist;454037
I do like clears but I think i may prefer brown for prolonged typing and general usage. Clears definitely have their on typing style. Maybe I should go Ergo-Clear? Would that be Blue+Clear?
Updated my post for ideas for Ergo clears, but again the price isn't perfect. It would end up costing about 90$ to get double the amount of switches for our boards for Red or Ergo Clear. Just to order a set of blue, black, or clear by themselves though is about 50$ Slightly less for blacks of course because of the extra price break.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:43:28
Quote from: ishtob;454039
I bought cherry browns, and I got alot of clear stems that i'm going to be swapping it. if you look back on all the pics I've posted, they were all ergo clears :) i love them
Goin ergo clears then. I already like Clears but their definitely a bit heavy for prolonged typing even if you never bottom out. The feeling is also very different.

I recommended to ll WASD Keyboards 40A O-Rings wouldnt type on  a cherry mx board without them.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:43:35
i did $60 on blues + an old $20 POS cherry clear board off ebay
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:46:30
My problem is that I like brown switches the most and I have absolutely no idea where to source those. I saw one Chinese website offering them for about 2$ per switch which adds up way too quickly. I just noticed this website but I can't understand if they are using Yen or Cny (huge difference)
700 yen for 10 switches would be absolutely awesome, the only problem is that I am not sure what shipping would be, and I could be translating the "10" wrong. Also for browns only they have both With and without mounting pins for PCB
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:47:22
Quote from: ishtob;454044
i did $60 on blues + an old $20 POS cherry clear board off ebay
I think I would go all new and lube them up after a week or 2 of break in I can just imagine the the amazing feel.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 10:55:45
Quote from: bloodygood;454045
My problem is that I like brown switches the most and I have absolutely no idea where to source those. I saw one Chinese website offering them for about 2$ per switch which adds up way too quickly. I just noticed this website but I can't understand if they are using Yen or Cny (huge difference)
700 yen for 10 switches would be absolutely awesome, the only problem is that I am not sure what shipping would be, and I could be translating the "10" wrong. Also for browns only they have both With and without mounting pins for PCB
go ergo clears!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 17 November 2011, 16:55:29
Ishtob could I see the most recent code you used with "doxKB_poker_cased_long shift.pcb" I am trying to rearrange the Teensy to be on the opposite side but I need to know which row/column to line up with each pin on the Teensy. If you have the code I could look at then it would save a lot of time and frustration. Hopefully I will have the re-done design by tonight.

Good news everyone!
Quote from: wasdkeyboards;454323
Good news, I will be getting R1 1.75's. My supplier runs this keycap in the same mold that produces the ISO Enter Key. So, even though I can't use them, I can now supply them. I expect to have these sometime in December.
So maybe having the reduced size shift wouldn't be half bad after all.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 17 November 2011, 22:25:49
Quote from: bloodygood;454295
Ishtob could I see the most recent code you used with "doxKB_poker_cased_long shift.pcb" I am trying to rearrange the Teensy to be on the opposite side but I need to know which row/column to line up with each pin on the Teensy. If you have the code I could look at then it would save a lot of time and frustration. Hopefully I will have the re-done design by tonight.

Good news everyone!
So maybe having the reduced size shift wouldn't be half bad after all.
dang I would love exact legends that would be amazing but the back lighting... I should ask if he can get short left shift as well then there could be a FN key there on the DOX as well and the layout would be even better (and closer to my phantom layout). And if that is available I think that I am going to get rid of the full size backsapce and go to a HHKB style layout
 (even closer to the default layer of the Phantom).

And im going to apologize in advance to ishtob if I change my mind and decide to go with these changes, since hes the one that is actually doing the grunt work.

Also Soarer ( knows how to do full NKRO not just 6KRO. I did ask him in the Phantom thread if he would be willing to help with the DOX firmware.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 01:43:25
for some reason I cant upload the firmware thorugh geekhack, I'll get it uploaded somewhere else i guess and link it.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 01:51:59
Quote from: ishtob;454556
for some reason I cant upload the firmware thorugh geekhack, I'll get it uploaded somewhere else i guess and link it.
I don't think geekhack allows uploading just any file. It might work to just put the code in some [ code ] brackets. [ / code ] instead of having to upload any files
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:10:22
which file would you like to see? matrix or the keycodes?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:10:23
Quote from: ishtob;454556
for some reason I cant upload the firmware thorugh geekhack, I'll get it uploaded somewhere else i guess and link it.
Try bayimg and bayfiles, I have have used them without trouble.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:11:14
Code: [Select]
Copyright 2011 Jun Wako <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

 * Keymap for Macway mod
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include &quot;usb_keycodes.h&quot;
#include &quot;print.h&quot;
#include &quot;debug.h&quot;
#include &quot;util.h&quot;
#include &quot;keymap.h&quot;

// Convert physical keyboard layout to matrix array.
// This is a macro to define keymap easily in keyboard layout form.
#define KEYMAP( \
R0C5, R1C4, R2C4, R3C4, R4C4, R5C4, R6C4, R7C4, R8C4, R9C4, R10C4, R11C2, R12C3, R13C4,\
R0C4, R1C3, R2C3, R3C3, R4C3, R5C3, R6C3, R7C3, R8C3, R9C3, R10C3, R11C1, R12C2, R13C3, \
R0C3, R1C2, R2C2, R3C2, R4C2, R5C2, R6C2, R7C2, R8C2, R9C2, R10C2, R11C0, R13C2, \
R0C2, R1C1, R2C1, R3C1, R4C1, R5C1, R6C1, R7C1, R8C1, R9C1, R10C1, R13C1, \
R0C1, R1C0, R2C0, R5C0, R9C0, R10C0, R12C0, R13C0 \
) { \
{ KB_NO, R0C1, R0C2, R0C3, R0C4, R0C5 }, \
{ R1C0, R1C1, R1C2, R1C3, R1C4, KB_NO }, \
{ R2C0, R2C1, R2C2, R2C3, R2C4, KB_NO }, \
{ KB_NO, R3C1, R3C2, R3C3, R3C4, KB_NO }, \
{ KB_NO, R4C1, R4C2, R4C3, R4C4, KB_NO }, \
{ R5C0, R5C1, R5C2, R5C3, R5C4, KB_NO }, \
{ KB_NO, R6C1, R6C2, R6C3, R6C4, KB_NO }, \
{ KB_NO, R7C1, R7C2, R7C3, R7C4, KB_NO }, \
{ KB_NO, R8C1, R8C2, R8C3, R8C4, KB_NO }, \
{ R9C0, R9C1, R9C2, R9C3, R9C4, KB_NO }, \
{ R10C0, R10C1, R10C2, R10C3, R10C4, KB_NO }, \
{ KB_NO, KB_NO, R11C0, R11C1, R11C2, KB_NO }, \
{ R12C0, KB_NO, KB_NO, R12C2, R12C3, KB_NO }, \
{ R13C0, R13C1, R13C2, R13C3, R13C4, KB_NO } \

#define KEYCODE(layer, row, col) (pgm_read_byte(&keymaps[(layer)][(row)][(col)]))

// Assign Fn key(0-7) to a layer to which switch with the Fn key pressed.
static const uint8_t PROGMEM fn_layer[] = {
    0,              // Fn0
    1,              // Fn1
    2,              // Fn2
    3,              // Fn3
    4,              // Fn4
    0,              // Fn5
    2,              // Fn6
    1               // Fn7

// Assign Fn key(0-7) to a keycode sent when release Fn key without use of the layer.
// See layer.c for details.
static const uint8_t PROGMEM fn_keycode[] = {
    KB_NO,          // Fn0
    KB_NO,          // Fn1
    KB_NO, // Fn2
    KB_SCLN,        // Fn3
    KB_NO, // Fn4
    KB_NO,          // Fn5
    KB_NO,          // Fn6
    KB_NO           // Fn7

static const uint8_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
    /* Layer 0: Default Layer
     * ,-----------------------------------------------------------.
     * |Esc|  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9|  0|  -|  =|Backsp |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |Tab  |  Q|  W|  E|  R|  T|  Y|  U|  I|  O|  P|  [|  ]|     |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------'     |
     * |Caps  |  A|  S|  D|  F|  G|  H|  J|  K|  L|Fn3|  '|Return  |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |Shift   |  Z|  X|  C|  V|  B|  N|  M|  ,|  .|  /|Shift     |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |Ctr|Fn1 |Alt  |Space                 |Alt  |Gui|App|   |Ctr|
     * `-----------------------------------------------------------'
    KEYMAP( KB_ESC, KB_1, KB_2, KB_3, KB_4, KB_5, KB_6, KB_7, KB_8, KB_9, KB_0, KB_MINS, KB_EQL, KB_BSPC, \

    /* Layer 1: HHKB mode (HHKB Fn)
     * ,-----------------------------------------------------------.
     * |`  | F1| F2| F3| F4| F5| F6| F7| F8| F9|F10|F11|F12|Delete |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |Fn3  |Mut|VoU|VoD|   |   |   |Psc|PgU|Slk|Up |   |   |Inc  |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------'     |
     * |      |PLY|PRV|NXT|   |   |   |ScL|PgD|Lef|Dow|Rig|Enter   |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |FN2     |Mb2|Mb3|Mb1|MB4|   |   |Brk|Hom|End|   |Shift     |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |   |Fn1 |     |                      |     |   |   |   |   |
     * `-----------------------------------------------------------'
    KEYMAP(KB_GRV, KB_F1,  KB_F2,  KB_F3,  KB_F4,  KB_F5,  KB_F6,  KB_F7,  KB_F8,  KB_F9,  KB_F10, KB_F11, KB_F12, KB_DEL, \

    /* Layer 2: Vi mode (Quote/Rmeta)
     * ,-----------------------------------------------------------.
     * |`  | F1| F2| F3| F4| F5| F6| F7| F8| F9|F10|F11|F12|Delete |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |Caps |   |Up |   |   |   |   |   |   |Slk|Pus|Up |   |Psc  |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------'     |
     * |Contro|Lef|Dow|Rig|   |   |   |   |Hom|PgU|Lef|Rig|Enter   |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |Shift   |   |   |VoD|VoU|Mut|   |   |End|PgD|Dow|Shift     |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |   |Fn1 |     |                      |     |   |   |   |   |
     * `-----------------------------------------------------------'
KEYMAP(KB_GRV, KB_F1,  KB_F2,  KB_F3,  KB_F4,  KB_F5,  KB_F6,  KB_F7,  KB_F8,  KB_F9,  KB_F10, KB_F11, KB_F12, KB_DEL, \
           KB_FN3, KB_NO,  KB_UP,  KB_NO,  KB_NO,  KB_NO,  KB_PSCR,  KB_PGUP,  KB_NO,KB_NO,KB_UP, KB_NO,  KB_NO, KB_INS, \

    /* Layer 3: Mouse mode (Semicolon)
     * ,-----------------------------------------------------------.
     * |  `| F1| F2| F3| F4| F5| F6| F7| F8| F9|Mut|VoD|VoU|   `   |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |  \  |Mb3|McU|Mb2|   |   |   |   |MwU|   |Pre|Ply|Nex|     |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------'     |
     * |Contro|McL|McD|McR|   |   |   |McL|McD|McR|xxx|   |   \    |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |Shift   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |Shift     |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |xxx|Gui |Alt  |Mb1                   |Alt  |   |   |   |   |
     * `-----------------------------------------------------------'
     * Mc: Mouse Cursor / Mb: Mouse Button / Mw: Mouse Wheel
    KEYMAP(KB_GRV, KB_F1,  KB_F2,  KB_F3,  KB_F4,  KB_F5,  KB_F6,  KB_F7,  KB_F8,  KB_F9,  KB_MUTE,  KB_VOLD,  KB_VOLU, KB_BSPC, \

    /* Layer 4: Matias half keyboard style (Space)
     * ,-----------------------------------------------------------.
     * |Esc| F1| F2| F3| F4| F5| F6| F7| F8| F9|F10|F11|F12|Delete |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |Backs|  P|  O|  I|  U|  Y|  T|  R|  E|  W|  Q|Tab|Tab|     |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------'     |
     * |Contro|  ;|  L|  K|  J|  H|  G|  F|  D|  S|  A|Con|Control |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |Shift   |  /|  .|  ,|  M|  N|  B|  V|  C|  X|  Z|Shift     |
     * |-----------------------------------------------------------|
     * |   |Gui |Alt  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|Alt  |Gui|   |   |Ctr|
     * `-----------------------------------------------------------'
    KEYMAP(KB_MINS,KB_0,   KB_9,   KB_8,   KB_7,   KB_6,   KB_5,   KB_4,   KB_3,   KB_2,   KB_1,   KB_NO,  KB_NO,  KB_ESC, \
           KB_BSPC,KB_P,   KB_O,   KB_I,   KB_U,   KB_Y,   KB_T,   KB_R,   KB_E,   KB_W,   KB_Q,   KB_TAB, KB_TAB, KB_BSPC, \
           KB_LCTL,KB_SCLN,KB_L,   KB_K,   KB_J,   KB_H,   KB_G,   KB_F,   KB_D,   KB_S,   KB_A,   KB_RCTL,KB_RCTL, \
           KB_LSFT,KB_SLSH,KB_DOT, KB_COMM,KB_M,   KB_N,   KB_B,   KB_V,   KB_C,   KB_X,   KB_Z,   KB_RSFT, \

uint8_t keymap_get_keycode(uint8_t layer, uint8_t row, uint8_t col)
    return KEYCODE(layer, row, col);

uint8_t keymap_fn_layer(uint8_t fn_bits)
    return pgm_read_byte(&fn_layer[biton(fn_bits)]);

uint8_t keymap_fn_keycode(uint8_t fn_bits)
    return pgm_read_byte(&fn_keycode[(biton(fn_bits))]);

Code: [Select]
Copyright 2011 Jun Wako

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see .

 * scan matrix
#include "print.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "debug.h"

#if (MATRIX_COLS > 16)
#   error "MATRIX_COLS must not exceed 16"
#if (MATRIX_ROWS > 255)
#   error "MATRIX_ROWS must not exceed 255"

#ifndef DEBOUNCE
#   define DEBOUNCE  0
static uint8_t debouncing = DEBOUNCE;

// matrix state buffer(1:on, 0:off)
#if (MATRIX_COLS <= 8)
static uint8_t *matrix;
static uint8_t *matrix_prev;
static uint8_t _matrix0[MATRIX_ROWS];
static uint8_t _matrix1[MATRIX_ROWS];
static uint16_t *matrix;
static uint16_t *matrix_prev;
static uint16_t _matrix0[MATRIX_ROWS];
static uint16_t _matrix1[MATRIX_ROWS];

static bool matrix_has_ghost_in_row(uint8_t row);
static uint8_t read_col(void);
static void unselect_rows(void);
static void select_row(uint8_t row);

uint8_t matrix_rows(void)

uint8_t matrix_cols(void)

void matrix_init(void)
// initialize row and col
// Input with pull-up(DDR:0, PORT:1)
DDRB = 0x00;

// initialize matrix state: all keys off
for (uint8_t i=0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) _matrix0[i] = 0x00;
for (uint8_t i=0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) _matrix1[i] = 0x00;
matrix = _matrix0;
matrix_prev = _matrix1;

uint8_t matrix_scan(void)
if (!debouncing) {
uint8_t *tmp = matrix_prev;
matrix_prev = matrix;
matrix = tmp;

for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) {
_delay_us(30);  // without this wait read unstable value.
if (matrix[i] != (uint8_t)~read_col()) {
matrix[i] = (uint8_t)~read_col();
if (debouncing) {
debug("bounce!: "); debug_hex(debouncing); print("\n");
debouncing = DEBOUNCE;

if (debouncing) {

return 1;

bool matrix_is_modified(void)
if (debouncing) return false;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) {
if (matrix[i] != matrix_prev[i]) {
return true;
return false;

bool matrix_has_ghost(void)
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) {
if (matrix_has_ghost_in_row(i))
return true;
return false;

bool matrix_is_on(uint8_t row, uint8_t col)
return (matrix[row] & (1<}

#if (MATRIX_COLS <= 8)
uint8_t matrix_get_row(uint8_t row)
uint16_t matrix_get_row(uint8_t row)
return matrix[row];

void matrix_print(void)
print("\nr/c 01234567\n");
for (uint8_t row = 0; row < matrix_rows(); row++) {
phex(row); print(": ");
#if (MATRIX_COLS <= 8)
if (matrix_has_ghost_in_row(row)) {
print(" }

uint8_t matrix_key_count(void)
uint8_t count = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) {
#if (MATRIX_COLS <= 8)
count += bitpop(matrix[i]);
count += bitpop16(matrix[i]);
return count;

static bool matrix_has_ghost_in_row(uint8_t row)
// no ghost exists in case less than 2 keys on
if (((matrix[row] - 1) & matrix[row]) == 0)
return false;

// ghost exists in case same state as other row
for (uint8_t i=0; i < MATRIX_ROWS; i++) {
if (i != row && (matrix[i] & matrix[row]) == matrix[row])
return true;
return false;

static uint8_t read_col(void)
return PINB;

static void unselect_rows(void)
DDRC  = 0x00; DDRD  = 0x00; DDRF  = 0x00;
PORTC = 0x00; PORTD = 0x00; PORTF = 0x00;
// Hi-Z(DDR:0, PORT:0) to unselect
 //   DDRC  &= ~0b11000000; // PC: 7,6
 //   PORTC &= ~0b11000000;
 //   DDRD  &= ~0b11000111; // PD: 7,6,2,1,0
 //   PORTD &= ~0b11000111;
 //   DDRF  &= ~0b11000000; // PF: 7,6
 //   PORTF &= ~0b11000000;

static void select_row(uint8_t row)
// Output low(DDR:1, PORT:0) to select
// row: 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8 9  10   11 12 13
// pin: PD0, PD1, PD2, PD3, PC6, PC7, PD6, PD7, PF7, PF4, PF6, PF5, PF1, PF0
switch (row) {
case 0:
DDRD  |= (1<<0);
PORTD &= ~(1<<0);
case 1:
DDRD  |= (1<<1);
PORTD &= ~(1<<1);
case 2:
DDRD  |= (1<<2);
PORTD &= ~(1<<2);
case 3:
DDRD  |= (1<<3);
PORTD &= ~(1<<3);
case 4:
DDRC  |= (1<<6);
PORTC &= ~(1<<6);
case 5:
DDRC  |= (1<<7);
PORTC &= ~(1<<7);
case 6:
DDRD  |= (1<<6);
PORTD &= ~(1<<6);
case 7:
DDRD  |= (1<<7);
PORTD &= ~(1<<7);
case 8:
DDRF  |= (1<<7);
PORTF &= ~(1<<7);
case 9:
DDRF  |= (1<<4);
PORTF &= ~(1<<4);
case 10:
DDRF  |= (1<<6);
PORTF &= ~(1<<6);
case 11:
DDRF  |= (1<<5);
PORTF &= ~(1<<5);
case 12:
DDRF  |= (1<<1);
PORTF &= ~(1<<1);
case 13:
DDRF  |= (1<<0);
PORTF &= ~(1<<0);
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:12:02
im trying to setup a github for the codes
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:14:58
Looks like WASD could cater to the DOX keyboard builders with small right shift and small left shift is just a R1 1x1.25 so it not a problem. This means I am considering changing my layout again to be much close to the Phantom (ishtob is going to hate me).
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:17:54
nah its okay, changing the layout is not too hard to do since i've do it so many times now :P

anyways, that tutorial we were talking about, I'm about half way done documenting it.... the diodes came super fast so I started tonight, now I just need to wait for the switches and I can complete the tute... here's a picture of its current progress:

when done, the whole keyboard will be orange LED lit, and 3 areas can be turned on or off (WASD, ESC, everything else)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:22:47
Quote from: ishtob;454579
which file would you like to see? matrix or the keycodes?

The one starting like this in your example for the article. Hopefully from that I will be able to ascertain which pins = row columns on the teensy.
Code: [Select]
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include &quot;usb_keyboard.h&quot;

#define bool            uint8_t
#define true            1
#define false           0
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:25:41
Quote from: ishtob;454588
nah its okay, changing the layout is not too hard to do since i've do it so many times now :P

anyways, that tutorial we were talking about, I'm about half way done documenting it.... the diodes came super fast so I started tonight, now I just need to wait for the switches and I can complete the tute... here's a picture of its current progress:
Show Image

when done, the whole keyboard will be orange LED lit, and 3 areas can be turned on or off (WASD, ESC, everything else)
Looking nice, are your switches going to be pcb mounted?

Check out the thread about the short right **** over in WASD's subforum . You should be able to soon get a nice set of keycaps with your exact legends on. Im thinking white as I tested my white WASD caps under blue LED and it does indeed show through, plus I think the etching looks great on the white caps.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:29:41
Another possibly very useful thing to us. This thread was just talking about some DIY poker cases and since the DOX keyboard is meant to be the same form factor we could definitely benefit from having a case to use with no modding.

By the way thank you ishtob for posting the updated code, I will be looking over it and seeing what I can learn about the Teensy from it.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:32:00
well I got 2 boards, the second one I will hold onto until I can find someone to make a plate for, this one is going into the aluminum case that should be shipped out anyday now
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:35:56
ishtob you mentioned the dip siwtches for the LEDs. Where can I source a dip switch that will fit?

Quote from: bloodygood;454592
Another possibly very useful thing to us. This thread was just talking about some DIY poker cases and since the DOX keyboard is meant to be the same form factor we could definitely benefit from having a case to use with no modding.

By the way thank you ishtob for posting the updated code, I will be looking over it and seeing what I can learn about the Teensy from it.

I would love more info on that and one for my DOX, care to dig in and get more info? (files and where to send them would be great!) This definitely beats the original DOX case (not that I was against it). I have one qusetion though and you somehow get a plate into the mix also? I prefer plate mounted switches.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:45:59
it took some digging, but I found these are the same as the ones poker uses:
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 02:57:01
Sweet i wish that we could edit the main post to keep a parts list so that i dont have to keep searching though the thread. Someone could start another thread but then it might get confusing but since istob is doing a in depth tutorial it might be a good idea. Anyone mind if I do that? I promise to keep everything updated in the main post. ill call it DOX R2 or something...

Also just notice we have grown this from like 5 pages to 28 O.O
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 09:54:57
Quote from: TheProfosist;454595
ishtob you mentioned the dip siwtches for the LEDs. Where can I source a dip switch that will fit?

I would love more info on that and one for my DOX, care to dig in and get more info? (files and where to send them would be great!) This definitely beats the original DOX case (not that I was against it). I have one qusetion though and you somehow get a plate into the mix also? I prefer plate mounted switches.
I will look into finding what I can for the Poker style case, hopefully with just a slight modification it could be used for PCB or Plate mounted and that would be awesome
Also I updated the image for your sig since you prefer having it right justified, it should line up properly now. And I believe it should work no matter if it is left or right aligned. Hope that helps.

Oh ishtob started a modification page for the updated everything
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 10:21:30
Quote from: bloodygood;454762
I will look into finding what I can for the Poker style case, hopefully with just a slight modification it could be used for PCB or Plate mounted and that would be awesome
Also I updated the image for your sig since you prefer having it right justified, it should line up properly now. And I believe it should work no matter if it is left or right aligned. Hope that helps.
Show Image

Oh ishtob started a modification page for the updated everything
Sounds great

Works for me better him than me any way hes the one doing most of the work. I guess im just an ideas guy in the is case.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 10:27:08
oh, if you guys are going to use the PCB file, use the one from the tutorial, I caught 2 small mistakes on this one i'm working on. and I've corrected it on those files,
if not the trace needs to cut in 2 places:
1. key 7's LED should not be connected to anything on the topside, that small trace on the left LED hole should be severed.
2. key Y, the left hold of the LED should only be connected to the trace above it, sever the trace connecting downwards
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 10:33:48
Quote from: ishtob;454791
oh, if you guys are going to use the PCB file, use the one from the tutorial, I caught 2 small mistakes on this one i'm working on. and I've corrected it on those files,
if not the trace needs to cut in 2 places:
1. key 7's LED should not be connected to anything on the topside, that small trace on the left LED hole should be severed.
2. key Y, the left hold of the LED should only be connected to the trace above it, sever the trace connecting downwards
Good to know. I am also working on finalizing the new DOX layout since I learned that WASD will have compatible keycaps. As we track down more stuff we should add it to the wiki. Also do we continue conversation here on in your new one since what were dealing with is more of the offshoot?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 10:38:10
leave the new wiki for questions, keep the discussions here
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 10:41:01
Quote from: ishtob;454802
leave the new wiki for questions, keep the discussions here
sounds good to me dont want them having to go through anothe 28 pages do we.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 10:43:32
Considering we were able to source the shorter right shift key I have been debating about the idea of going back to this layout
( it gives an extra key below the extra key next to the right shift key. But I am still deciding what extra function I would add there. (no extra special keys needed)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 10:44:31
I like have 2 FN keys both for the same layer, allow me to use my layer with either hands
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 10:45:46
and are you sure you will be able to source that 1st row of keycaps in 1x1?

here's an idea:
use those 4 keys as the direction keys
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 10:46:00
Quote from: ishtob;454806
I like have 2 FN keys both for the same layer, allow me to use my layer with either hands
same here I have the default layer setup almost the same as my Phantom ( itll be up soon.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 10:47:41
Quote from: ishtob;454808
and are you sure you will be able to source that 1st row of keycaps in 1x1?
Those are the same exact size as arrow keys and zxcvbnm,./ Remember sculpted row 1 and 2 use the same keys. row 3 and 4 each use their own sculpted size, and row 5 and 6 use the same sculpted shape. So there really isn't any trouble sourcing extra row 2 keys. (total of 4 different 1x1 sculpted sizes)
If you don't believe me try removing your arrow up and down keys and comparing them side by side. They should also match any of those row 2 keys if you want to add that into the comparison.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 10:50:57
Quote from: ishtob;454808
and are you sure you will be able to source that 1st row of keycaps in 1x1?

here's an idea:
use those 4 keys as the direction keys
yes you can remember "." on the numpad it uses them Edit: forgot as well as all the 1st row letter keys.

I plan to have a layer with right shift, alt, win, menu being arrow keys will be on a mechanically toggleable layer via one of those toggleable cherry switches Edit: would be Win, Menu, Crtl on a normal keyboard
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 10:54:38
Quote from: TheProfosist;454818
yes you can remember "." on the numpad it uses them Edit: forgot as well as all the 1st row letter keys.

I plan to have a layer with right shift, alt, win, menu being arrow keys will be on a mechanically toggleable layer via one of those toggleable cherry switches
Also 1 2 and 3 from the numpad use them as well.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 11:00:40
Quote from: bloodygood;454824
Also 1 2 and 3 from the numpad use them as well.
I know, I had a brain fart.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 11:09:41
Changed my mind about the bottom row giving 1x1 keys on the basis that Menu for Fn feels much more comfortable and instead of placing Fn next to shift, that is where my Shift Lock will be (using a locking switch of course) same with my Fn Lock being a locking Fn key in the bottom left.
But of course I will be talking it over with my girlfriend to make sure she agrees on the layout since I don't want to have a keyboard she can't also use comfortably.
On the other side though, I plan on adding qwe,asd,zxc to my Fn layer since I find I use those keys with arrow keys more often than needing arrows on both sides, I will update my Fn layer to show it soon.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 11:18:06
Finished my layout. Those 5 R1 1x1 keys are really tempting. Would allow for full right side modifiers and a menu key when using layer 2.

Default Layer

Layer 1

Layer 2

Fn 2 is a toggle layer using that cherry toggle switch
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hasu on Fri, 18 November 2011, 11:25:14
My firmware already supports NKRO feature like Soarer's.
NKRO is not active by default, you need to press LShift+RShift+N to start the feature.I think it should some work on Windows, Linux and Mac without severe problems. Though NKRO feature is never thoroughly tested yet and I doesn't used it usually. Try it.

And concerning layer switching,
at this time all Fn keys are momentary and  firmware doesn't support toggle switching. I placed toggle feature on my TODO list but not coming yet.
Physical locking switch is very nice and a direct work around for this lack.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 11:26:05
Ah very nice with that left shift I hadn't thought about it, but it is the size of a 1x1 with a 1.25 modifier. I will think about that when I talk to my girl in a few.
If I instead put the shift lock on the left side right above Fn lock, I could then keep the normal size shift and could get all PBT keycaps later isntead of the ABS shorter right shift. Not bad at all. Editing to that idea right now.
Oh darn I notice that sometimes I hit the left and some times I hit the right side of the shift key, I have no idea which would be more optimal or if that might end up badly.. hm.. will experiment more.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 11:29:40
Quote from: hasu;454846
My firmware already supports NKRO feature like Soarer's.
NKRO is not active by default, you need to press LShift+RShift+N to start the feature.I think it should some work on Windows, Linux and Mac without severe problems. Though NKRO feature is never thoroughly tested yet and I doesn't used it usually. Try it.

And concerning layer switching,
at this time all Fn keys are momentary and  firmware doesn't support toggle switching. I placed toggle feature on my TODO list but not coming yet.
Physical locking switch is very nice and a direct work around for this lack.
Wow thanks for the info on that no need to use up Soarer's time then.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 11:38:47
just letting you guys know the locking switch will need a different LED configuration to work
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 11:42:00
Quote from: ishtob;454857
just letting you guys know the locking switch will need a different LED configuration to work
so what no led on the locking switch? or what?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Fri, 18 November 2011, 11:46:35
It's in a diff. location
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 11:48:44
Quote from: alaricljs;454863
It's in a diff. location
Oh wait nevermind don't need to measure, look at the bottom of a switch, just use the holes one over to the right if the led hole is facing you. You should see a total of 4 possible LED leads on every single switch, and on the toggle one it is just using the far right ones.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 12:03:36
Quote from: bloodygood;454866
Oh wait nevermind don't need to measure, look at the bottom of a switch, just use the holes one over to the right if the led hole is facing you. You should see a total of 4 possible LED leads on every single switch, and on the toggle one it is just using the far right ones.
The led is slightly off center so that will have to be noted when changing the pcb right
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 12:06:21
those are not meant for LED, they are for layouts where the diodes goes in the switches

are you 100% its the same as the far right one? I can go ahead and add the extra lead to the right, All you need to do is pivot the LED 180degrees to use the toggle switch
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 12:17:18
Quote from: ishtob;454875
those are not meant for LED, they are for layouts where the diodes goes in the switches

are you 100% its the same as the far right one? I can go ahead and add the extra lead to the right, All you need to do is pivot the LED 180degrees to use the toggle switch
Surprisingly they /are/ meant for the LED in this case, I have placed an LED into the housing and yes it does fit into those 2 far right pins.
Also if we did a diode inside the housing that would make things so much easier.. but that is okay, the people wanted LED instead after all.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 12:20:44
Quote from: bloodygood;454880
Surprisingly they /are/ meant for the LED in this case, I have placed an LED into the housing and yes it does fit into those 2 far right pins.
Also if we did a diode inside the housing that would make things so much easier.. but that is okay, the people wanted LED instead after all.
Thats right we wanted to pimp out our keyboards a bit.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 12:33:11
okay, i'll add that later this weekend, meanwhile think about which keys you guys would like to have option
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 12:35:55
Quote from: ishtob;454890
okay, i'll add that later this weekend, meanwhile think about which keys you guys would like to have option
My layout is finalized and is cleared with the others that will possibly be using it.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 12:42:19
ahhh back to the 2 1x1 instead of backspace >.<

aite i'll need to redo the PCB layout too then
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 12:42:55
<-- I like the backspace
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 12:45:52
Quote from: ishtob;454899
ahhh back to the 2 1x1 instead of backspace >.<

aite i'll need to redo the PCB layout too then
Sorry about that, the layout worked and I am trying to keep my DOX and Phantom layouts as close as possible. And well once I found out that WASD could do the keys, things changed.

Quote from: ishtob;454900
<-- I like the backspace
You prefer normal backspace... Sorry, I regularly use a HHKB.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 12:49:38
And I will be finalizing mine very soon, I am just working on layout updates now.
I also prefer the HHKB backspace because it truly makes more sense to me to having it closer to enter (reduce finger strain for those of us who make typos.)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:01:23
maybe I should try this too, i dont really have money for a HHKB
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:03:18
Quote from: ishtob;454914
maybe I should try this too, i dont really have money for a HHKB
Great Idea! I then recommended to you my layout. By the way, Caps Lock was in the right place on the Model F they have screwed it up since the Model M.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:07:19
Quote from: ishtob;454914
maybe I should try this too, i dont really have money for a HHKB
Actually you probably do have money for a Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite which is what I normally take with me to school (This is a rubber dome keyboard, but it doesn't /feel/ like rubber dome)
And I would say that is the best way to get comfortable with the layout of the HHKB, although it has dedicated arrow keys which the Topre doesn't have. and an extra Fn key on the left side, which the Topre doesn't.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:10:13
Quote from: bloodygood;454919
Actually you probably do have money for a Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite which is what I normally take with me to school (This is a rubber dome keyboard, but it doesn't /feel/ like rubber dome)
And I would say that is the best way to get comfortable with the layout of the HHKB, although it has dedicated arrow keys which the Topre doesn't have. and an extra Fn key on the left side, which the Topre doesn't.
Show Image
there is a Fn key on the left when you use dip switch you kill left win, just about everyone does it. And I want full size arrows or nothing, I have those half size keys.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:12:19
this is what I bring to school:

Its my dox! :D
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:13:26
lol im in middle of a lecture, snuck a quick snapshot with my phone, sorry for the blurry
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:13:39
Quote from: ishtob;454926
this is what I bring to school:
Show Image

Its my dox! :D
Nice if only my future DOX had a case :(
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:14:31
Quote from: ishtob;454929
lol im in middle of a lecture, snuck a quick snapshot with my phone, sorry for the blurry

lol its cool like the HHKB roof ;)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:17:10
yup I love the roof, it wa sworth the $40.
Its in the bag cuz mech keyboards that arent mx red or black are too noisy to use during class.. though I have done it on a few occasions
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:17:53
Oh, and there will be ~10 people with a spare poker case whenever those aluminum cases gets shipped out, so try to get a hold of one from someone if you just want a quick case to start using the dox
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:18:50
Quote from: ishtob;454938
Oh, and there will be ~10 people with a spare poker case whenever those aluminum cases gets shipped out, so try to get a hold of one from someone if you just want a quick case to start using the dox
That sir is a GREAT idea!

Think we can get a plate to fit in the poker case?

posted in the classifieds
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:25:20
someone should look into who those korean at does their cases... they look awesome
something like this (
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:28:02
I personally just want those custom printed keycaps since we will all have different layouts it would be great to have front facing Fn layer lasered (or engraving, my personal choice) Most likely not double shot since that would require about eleventy billion molds.

But I would be happy to use blanks until we can get custom printing done to the keycaps. Because darn it I want PBT keycaps.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:29:01
Quote from: ishtob;454946
someone should look into who those korean at does their cases... they look awesome
something like this (
That actually seems preety simple compare to other cases I have seen
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:29:14
im happy with a standard set of caps and just memorize my layer... which I have already done

I love my vintage dolch caps
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:32:08
Quote from: TheProfosist;454954
That actually seems preety simple compare to other cases I have seen
yea looks like 4 layers of a CNC/laser cut acrylic
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:38:27
Quote from: bloodygood;454952
I personally just want those custom printed keycaps since we will all have different layouts it would be great to have front facing Fn layer lasered (or engraving, my personal choice) Most likely not double shot since that would require about eleventy billion molds.

But I would be happy to use blanks until we can get custom printing done to the keycaps. Because darn it I want PBT keycaps.
I just going to get mine in white from WASD have him etch my layout on. sadly he can only do the top curretly so the FN layer will be going in the lower right of the keycap.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:41:59
Quote from: TheProfosist;454974
I just going to get mine in white from WASD have him etch my layout on. sadly he can only do the top curretly so the FN layer will be going in the lower right of the keycap.
He does plan to be able to do front faces in the future, so I was hoping to buy all blank keycaps and then have them laser/etched/something later on by WASD if he can do that.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:43:35
Quote from: bloodygood;454976
He does plan to be able to do front faces in the future, so I was hoping to buy all blank keycaps and then have them laser/etched/something later on by WASD if he can do that.
I know he plans to (probably in my thread). Though, I dont know when that is going to happen though many project he originally had planned kind of stalled.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:44:03
this is another interesting case I was looking at:
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:45:07
Quote from: ishtob;454978
this is another interesting case I was looking at:
lloks to be made the same just different material.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:53:47
Quote from: bloodygood;454976
He does plan to be able to do front faces in the future, so I was hoping to buy all blank keycaps and then have them laser/etched/something later on by WASD if he can do that.

ever considered slide-transfer sheets:

problem is i have no idea where we would acquire them
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:55:56
Quote from: ishtob;454986
ever considered slide-transfer sheets:

problem is i have no idea where we would acquire them
That would actually be pretty nice, I would have to wonder how long it will last though, or if it really is permanent
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 13:56:40
Quote from: ishtob;454986
ever considered slide-transfer sheets:

problem is i have no idea where we would acquire them
I dont really mind the fact that their on top it works if layed out right. Would definitly jave to do a fully custom layout (would probably have to do that anyway since the layout is non standard [once i contact WASD and he agrees to do the project]).
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 14:00:58
Out of curiosity I think you said that you weren't using official stabilizer bars, has that been changed? Since I would love to know if they actually fit so we don't have to create our own.
It would be nice if we can have the actual size since that would be a very cheap price for them.
Or does cherry use some other type of stabilizer bar.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 18 November 2011, 14:02:46
I am using the spacing of official bars, its just the stabilizers I harvest have bars that are too rusted or gross for me to want to use. I create my own to replicate the originals, so there shouldnt be any difference
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Fri, 18 November 2011, 15:41:38
Quote from: ishtob;454986
ever considered slide-transfer sheets:

problem is i have no idea where we would acquire them

Maybe here. (
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: tsangan on Fri, 18 November 2011, 16:05:47
Quote from: ishtob;454986
ever considered slide-transfer sheets:

problem is i have no idea where we would acquire them

you could ask this fellow GeekHacker ( he seems to have somewhat of what you're looking for.

I want stickers to do this
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 18 November 2011, 16:12:02
We can get the caps for the default layer I think were mostly looking for ways of adding the fn layer to the side of the keys. though i think Ill just stick with wasd as I know it will turn out well (pertaining I do the legends properly).
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 18:38:09
Quote from: tsangan;455098
you could ask this fellow GeekHacker ( he seems to have somewhat of what you're looking for.

I want stickers to do this
Show Image
I have seen the neon glow stickers, they are not all that amazing. We are looking for the smaller style meant just for front key face text.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 19:28:47
So after staring at the keyboard matrix in relation to the Teensy pins this is what I came up with. Does it make sense to anyone? I don't understand quite what each pin on the Teensy does I guess. Why does Esc have its own pin? And in what order do the columns make sense to what pin they are wired to.
Row 0 - B0
Row 1 - B1
Row 2 - B2
Row 3 - B3
Row 4 - B4
Esc - B5
Col 0 - D0
Col 1 - D1
Col 2 - D2
Col 3 - D3
Col 4 - C5
Col 5 - C7
Col 6 - D6
Col 7 - D7
Col 8 - F6
Col 9 - F7
Col 10 - F5
Col 11 - F4
Col 12 - F1
Col 13 - F0
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Fri, 18 November 2011, 22:56:55
Finalized my layout, now just need to fix the layout on the PCB plus move the teensy to the back so that the plate won't interfere.

Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 19 November 2011, 03:46:29
Quote from: bloodygood;455302
Finalized my layout, now just need to fix the layout on the PCB plus move the teensy to the back so that the plate won't interfere.
Show Image

Show Image
plate wont interfere now though u need a hole in it. I believe we originally had it in the back was kinda complicated.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 19 November 2011, 04:47:14
I have tracked down my total of 2 poker cases. Now I need to know can we fit a plate in the poker case? If so we need to design one if not I will have to go wit PCB mounted switches (ick).
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sat, 19 November 2011, 06:12:11
im pretty sure there is a way to design one to fit the case
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 19 November 2011, 06:13:10
Quote from: ishtob;455396
im pretty sure there is a way to design one to fit the case
Awesome, so anyone know someone who can do it?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 19 November 2011, 14:44:19
So should I post something in the general forum looking for someone who can do it? Im getting help from haxeluff designing the file for my layout for WASD first try should be done soon ish.

So where the best place to get switches I want to make ergo clears new springs and stems. O yea and I need one of those locking switches. I plan to swap the spring in it to match also.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 19 November 2011, 15:49:44
So the template is finished.

Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sat, 19 November 2011, 16:09:44
Quote from: bloodygood;455185
So after staring at the keyboard matrix in relation to the Teensy pins this is what I came up with. Does it make sense to anyone? I don't understand quite what each pin on the Teensy does I guess. Why does Esc have its own pin? And in what order do the columns make sense to what pin they are wired to.
Show Image

Row 0 - B0
Row 1 - B1
Row 2 - B2
Row 3 - B3
Row 4 - B4
Esc - B5
Col 0 - D0
Col 1 - D1
Col 2 - D2
Col 3 - D3
Col 4 - C5
Col 5 - C7
Col 6 - D6
Col 7 - D7
Col 8 - F6
Col 9 - F7
Col 10 - F5
Col 11 - F4
Col 12 - F1
Col 13 - F0

I was really hoping for confirmation on this assessment so I could know that I am doing it right when re-tracing the lines to the opposite side.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sat, 19 November 2011, 16:21:44
If you are using my original design, the F series is backward but I think that the rest is correct. I'm not sure on how ishtob wired it when he put the controller on the PCB but that can be fixed in the firmware if there is a problem.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 19 November 2011, 16:30:15
What advantages does the teeny++ have over teensy?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sat, 19 November 2011, 19:16:45
Ah I see now, this was the section in the coding dictates which pin corresponds to column
// pin: PD0, PD1, PD2, PD3, PC6, PC7, PD6, PD7, PF7, PF4, PF6, PF5, PF1, PF0
So theoretically the pins could be changed around if necessary.
Is it possible to use any pin as long as you declare it and it is not GND or VCC, or does it have to be one of certain pins because there are 31 pins total.
I/O   25
Analog In   12
PWM   7
Currently reading through as much of the documentation on their website as I can.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Sat, 19 November 2011, 20:03:34
Quote from: TheProfosist;455718
What advantages does the teeny++ have over teensy?

More IO pins and more memory (flash, RAM and EEPROM), otherwise mostly the same.  This page ( has a comparison table just under the 2 images.

Quote from: bloodygood;455804
Is it possible to use any pin as long as you declare it and it is not GND or VCC, or does it have to be one of certain pins because there are 31 pins total.

Can't be AREF, RST, GND, Vcc.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sat, 19 November 2011, 20:15:49
Quote from: alaricljs;455828
Can't be AREF, RST, GND, Vcc.
I know which ones AREF, GND and VCC are. But which one is the RST?
Top left = VNC
Bottom right = GND
Blue Arrow = AREF
Are those the 3 holes right next to the button? i.e pin 3, 4, and 5 down from the top right below D4
I suppose those are used for being able to trigger the reset without using the on-board one?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Sat, 19 November 2011, 20:17:11
On both models, the middle 3 holes on the end next to the button are Vcc Gnd and RST.  Yes, that's so you can wire an off-board reset button.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sat, 19 November 2011, 20:31:40
Quote from: alaricljs;455836
On both models, the middle 3 holes on the end next to the button are Vcc Gnd and RST.  Yes, that's so you can wire an off-board reset button.
Thank you very much that helps quite a lot, I will begin working on a new layout then for the PCB traces.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Sun, 20 November 2011, 04:02:00
Here are the complete pinout ( of the different Teensys, with all peripherals listed. There are also datasheets ( for the different chips, they are long and highly impenetrable for a non-EE =P
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: braaaiiins on Sun, 20 November 2011, 04:28:13
Have any of you thought about building a bluetooth keyboard? I'm really interested in making a bluetooth/usb hybrid.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 09:25:53
Quote from: braaaiiins;455972
Have any of you thought about building a bluetooth keyboard? I'm really interested in making a bluetooth/usb hybrid.
While I do think a bluetooth keyboard is useful to some people. I personally do not like to deal with batteries (even rechargeable ones) and so I personally would most likely not be able to help in that regard. If you read through other modification threads about bluetooth you will notice that there is a pretty common five meter rule as far as how far from their bluetooth receiver they can be. I personally in this scenario would rather just hook up a 10 foot extension cable since it really wouldn't be too bad having just 1 extra wire between me and the computer. I would recommend reading up on those other modifications as I believe those would help here if you want to pursue that.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 09:46:26
Could I get the links again to where to buy the toggle switch? I seem to have lost them. Also if you want to throw in blue and clear that would be great. Im trying to get everything together should be able to start ordering parts soon.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 09:59:55
Quote from: TheProfosist;456053
Could I get the links again to where to buy the toggle switch? I seem to have lost them. Also if you want to throw in blue and clear that would be great. Im trying to get everything together should be able to start ordering parts soon.
Well this is a link to their full stock of Cherry MX keyswitches - Clear plate switches - Blue plate switches - Black plate switches - Toggle plate switch
Grabbing the PCB mounted links, will post below - Clear PCB switches - Blue PCB switches
No reasonable amount of Black PCB switches and there is no Toggle PCB switch. (also you cannot swap the toggle switch into a PCB switch, it will not work) Not saying it is 100% impossible, just that if you do it, you have to dremel out the wall between where the diode/led goes and where the spring is.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 10:14:15
Quote from: bloodygood;456062
Well this is a link to their full stock of Cherry MX keyswitches - Clear plate switches - Blue plate switches - Black plate switches - Toggle plate switch
Grabbing the PCB mounted links, will post below - Clear PCB switches - Blue PCB switches
No reasonable amount of Black PCB switches and there is no Toggle PCB switch. (also you cannot swap the toggle switch into a PCB switch, it will not work) Not saying it is 100% impossible, just that if you do it, you have to dremel out the wall between where the diode/led goes and where the spring is.
ouch just figured out itll be about $130 for full all new keyboard of ergo clears. know of any suppliers of browns?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 10:16:51
This is the only one that I know of that might have it.
Quote from: bloodygood;454045
My problem is that I like brown switches the most and I have absolutely no idea where to source those. I saw one Chinese website offering them for about 2$ per switch which adds up way too quickly. I just noticed this website but I can't understand if they are using Yen or Cny (huge difference)
700 yen for 10 switches would be absolutely awesome, the only problem is that I am not sure what shipping would be, and I could be translating the "10" wrong. Also for browns only they have both With and without mounting pins for PCB
If we were to go a group buy to reduce shipping cost that would be awesome, but I do not know how many they have in stock, and I still don't know if it is sets of 10 or something different.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 10:39:52
Quote from: bloodygood;456070
This is the only one that I know of that might have it.

If we were to go a group buy to reduce shipping cost that would be awesome, but I do not know how many they have in stock, and I still don't know if it is sets of 10 or something different.
Hmm i know that Mouser carries Cherry MX but I have never been able to decipher their model numbers.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 10:42:14
Quote from: TheProfosist;456081
Hmm i know that Mouser carries Cherry MX but I have never been able to decipher their model numbers.
Let me help you with that.
All switches start with
next is the color of the switch
next 2 are unimportant also unless you want to have it by default have a diode or LEDs (1N is default)
last is whether it is plate or pcb mounted (Plate = N, PCB = W)
Link to all mouser mx switches
MX1A-1 - Black switch
MX1A-2 - Dark Grey switch
MX1A-3 - Black switch with Grey upper housing and toggles on/off
MX1A-A - White switch
MX1A-B - Grey switch
MX1A-C - Clear switch
MX1A-D - Light Grey switch
MX1A-E - Blue switch
MX1A-F - Green switch
MX1A-G - Brown switch
MX1A-L - Red switch

example: Plate mounted brown - MX1A-G1NN
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 10:45:32
Quote from: bloodygood;456083
Let me help you with that.
All switches start with
next is the color of the switch
next 2 are unimportant also unless you want to have it by default have a diode or LEDs (1N is default)
last is whether it is plate or pcb mounted (Plate = N, PCB = W)
Link to all mouser mx switches
MX1A-1 - Black switch
MX1A-2 - Dark Grey switch
MX1A-3 - Black switch with Grey upper housing and toggles on/off
MX1A-A - White switch
MX1A-B - Grey switch
MX1A-C - Clear switch
MX1A-D - Light Grey switch
MX1A-E - Blue switch
MX1A-F - Green switch
MX1A-G - Brown switch
MX1A-L - Red switch
Looks like they have less than I remember and no browns
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 12:00:33
Does anyone have any experience with different color LEDs because I was reading earlier that purple LEDs can be harmful if left on for long periods of times around you (usually called UV LEDs) But the color looks so nice I really wanted to use them for a Dox. Should I be concerned about ordering those instead of full blue (my second choice)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 12:02:46
Quote from: bloodygood;456135
Does anyone have any experience with different color LEDs because I was reading earlier that purple LEDs can be harmful if left on for long periods of times around you (usually called UV LEDs) But the color looks so nice I really wanted to use them for a Dox. Should I be concerned about ordering those instead of full blue (my second choice)
Umm yea you can get purple but dont get UV they have their purposes but prolonged exposure is bad

o i forgot about this thread
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 12:08:27
Quote from: TheProfosist;456138
Umm yea you can get purple but dont get UV they have their purposes but prolonged exposure is bad

o i forgot about this thread
If you are looking to pay 70$ instead of a possibly lower price then sure that is a good idea. Perhaps you could talk to them about a group buy (meaning the group of us) so we can get closer to 500 for a price drop perhaps.
Quote from: squarebox;408875
For bigger quantity please inquire or PM me.
MX1A-G1JW the J means it has a jumper wire, I am not sure if that will be a problem or not. Also that means they are /not/ plate mounted. But since we have the holes in the board it shouldn't be a problem, we should still be able to use them with a plate AND pcb mount. Talk about impossible to damage haha.

Also how can you tell which are purple and which are UV they seem to all be marketed as UV from what I could find.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 12:13:11
Quote from: bloodygood;456140
If you are looking to pay 70$ instead of a possibly lower price then sure that is a good idea. Perhaps you could talk to them about a group buy (meaning the group of us) so we can get closer to 500 for a price drop perhaps.
MX1A-G1JW the J means it has a jumper wire, I am not sure if that will be a problem or not. Also that means they are /not/ plate mounted. But since we have the holes in the board it shouldn't be a problem, we should still be able to use them with a plate AND pcb mount. Talk about impossible to damage haha.

Also how can you tell which are purple and which are UV they seem to all be marketed as UV from what I could find.
I just remember the thread they might not be the right switches. I still want to go with new Ergo Clears but the price is a bit muct with all the other DOX parts so I think that Im going to use some old Dark Blues that to start out with.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 12:16:49
Quote from: TheProfosist;456145
I just remember the thread they might not be the right switches. I still want to go with new Ergo Clears but the price is a bit muct with all the other DOX parts so I think that Im going to use some old Dark Blues that to start out with.
Perhaps try ordering clears and then getting just the springs from the Classifieds? First make a post in classifieds seeing if you can get just the springs for around 10~15 (brown/blue/red springs) If you can get that deal then just buying the clear switches to go with them will be a cakewalk.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 13:20:09
Are we infact limited to only Red, Yellow, and Orange? I mean surely there must be a way to use more LEDs since Deck makes Blue and Green full LED under all 104 keys keyboards.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 13:44:02
Quote from: bloodygood;456149
Perhaps try ordering clears and then getting just the springs from the Classifieds? First make a post in classifieds seeing if you can get just the springs for around 10~15 (brown/blue/red springs) If you can get that deal then just buying the clear switches to go with them will be a cakewalk.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 13:46:12
Quote from: bloodygood;456197
Are we infact limited to only Red, Yellow, and Orange? I mean surely there must be a way to use more LEDs since Deck makes Blue and Green full LED under all 104 keys keyboards.
Show Image
yea we can only use those colors i believe otherwise the led is too dim or they were drawing too much power from the usb port. someone mentioned that manufacturer might use PWM or something to that end.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 13:54:00
Quote from: TheProfosist;456211
yea we can only use those colors i believe otherwise the led is too dim or they were drawing too much power from the usb port. someone mentioned that manufacturer might use PWM or something to that end.
I wonder if we can send them an email and ask.. I can't see them having any reason not to give us a very simple advice like that since we are not making this for mass production only for those who are interested in buying the parts themselves.. They might just be willing to give advice on LEDs if we ask nicely.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 14:07:19
Quote from: bloodygood;456223
I wonder if we can send them an email and ask.. I can't see them having any reason not to give us a very simple advice like that since we are not making this for mass production only for those who are interested in buying the parts themselves.. They might just be willing to give advice on LEDs if we ask nicely.
Give it a try you could try asking someone whos worked with leds in that way before also EE maybe?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 14:14:15
Well it looks like they answer posts on their forum actually.
-quote 1. person asking question
I read on another Forum that the Power required for the LED Lighting overloads the ability of the USB to provide the required Power. Is that True? There really are a lot of LEDs on the Keyboard.

-quote 2. their answer
Since we do not drive the LEDs at full power the current level stays below the USB limit, therefore this shouldn't be a problem for full power ports (note that there are certain cases where some laptops have USB ports that only put out 100mA - it will not work on these type of ports; this is a rare issue).

Oh this was on the side bar on their website
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 14:16:13
Quote from: bloodygood;456241
Well it looks like they answer posts on their forum actually.
-quote 1. person asking question
I read on another Forum that the Power required for the LED Lighting overloads the ability of the USB to provide the required Power. Is that True? There really are a lot of LEDs on the Keyboard.

-quote 2. their answer
Since we do not drive the LEDs at full power the current level stays below the USB limit, therefore this shouldn't be a problem for full power ports (note that there are certain cases where some laptops have USB ports that only put out 100mA - it will not work on these type of ports; this is a rare issue).

Oh this was on the side bar on their website
were already doing that... at least i believe so... ishtob mentioned lowering the power given to them.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 14:18:28
Quote from: TheProfosist;456242
were already doing that... at least i believe so... ishtob mentioned lowering the power given to them.
I believe it was mentioned but perhaps from there we can figure out exactly what change would be necessary to run all including blue/green/white/purple with no problem
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 14:22:54
Quote from: bloodygood;456244
I believe it was mentioned but perhaps from there we can figure out exactly what change would be necessary to run all including blue/green/white/purple with no problem
I think it was originally wired that way but then rewire to cut power consumption even more it was my ideal to wire 2 leds together if possible because less resistors better power consumption and what not/ I dont know if it was mentioned about the limit on colors at the time.... I dont mind I want red. By the way know where to get red leds that meet the current specs?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Sun, 20 November 2011, 14:52:52
I still think you should consider cycling through the rows of LEDs, having one lite at a time is maximum 15cols x 25mA = 375mA. All power routing to the LEDs has to be done externally from the Teensy, it has to be anyhow. It should be really simple to rotate the rows with only a few extra components. I more or less drew a schematic of how to do this, I think...

I'm no EE, but I would be a bit cautious of wiring only two LEDs in series without any resistor even if the combined voltage drop across them should be within safe limits. This might be completely ok but ask someone who knows for sure first.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 15:09:56
Quote from: PrinsValium;456263
I still think you should consider cycling through the rows of LEDs, having one lite at a time is maximum 15cols x 25mA = 375mA. All power routing to the LEDs has to be done externally from the Teensy, it has to be anyhow. It should be really simple to rotate the rows with only a few extra components. I more or less drew a schematic of how to do this, I think...

I'm no EE, but I would be a bit cautious of wiring only two LEDs in series without any resistor even if the combined voltage drop across them should be within safe limits. This might be completely ok but ask someone who knows for sure first.
This is a picture of only one side of the PCB and shows a good portion of the traces to show that it is being powered off of the USB power and not the Teensy.
( (
Click the image to open full size.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sun, 20 November 2011, 15:10:27
Quote from: PrinsValium;456263
I still think you should consider cycling through the rows of LEDs, having one lite at a time is maximum 15cols x 25mA = 375mA. All power routing to the LEDs has to be done externally from the Teensy, it has to be anyhow. It should be really simple to rotate the rows with only a few extra components. I more or less drew a schematic of how to do this, I think...

I'm no EE, but I would be a bit cautious of wiring only two LEDs in series without any resistor even if the combined voltage drop across them should be within safe limits. This might be completely ok but ask someone who knows for sure first.

Just to make sure I understand you correctly, you would use the power that you use to scan the matrix to lit the leds? I think that could work too.
With 5V source voltage, 2V diode forward voltage and 20mA diode forward current and 15 leds, this is the result from this led calculator (

Solution 0: 2 x 7 array, 1 extra LED
    +----|>|----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 56 ohms
    +----|>|----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 56 ohms
    +----|>|----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 56 ohms
    +----|>|----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 56 ohms
    +----|>|----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 56 ohms
    +----|>|----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 56 ohms
    +----|>|----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 56 ohms
    +----|>|----------/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms

The wizard says: In solution 0:
  each 56 ohm resistor dissipates 22.4 mW
  the wizard thinks ¼W resistors are fine for your application
  the 150 ohm resistor dissipates 60 mW
  the wizard thinks ¼W resistors are fine for your application
  together, all resistors dissipate 216.8 mW
  together, the diodes dissipate 600 mW              
  total power dissipated by the array is 816.8 mW      
  the array draws current of 160 mA from the source.

Solution 1: 1 x 15 array uses 15 LEDs exactly
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms
    +----|>|---/\/\/----+  R = 150 ohms

The wizard says: In solution 1:
  each 150 ohm resistor dissipates 60 mW
  the wizard thinks ¼W resistors are fine for your application
  together, all resistors dissipate 900 mW
  together, the diodes dissipate 600 mW              
  total power dissipated by the array is 1500 mW      
  the array draws current of 300 mA from the source.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Sun, 20 November 2011, 15:24:26
I didn't look to much at the picture, but you have ~60 keys, with all LEDs connected in series pairs, that is 30x20mA=600mA for common LEDs. Then you would have to restrict your LEDs to 15mA ones to meet the 500mA limit. Also if there is no control whatsoever through the Teensy, you will not be able to adjust the brightness of the back lighting. I imagine 60 LEDs could light up your complete house choosing the "right" ones =)

Add some way to cycle the rows, some sort of decade counter perhaps, if that one has a inhibit pin you can PWM that with the controller to set the intensity. There will be 5 transistors needed also to control the currents.

Having LED series pairs lowers the total power consumption, but again restricts the usable set of LEDs. I however imagine that you wouldn't want to drive them at full throttle anyhow, so 1500mW is probably not going to happen.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 15:30:06
Quote from: PrinsValium;456279
I didn't look to much at the picture, but you have ~60 keys, with all LEDs connected in series pairs, that is 30x20mA=600mA for common LEDs. Then you would have to restrict your LEDs to 15mA ones to meet the 500mA limit. Also if there is no control whatsoever through the Teensy, you will not be able to adjust the brightness of the back lighting. I imagine 60 LEDs could light up your complete house choosing the "right" ones =)

Add some way to cycle the rows, some sort of decade counter perhaps, if that one has a inhibit pin you can PWM that with the controller to set the intensity. There will be 5 transistors needed also to control the currents.

Having LED series pairs lowers the total power consumption, but again restricts the usable set of LEDs. I however imagine that you wouldn't want to drive them at full throttle anyhow, so 1500mW is probably not going to happen.
This is infact true that we cannot change the level of the light but we can turn them off. the 4 switch on the left side next to capslock (on the underside of the keyboard, fits just like a Poker keyboard) can turn on/off LEDs

I wonder how KBC managed to make the Poker PCB so clean looking, very simple and precise.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 20 November 2011, 15:35:37
im running the LED's at 6mA, not 25mA
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 20 November 2011, 15:36:49
i might be able to add a pot before the DIP switch to adjust the light level, but its going to be tough fitting that in the poker case... unless you guys dont mind it topside of the poker, under the caps lock
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 15:45:26
Was the Poker made to be able to add more LEDs?

I really wish we could see a poker with the key switches removed.. both sides of the PCB up close. If I had extra money I would buy one and de-solder it all to take high res pictures like that. Then we would know what we were up against and possible be able to wire ours in such a small space based on past working experience.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 20 November 2011, 15:50:50
Quote from: bloodygood;456281
This is infact true that we cannot change the level of the light but we can turn them off. the 4 switch on the left side next to capslock (on the underside of the keyboard, fits just like a Poker keyboard) can turn on/off LEDs

I wonder how KBC managed to make the Poker PCB so clean looking, very simple and precise.
Show Image

that's exactly what I'm using the DIP switch for, one for on and off the all LED, 1 for wasd, and 1 for esc
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 15:56:45
Quote from: ishtob;456289
that's exactly what I'm using the DIP switch for, one for on and off the all LED, 1 for wasd, and 1 for esc
I know that, I was agreeing that is what was being done, not saying you did something different. My point was it seems like they used very minimal and almost always very thin traces and managed to make the whole layout very clean. I wonder if that is possible to replicate and give more space to get all of the wiring more efficiently.
I made a small change to the traces in order to add a second key instead of 1 backspace key. I will upload that in a sec
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 16:00:45
Before I forget Dox said he would help with the plate
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 16:21:26
I did manage to find one larger picture of the Revision 1 Poker but only of the underside.
( (
click for full size.
This sounds possible. What would happen if you wired each column to go from the switch lead, to the resistor, to the led, and then to the next in the column?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 16:42:00
Anyone have some good shots of the inside of a poker case I plan to add lead weight like I did to my Rosewill I wonder how much room is in there.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 16:48:47
taken from this review
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 16:50:29
Quote from: bloodygood;456323
Show Image

Show Image

taken from this review
Thanks looks like ill be able to put a fair bit of lead in there depending on clearance just like they did the foam.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 17:10:04
Quote from: TheProfosist;456325
Thanks looks like ill be able to put a fair bit of lead in there depending on clearance just like they did the foam.
If you read their review they said they put the foam in to reduce PBC flexing. so perhaps it would be a good idea to cover your lead with a tad bit of foam too.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 20 November 2011, 17:12:35
i use sponge, but it works the same
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 17:14:23
Quote from: bloodygood;456331
If you read their review they said they put the foam in to reduce PBC flexing. so perhaps it would be a good idea to cover your lead with a tad bit of foam too.
Well have a plate though.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sun, 20 November 2011, 17:21:15
Quote from: TheProfosist;456339
Well have a plate though.
As I feared, judging by the construction of the case and the hole location, the plate wont make much difference in term of stiffness.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 17:25:14
Quote from: Dox;456346
As I feared, judging by the construction of the case and the hole location, the plate wont make much difference in term of stiffness.
Thats not good to hear. Well, I still want plate mounted switches and it will add some more weight to the keyboard.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 17:31:50
Just the plate would probably be enough weight by itself. So perhaps it is time to start looking for a new case, or are some going to decide to do PCB mounted instead. I think it would be great to have a plate like in the original article
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sun, 20 November 2011, 17:33:09
It might add a bit of stiffness but not as much as a standard plate mounted keyboard. As you said, it will add some weight and protect the PCB too.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 20 November 2011, 17:48:09
based on this. Would it be fair to use this method
row 1 - F0
row 2 - F1
row 3 - F4
row 4 - F5
row 5 - F6
This would keep all rows out of the way if the Teensy is on the back. And change the code to read in PF by number instead of PB by number.
Then all pins along the top could be used (except for GND) for tracing the columns in easier.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 20 November 2011, 19:44:48
Quote from: Dox;456355
It might add a bit of stiffness but not as much as a standard plate mounted keyboard. As you said, it will add some weight and protect the PCB too.

if we can get titanium or carbon fiber plates, it might fix the flex
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: BiNiaRiS on Sun, 20 November 2011, 22:02:54
how hard would it be to change this to be able to use an off-center caps, 1.5 control/alt keys, and a longer 7 unit spacebar?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: tsangan on Sun, 20 November 2011, 22:39:23
Quote from: BiNiaRiS;456482
how hard would it be to change this to be able to use an off-center caps, 1.5 control/alt keys, and a longer 7 unit spacebar?
That would be pretty awesome you would get 1.5x control/alt keys + 7x space bar fit and 2 1x modifiers. I would definitely be down for that ;D
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 20 November 2011, 23:04:44
its not too hard, just need to measure things out
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 20 November 2011, 23:28:38
Quote from: Dox;456355
It might add a bit of stiffness but not as much as a standard plate mounted keyboard. As you said, it will add some weight and protect the PCB too.
Sounds like more than enough benefit for me.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Mon, 21 November 2011, 00:07:06
Quote from: ishtob;456284
im running the LED's at 6mA, not 25mA

I was under the impression that LEDs really didn't like to be fed that far below their typical ratings. But it seems like I was just plain old wrong =P

Quote from: Dox;456346
As I feared, judging by the construction of the case and the hole location, the plate wont make much difference in term of stiffness.

Quote from: TheProfosist;456550
Sounds like more than enough benefit for me.

I actually think a plate will do a lot of difference, unlike that foam which I cant see how it would help at all... The plate and PCB form sort of a sandwich construction with the switches making up for the intermediate "honeycomb".
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 11:50:22
Quote from: PrinsValium;456569
I actually think a plate will do a lot of difference, unlike that foam which I cant see how it would help at all... The plate and PCB form sort of a sandwich construction with the switches making up for the intermediate "honeycomb".
I agree with that from my experience of taking my Rosewills apart.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 12:19:16
ishtob hows the pcb coming along for my layout?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 12:52:38
Im coming up with a prts list for my self right now and am going to try to track down what I need from as few places as possible.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 21 November 2011, 12:56:01
Quote from: TheProfosist;455704
So the template is finished.

Show Image

is is this one?
there was like 5 different versions each with small differences
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 12:57:26
Quote from: ishtob;456807
is is this one?
there was like 5 different versions each with small differences
Sorry about thet. That is the template for WASD,  here is a better layout of the layers
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 21 November 2011, 13:00:29
aite i'll get working on that later tonight, at school right now with a mac, so cant use the pcb design software
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 13:02:47
Quote from: ishtob;456811
aite i'll get working on that later tonight, at school right now with a mac, so cant use the pcb design software
Its cool once done i will be able to find out how many and what size resistors I need so I can find them and get them on my parts list. Were you able to get a LED into the toggle switch as my Fn 2 is going to use a toggle switch.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 21 November 2011, 13:06:39
erm school been busy so u notice me being a little less active, i think I got the design needed for the LED to fit, I'll have to double check though... I might just make the entire mod row have that etra hole for toggle so others who wants to do the same will be able to get LED at any mod position they like
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 13:16:34
Anyone know where I can pick up the correct LEDs that meet our specifications. I tried looking on Online Components buy could really find a way to find a way to search by the specs of the LED.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hazeluff on Mon, 21 November 2011, 14:26:17
Quote from: TheProfosist;456819
Anyone know where I can pick up the correct LEDs that meet our specifications. I tried looking on Online Components buy could really find a way to find a way to search by the specs of the LED.

I have some experiance in this. But I've only ever ordered through my university tho, so I won't know about the ordering/shipping. But I've gotten things from them and they do bulk discounts.They should also have original component datasheets. If you need help picking components I may be of use. Otherwise, have a look at the following links.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 14:31:32
Quote from: ishtob;456817
erm school been busy so u notice me being a little less active, i think I got the design needed for the LED to fit, I'll have to double check though... I might just make the entire mod row have that etra hole for toggle so others who wants to do the same will be able to get LED at any mod position they like
Its cool I dont plan on ordering anything till I have a design and a source for everything and I definitely cannot order until WASD get the needed parts in. I am trying to get everything together just so that I know whats missing and to make it easier once I do order.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 14:34:57
Quote from: hazeluff;456857
I have some experiance in this. But I've only ever ordered through my university tho, so I won't know about the ordering/shipping. But I've gotten things from them and they do bulk discounts.They should also have original component datasheets. If you need help picking components I may be of use. Otherwise, have a look at the following links.
Yea, help would be appreciated. I just tried online components because that is where I will be getting the switches from if I cant get them from POS boards. And I have to order the toggle switch from there as I havnt seen it anywhere else. I am looking for red 3mm leds. I forgot the other specifications that ishtob mentioned.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hazeluff on Mon, 21 November 2011, 15:32:46
Quote from: TheProfosist;456864
Yea, help would be appreciated. I just tried online components because that is where I will be getting the switches from if I cant get them from POS boards. And I have to order the toggle switch from there as I havnt seen it anywhere else. I am looking for red 3mm leds. I forgot the other specifications that ishtob mentioned.

Your other specs should be:

Voltage and current ratings.

I'll have a look at the sites and pick some out for you in a bit.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 15:43:03
Quote from: hazeluff;456912
Your other specs should be:

Voltage and current ratings.

I'll have a look at the sites and pick some out for you in a bit.
The voltage should be right around 2.5.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Mon, 21 November 2011, 16:14:06
Quote from: PrinsValium;456569
I actually think a plate will do a lot of difference, unlike that foam which I cant see how it would help at all... The plate and PCB form sort of a sandwich construction with the switches making up for the intermediate "honeycomb".
I didn't think about it that way but you are right, joining the PCB and the plates with the switches will add quite a bit of stiffness to the assembly!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 16:15:18
Quote from: Dox;456946
I didn't think about it that way but you are right, joining the PCB and the plates with the switches will add quite a bit of stiffness to the assembly!
Do you still need the inside measurements of the poker case from ishtob?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Mon, 21 November 2011, 16:25:50
Yes, that would help to have the inside dimensions of the case to make sure I design it to go as close as possible to the case borders.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 16:27:44
Quote from: Dox;456956
Yes, that would help to have the inside dimensions of the case to make sure I design it to go as close as possible to the case borders.
Any idea on the cost of a plate?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hazeluff on Mon, 21 November 2011, 16:48:04
Quote from: TheProfosist;456920
The voltage should be right around 2.5. is one thats hidden in some of the previous links. They seem to do US business but not sure about the costs of shipping.

Farnell is EU/Pacific based and charges 15gbp for shipping outside of EU. But they have an amazing search system.
I did my search ( using the folowing parameters
Voltage: up to 2.5V
Color: Red
Size: Up to 3mm and T-1 (standard that's 3mm large) (Float top, if you're into that kinda thing)

As you can see there's alot of choices. No real need to pick very carefully among different products. They're all pretty much the same thing.
Things you may want to notice are:
Luminosity (Brightness, tho you'll find the "dimmer" ones are still bright enough)
Max/Typical Current (Higher means you can be a bit more careless in making sure the voltage supplied doesn't blow it up)
Max/Typical Voltage (Same goes here. I'll explain some issues at the end, cos this topic is a bit long)

Things you probably don't give a rat's ass or shouldn't
Wavelength (That pretty much defines color)
Viewing Angle (I believe it's the angle at which the brightness/intensity drops below 50%)

I don't think there's anything you need to be picky about when choosing them. So Basically anything you choose won't be an issue, you might just want to go for the cheapest.

As for picking your max/typical voltage. The most important thing to remember is that if the Bulb gets too much current/voltage, it will heat up to the temperature of the sun and DIE. So for those which can't tolerate up to 2.5V you'll have to put resistors in series to stop them from frying, even if it's not I would still suggest doing so, just to be safe.

I only know these sites for getting components (I'm in the UK and Uni orders from these). So if anyone knows any better place, that's probably better.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 16:54:25
Quote from: hazeluff;456974 is one thats hidden in some of the previous links. They seem to do US business but not sure about the costs of shipping.

Farnell is EU/Pacific based and charges 15gbp for shipping outside of EU. But they have an amazing search system.
I did my search ( using the folowing parameters
Voltage: up to 2.5V
Color: Red
Size: Up to 3mm and T-1 (standard that's 3mm large) (Float top, if you're into that kinda thing)

As you can see there's alot of choices. No real need to pick very carefully among different products. They're all pretty much the same thing.
Things you may want to notice are:
Luminosity (Brightness, tho you'll find the "dimmer" ones are still bright enough)
Max/Typical Current (Higher means you can be a bit more careless in making sure the voltage supplied doesn't blow it up)
Max/Typical Voltage (Same goes here. I'll explain some issues at the end, cos this topic is a bit long)

Things you probably don't give a rat's ass or shouldn't
Wavelength (That pretty much defines color)
Viewing Angle (I believe it's the angle at which the brightness/intensity drops below 50%)

I don't think there's anything you need to be picky about when choosing them. So Basically anything you choose won't be an issue, you might just want to go for the cheapest.

As for picking your max/typical voltage. The most important thing to remember is that if the Bulb gets too much current/voltage, it will heat up to the temperature of the sun and DIE. So for those which can't tolerate up to 2.5V you'll have to put resistors in series to stop them from frying, even if it's not I would still suggest doing so, just to be safe.

I only know these sites for getting components (I'm in the UK and Uni orders from these). So if anyone knows any better place, that's probably better.
Which ones from would you recommend? And why are the Dialight ones so much more expensive?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 21 November 2011, 17:02:29
 Here it is, quick draft version, I havent double checked it yet.

hey profosist, If i post the draft version, would you be able to check for errors? I did a quick alteration to get your layout, but i need to run for a group project meeting, if not i'll take a look alot later tonight
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 21 November 2011, 17:04:02
prof dont forget when ur getting the LED to check its brightness, not all LED are made equal in its brightness, some can be dimmer but still consume the same amount of current
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 17:08:04
Quote from: ishtob;456982
Here it is, quick draft version, I havent double checked it yet.

hey profosist, If i post the draft version, would you be able to check for errors? I did a quick alteration to get your layout, but i need to run for a group project meeting, if not i'll take a look alot later tonight
I can try to check. What exactly do I need to check?

Quote from: ishtob;456983
prof dont forget when ur getting the LED to check its brightness, not all LED are made equal in its brightness, some can be dimmer but still consume the same amount of current
yes I think that hazeluff mentioned that.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 21 November 2011, 17:12:18
see if the connection for the Left FN key and the 2 keys that replaced the backspace are connected right....
the Left FN is actually wired as the Function row of the 2nd column... because I didn't want to make too much modification to the wiring that are already good.. why fix something that isn't broke right? :)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Mon, 21 November 2011, 17:13:20
I think the toughest part is not getting everything wired to the Teensy, it is actually doing that and also getting the LEDs in correctly haha. Still making sure the Teensy is on the back though, what a interesting learning experience it has been so far.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 17:18:19
Quote from: TheProfosist;456978
Which ones from would you recommend? And why are the Dialight ones so much more expensive?
I think the lumex ones are actually 10mm leds T-3 so they wont work.
the dialight doesnt have much info and is super expensive compared the the others. if it was that much better I would consider it but there really arnt that many specs.
between the VCC and the Kingbright I think the VCC is better. Am I correct?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hazeluff on Mon, 21 November 2011, 17:36:41
Quote from: TheProfosist;456992
I think the lumex ones are actually 10mm leds T-3 so they wont work.
the dialight doesnt have much info and is super expensive compared the the others. if it was that much better I would consider it but there really arnt that many specs.
between the VCC and the Kingbright I think the VCC is better. Am I correct?

You're right about the Lumix one. And yes the dialight one is very expensive for some reason.

I did the search again.

I'd recommend this one, If I were picking. Its bright and cheap and will run off low voltage. Getting brighter is better than getting dimmer, as if there is anything wrong you can just put in bigger resistors to dim it down. Low typical voltage gives you more room to play around with your circuit.
Almost all of the LEDs are 30mA (I saw like one 25mA one). Also, most of them are sub 2.5V meaning you'll need a resistor in there for all of them.

How many LEDs are you buying? I hope you're getting bulk amounts (as in lighting up your whole board). Because you might as well use eBay to pick up small amounts.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 18:15:20
Quote from: hazeluff;457002
You're right about the Lumix one. And yes the dialight one is very expensive for some reason.

I did the search again.

I'd recommend this one, If I were picking. Its bright and cheap and will run off low voltage. Getting brighter is better than getting dimmer, as if there is anything wrong you can just put in bigger resistors to dim it down. Low typical voltage gives you more room to play around with your circuit.
Almost all of the LEDs are 30mA (I saw like one 25mA one). Also, most of them are sub 2.5V meaning you'll need a resistor in there for all of them.

How many LEDs are you buying? I hope you're getting bulk amounts (as in lighting up your whole board). Because you might as well use eBay to pick up small amounts.
Yea im buying enough for 2 keyboards do at least 130 do you think I should pick up some extras? Also how do if figure out what resistors I am going to need?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hazeluff on Mon, 21 November 2011, 18:26:49
Quote from: TheProfosist;457014
Yea im buying enough for 2 keyboards do at least 130 do you think I should pick up some extras? Also how do if figure out what resistors I am going to need?

You will definitely need/want spares (incase you blow a few ; p, I've blown like 2-3 in a project using one...5V over a LED is not smart).

As for resistors, it depends on in what fashion you want to hook them up. I think it'd be most efficient in using one/one set of resistors in series with all/lots of LEDs in Parallel. It really depends on how much room you have in your board.

You can always do one resistor per LED (easy to do the maths or if you want to control each LED individually with circuitry).

If you put a ton of LEDs in parallel you may need a very small resistance for your resistors.

Lets just assume you are using you're 2.5V, and you are pulling 30mA.

For 1 resistor in series with 1 LED:

2.5 - 30m*Resistance = 1.85
Reistance ~= 22 ohm

For 1 resistor in series with n LEDs in parallel:

2.5 - 30m*n*Resistance = 1.85

Feel free to substitute 2.5 for 5v if you use power from your USB.
For the 2.5 V you can support like 20ish LEDs off a 1ohm resistor. (Simple resistor circuit).
For 5V you can do like 100 LEDs off a 1ohm resistor.

I'm not sure which one is the best way to do it. There may some pros and cons I'm not aware of when you hook up so many LEDs in parallel. But in the case of using less components you may not need many. If someone else with some good electronics knowledge will step in and comment on this, that'd be great.

Note: you can make resistance of <1ohm by putting resistors in parallel. e.g. placing 2 1ohm resistors in parallel creates a 0.5ohm equivalent resistor.

If you need to test brightness of the LEDs(for all we know it could be way too bright). You might just grab some extra resistors and hopefully can calibrate the brightness. Something cool you could do (but will cost just a bit more, is getting a potentiometer, so you can adjust brightness as you want,without soldering/adding extra resistors).

Background to this stuff (for if you want to learn some electronics):

Voltage = Current * Resistance (Voltage dropped across a component is equivalent to the current going through it multiplied by it's current)
Thats where we get
Vcc - IR = VLed (Kirchoffs voltage law)

We want the Resistor to drop the voltage to what the VLed should operate at optimally (1.85V @ 30mA).
Vcc is our power supply (2.5V/5V)
R is the resistance of the resistor in series.

For n LEDs in parallel:

The current from the resistor will be split/comes from all the LEDs (each 30mA). Therefore I can take I and multiply it by n to get the current through the resistor

Vcc - nIR = VLed.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 21 November 2011, 19:37:13
Quote from: hazeluff;457021
You will definitely need/want spares (incase you blow a few ; p, I've blown like 2-3 in a project using one...5V over a LED is not smart).

As for resistors, it depends on in what fashion you want to hook them up. I think it'd be most efficient in using one/one set of resistors in series with all/lots of LEDs in Parallel. It really depends on how much room you have in your board.

You can always do one resistor per LED (easy to do the maths or if you want to control each LED individually with circuitry).

If you put a ton of LEDs in parallel you may need a very small resistance for your resistors.

Lets just assume you are using you're 2.5V, and you are pulling 30mA.

For 1 resistor in series with 1 LED:

2.5 - 30m*Resistance = 1.85
Reistance ~= 22 ohm

For 1 resistor in series with n LEDs in parallel:

2.5 - 30m*n*Resistance = 1.85

Feel free to substitute 2.5 for 5v if you use power from your USB.
For the 2.5 V you can support like 20ish LEDs off a 1ohm resistor. (Simple resistor circuit).
For 5V you can do like 100 LEDs off a 1ohm resistor.

I'm not sure which one is the best way to do it. There may some pros and cons I'm not aware of when you hook up so many LEDs in parallel. But in the case of using less components you may not need many. If someone else with some good electronics knowledge will step in and comment on this, that'd be great.

Note: you can make resistance of <1ohm by putting resistors in parallel. e.g. placing 2 1ohm resistors in parallel creates a 0.5ohm equivalent resistor.

If you need to test brightness of the LEDs(for all we know it could be way too bright). You might just grab some extra resistors and hopefully can calibrate the brightness. Something cool you could do (but will cost just a bit more, is getting a potentiometer, so you can adjust brightness as you want,without soldering/adding extra resistors).
There will mostly be 2 leds in a series the all in parallel but there will be i believe 1 alone since there is a odd number of switches.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hazeluff on Mon, 21 November 2011, 20:09:26
Quote from: TheProfosist;457074
There will mostly be 2 leds in a series the all in parallel but there will be i believe 1 alone since there is a odd number of switches.

Look at my uploaded picture (too lazy to type descriptions of circuits). I'd probably use Case 1 (I can't see the reason not to). The only thing will be that if the one resistor fails (very very very very very unlikely) then the whole thing will fail. But I'll assume replacing it won't be hard either. So in my opinion go for that.


If you do Case 1, the resistor R1 should be come out <1ohm but use a 1-2ohm (Don't want to blow out the LEDs, and probably you wont need 100% brightness). For the resistor with the single LED (R1(1)) use a >62ohm resistor.

If you do Case 2, the majority of resistors (R2) should be >43ohm and the single LED resistor (R2(1)) should be >105ohm.

If there are any questions please ask = ).
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Tue, 22 November 2011, 00:01:36
What happens in case I if one of the LEDs fails? The current through the resistor falls and so does the voltage across it, increasing the voltage across the remaining parallel paths. In this case they are probably many enough to prevent a chain reaction of failing LEDs. Or am I just thinking this wrong?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 00:10:28
you would only get 1 other LED thats in series with the failed one potentially getting damaged, not the whole chain, it shouldnt affect the current draw on the others in the chain
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Tue, 22 November 2011, 00:36:05
I am quite sure that in the case with only one resistor for all the LEDs there could be catastrophic failure. If one of the LEDs fails, that path becomes open. Since the voltage drop across the other paths of LEDs is kind of constant independent on current. The current that was initially divided over N paths is now divided over N-1 paths. In this case you will be under powering the LEDs to start with, and N-1~=N. So there would probably have to be multiple failed paths to trigger further smoke.

Well sure, if that resistor is more or less 0ohms to start with of course the voltage drop across it will still remain 0...
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hazeluff on Tue, 22 November 2011, 06:01:30
Quote from: PrinsValium;457195
What happens in case I if one of the LEDs fails? The current through the resistor falls and so does the voltage across it, increasing the voltage across the remaining parallel paths. In this case they are probably many enough to prevent a chain reaction of failing LEDs. Or am I just thinking this wrong?

Only if we were running it at a marginally stable state. i.e. We made all the LEDs at it's Maximum Operating Voltage and used the smallest possible resistor.

Since I've suggested the use of a 1-2ohm (Larger than calculated) This drops the voltage lower that the Operating Voltage. It may not achieve maximum brightness, but in the case of one LED failing and causing the voltage across the others to increase, It will not bring the voltage over the Maximum Operating Voltage for all the other LEDs.

 Also as N is large, N-1 ~= N. As someone has stated earlier, making a very little change if one part fails.

The one concern will be testing it out initially, if tons of parts arn't hooked up correct when initially testing the circuit, then there is a chance of killing everything. (I would just test using a large resistor and then slowly decreasing the resistance).

Extras (Prob don't do this, It's just for the sake of engineering and solving the "Problem"): I believe you can put a safety mechanism by placing a resistor in parallel with the groups of LEDs. This introduces a bit of negative feedback, so that if one LED fails and the voltage increases. This resistor will draw a bit more current. Not sure if this will be efficient, as it draws extra current for no apparent reason. I'm also not sure from range of failure it can cover if any. As well as some maths will be needed to be done (and I can't be bothered right now).

Another way, is to have N+1 (+1 for the reference) transistors/MOSFETS in a current mirror configuration making them independent of each other (except for the reference). But you'd need N+1 transitors...

Quote from: ishtob;456285
i might be able to add a pot before the DIP switch to adjust the light level, but its going to be tough fitting that in the poker case... unless you guys dont mind it topside of the poker, under the caps lock

I happened to stumble on this old comment. It's totally viable in my opinion to have varying brightness. Just place the potentiometer in parallel with the resistor (case 1). You can get some pretty small potentiometers and have the nob sticking out on the side or something (You can get some nice covers for the knobs). Another way to do this is have a pulse width modulator to control the LED network (Maybe need a FET to drive the amount of current the LEDs are using). Basically it creates a square wave ( of different ON widths, that way the LED is ON and OFF for different amounts of time (fooling our eyes that it is different brightness).
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 10:00:32
So now I think I need to know from ishtob how many of each resistor I need and it might be good to know how many diodes I need as well then I can start tracking things down.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 10:24:54
which LED were you planning on using?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 10:26:52
Quote from: ishtob;457417
which LED were you planning on using?
The one that hazeluff recommended
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 10:32:33
oh those, I bought 200 of the orange/red version of that... i'll play around with it see what brightness works the 100ohm for the 2 series turned out to be too dark
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 10:36:10
Quote from: ishtob;457427
oh those, I bought 200 of the orange/red version of that... i'll play around with it see what brightness works the 100ohm for the 2 series turned out to be too dark
Thanks I would like them as bright as I can get them with out harm as I plan to use white key caps from WASD keyboards. The glowing effect should be really cool.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 10:43:21
your layout should have 64 keys, so its going to need 64 diodes, and 4 LED will be single while the 60 are going to be in series.... its going to be 4 of whatever value for 1 LED and 30 for the rest
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 10:59:16
Shoot.. just notice the smaller LED i bought were 60mcd not 600 like the one you posted... but the original LED I was using are 3200mcd... so dont know how much brighter it would be compared to the 60mcd

anyways, lets let the pictures speak for themselves: both are hooked up directly to USB power with a 470ohm inline
3200mcd running 6mA from here (

60mcd running at 8mA from here (

side by side comparison:
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 10:59:47
sorry its daylight out, the brighter one lights up most of the key except for the part behind the middle column

should i get some red LED to see how bright these are?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 11:02:48
this one ( is spec'ed at 7000mcd with the same footprint
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 11:06:02
Quote from: ishtob;457437
your layout should have 64 keys, so its going to need 64 diodes, and 4 LED will be single while the 60 are going to be in series.... its going to be 4 of whatever value for 1 LED and 30 for the rest
Yes, it has 64 keys. Are there any specifics that I need to know before looking up the diodes? As for the resistors, using this calculated that I would need at least 105ohms they recommended 120ohms for the single LEDs. For the 2 LEDs in a series I calculated 43.3ohms they recommended 47ohms. Does this sound correct? Screenshot of Calculation (
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 11:07:29
theres a typo for the 1st slot, your using 1.85, not 1.58

also if your running it at that current, your USB won't be able to support it... that would add up to about 650mA roughly without calculating it
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 11:17:00
this is the one I was interested in finding, but nowhere has it:    
WP710A10SEC (
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 11:18:53
Quote from: ishtob;457452
theres a typo for the 1st slot, your using 1.85, not 1.58

also if your running it at that current, your USB won't be able to support it... that would add up to about 650mA roughly without calculating it
Alright so the mA is going to have change then right? The teensy takes up 100mA right? So, 400/64=6.25mA. So that changes the resistor alot 504 and 560 recommended for the single led and 208 and 220 recommended to the 2 LEDs in series. Calculator Screenshot (

As those brighter ones would be a definite benefit but their significantly more expensive.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 11:31:27
i actually dont know how much current the teensy draws :P so iono, i try to keep the total current under 350 because i saw an article somewhere saying most keybaord uses 100-200mA i took the average 150mA use
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Tue, 22 November 2011, 11:55:37
Guys, we got quotes back on switches for the Phantom group buy.  Looks like it is a go with switches.  Brown, Clear, and Red are a go.  We are at less than 200 switches for Blue, so we may axe Blue if we don't get close to 1000 blue switches.

In case you missed it, it is OK if you just want to order switches through the Phantom group buy.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 12:02:46
Quote from: ishtob;457476
i actually dont know how much current the teensy draws :P so iono, i try to keep the total current under 350 because i saw an article somewhere saying most keybaord uses 100-200mA i took the average 150mA use
Ive have read everything on their website I cannot figure out power draw for the teensy.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 13:08:45
Quote from: TheProfosist;457497
Ive have read everything on their website I cannot figure out power draw for the teensy.
I have sent an email off to their tech support to see if I can dril this down.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 13:09:53
Quote from: TheProfosist;457555
I have sent an email off to their tech support to see if I can dril this down.
I got an email back
On 11/22/2011 10:22 AM, TheProfosist wrote:
    I was wondering what the power draw of the teensy was. We are using it as a keyboard controller.

With everthing on, approx 30 mA.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Tue, 22 November 2011, 13:11:56
Part of it is going to be based on clock speed.  Another part is which peripherals you're using (analog IO, PWM, ... )  And yet another part is how the firmware is written.  I don't know what's possible in terms of idle loops on this arch, but the difference between an idle loop and a busy loop is most of the power usage.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 13:14:23
Quote from: alaricljs;457558
Part of it is going to be based on clock speed.  Another part is which peripherals you're using (analog IO, PWM, ... )  And yet another part is how the firmware is written.  I don't know what's possible in terms of idle loops on this arch, but the difference between an idle loop and a busy loop is most of the power usage.
So do you think the number I got was accurate or should I supply some more specifications?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Tue, 22 November 2011, 13:19:09
Oh hey, I was still writing that.  As they say, with everything on 30ma... So I expect the KB firmware to be less than that (as no peripherals are used).  If there's a good idle loop then it should be quite a bit less.  Either way, 30ma is tiny already, anything less is noise.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 13:24:31
Quote from: alaricljs;457565
Oh hey, I was still writing that.  As they say, with everything on 30ma... So I expect the KB firmware to be less than that (as no peripherals are used).  If there's a good idle loop then it should be quite a bit less.  Either way, 30ma is tiny already, anything less is noise.
Sorry, so it would be less than 30ma? Hmm I should still leave at least that much available. I wonder how much power I should give to the LEDs.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 15:01:28
So after seeing how crazy this has been over the LEDs and implementation I may just consider going no LEDs since that was my original plan to begin with. Especially since it sounds like it would take a lot of calculation to get Blue/Purple/Green LEDs working properly and I don't want to cause anyone trouble of working that all out. So now the main thing is just making sure the Teensy is on the back so the plate will fit over the front of the PCB. And possibly only then modifying the layout to add LED layout if that is still a possibility after those first 2 big points are taken care of. Keep in mind I am not trying to change the focus but this last couple page has just been a wall of text towards LEDs without a lot of easy clarification for those of us still learning electronics and electricity or with little experience.
I would think the order of operations should be..
1. Teensy to the back so that..
2. We get a plate mount for these awesome PCBs and then if we can..
3. add LEDs after seeing how a first working PCB with that set up handles and testing how much power is being drawn.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 15:08:26
Quote from: bloodygood;457642
So after seeing how crazy this has been over the LEDs and implementation I may just consider going no LEDs since that was my original plan to begin with. Especially since it sounds like it would take a lot of calculation to get Blue/Purple/Green LEDs working properly and I don't want to cause anyone trouble of working that all out. So now the main thing is just making sure the Teensy is on the back so the plate will fit over the front of the PCB. And possibly only then modifying the layout to add LED layout if that is still a possibility after those first 2 big points are taken care of. Keep in mind I am not trying to change the focus but this last couple page has just been a wall of text towards LEDs without a lot of easy clarification for those of us still learning electronics and electricity or with little experience.
I would think the order of operations should be..
1. Teensy to the back so that..
2. We get a plate mount for these awesome PCBs and then if we can..
3. add LEDs after seeing how a first working PCB with that set up handles and testing how much power is being drawn.
Sorry about all the led stuff just figuring out what i can while I wait on other stuff.

About moving the Teensy to the back I think that we were just going to have a cutout in the plate for it that way you dont have to take apart the whole keyboard just to flash the teensy.

Yes a plate I believe that Dox is waiting on measurements of the Poker case. I do not have one yet, I believe ishtob is the only one in this thread that has one.

I did get info from the makes of the teensy saying that it draws 30mA with everything on. Also there should be some way to check how much the keyboard ishtob has is using.

Also if you want those Leds you would have to have a resistor before every LED i believe dont quote me on that though.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 15:23:17
Quote from: TheProfosist;457648
Sorry about all the led stuff just figuring out what i can while I wait on other stuff.

About moving the Teensy to the back I think that we were just going to have a cutout in the plate for it that way you dont have to take apart the whole keyboard just to flash the teensy.

Yes a plate I believe that Dox is waiting on measurements of the Poker case. I do not have one yet, I believe ishtob is the only one in this thread that has one.

I did get info from the makes of the teensy saying that it draws 30mA with everything on. Also there should be some way to check how much the keyboard ishtob has is using.

Also if you want those Leds you would have to have a resistor before every LED i believe dont quote me on that though.
I don't see any reason why we cannot move the Teensy to the back actually. The coding allows for changes like that, plus the pins can be inserted into the same place on the PCB, it would involve flipping the component and do some re-routing of traces.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 15:26:43
Quote from: bloodygood;457659
I don't see any reason why we cannot move the Teensy to the back actually. The coding allows for changes like that, plus the pins can be inserted into the same place on the PCB, it would involve flipping the component and do some re-routing of traces.
What about access to the teensy? You need to press the button to flash. Also it will stick out and thus no longer fit in a standard poker case.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 15:35:39
Quote from: TheProfosist;457662
What about access to the teensy? You need to press the button to flash. Also it will stick out and thus no longer fit in a standard poker case.
have you measured the teensy as far as height, because there is a micro controller on the back of the Poker in the same place and there is a space in the Poker case to account for that, refer back to my previous pictures for proof of that. Also as I had said from the beginning we will only need to flash it a couple of times if not only once. So because of that we would still have access to the Teensy on the back without having to sacrifice structure integrity or possibly causing the spacebar stabilizers to not fit right/run out of space.
Case (
Poker PCB Back (
Poker Microcontroller (
Different angle (
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Tue, 22 November 2011, 15:36:26
You can flash the teensy by jumping to the bootloader with a keyboard shortcut (both shift + B) in hasu's firmware. The reset button does not need to be accessible.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 15:51:35
Quote from: bloodygood;457671
have you measured the teensy as far as height, because there is a micro controller on the back of the Poker in the same place and there is a space in the Poker case to account for that, refer back to my previous pictures for proof of that. Also as I had said from the beginning we will only need to flash it a couple of times if not only once. So because of that we would still have access to the Teensy on the back without having to sacrifice structure integrity or possibly causing the spacebar stabilizers to not fit right/run out of space.
Case (
Poker PCB Back (
The Teensy looks much taller in this pic than anything that could fit between the PCB and the Poker Case

Quote from: Dox;457672
You can flash the teensy by jumping to the bootloader with a keyboard shortcut (both shift + B) in hasu's firmware. The reset button does not need to be accessible.
That is good to know that it doesnt have to be accessible though I still dont know if there is enough room (especially under the spacebar) to put the teensy underneath in the poker case
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 15:59:57
Quote from: TheProfosist;457684
The Teensy looks much taller in this pic than anything that could fit between the PCB and the Poker Case
Show Image

That is good to know that it doesnt have to be accessible though I still dont know if there is enough room (especially under the spacebar) to put the teensy underneath in the poker case
Ah that might be from the height of those default pins that come with the "Teensy w/ Pins" Perhaps we could use a shorter alternative? It would definitely help knowing the exact height including the mini usb at the max height.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 16:10:04
Quote from: bloodygood;457692
Ah that might be from the height of those default pins that come with the "Teensy w/ Pins" Perhaps we could use a shorter alternative? It would definitely help knowing the exact height including the mini usb at the max height.
I believe ishtob actually bought the normal teensy then bought the pins separately as the one with pins comes with them soldered on. And sadly I can find every dimension but that one.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hazeluff on Tue, 22 November 2011, 16:22:40
Quote from: bloodygood;457692
Ah that might be from the height of those default pins that come with the "Teensy w/ Pins" Perhaps we could use a shorter alternative? It would definitely help knowing the exact height including the mini usb at the max height.

As you guys are building custom keyboards.

It is totally possible to choose a different microcontroler/chip and implement that. Figuring out how to put it on a board with I/Os and loading code onto it will be stuff you need to figure out tho.

But looking at the Teensy controller, it looks like its pretty small and you're not gonna get much improvement using another chip.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 16:27:23
Quote from: hazeluff;457721
As you guys are building custom keyboards.

It is totally possible to choose a different microcontroler/chip and implement that. Figuring out how to put it on a board with I/Os and loading code onto it will be stuff you need to figure out tho.

But looking at the Teensy controller, it looks like its pretty small and you're not gonna get much improvement using another chip.
I wasn't suggesting using a different microcontroller, just shorter pins so that it would have a lower profile.
Yes we do know of the Aikon controller and the Chameleon controller are out there. The aikon would need to be assembled since I don't think there are any out there at the moment pre-assembled. Although the Chameleon controller is avaiable at a similar cost and has similar layout to the Teensy, but is made to work for keyboards as its primary use.
Available here.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hazeluff on Tue, 22 November 2011, 16:39:21
Quote from: bloodygood;457725
I wasn't suggesting using a different microcontroller, just shorter pins so that it would have a lower profile.
Yes we do know of the Aikon controller and the Chameleon controller are out there. The aikon would need to be assembled since I don't think there are any out there at the moment pre-assembled. Although the Chameleon controller is avaiable at a similar cost and has similar layout to the Teensy, but is made to work for keyboards as its primary use.
Available here.

This one is gonna result in a ton of wires going everywhere (I made a line follower using an Arduino).
From the images I don't think you can't get much shorter for the pins. Maybe if you didn't use the black mounting plastic, you could get it lower...
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 16:41:10
Quote from: hazeluff;457735
This one is gonna result in a ton of wires going everywhere (I made a line follower using an Arduino).
From the images I don't think you can't get much shorter for the pins. Maybe if you didn't use the black mounting plastic, you could get it lower...
I dont think it would be enough to clear though the board+usb is thicker than the space would allow though I have no measurements to back this up.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 16:47:51
Also I have an update about key caps for the DOX
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:00:14
Quote from: TheProfosist;457744
Also I have an update about key caps for the DOX
Although I do not see why he hasn't released a 61 key set since the KBC Poker has a 61 key set and obviously will need replacement keycaps at some point..
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:01:58
Quote from: bloodygood;457752
Although I do not see why he hasn't released a 61 key set since the KBC Poker has a 61 key set and obviously will need replacement keycaps at some point..
Hes waiting until he can do all layouts the Pokers will be included. Im sure that if someone really wanted a set now he would do it if they emailed him.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:05:07
Wow this had a bit of a price jump.. I was just looking over his site and noticed this.
$10 (Ability to add your own custom design per keycap, in other words changing the font/positioning etc.)
Cached version from just a couple weeks ago $0
I originally was get that custom done but why add another $10 when just a couple weeks ago it was free. meh guess i'll go with blanks then.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Soarer on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:06:12
Teensy adds less height if mounted the other way up, but it's still about 7.5mm from the bottom of the main PCB to the peaks of the solder joints on the Teensy. I used an IC socket, and solid core wire for the pins (much thinner than the pins you'd get from PJRC, but not too thin).

Obviously care has to be taken so the USB socket doesn't short out on the solder joints of the switch above it, but actually it ended up even closer to the PCB than shown in this picture, after the switch's pins were trimmed back a bit...


Since it's in a socket, it's removable for reflashing etc :)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:10:02
Quote from: Soarer;457763
Teensy adds less height if mounted the other way up, but it's still about 7.5mm from the bottom of the main PCB to the peaks of the solder joints on the Teensy. I used an IC socket, and solid core wire for the pins (much thinner than the pins you'd get from PJRC, but not too thin).

Obviously care has to be taken so the USB socket doesn't short out on the solder joints of the switch above it, but actually it ended up even closer to the PCB than shown in this picture, after the switch's pins were trimmed back a bit...
Why in the world did we not think of that.. mount it the same direction, but from the opposite side.. So the orientation stays the same in other words. USB on top.
but mount it from the opposide side as in your example.(
Also in the DOX layout you will notice it will not be direction under any switch pins, so there is no worries about it shorting out a keyswitch.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:10:34
Quote from: bloodygood;457761
Wow this had a bit of a price jump.. I was just looking over his site and noticed this.
$10 (Ability to add your own custom design per keycap, in other words changing the font/positioning etc.)
Cached version from just a couple weeks ago $0
I originally was get that custom done but why add another $10 when just a couple weeks ago it was free. meh guess i'll go with blanks then.
Maybe setup time is increased with the custom layouts? I dont $10 changing my mind from having custom legends or not.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:12:17
Quote from: TheProfosist;457766
Maybe setup time is increased with the custom layouts? I dont $10 changing my mind from having custom legends or not.
that is 10$ in addition to the price of having engraved or lasered keys, which already costs more than blanks. Basically doubling the price difference.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:13:59
Quote from: bloodygood;457765
Why in the world did we not think of that.. mount it the same direction, but from the opposite side.. So the orientation stays the same in other words. USB on top.
Show Image

but mount it from the opposide side as in your example.
Show Image
Works for me we would just have to remember to flash it before making the botton not reachable and we have to have hazus firmware on there to activate it remotely. Wow ishtob is not going to like this.....
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:16:28
Quote from: TheProfosist;457770
Works for me we would just have to remember to flash it before making the botton not reachable and we have to have hazus firmware on there to activate it remotely. Wow ishtob is not going to like this.....
But also remember you can add a couple wires to activate the reset button and then detach them later. Without even soldering them most likely. Remember? The 3 holes right next to the reset button
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:16:55
Quote from: bloodygood;457768
that is 10$ in addition to the price of having engraved or lasered keys, which already costs more than blanks. Basically doubling the price difference.
where are you getting that from?

WASD V1 Custom Keyboard    
Laser Etched OR Engraved    $139.99    
Laser Etched AND Engraved    $149.99    
Blank    $129.99    Blank    $49.99

WASD Custom Keycap Set
Laser Etched OR Engraved    $59.99
Laser Etched AND Engraved    $69.99
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:19:28
Quote from: bloodygood;457773
But also remember you can add a couple wires to activate the reset button and then detach them later. Without even soldering them most likely. Remember? The 3 holes right next to the reset button
I dont see it as a problem just remember to put the firmware on before soldering it down.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:20:02
Quote from: TheProfosist;457774
where are you getting that from?

WASD V1 Custom Keyboard    
Laser Etched OR Engraved    $139.99    
Laser Etched AND Engraved    $149.99    
Blank    $129.99    Blank    $49.99

WASD Custom Keycap Set
Laser Etched OR Engraved    $59.99
Laser Etched AND Engraved    $69.99

87-Key Blank Cherry MX Keycap Set - $36.99
87-Key Laser Etched Cherry MX Keycap Set - $46.99
87-Key Engraved Cherry MX Keycap Set - $46.99
+ Custom Option: Upload your keyboard layout - $10
46.99 - 36.99 = 10+10 for custom = 20. Double the costs for custom.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Soarer on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:20:27
Quote from: bloodygood;457765
mount it the same direction, but from the opposite side..

I don't think that would work - the body of the USB plug is thicker than the socket, so needs more space.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:24:08
Quote from: Soarer;457782
I don't think that would work - the body of the USB plug is thicker than the socket, so needs more space.
Usb Plug once stripped (
once attached to the Teensy (
another for good measure (
and finally being positioned (
I would say that isn't a very big difference in size.
pictures taken from (

Basically remove the pins from the top side, move them to the bottom side. Then wire the USB to the correct holes, and finally mount it upside toward the PCB.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Soarer on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:33:23
Ah, ok - that would work!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:35:28
Quote from: bloodygood;457780
87-Key Blank Cherry MX Keycap Set - $36.99
87-Key Laser Etched Cherry MX Keycap Set - $46.99
87-Key Engraved Cherry MX Keycap Set - $46.99
+ Custom Option: Upload your keyboard layout - $10
46.99 - 36.99 = 10+10 for custom = 20. Double the costs for custom.
You have to order a custom keycap set to get custom legends which is the one that I posted. The ones you posted are just for default legends only. If your wondering why he hasnt posted a custom 87 set its because he said the price would be almost identical.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:36:19
Soarer, any info on the thing you are building?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:37:14
Quote from: Dox;457791
Soarer, any info on the thing you are building?
Thing hes building? Im interested in things an building.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:40:14
Quote from: bloodygood;457765
Why in the world did we not think of that.. mount it the same direction, but from the opposite side.. So the orientation stays the same in other words. USB on top.
Show Image

but mount it from the opposide side as in your example.
Show Image

Also in the DOX layout you will notice it will not be direction under any switch pins, so there is no worries about it shorting out a keyswitch.

I've considered this during my design, but it will need more space for you to be able to get the wires to the PCB because the USB would sit exactly 1mm away from the space bar stabilizer..... actually.. I might be able to make this work.... i'll work on it afte thanksgiving, going to be away, but i'll be on the forum through my phone
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:42:53
on issue with flashing, theres way too, im going to use the idea I got from the numpad I'm making:

so teensy is upside-down, and add a hole over the place of the button, then we drill a hole on the bottom of case to give easy access to the teensy
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:43:51
Quote from: ishtob;457797
on issue with flashing, theres way too, im going to use the idea I got from the numpad I'm making:
(Attachment) 32726[/ATTACH]

so teensy is upside-down, and add a hole over the place of the button, then we drill a hole on the bottom of case to give easy access to the teensy
You can flash the teensy by jumping to the bootloader with a keyboard shortcut (both shift + B) in hasu's firmware. The reset button does not need to be accessible.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:43:57
well... for the numpad i'm making the hole is going to be ont eh topside, because i'm prob not going to run a case with it, just going to bolt it down to a wedge of wood so its inclined
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:44:16
Quote from: ishtob;457795
I've considered this during my design, but it will need more space for you to be able to get the wires to the PCB because the USB would sit exactly 1mm away from the space bar stabilizer..... actually.. I might be able to make this work.... i'll work on it afte thanksgiving, going to be away, but i'll be on the forum through my phone
Wait, why would it be sitting close to the stabilizers? Aren't the stabilizers only there for PCB mounted, and plus Plate mounted stabilizers are attached to the plate not the PCB. So it should not be getting in the way at all.. should it?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Soarer on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:45:35
Quote from: Dox;457791
Soarer, any info on the thing you are building?

thing (
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:46:23
Quote from: bloodygood;457801
Wait, why would it be sitting close to the stabilizers? Aren't the stabilizers only there for PCB mounted, and plus Plate mounted stabilizers are attached to the plate not the PCB. So it should not be getting in the way at all.. should it?

if you look at the cherry datasheet, both will be in the same heigh and position, it only differs on the way it is attached. the plate mounted will still be sitting on top of the PCB in the same spot
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:48:02
Quote from: ishtob;457805
if you look at the cherry datasheet, both will be in the same heigh and position, it only differs on the way it is attached. the plate mounted will still be sitting on top of the PCB in the same spot
And the Teensy will be sitting under the PCB away from the stabilizers.. Is there something I am missing here?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:49:37
Quote from: Dox;457798
You can flash the teensy by jumping to the bootloader with a keyboard shortcut (both shift + B) in hasu's firmware. The reset button does not need to be accessible.
Im saving this link this time
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:50:45
Quote from: Soarer;457802
thing (
Nice! I remember that I saw that back in September but I don't go on Deskthority too often. Maybe I should look more often.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:52:09
Quote from: Soarer;457802
thing (
Looks interesting though somethings seem hard to find.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 17:56:21
Quote from: bloodygood;457807
And the Teensy will be sitting under the PCB away from the stabilizers.. Is there something I am missing here?

Im in the thinking that the Teensy is still on the top of the PCB just upside down right now...
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Soarer on Tue, 22 November 2011, 18:02:25
Quote from: TheProfosist;457811
Looks interesting though somethings seem hard to find.
As stated in the first post... where stuff is going on the Fn layer is still to be determined!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 18:03:26
Quote from: Soarer;457818
As stated in the first post... where stuff is going on the Fn layer is still to be determined!
no sorry I meant key wise. well possibly only the spacebar.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Soarer on Tue, 22 November 2011, 18:11:56
Quote from: TheProfosist;457819
no sorry I meant key wise. well possibly only the spacebar.
Mostly easy to find, except the small spacebars. I've got two 3-unit wide ones from Access POS 'boards. The 6-unit wide, however, is the same as G8x-1800 / G8x-11900 etc, so fairly common.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 18:15:50
I apologize for the crudeness of this photoshop but this is what we are talking about.
( Before
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 18:21:26
Quote from: bloodygood;457827
I apologize for the crudeness of this photoshop but this is what we are talking about.
Show Image
Show Image
And I still dont think you will have enough clearance. Only measurements will settle that though.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 22 November 2011, 18:32:34
Quote from: TheProfosist;457834
And I still dont think you will have enough clearance. Only measurements will settle that though.
Are you talking about enough clearance in the Poker case or in general? I believe in the Poker case.. we will need measurements, but as far as clearing for the USB connector and such, I believe that will be fine as we saw from Soarers insight.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 18:34:46
Quote from: bloodygood;457840
Are you talking about enough clearance in the Poker case or in general? I believe in the Poker case.. we will need measurements, but as far as clearing for the USB connector and such, I believe that will be fine as we saw from Soarers insight.
yes clearance in the poker case I see being a problem.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 22 November 2011, 21:32:12
yea.. it need to be on the top side to fit in that case, but if you guys are plannign your own then it would work
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 22 November 2011, 21:34:16
Quote from: ishtob;457966
yea.. it need to be on the top side to fit in that case, but if you guys are plannign your own then it would work
Nope I have 2 poker cases waiting. As soon as people get their aluminum ones their going to sell me theirs for $26 each. I think flipping the teensy over might be a good idea though its possible to help wit clearance.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 23 November 2011, 06:09:35
actually if you guys want it in that "Flipped" orientation, nothing needs to be changed, all the pins will still be in the right places... we just need to move the holes for connecting the USB farther away
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 23 November 2011, 08:46:07
Quote from: ishtob;458168
actually if you guys want it in that "Flipped" orientation, nothing needs to be changed, all the pins will still be in the right places... we just need to move the holes for connecting the USB farther away
Sounds goot to me as there will be more clearance for the spacebar.

O and Sorry ishtob but I need got a chance to look at my PCB and I dont think I would be very good at checking but I can try later today if needed I guess.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 23 November 2011, 08:59:19
I still dont understand this clearance of spacebar thing, I've been using my DOX for over a week now with this setup and never had i touched the teensy the way it is setup, seems like a lot of trouble fixing something that is working already

my other reasons for it to be on top is because I will be using that aluminum case that i ordered so there won't be any space under the PCB for my to mount the teensy. and you might need to cut some of the plastic bracing inside to allow the teensy to sit under the normal case. I ended up putting it on the topside to avoid these issues.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 23 November 2011, 09:03:00
Quote from: ishtob;458245
I still dont understand this clearance of spacebar thing, I've been using my DOX for over a week now with this setup and never had i touched the teensy the way it is setup, seems like a lot of trouble fixing something that is working already

my other reasons for it to be on top is because I will be using that aluminum case that i ordered so there won't be any space under the PCB for my to mount the teensy. and you might need to cut some of the plastic bracing inside to allow the teensy to sit under the normal case. I ended up putting it on the topside to avoid these issues.
A little extra clearance isnt a bad thing.

Yea I dont want it in the bottom of the PCB just flipped over on the top. I dont want to have to mod my poker case if I dont have to.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 23 November 2011, 09:05:10
the only thing I can think of for the teensy to be flipped topside is to be able to use the filco/Leo universal space bar... other than that there isn't really a need for that much clearance... but if you want it like that I can get it done for you
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 23 November 2011, 09:08:21
Quote from: ishtob;458253
the only thing I can think of for the teensy to be flipped topside is to be able to use the filco/Leo universal space bar... other than that there isn't really a need for that much clearance... but if you want it like that I can get it done for you
Yes I would really appreciate it.

Also will you be able to get Dox some measurements of the inside of a poker case somewhat soon?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 23 November 2011, 09:44:31
im hoping to get a CAD file made by this weekend, im visiting my sister whose studying architecture, and she's got friends in product designing who might be able to help.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 23 November 2011, 09:46:04
I believe if we had the measurements for the case that would clear up the issue of will it or will it not fit in the poker case without modification from the underside of the PCB. But also do we think the plate will be able to mount right on top of the Teensy without shorting it out or having enough clearance? That is the main reason to move the Teensy under, even if it means not being able to use a Poker case, plate mounting is very important.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 23 November 2011, 09:59:01
Quote from: ishtob;458274
im hoping to get a CAD file made by this weekend, im visiting my sister whose studying architecture, and she's got friends in product designing who might be able to help.
Otherwise Dox said he sould do it pertaining her had measurements.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 23 November 2011, 09:59:52
Quote from: bloodygood;458276
I believe if we had the measurements for the case that would clear up the issue of will it or will it not fit in the poker case without modification from the underside of the PCB. But also do we think the plate will be able to mount right on top of the Teensy without shorting it out or having enough clearance? That is the main reason to move the Teensy under, even if it means not being able to use a Poker case, plate mounting is very important.
There will be a hole in the plate so there wont be any issues shortind out or anything this was an original planned design. That I have mentioned many times.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 23 November 2011, 10:10:24
the teensy will be exactly (or a bit lower) than the height of the plates, so we would need a cutout in the area occupied by the teensy
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 23 November 2011, 16:02:15
Quote from: ishtob;458296
the teensy will be exactly (or a bit lower) than the height of the plates, so we would need a cutout in the area occupied by the teensy
Fine with me
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 23 November 2011, 16:26:24
On a different note has anyone read this thread or thought about whether they would like it or not
In short.
When keys are pressed the LED comes on, de-pressed they are off? Since there has been more interest in the Dox keyboard I thought it would be good to ask. I remember trying to bring it up before but other things were going on in the thread at the time, we are at a bit of a lull right now so why not.

Otherwise still related, I was still planning on going with purple LEDs if it is possible. I hope that the space in the metal plate for the Teensy won't cause any problems for that stabilizer on the left side of the spacebar.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 23 November 2011, 20:23:11
ishtob your not going to like this but I might be swapping it so that left shift is on the outside and left fn is on the inside so that its more standard like a ISO layout. This is based on whether or not I can do that with the Phantom layout though
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 23 November 2011, 21:33:20
Since that is not a big change and that smaller shift will not require stabilizers I do not think you have to worry about it being a problem. If you all of a sudden wanted to move a key with stabilizers into the middle of the keyboard or something, they you might have a problem lol. Small changes other than adding an extra key are rather easy to rearrange for. I have spent a lot of time this past week re-arranging and testing things in the PCB designer program and I can see why ishtob enjoys this custom keyboard idea.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 25 November 2011, 11:32:50
Still trying to get a straight answer from the Phantom guys. I dont see why it wouldnt work since they say ISO layout works with their PCB and that row is layer out the same as ISO.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Fri, 25 November 2011, 11:43:33
Quote from: TheProfosist;458939
Still trying to get a straight answer from the Phantom guys. I dont see why it wouldnt work since they say ISO layout works with their PCB and that row is layer out the same as ISO.
It is not the PCB.  The PCB can do all kinds of layouts.  Take a look at the PCB picture on the first post of the thread.  If there are holes for where you want your switches then you can put a switch there.  BUT, Phantom is a plate-mounted design just like Filco.  So you need a plate that fits your switch layout.  If one of the 5 plates we have don't fit your design, then it won't work.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 25 November 2011, 11:50:45
Quote from: litster;458950
It is not the PCB.  The PCB can do all kinds of layouts.  Take a look at the PCB picture on the first post of the thread.  If there are holes for where you want your switches then you can put a switch there.  BUT, Phantom is a plate-mounted design just like Filco.  So you need a plate that fits your switch layout.  If one of the 5 plates we have don't fit your design, then it won't work.

I might have to order a plate myself then. Once you have it designed would you be willing to share the files so I can find someone to modify it for me or modify a plate for me?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Fri, 25 November 2011, 12:28:45
Possibly.  I will have to consult with the other team members.  PrinsValium does all the design work.  He doesn't seem to mind giving out his PCB design (says so on the silk screen of the PCB).
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Sat, 26 November 2011, 14:43:14
PrinsValium gave me permission to post the plate DXF files.  So I will do that.

Separately, if you have a Teensy 2.0, can you tell me the thickness of it?  In your application, do you use the one with pins or do you just solder wires directly on to the Teensy PCB?  Thanks.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 26 November 2011, 23:04:34
Quote from: litster;459273
PrinsValium gave me permission to post the plate DXF files.  So I will do that.

Separately, if you have a Teensy 2.0, can you tell me the thickness of it?  In your application, do you use the one with pins or do you just solder wires directly on to the Teensy PCB?  Thanks.

I currently dont have one bgut we plan on soldering the one with pins directly to the PCB.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 29 November 2011, 21:11:16
sorry all my teensy are soldered to a board at the moment, planning to buy another when my layout for the numpad is done
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Tue, 29 November 2011, 21:45:03
Is your Teensy a Teensy with pins and solder onto your keyboard's PCB?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 29 November 2011, 21:47:32
yes, i bought the pins seperately though

but it should be the same as the one with pins soldered already
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Tue, 29 November 2011, 21:52:17
are your pins the same kind as Teensy_Pins from  If it is not too much trouble, could you measure the distance between the surface of the keyboard PCB to the top of the USB connector?  I need to the height to know how much room I need to make for the case.  Thanks.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 29 November 2011, 23:48:44
Mine measures to about 8mm from top of the USB to the surface of the pcb

this is the pin i am using:
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Wed, 30 November 2011, 00:37:58
Perfect!  Thank you very much!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 01 December 2011, 01:20:32
ishtob I have finally confirmed that my change to the Phantom is possible and will be updateing both layout once done I would like to get started on egtting everything together for my DOX the first big piece would be the PCB. Also did you ever end up getting the plate worked out? Otherwise DOX did offer his help we just need to get him the measurements.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 01 December 2011, 05:19:37
i couldnt get my hands on solidworks, so we prob would need his help to make the plate
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 01 December 2011, 22:29:17
Quote from: ishtob;461864
i couldnt get my hands on solidworks, so we prob would need his help to make the plate

Would you be able to get the needed measurements for DOX then?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 01 December 2011, 22:42:40
yes i have a spare poker case

is that what we are to put the final product in?

i was hoping to do the acrylic thing like what lister has been working on, hehe, this is going to end up being a phantom Jr XD, i'll have to do this after finals, which is in 2 weeks
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 01 December 2011, 22:48:48
Well we need to know if the plate fits inside of a poker case though don't we? Since we all want plate mounted. And WASD is getting in those plate mounts for the stabilizers AND getting in cherry mx switches in the coming month if all goes according to plan.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 01 December 2011, 22:49:32
Quote from: ishtob;462520
yes i have a spare poker case

is that what we are to put the final product in?

i was hoping to do the acrylic thing like what lister has been working on, hehe, this is going to end up being a phantom Jr XD, i'll have to do this after finals, which is in 2 weeks
Well I have 2 poker cases lined up and plan to use a PLU case for the Phantom to keep costs down. I would love to do what lister is doing for a acrylic Phantom case but I couldnt come up with the extra money for the case.

Quote from: bloodygood;462527
Well we need to know if the plate fits inside of a poker case though don't we? Since we all want plate mounted. And WASD is getting in those plate mounts for the stabilizers AND getting in cherry mx switches in the coming month if all goes according to plan.

A plate should fit I dont see why it wouldnt.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 01 December 2011, 22:57:08
well if we end up going the acrylic stack case, we would need some way to mount the plate.... even with the poker case, are we just going to bolt it down with some spacer between the plate and the PCB or should we try to figure out a way to mount the plate
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Thu, 01 December 2011, 22:57:21
Because as was mentioned before, the plate adds width, and currently a Poker PCB goes to all edges. Unless we were planning on trimming edges of the current PCB so the plate will fit around it to the base of the case.

I suppose if you had the exact measurements inside the Poker + the exact measurements of the PCB you could do something like this fitted to the case so that you don't need to "mount" the plate, just make sure the holes are in the plate also so you can mount the screws to the poker case.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 01 December 2011, 23:14:59
i was thinking of having a spacer at each screw to go between the plate and pcb to keep the spacing right and also add firmness to the plate
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 02 December 2011, 00:43:23
lister, can i get the DXF file for the plate if possible? i got autocad/autodesk to work on my mac... as long as pris okays it of course
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Fri, 02 December 2011, 01:21:55
The plates are in a zip file posted in the Phantom group buy thread here:

Direct link to the file:
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 02 December 2011, 23:07:47
shoot me... mac autocad is sooo unstable, i get a 3min window to work with the file every time I open it, and it will crash after a few modification -____- so i only got the basics so far, need to still add the hole for the teensy:
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 02 December 2011, 23:10:44
^ the above work too 3 hours
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Sat, 03 December 2011, 00:24:34
Try QCAD here:

I use the Windows version.  There is a Mac version.  Trial is free, it stops every 15 minutes or so, but it gives you a chance to save first.  I use the trial version to design the Phantom case and it works very well.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 03 December 2011, 03:40:21
Looking good

I have changed and finalized my dox layout after getting a small change on the Phantom group buy will be posting it soon
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sat, 03 December 2011, 11:05:06
I still kept my layout as what I posted a while back, I believe that is my final. Could I please get a revised PCB layout for it if that isn't any trouble?

My bottom left Fn key will be the Locking one, all others are normal keyswitches. Thank you very much in advance, I have been terribly sick this past week thus why I haven't been very active on here. I would say last night was the absolute worst I have felt since being sick when I was a kid.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sat, 03 December 2011, 18:09:16
I'm also considering making going short like your layout bloody, but with the short right shift (I got really used to it now typing with my current dox for >3 weeks.


I finished the plate for mine, prob will be sending it to emachineshop to see how well they can do it, its like $45 a person + shipping if we we all order the same layout (for 3 plates)
or you can order 1 at a time for $87 each
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sat, 03 December 2011, 18:46:30
I'm also getting this done during my study breaks:

its more a less a phantomJr... unfortunately there isnt much room left for the switch changing holes since Im still keeping hte LEDs in the layout.
lister, i'm wokring ont he modifier row and off-set caps still, so hold tight :)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sat, 03 December 2011, 18:48:32
for those of you wondering about the stability of having the large hole for the teensy, the teensy itself will act as that part of the plate, I've moved it slightly so the edge of the teensy pcb will be pressed against the C,V,B and space switches
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sat, 03 December 2011, 19:38:26
It looks like you did something similar to what I had done to try to add the 15th key. Basically I had tried making one of the switches to replace the backspace part of the top row, and one part of the row below it. But I have to say I am not capable of handling the LEDs to add in there. I just don't know the traces well enough to avoid overlap.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sat, 03 December 2011, 19:40:58
i made it so the right most key will be the BS, the left one will be in the Fn row above the "+=" key
so either way it will work whether a person wants 1 or 2 keys there, just need to mod the firmware accordingly
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 05 December 2011, 07:07:28
Here is my revised layout:

Default Layer

Layer 1

Layer 2

Template for WASD
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Mon, 05 December 2011, 09:18:19
Quote from: TheProfosist;464385
Here is my revised layout:
Default Layer
Show Image

You have a dedicated caps lock key on your default layer where the Ctrl key usually is? I am kind of surprised since I know personally I rarely use it which is why I don't have it on the default layer at all. But maybe that is just me, since I am used to only holding shift to type 3-4 cap letters when necessary. Based on your layout I thought you would want a second Fn key there so that you could one hand change your audio levels / media.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 05 December 2011, 09:20:40
his FN is next to the left shift, so he has that key free
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 05 December 2011, 09:25:14
Quote from: bloodygood;464432
You have a dedicated caps lock key on your default layer where the Ctrl key usually is? I am kind of surprised since I know personally I rarely use it which is why I don't have it on the default layer at all. But maybe that is just me, since I am used to only holding shift to type 3-4 cap letters when necessary. Based on your layout I thought you would want a second Fn key there so that you could one hand change your audio levels / media.
I dont use caps that often but I do often remap it to do things like press to talk in vent also I already have a Fn key on the left side.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 05 December 2011, 10:04:18
You can always throw in a random F13 or something in its spot, makes it more hotkey friendly
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 05 December 2011, 10:15:57
sio I'm looking at you guy's layout... we can do a universal plate if we use PCB mounted stabilizer and I can just set a long hole for the shifts kinda like the one they are doing on phantom for the non-orderable "7bit special shift" version of the plate
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 05 December 2011, 10:18:44
Quote from: ishtob;464473
You can always throw in a random F13 or something in its spot, makes it more hotkey friendly

I still kinda want it as Caps also though so no worries plus the layout is not only for me.

Quote from: ishtob;464484
sio I'm looking at you guy's layout... we can do a universal plate if we use PCB mounted stabilizer and I can just set a long hole for the shifts kinda like the one they are doing on phantom for the non-orderable "7bit special shift" version of the plate
i wouldnt mind that but I would prefer plate mounted stabilizers since they will be available.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 05 December 2011, 10:22:55
i personally would like to see all plate mounted stabs, but the geometry of the cutout makes it impossible to have a universal cutout to accommodate a universal cutout.... either that or we do individual plates for each of you guys, it will jsut cost about double to order those plates as a 1-2 ofs
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 05 December 2011, 10:25:21
i personally would like to see all plate mounted stabs, but the geometry of the cutout makes it impossible to have a universal cutout to accommodate a universal cutout.... either that or we do individual plates for each of you guys, it will just cost about 2x more for us to individually order a plate ($80 for 1 and about $60 ea for 2 vs $40 for 4) and we can even get it powder coat for about $10 more dollars each if we order 4 of the same one
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 05 December 2011, 10:32:02
actually... just thought of something... if I put all of our layout onto 1 CAD file and have it done as one submission, we might be able to have each of our own unique layouts  but pay a lower price..... i'll get it worked out.. i still need to work on those shift key placements you guys want
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 05 December 2011, 10:32:23
Quote from: ishtob;464489
i personally would like to see all plate mounted stabs, but the geometry of the cutout makes it impossible to have a universal cutout to accommodate a universal cutout.... either that or we do individual plates for each of you guys, it will just cost about 2x more for us to individually order a plate ($80 for 1 and about $60 ea for 2 vs $40 for 4) and we can even get it powder coat for about $10 more dollars each if we order 4 of the same one
I may be able to get them quick will have to check though.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Mon, 05 December 2011, 10:32:24
With all the varieties it would definitely be more likely we will either need individual plates or at least each to find someone else who wants one. Idea: find a friend who likes your layout, order one for both of you, sell it to him at cost.
Sorry about that profosist, hadn't noticed the Fn key next to shift. I am still darn tired from being sick, still didn't change my surprise to seeing a dedicated Caps Lock key. On the other hand, great place for a locking key perhaps?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Mon, 05 December 2011, 10:36:03
Quote from: ishtob;464492
actually... just thought of something... if I put all of our layout onto 1 CAD file and have it done as one submission, we might be able to have each of our own unique layouts  but pay a lower price..... i'll get it worked out.. i still need to work on those shift key placements you guys want

Is mine exceptionally complex? I thought the only change from a standard 61 key for mine was the 2 keys instead of a backspace. But I am definitely looking forward to being able to build this new keyboard soon. I wonder if we will be able to have it ready before the new year. If WASD gets his parts in soon then that might just be a possibility.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 05 December 2011, 11:53:22
your just differs from mine in the right shift, where you only have 1 key. I'm trying to get a universal PCB done so you can do that and I still need to pull up my old poker pCB to measure out he right shift location
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 05 December 2011, 11:54:23
that then get the plate done... its just finals season and I only do like 30min of this a day during study breaks
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Mon, 05 December 2011, 12:21:10
Quote from: ishtob;464544
that then get the plate done... its just finals season and I only do like 30min of this a day during study breaks

It is always important to focus on studies and there isn't really a rush if the keyboards don't get done until later. I know I am still working on my studies also for finals coming up next week too. After that things should finally cool down a bit and then there should be more free time until Christmas season kicks into full gear.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 05 December 2011, 12:34:40
yea but i wont be home for xmas :P i'm going to see how much i can get done the 2 days between the end of finals and my xmas break
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Mon, 05 December 2011, 12:35:19
like how the pharmacy student is making keyboards?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 09 December 2011, 05:57:12
Im working on getting plates at the moment looks like its going to be much cheaper than the place ishtob was looking.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 09 December 2011, 10:32:22
where are you looking?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 09 December 2011, 11:31:45
Quote from: ishtob;467101
where are you looking?

Looking at getting them through the phantom group buy posssibly though still working on it.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 09 December 2011, 11:34:18
I feel that we should combine our efforts with them
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 09 December 2011, 12:03:44
Quote from: ishtob;467148
I feel that we should combine our efforts with them

I dont how much is worth combining as we are very small in number and will soon be able to get almost everything we need from WASD.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 11 December 2011, 06:58:42
I know that you have been busy ishtob but how are the pcb and plate designs comming along?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 11 December 2011, 13:24:20
having some issues fitting some keys... I just dont have time at the moment to play around with it to find a solution
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sun, 11 December 2011, 15:45:14
Hey ishtob, have you considered using filled plane to simplify the design with the LEDs?
Here is what I plan on ordering to give my current DOXs some light and remove the internal wiring.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 11 December 2011, 16:13:17
aite, made some progress during study breaks on the dox... i got the offset caps and the modifier row done, problem at the moment is that I cant do a lon oval shape with the PCB software i'm doing, so all the offset modifiers would need to have the centerpost drilled by the user, good news is all LED should still work, even the caps (I setup a second LED spot there so that the LED would still be roughly centered. it also incorporates all the stuff you guys want except for 2 things:
- 7x space bar that the 1.5x modifiers row uses
- the ISO short shift that profosist requested

currently it will work with either plate mount or PCB mount, again holes would need to be drilled for the 1.5 modifier row

Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 11 December 2011, 16:14:14
Quote from: Dox;468427
Hey ishtob, have you considered using filled plane to simplify the design with the LEDs?
Here is what I plan on ordering to give my current DOXs some light and remove the internal wiring.
(Attachment) 34605[/ATTACH] (Attachment) 34604[/ATTACH]

I have considered it.. but didnt know how to do it :P

plus i'm cheap trying to do it all in 2 layers to save cost
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 11 December 2011, 16:15:31
very nice job btw dox. that looks so much more professional than mine
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sun, 11 December 2011, 16:30:20
Thanks, fitting multiple layouts would probably create "islands" in the planes but it should be doable.
Try it, just click on the filled plane icon (under the rectangle) and it will give you a prompt to check the help file. It's easier than it looks! I started by wiring it all like you and then converted it in about 30min.
You could probably use smaller traces too to make it look less cluttered. I'm planning to use 0.01" traces on this one. Keeping all traces strait or at 45 degree angle helps with the look too.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 11 December 2011, 16:59:08
i'll give it a shot when finals are over :P

at the moment I've got Bini and prof both wanting a specific layout that isnt already implemented
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 11 December 2011, 16:59:39
one issue with doing that is you cant choose which LED to be on
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Dox on Sun, 11 December 2011, 17:07:48
Quote from: ishtob;468452
one issue with doing that is you cant choose which LED to be on
You could put multiple planes for different zone and wire the planes to your dip switch.
Here is what it looks like before I added the planes.

edit: here is the file if you want to take a look at it. Link (
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Sun, 11 December 2011, 18:28:29
I am so looking forward to the finished products of the PCB since having our own DOX keyboards will feel much more personal than buying the KBC Poker alternative. Especially since they would be much easier to re-program instead of trying to "fix" a Poker.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 11 December 2011, 19:27:38
thanks dox!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 13 December 2011, 09:04:38
I'll be working on this over winter break, think I might take dox's suggestion on using filled planes and thinner traces
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 13 December 2011, 09:15:18
The test plates came in last night... I will be updating the tutorial soon too.... the stabilizer bar under the teensy gave me a bit of trouble installing the spacebar stabs, took  a while to get in.
note to self: solder on the teensy last >.<

here's some snapshots:




as for screws i got these M2x9 torx screws off (

Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 13 December 2011, 09:29:24
2 of the screwhole are still a bit off from the base, i'll need to do a bit of tweaking

the current one i'm using works only  after some file work
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 13 December 2011, 09:56:50
are you using a plate with Cherry Stabilizers? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of using the Costar stabilizers which are thinner than Cherry Stabilizers and therefore probably will not fit into the plate now.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 13 December 2011, 10:01:15
I went with cherry cuz there is no way to source costars at the moment plus I have the measurements for the cherry stabs
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: RiGS on Tue, 13 December 2011, 10:07:08
Did you have a chance to test the quick-stem-swap slots?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 13 December 2011, 10:15:00
WASD did say he would have the stabilizers by the end of this month, along with MX switches. So hopefully we will be able to test all of that before January or at least early January.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 13 December 2011, 11:27:03
Quote from: RiGS;469649
Did you have a chance to test the quick-stem-swap slots?

whats that?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Tue, 13 December 2011, 11:46:38
The reason the plate holes are not simple rectangles is an attempt at making it possible to open switches while still in the plate.  I'm pretty sure the PCB also has to have holes to make this possible, but the idea is that those notches allow you to open the switch.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Index on Tue, 13 December 2011, 12:05:14
Yo ishtob, have you thought about actually getting the components of a teensy and soldering it directly onto the DOX pcb? You could even try getting an Aikon on there instead (see if SmallFry would provide you the necessary files).

Here are the teensy schematics:

If you could model it, I'll gladly order a couple and test it.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: RiGS on Tue, 13 December 2011, 13:00:52
Quote from: ishtob;469713
whats that?

I believe alaricljs just explained it.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: RiGS on Tue, 13 December 2011, 14:32:49
Quote from: Index;469762
Yo ishtob, have you thought about actually getting the components of a teensy and soldering it directly onto the DOX pcb? You could even try getting an Aikon on there instead (see if SmallFry would provide you the necessary files).

Here are the teensy schematics:

If you could model it, I'll gladly order a couple and test it.

I wanted to ask the same thing.
Koreans nicely implemented it on the A.87 PCB and the MX mini.


source (
source2 (
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 13 December 2011, 19:38:30
that could be done.. but not sure how many people can do smt.. i can, and was going to use smt diodes and resisters.. but decided to not for that reason
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Tue, 13 December 2011, 21:45:02
If it means not having a hole in the metal plate then I am all for it.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 00:04:41
I personally would like the board sooner than later and if it works out to refine it more.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 01:55:01
that's exactly what I've been doing... i could get a version of the one you wanted out by next week if you'd like and get working on it, but i will keep working on getting the 1.5 mod ones up for the rest of the people
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 01:55:37
we can order 2 PCB's off PCBexpress and send the other one to you/or you to me
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 02:02:19
Quote from: ishtob;470341
that's exactly what I've been doing... i could get a version of the one you wanted out by next week if you'd like and get working on it, but i will keep working on getting the 1.5 mod ones up for the rest of the people

yes i know you are and i thank you for that. I have many ideas to make this better im many different way as well but we should make sure our current changes are working properly berfore expanding.

Quote from: ishtob;470342
we can order 2 PCB's off PCBexpress and send the other one to you/or you to me

Sounds good to me i should have many of the parts comming in soon. Maybe i should start ordering the electronics as well.

O just so you know i got a quote on plates "For $65 you can get 2 sets of 2 different designs."
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 14 December 2011, 09:48:41
Wow that is a great price on those plates, very nice. As far as the design of the plates though I am definitely waiting until we have the sizes for the costar ones. Also has anyone tested if the plates fit inside of the Poker cases? It would be nice to know if I should be picking one up from the classifieds or not.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 10:01:09
Quote from: bloodygood;470504
Wow that is a great price on those plates, very nice. As far as the design of the plates though I am definitely waiting until we have the sizes for the costar ones. Also has anyone tested if the plates fit inside of the Poker cases? It would be nice to know if I should be picking one up from the classifieds or not.
yep fits I also want costar since WASD will soon have them.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 14 December 2011, 10:06:39
Quote from: TheProfosist;470519
yep fits I also want costar since WASD will soon have them.

How is it going to attach in a way that it is above the pcb, are we using some spacers between the PCB and the plate?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 10:11:45
Quote from: bloodygood;470524
How is it going to attach in a way that it is above the pcb, are we using some spacers between the PCB and the plate?

idk i belive the plan was to just test it first by snapping in the switches.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 14 December 2011, 10:16:25
Quote from: TheProfosist;470531
idk i belive the plan was to just test it first by snapping in the switches.

snapping in the switches doesn't create a underside lock on to the plate to my knowledge. the plate prevents them from falling through. If you were to press on the plate theoretically with nothing between it and the pcb it would slide down off of the switches.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 10:22:06
Quote from: bloodygood;470539
snapping in the switches doesn't create a underside lock on to the plate to my knowledge. the plate prevents them from falling through. If you were to press on the plate theoretically with nothing between it and the pcb it would slide down off of the switches.
yep there are just little snaps on the switches not much preventing it from falling that is why I said test it (as in the plate) first.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Wed, 14 December 2011, 10:50:14
My Filco 87key has nothing other than the switches holding the PCB and plate together/apart.  Doesn't seem to be an issue.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 10:53:15
Quote from: alaricljs;470558
My Filco 87key has nothing other than the switches holding the PCB and plate together/apart.  Doesn't seem to be an issue.
O but it does there should be posts that go through the pcb to the plate.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Wed, 14 December 2011, 10:54:46
The posts that go through the PCB support the plate if that's what you're talking about... so yeah, the case supports the plate and switches, the PCB is presumably left hanging onto the switches.

However, placing the PCB on a solid surface and typing on it is no different feel wise.  Noise is a bit more tho.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 11:03:20
Quote from: alaricljs;470566
The posts that go through the PCB support the plate if that's what you're talking about... so yeah, the case supports the plate and switches, the PCB is presumably left hanging onto the switches.

However, placing the PCB on a solid surface and typing on it is no different feel wise.  Noise is a bit more tho.
shoudl be fine because there are so many switches that most would have to release at the same time which shouldnt happen because of the clips.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Wed, 14 December 2011, 11:05:33
the acrylic case I am designing have posts to support the plate.  But the next version the posts will be gone, and the PCB will just sit on the bottom acrylic plate.  Most, if not all, Korean custom keyboards have PCBs sitting on the case bottom.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 11:07:32
it shouldnt be too had to paint the plate matt black and still be used right? woner if i should try that dampening material that people say would take the ring out of plate mounted switches
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 11:53:22
Quote from: bloodygood;470539
snapping in the switches doesn't create a underside lock on to the plate to my knowledge. the plate prevents them from falling through. If you were to press on the plate theoretically with nothing between it and the pcb it would slide down off of the switches.

not sure how the costars will work in taht aspect, but the current cherry stabs i'm using acts as standoffs on either side of the keyboard, allowing me to juse a 9mm screw to bolt the whole thing down, the stabilizer's underside keep the plate at the right level. The 0.0625 aluminum is also hard enough to stay rigid everywhere else that doesnt have a stabilizer near it.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 11:54:01
Quote from: TheProfosist;470573
it shouldnt be too had to paint the plate matt black and still be used right? woner if i should try that dampening material that people say would take the ring out of plate mounted switches

i would try going to rubberizing paint... though the thickness of it may be an issue.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 12:04:29
Quote from: bloodygood;470539
snapping in the switches doesn't create a underside lock on to the plate to my knowledge. the plate prevents them from falling through. If you were to press on the plate theoretically with nothing between it and the pcb it would slide down off of the switches.

my other thought is to have extra 4-6 extra holes where we can bolt in stand offs (small plastic cylinders?), i would still need to figure out where to place those would go
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 12:20:37
Quote from: ishtob;470596
i would try going to rubberizing paint... though the thickness of it may be an issue.

do you know any brands so I can start looking?

Quote from: ishtob;470604
my other thought is to have extra 4-6 extra holes where we can bolt in stand offs (small plastic cylinders?), i would still need to figure out where to place those would go

i would consider that a great idea but where are we going to find the cylinders? and wouldnt it be a mighty pain to get the in there and make then stay without it being screwed down?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 14 December 2011, 12:29:13
I figured there was going to be standoffs in the place where the old screws would go to hold the pcb in place
In other words, larger hole in the pcb so that the standoff can pass straight through it and just have the plate mounted since that would hold the pcb in place.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 12:33:25
Quote from: bloodygood;470620
I figured there was going to be standoffs in the place where the old screws would go to hold the pcb in place
Show Image

In other words, larger hole in the pcb so that the standoff can pass straight through it and just have the plate mounted since that would hold the pcb in place.
that would work we need to find a plce to get the proper length standoff though.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 14 December 2011, 12:37:26
Quote from: TheProfosist;470625
that would work we need to find a plce to get the proper length standoff though.

Considering the poker doesn't have a "maximum" height since it doesn't have a front cover I suppose you could make it almost any height as long as the standoff is 'tall enough'
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 12:42:30
Quote from: bloodygood;470632
Considering the poker doesn't have a "maximum" height since it doesn't have a front cover I suppose you could make it almost any height as long as the standoff is 'tall enough'
PLate still has to be below the edge of the case that the only real restriction.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 13:42:04
Quote from: bloodygood;470620
I figured there was going to be standoffs in the place where the old screws would go to hold the pcb in place

In other words, larger hole in the pcb so that the standoff can pass straight through it and just have the plate mounted since that would hold the pcb in place.

but if we do that we wont be able to have people who want to do pcb mount to just use pcb mout
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 13:44:23
Quote from: TheProfosist;470614
do you know any brands so I can start looking?

lol.. no idea.. it was just an idea

Quote from: TheProfosist;470614

i would consider that a great idea but where are we going to find the cylinders? and wouldnt it be a mighty pain to get the in there and make then stay without it being screwed down?

no, i was saying seperate holes for just the stand offs, so we can have the plate standing on top of the pcb, that way when we do use the original holes to screw down the whole assembly, we won't have to worry about getting the standoffs into place
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:11:46
Quote from: ishtob;470702
lol.. no idea.. it was just an idea

no, i was saying seperate holes for just the stand offs, so we can have the plate standing on top of the pcb, that way when we do use the original holes to screw down the whole assembly, we won't have to worry about getting the standoffs into place

hmm how about this stuff

isnt the pcb angled in relation to the bottom of the case so wouldnt stand off be completly angle if going straight through the pcb to the bottom of the case?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:13:45
I think truck be loner might be too thick look at the thickness per coat
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:14:29
How could we use separate holes for the standoffs considering the poker only has a certain amount of holes in it by default. What if instead we placed a standoff similar to the ones used for motherboards in-between the PCB and the plate? Then we could use the same exact holes to hold everything together.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:18:12
Quote from: bloodygood;470718
How could we use separate holes for the standoffs considering the poker only has a certain amount of holes in it by default. What if instead we placed a standoff similar to the ones used for motherboards in-between the PCB and the plate? Then we could use the same exact holes to hold everything together.
already mentioned the problem with the how are you going to get it inbetween and hold it in place until you put the screw in?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:31:00
Quote from: TheProfosist;470720
already mentioned the problem with the how are you going to get it inbetween and hold it in place until you put the screw in?

There are already holes in the PCB and holes in the plate, screw them in shallow and finish screwing them in once they are correctly aligned to the holes in the poker case.
Screw top of plate to standoff. insert all mx switches and solder them to pcb. finish screwing into case.
does that make sense?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:34:36
Quote from: bloodygood;470718
How could we use separate holes for the standoffs considering the poker only has a certain amount of holes in it by default. What if instead we placed a standoff similar to the ones used for motherboards in-between the PCB and the plate? Then we could use the same exact holes to hold everything together.

i think both of you are missed what i was trying to do :P

i'm not saying we stand off to the case, we are standing off the PCB on seperate holes, so we can still screw the keybaord on based on those PCB positions, it will be like:

Plate -> stand off on PCB ---THEN--- PCB +plate screwed into the board. so the assembly would already be solid freestanding, now we can just screw the whole thing in and not worry about placing standoffs and screws in without it falling out of place
here's a text diagram if you still don't get it:
plate ---==-----plate----------------------------==------<----usual spot for the screw
.............| <--- standoff + screwed to pcb......|  <--- screw to case
...........==<-- bolt for screw from plate........|  <--- screw to case (same screw as the above through PCB)
case----------------------------------------------== <-- bolt on the case
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:35:29
Quote from: bloodygood;470730
There are already holes in the PCB and holes in the plate, screw them in shallow and finish screwing them in once they are correctly aligned to the holes in the poker case.
Screw top of plate to standoff. insert all mx switches and solder them to pcb. finish screwing into case.
does that make sense?

How would youy screw the plate to a standoff they would be best hollow as screwing all the way through something just to get to something else is hard and point less though yes it would solve the problem that I listed.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:37:04
come on guys, think outside the box :P or rather.. the poker
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:37:49
Quote from: ishtob;470733
i think both of you are missed what i was trying to do :P

i'm not saying we stand off to the case, we are standing off the PCB on seperate holes, so we can still screw the keybaord on based on those PCB positions, it will be like:

Plate -> stand off on PCB ---THEN--- PCB +plate screwed into the board. so the assembly would already be solid freestanding, now we can just screw the whole thing in and not worry about placing standoffs and screws in without it falling out of place
here's a text diagram if you still don't get it:
plate ---==-----plate----------------------------==------<----usual spot for the screw
.............| <--- standoff + screwed to pcb......|  <--- screw to case
...........==<-- bolt for screw from plate........|  <--- screw to case (same screw as the above through PCB)
case----------------------------------------------== <-- bolt on the case

your saying have a plastic standoff and have a screw on the plate and one on the PCB that would work but where to find the standoffs?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:38:48
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:41:42
We are all talking about the same kind of standoffs right..?
I was referring to these (obviously generic images, but the idea is the same)
but I get the feeling you were referring to these
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:42:06
Well the poker case is designed to be screwed into so you'd be modifying the case and removing the brass nutsert.  Does the case have feet?  You wouldn't be able to use a countersunk screw if there's no feet.

There is no way to do what's in your diagram, the same screw cannot be used to firmly secure the plate and the pcb unless the standoff is a simple unthreaded tube.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:43:13
Quote from: ishtob;470741

alright so whats the distance between the plate and PCB i know its a standard and what size screws are we going to use?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 14 December 2011, 14:45:11
Quote from: TheProfosist;470751
alright so whats the distance between the plate and PCB i know its a standard and what size screws are we going to use?

I get the feeling the standard size is based somewhere on this page
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 15:11:03
exact measurement between the bottom of the plate to the PCB should be 0.13435039 +/- 0.012 inches ... but i like metric so it's 3.4125mm +/- 0.3mm
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 15:12:07
so my keyboard has PCB mounted switches that are also plate mounted... do you think that might effect the feel?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 14 December 2011, 16:35:11
Quote from: ishtob;470741

alright so whats the distance between the plate and PCB i know its a standard and what size screws are we going to use?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 14 December 2011, 17:26:01
dont know what to use there yet, but i do know the case's bolts take the metric size M2 screws
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 21 December 2011, 00:47:23
I just got some more parts in for the switches and have started desoldering them from the pcbs they came on to make ergo clears. Hows the pcb design comming along? Should i start ordering things like the teensy so i will be ready to test the PCB?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 23 December 2011, 13:39:07
Well Ireceived my second poker case today along with some PCBs with switches on so I am good to go in both departments at least for the DOXs.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Sun, 25 December 2011, 09:30:15
cool, sorry i've been busy with family stuff for christmas season, ill get the PCB layout done soon.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 25 December 2011, 15:57:02
Quote from: ishtob;477507
cool, sorry i've been busy with family stuff for christmas season, ill get the PCB layout done soon.
Alright sounds good I will need 2 in the end. how are we sitting on the plates once we finalize a design i will forward the design to the correct people to get it ordered. Also the min order for that is 2 of the same design so I am good since I need 2.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Pyrolistical on Sat, 31 December 2011, 04:15:22
Hey, how thick of the sheet metal did are you using for the case design?  Looks like 1/8"?

I tried loading the eMachineShop file, but that failed in error.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 31 December 2011, 04:17:37
Quote from: Pyrolistical;480889
Hey, how thick of the sheet metal did are you using for the case design?  Looks like 1/8"?

I tried loading the eMachineShop file, but that failed in error.
You might want to PM DOX about that because with the current design we are using the case from a Poker.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 04 January 2012, 03:03:21
So where are we sitting after the holidays?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 07 January 2012, 15:38:59
I think I may want to make my DOX more like the 7bit Phantom the only adaptation left would be the short enter key which I think that I will go with if thats possible because then I dont have to worry about the transition at all also the arrow are then in a much more comfortable place.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 09 January 2012, 00:24:40
Started up a assembly service in my subforum ( if anyone is interested.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 17 January 2012, 06:58:26
anyone knows a PCB program that allow those overlapping holes, to allow the various placing of the switches?

at this point the person who wish to go with the alternate positions would be left to drill the holes themselves because expresspcb's software wont allow overlapping holes
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Tue, 17 January 2012, 07:14:52
Quote from: ishtob;492335
anyone knows a PCB program that allow those overlapping holes, to allow the various placing of the switches?

at this point the person who wish to go with the alternate positions would be left to drill the holes themselves because expresspcb's software wont allow overlapping holes

There is no possibility to have oval/slot holes? Otherwise I think all the common gerber producing softwares are able to do oval/slot holes. I did this on the phantom PCB by calculating the width and position of the slot holes needed, and then added those holes while removing the ordinary ones at those footprints overlapping.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Tue, 17 January 2012, 07:40:40
ExpressPCB is the Etcha-Sketch of PCB cad...
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 17 January 2012, 07:43:46
hm.. an of them mac compatible?

i am using wine to run ExpressPCB and its few of the software that actually works in that virtual enviroment... is there some plugin I can use, since I have autoCAD and is competent with it
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Tue, 17 January 2012, 07:51:24
KiCAD ( is what I use, experimental on Mac it says... I ran parts of it (the windows version then of course) under wine to access the bitmap2footprint converter which is not available in the Linux version =P
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 17 January 2012, 09:07:46
Here is my updated DOX layout. Sorry about changing it again but I wanted it to be as close to my 7bit Phantom layout as possible. It is now nearly 100% the same and wont be changing again.



Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hazeluff on Tue, 17 January 2012, 10:47:39
Quote from: TheProfosist;492404
Here is my updated DOX layout. Sorry about changing it again but I wanted it to be as close to my 7bit Phantom layout as possible. It is now nearly 100% the same and wont be changing again.

Show Image

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Show Image

You better not be changing it! jkjk.

= D
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 17 January 2012, 10:59:46
Quote from: hazeluff;492498
You better not be changing it! jkjk.

= D
thanks again you all the help with the WASD template hopefully itll come to fruition on my DOX
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hazeluff on Tue, 17 January 2012, 11:07:33
Quote from: TheProfosist;492518
thanks again you all the help with the WASD template hopefully itll come to fruition on my DOX

Now worries. ^_^

Also I've suddenly become really interested in getting a DOX/Phantom. Maybe after I graduate and have the time ><. Damn you geekhack, you have taken my soul and my money.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 17 January 2012, 21:43:34
Quote from: TheProfosist;492404
Here is my updated DOX layout. Sorry about changing it again but I wanted it to be as close to my 7bit Phantom layout as possible. It is now nearly 100% the same and wont be changing again.

Show Image

Show Image

Show Image

i'll get working on this soon as i figure out a better PCB program :P
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 17 January 2012, 21:58:58
Quote from: ishtob;493068
i'll get working on this soon as i figure out a better PCB program :P

awesome thanks. Also I just though if something when a layer is toggled you cant access the default layer i think so that means that layer 2 is going to need to have all the functions that it hasnt changed of the default layer but thats something well have to figure out when the time comes.

Also where is hazus firmware for the DOX again im trying to find it to share with the Phantom project.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 18 January 2012, 13:49:46
Quote from: TheProfosist;493079
awesome thanks. Also I just though if something when a layer is toggled you cant access the default layer i think so that means that layer 2 is going to need to have all the functions that it hasnt changed of the default layer but thats something well have to figure out when the time comes.

Also where is hazus firmware for the DOX again im trying to find it to share with the Phantom project.
You changed your DOX layout in order to match the phantom layout? Why not just get 2 Phantoms then. I kind of thought the point of the DOX was to be more HHKB like. I am not trying to judge or anything like that, I am just saying it seemed a little strange to me to want to completely change from a DOX style to a Phantom.

I still like my layout I posted a while back but I will link back to it once ishtob has looked into the new PCB program. Glad to see this project is starting to get some push behind it again.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 18 January 2012, 22:30:42
i think what were trying to do now is to get every option into 1 design... its kinda setting me back cuz now i need to learn a new program.... KiCAD seems promising
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 18 January 2012, 22:31:55
Quote from: TheProfosist;493079
awesome thanks. Also I just though if something when a layer is toggled you cant access the default layer i think so that means that layer 2 is going to need to have all the functions that it hasnt changed of the default layer but thats something well have to figure out when the time comes.

Also where is hazus firmware for the DOX again im trying to find it to share with the Phantom project.

All i need to do is to copy the default layer to the toggled layer, then change the keys to the ones you want "toggled" and it will appear as if the default layer is still there, even though the whole board is now swapped out.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Thu, 19 January 2012, 02:43:05
Quote from: ishtob;493790
i think what were trying to do now is to get every option into 1 design... its kinda setting me back cuz now i need to learn a new program.... KiCAD seems promising

Read through my design guide. KiCAD is pretty simple to get the hang of. Just ask me if you run into problems.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 19 January 2012, 09:39:35
Quote from: bloodygood;493474
You changed your DOX layout in order to match the phantom layout? Why not just get 2 Phantoms then. I kind of thought the point of the DOX was to be more HHKB like. I am not trying to judge or anything like that, I am just saying it seemed a little strange to me to want to completely change from a DOX style to a Phantom.

I still like my layout I posted a while back but I will link back to it once ishtob has looked into the new PCB program. Glad to see this project is starting to get some push behind it again.

I wil be using my Phantom on my desk at home and the DOX on the go at school and with my laptop I do the same kthing with my 87UB 45g and my HHKB currently.
Well yes both have the layout based on my original DOX layout so their both HHKB like. Think of my Phantom as a HHKB with a number pad, I chaned the Phantom layout to my liking as well.

My DOX Layout ( | My Phantom Layout (

Quote from: ishtob;493790
i think what were trying to do now is to get every option into 1 design... its kinda setting me back cuz now i need to learn a new program.... KiCAD seems promising

I dont know if we really need to do that. I do know that I do need 2 PCBs that will work with my layout though. Yes, I heard thats what they used for the Phantom.

Quote from: ishtob;493791
All i need to do is to copy the default layer to the toggled layer, then change the keys to the ones you want "toggled" and it will appear as if the default layer is still there, even though the whole board is now swapped out.

Sounds good glad the firware is sorta figured out now I need to find out if someone can do the same for my Phantom layout.

Quote from: PrinsValium;493899
Read through my design guide. KiCAD is pretty simple to get the hang of. Just ask me if you run into problems.

Thanks for the offer to help, we can use it!
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Thu, 19 January 2012, 10:40:36
Here ( is the best scan I was able to get of the poker PCB. The components move the PCB out of focus, but it might still be good enough to at least confirm mounting hole locations from.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 20 January 2012, 11:21:00
Thanks should help those of use that dont have a poker.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 27 January 2012, 08:50:48
Looks like the Phantom Groupbuy is closing up, so lets try to get moving on the DOX if possible. I think I may have a place where we can get plates in my area im looking into it now with my Phantom plate file.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: mkawa on Mon, 30 January 2012, 19:39:52
would like to get a trackpoint into this project. how open are designers to keeping enough room open on the board/plate for adding a nubbin via daughterboard ? doing so would also probably require some extra design time for nailing trackpoint control and fitment down. willing to drive cad/controller development for this feature if people are open to it.

this would presumably be unicomp's version of the nub device, for those who care.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 31 January 2012, 00:37:09
Quote from: mkawa;503706
would like to get a trackpoint into this project. how open are designers to keeping enough room open on the board/plate for adding a nubbin via daughterboard ? doing so would also probably require some extra design time for nailing trackpoint control and fitment down. willing to drive cad/controller development for this feature if people are open to it.

this would presumably be unicomp's version of the nub device, for those who care.

I like the idea but i would just like to get a dox in my hands before adding anything else to it.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Wed, 01 February 2012, 00:33:36
sorry for the delay.. classes' been pretty busy, and mid terms coming up, not sure when I'll have to time to work on the layouts
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hazeluff on Wed, 01 February 2012, 14:55:51
I wanna see this move forward = p. I've been here a couple months and not much has gone on ; p
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 01 February 2012, 20:52:33
Quote from: ishtob;504998
sorry for the delay.. classes' been pretty busy, and mid terms coming up, not sure when I'll have to time to work on the layouts

:( I was hoping to have this soon as the Phantom will soon be shipping. do you think anyone else would be able to take off from where you left off in your stead?

Quote from: hazeluff;505496
I wanna see this move forward = p. I've been here a couple months and not much has gone on ; p

yea we were moving really fast initially but I understand classes can be a *****.. would you have any knowledge in the art of routing PCBs?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: byFd on Thu, 02 February 2012, 04:22:49
i am more interested in this than the phantom :D
since i'm recently into the poker like layout :)

probably gonna need Mr Profosist to assemble it.

would it be able to somehow to a wireless mod/addon to it?
since i'm thinking that it would be a good use in the living room for my ps3 or maybe xbox or whatever console
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 02 February 2012, 08:28:11
Quote from: byFd;506217
i am more interested in this than the phantom :D
since i'm recently into the poker like layout :)

probably gonna need Mr Profosist to assemble it.

would it be able to somehow to a wireless mod/addon to it?
since i'm thinking that it would be a good use in the living room for my ps3 or maybe xbox or whatever console
that can be arranged I do have an assembly thread and if your interested please pm me so that we can arrange something.

I would like that mod as well but i think that we are better off developing the core of this keyboard first and starting up a separate project for making wireless adapter for keyboards controlled by teensy's.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 08 February 2012, 00:23:01
Wow we sure did lose alot of this thread didnt we. I there any way that we could build a mini Phantom. Something exactly like the Phantoms PCB but only the main cluster of keys?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: mkawa on Wed, 08 February 2012, 00:41:35
i think the question remains the same: where do the chips and wiring go without going SMD (or who will volunteer to design and help coordinate production if we do?)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 08 February 2012, 00:52:35
Quote from: mkawa;509001
i think the question remains the same: where do the chips and wiring go without going SMD (or who will volunteer to design and help coordinate production if we do?)
Well the design that isotab had had the controller under the spacebar but this would only work if a spacebar was mandatory part of the design. you could fit one on the backside of the PCB if everyone had Plastic cases and was willing to modify them. I have never done SMD before I may very well be able to do it once I learn how and have the time the main constraint would then be time which I dont have much of.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Parak on Wed, 08 February 2012, 01:16:54
If we can ever get an SMD controller going, the best way would be to also have it be soldered by the pcb fab. With pick-and-place machines, stencils, and reflow soldering, the cost increase for assembly is marginal for every SMD component added.

One could definitely hand solder SMD with a bit of practice and a decent iron, but that gets very tricky with no lead (QFN and such) packages, where essentially the only way to hand solder them is via hot air. A lot of ICs still have lead options in package selections, though, which is good. In any case, as with anything involving SMD, bulk pcb fab assembly would be the primary goal once a prototype from them is validated, of course.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Wed, 08 February 2012, 01:41:16
Which SMD controller could be used?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Wed, 08 February 2012, 02:27:50
The controller on the Teensy2.0, ATmega32U4, comes in SMD packages only but both with and without leads TQFP44 and QFN44. The leadless one the Teensy uses is quite a bit smaller altogether. There are drawings at the end of the datasheet ( I think there are some other suitable ATmega controllers as well. The USB ready ones seem to come on those to packages, number of legs varying.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: tsangan on Thu, 09 February 2012, 18:22:41
Oh man I just saw the layout I want for the DOX in it's complete form

Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: demik on Thu, 09 February 2012, 19:43:49
oh thats nice
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: hasu on Thu, 09 February 2012, 23:53:50
Very nice HHK. Dolch keycaps and original case?

My next project plan will be a DIY PCB + cheap and weak Poker case HHK.
Apparently I am always behind away from OTD guys :(
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: tsangan on Thu, 09 February 2012, 23:55:00
We need to get this DOX project back on the road, I want that keyboard so bad
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: byFd on Fri, 10 February 2012, 02:40:39
are plans now to have it backlit or not backlit?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 10 February 2012, 08:19:03
Mini Phantom that way everyone gets what they want. I know that having teh teensy below the spacebar isnt the most ideal but it seems to be the only option besides SMD.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: tsangan on Fri, 10 February 2012, 10:03:31
Quote from: byFd;510841
are plans now to have it backlit or not backlit?

backlit is for wusses
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: byFd on Fri, 10 February 2012, 10:11:45
Quote from: tsangan;510996
backlit is for wusses

i had to look that up lol.

i don't like backlit.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Index on Sat, 11 February 2012, 02:26:03
Quote from: tsangan;510549
Oh man I just saw the layout I want for the DOX in it's complete form

Show Image

Oh man, that's the exact layout I was trying to go for. I'm really bad with drawing up PCB's, and I have no time due to work.

tsangan, where did you find that pic?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: mkawa on Sat, 11 February 2012, 09:02:57
is that a kbd365 design? the layout and milled case look like a pure, but the 1.5x modifiers clearly aren't. jesus those keys are sex.

i think i'm actually on the side of smd now. if we can get enough volume the pcb fab can usually produce with some extra marginal cost. it raises the price naturally, but the backlighting option will probably get us enough extra business from the gamer types that it will be worth it. plus with LEDs there's more cool stuff you can do with the firmware.

i don't know how many people are familiar with the DIY audio scene, but typically they try to produce designs that are more than one-offs. to do this they obviously have to do a _lot_ more work appeasing large groups, but the result is that there are tons of high quality projects available to build at any one time.

soo... who knows how to do pcb layout for SMD? ;)
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: BiNiaRiS on Thu, 01 March 2012, 17:29:39
Status update?
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 01 March 2012, 17:31:17
Quote from: BiNiaRiS;532477
Status update?

I would like one as well as we had 2 working prototypes nothing should really be stopping us from making them i know i wanted a altered layout if possible and ishtob doesnt have the time with school to lay it out.
Title: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bloodygood on Wed, 21 March 2012, 10:22:18
I know I haven't been active on the forums lately but I still check up on everything at least once every day or two. I really am sad that we haven't had any real updates to the Dox builds in what seems like 2+ months now. Hope you are doing well Ishtob and we can't wait to get back into the design and building of these great custom keyboards. In the down time I have been trying to think of new layouts since my girlfriend wanted a custom split/ergonomic keyboard.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 24 July 2012, 21:12:23
hey guys, so pharmacy school kicks ur butt pretty hard the last year, don't get too much freetime :/ kinda sad to see no one carrying this project on... at this point its looking like i will be busy with my clinical rotations till jan 2013 >.<
heres a photo of my office at the current rotation site at boston medical center :P .. its one of my dox prototypes and some random blank keycap set i had sitting around... hate those rubber domes they have at the office

im still dropping by GH every so often, so if you someone do decide to pick this up while im gone, i'm more than happy to help
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: litster on Tue, 24 July 2012, 21:16:10
you have a very small monitor, just  a tad wider than your DOX.  And that phone!  I had one like that at work, 20 years ago!
Title: Re: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 24 July 2012, 21:16:37
hey guys, so pharmacy school kicks ur butt pretty hard the last year, don't get too much freetime :/ kinda sad to see no one carrying this project on... at this point its looking like i will be busy with my clinical rotations till jan 2013 >.<
heres a photo of my office at the current rotation site at boston medical center :P .. its one of my dox prototypes and some random blank keycap set i had sitting around... hate those rubber domes they have at the office
Show Image

im still dropping by GH every so often, so if you someone do decide to pick this up while im gone, i'm more than happy to help
I want a DOX :( i have everything but a PCB.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 24 July 2012, 21:44:40
should i post up the layout i was using again? since the attachments are all gone
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Tue, 24 July 2012, 21:50:24
you have a very small monitor, just  a tad wider than your DOX.  And that phone!  I had one like that at work, 20 years ago!
lol.. yea you should see my pager... 5 buttons, vibrate and 1 ring tone, no backlights
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 24 July 2012, 22:38:35
should i post up the layout i was using again? since the attachments are all gone
I saved my layout as well. might you be able to help with phantom firmware as well?
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Index on Thu, 26 July 2012, 02:23:25
Hi, I just finished my layout in KiCAD and also found a Teensy 2.0 schematic online in KiCAD. I've been trying to figure out how to put the two together in one PCB for the past day. I'm wondering if anyone could help me out here.

I've attached both KiCAD project files.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Thu, 26 July 2012, 03:26:02
That is not the actual Teensy I think, but some other set-up with the same micro controller. That shouldn't matter, although I haven't looked through it to see that it looks correct.

.lib files are the components in EESchema
.sch files are the schematic files for EESchema
.mod files are the footprints in PCBnew
.brd files are the layout files for PCBnew

They are all text  files. Merge them in a text editor =D But first move all the stuff around so that they don't overlap in the merged file...
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Index on Thu, 26 July 2012, 11:23:00
You're right, it's the Adafruit ATmega34U4 Breakout Board. It should work identical to a Teensy though.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Thu, 26 July 2012, 11:24:26
Functionally they are the same.  But it's a different size and you'd have to find/make the footprint for it.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: bpiphany on Thu, 26 July 2012, 14:55:05
He's not using the actual break out board, only the schematics. That should be all dandy =)

Edit: And there were a ton of footprints in that Adafruit KiCAD file. I'm stoving that away in a safe place for now...
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Index on Thu, 26 July 2012, 16:46:34
bpiphany, I'll be putting together the schematic tonight. Can I ask you to take a look at it after I'm done?
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Index on Thu, 26 July 2012, 23:13:26
Here's the updated project files with both the breakout board and the cherry switches.

Can someone please look over the schematic? I know nothing about pcb design and I'm pretty much doing this for the first time.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: WRXChris on Thu, 26 July 2012, 23:27:37
And that phone!  I had one like that at work, 20 years ago!

So funny to think that companies used to build things to last... My parents still have one of those phones in their house; The phone cord port broke over a decade ago and I soldered in a new one one, still works like new!

Nowadays, most products are built to break within a year or 2, locking in a steady stream of profits and wasting precious resources...

Sorry for the OT.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: fartq on Thu, 26 July 2012, 23:35:26
the idea behind the light will be that the core controllers will fit on a dox footprint.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Thu, 26 July 2012, 23:36:34
Ok, opening your schematic, there are 2 libs missing...

Other than that, you have no USB connector, no resistors or capacitors on any of the lines, no clock chip, just an MCU and a bunch of switches wired together.  In the schematic there's a stack of munged parts, presumably because of the missing libraries.

So basically, read the teensy or adafruit schematic and try to figure out why parts are where they are and how to integrate them into your schematic.

Also, put some stabilizers on the switches that need them, you're going to need those holes in your PCB :)
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: Index on Fri, 27 July 2012, 00:27:43
Sorry about the incomplete project files. I've uploaded the project files that include all the required .lib and .mod files. Also, I've read the schematic of the breakout board and tried to make sense out of it as much as possible. I have little experience with transistors, capacitors, voltage, power. All I know is how to program the microcontroller and how to read datasheets.

I've integrated the schematic as best as I can. I'm just looking for someone to look it over.

I'll put the holes for the switches and stabilizers later, baby steps.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Fri, 27 July 2012, 08:46:40
Ok, the schematic is a whole lot closer to proper... I'll ignore the board :)

You don't need the solder jumpers for voltage or the HWB pin, just determine how you're going to use the device and make that permanent in your board.  So, kill the 3v options all around.  Honestly I'd take the teensy schematic over the adafruit one, then use the adafruit schematic to figure out how to add the ISP header and if you want it, the 500ma fuse.  The teensy schematic is a bit easier to read.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: regack on Thu, 02 August 2012, 19:39:38
hey guys, so pharmacy school kicks ur butt pretty hard the last year, don't get too much freetime :/ kinda sad to see no one carrying this project on... at this point its looking like i will be busy with my clinical rotations till jan 2013 >.<
heres a photo of my office at the current rotation site at boston medical center :P .. its one of my dox prototypes and some random blank keycap set i had sitting around... hate those rubber domes they have at the office
Show Image

im still dropping by GH every so often, so if you someone do decide to pick this up while im gone, i'm more than happy to help
I want a DOX :( i have everything but a PCB.

I was looking at the express pcb layout that Dox originally posted, since I was going to try and poke at it again... and I noticed that there's a 1.75 key in row 2... and it matches the photo that was just posted... (wow, that IS a small monitor)... so here's my question ... where can I find a R1 1x1.75 key like that?  Or is it actually a R2 profile key in R1?  I'm still kind of new to all of this.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Thu, 02 August 2012, 19:56:42
Are you counting row 1 as spacebar, or esc row?  Because it's different depending on who you're talking to.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: regack on Mon, 06 August 2012, 08:35:53
Are you counting row 1 as spacebar, or esc row?  Because it's different depending on who you're talking to.

Ahh, see, another thing I didn't know (Also, I didn't mean to derail the thread).   I was counting spacebar row as R1.   My limited understanding has Spacebar and ZXCV row as a R1 profile.. then The homerow as R2 profile, QWERTY as R3 profile and 1234... and ESC row as R4 profile. 
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 09 August 2012, 03:26:44
Im going to get my account here back up to par tomorrow then ill repost some images of what im looking for in the end something we almost had completed.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Mon, 13 August 2012, 06:44:00
I was looking for something like the pics below so it would match my Phantom layout. I think these pics are a bit old so the layout doest match my phantom exactly. See this link ( to see my final Phantom layout.




Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 22 August 2012, 03:23:23
Looks like i might at least get my hands on what ishtop did so i can still have a dox for my self problem is we never did design a plate to it... Anyone out there that has the know how willing to undertake designing one?
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 23 August 2012, 19:06:38
Updated my DOX layout to be better and closer to my Phantom


Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: jdcarpe on Thu, 23 August 2012, 21:45:44
Title: Re: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 23 August 2012, 21:47:30
because you can buy all the stuff yourself easily enough...
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: jdcarpe on Thu, 23 August 2012, 21:53:28
But you have to have PCBs made and plate/case machined. :(

I can source the rest myself, but group buying power for those two items would be nice. (Where do you find a 1.25 Return/Enter key of the correct profile?)

Why settle for a Poker or Pure when you can have a programmable board like this one?
Title: Re: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 23 August 2012, 22:01:39
But you have to have PCBs made and plate/case machined. :(

I can source the rest myself, but group buying power for those two items would be nice. (Where do you find a 1.25 Return/Enter key of the correct profile?)

Why settle for a Poker or Pure when you can have a programmable board like this one?
well im just using a poker case but yes if you couldnt get one you would have to have an aluminium one made like was done in the past i forgot who ran the groupbuy. I will be ordering pcbs and plates for my self once the design is done if your interested maybe we can work something out...

Sadly you dont find one with the correct profile. I really dont notice it all too much on my phantom i actually totally forgot about it until you mentioned it. Though your good on everything else through wasd keyboards which is nice because you can get the custom legends etched or engraved on.

Thats exactly why i got involved with this project i didnt like the pokers layout.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: jdcarpe on Thu, 23 August 2012, 23:48:25
As for PCBs and plates for the Dox, count me in for one of each. Maybe there are others interested, as well?

If this will fit in a Poker case, I have an aluminum case from treble318 I will use.
Title: Re: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 25 August 2012, 03:40:14
As for PCBs and plates for the Dox, count me in for one of each. Maybe there are others interested, as well?

If this will fit in a Poker case, I have an aluminum case from treble318 I will use.
alright sounds good ill post here of course when the PCB is done.

If anyone can get a poker case and wants one build but doesnt have the skills to build it them selves i can easily do it.

Also i will know more of whats needed when the pcb is complete. There used to be a dox build thread on the forum that had additional info on our revision and whats needed and how to build it. I wonder where that went

Hazeluff has made a template of the layout for me to send to wasd and ill post it here later.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 25 August 2012, 03:49:31
Mods / Admins think we can get this moved out of the archive as hopefully this project will be moving forward again.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 25 August 2012, 04:01:20
And heres the DOX layout for WASD

Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 30 August 2012, 05:35:24
Here's the layout you wanted for PCB

does anyone know where to find the costar stab measurement/specs?
Title: Re: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 30 August 2012, 09:46:19
Here's the layout you wanted for PCB

does anyone know where to find the costar stab measurement/specs?
yea talk to bpiphany about it hes the one that did the phantom pcb and plate and the one who just redid the plate for me so i could have a normal spacebar on my phantom.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Thu, 30 August 2012, 09:46:45
You can find that here (  :)
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 31 August 2012, 00:08:06
Here's the layout you wanted for PCB

does anyone know where to find the costar stab measurement/specs?
thanks a lot for this
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 18 September 2012, 15:05:40
Looking to get a list of materials together for the DOX builds that will be doing soon hopefully. Here is the list that I grabbed from the build a DOX thread:

- 62 1N41418 switching diode
- Teensy from
- 62 LEDs of your choice (forward voltage must be <2.5v)
- 30 resisters calculate ohm for a chain of LED in series of 2's powered by a 5v supply source
- 4 resisters calculate ohm for single LED powered by a 5v supply source
- 4 cherry stabilizers (1 space bar, 3 smaller ones)
- 1 mini USB receptacle (digikey)
- 1 mini USB male connector (here)
- 4 small wires
- 2 12-pin spacer thing for the teensy (here)
- 1 low profile DIP 4 way switch (ebay)

Here is the list adjusted with the few things that I have already found:

- Teensy from

- 62 1N41418 switching diode
- 62 LEDs of your choice (forward voltage must be <2.5v)
- 30 resisters calculate ohm for a chain of LED in series of 2's powered by a 5v supply source
- 4 resisters calculate ohm for single LED powered by a 5v supply source
- 4 costar stabilizers (1 space bar, 3 smaller ones) *
- 1 mini USB receptacle *
- 1 mini USB male connector *
- 1 low profile DIP 4 way switch *

- 4 small wires *?

I found the LEDs once before but they can no longer be bought here at the 2 links that I had I would like to find something comparable if they were correct.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 19 September 2012, 00:44:08
Anyone had to pick out parts like thi before eapecially the leds and resistors? I would like to try and get everything from as few places as possible
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Wed, 19 September 2012, 10:39:33
Mouser or Digikey.... with Mouser you can then share your materials list with others.

For more complicated bits it's pretty common to have to go with multiple sources.  Ebay is a fine source for passive components ( since they are dirt cheap and quality is consistent.  Also I do ebay for LEDs.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Wed, 19 September 2012, 17:20:04
Ive heard of the places i just have no real idea how to find the exact parts i need i guess i dont even know the exact parts i need the only thing that ever really got specked out was the leds and i cant pick them up anymore.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 21 September 2012, 00:02:52
i got the diodes from

as for the resisters, they were some generic ones i got from radioshack... just make sure they are good for whatever spec of LED you would like to use.

screws for the case im using M2x9 screws with the torx bit (you can use phillips if you like, i just like the look of the stars) and its from:

i believe i got the LED and the PCB mounted 4 channel switch (for LED control) from digikey

I already ordered some M2x9 screws, and might hav enough fo the 4 channel switch, but i need to check
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Fri, 21 September 2012, 00:05:31
make sure the LED are the ones that can be used with the switch. it cannot have that little lip thing on the bottom. It took me a while to find the ones that did not have it, just dont remember where it was from... maybe it s in the DIY thread
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 27 September 2012, 00:28:20
I know ishtob doesnt have the time so does anyone else have enough knowledge to help me find the exact remaining parts needed?
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: __red__ on Thu, 27 September 2012, 05:44:47
 Tell us what parts you're looking for and we'll try and help you find them.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 27 September 2012, 08:25:20
- 62 1N41418 switching diode
- 62 LEDs of your choice (forward voltage must be <2.5v)
- 30 resisters calculate ohm for a chain of LED in series of 2's powered by a 5v supply source
- 4 resisters calculate ohm for single LED powered by a 5v supply source

for the leds im looking for red like on the cm storm quickfire and the brightest ones available I dont mind paying extra I think the ones I originally had specd out were correct but their no longer available though it looks like they had the little lip around the bottom which isnt correct for the ones that fit in the switch
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: __red__ on Thu, 27 September 2012, 11:06:02
All through-hole parts?
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: SmallFry on Thu, 27 September 2012, 11:07:46
Yup! (I think so anyways...)
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 27 September 2012, 11:11:08
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: __red__ on Thu, 27 September 2012, 17:00:17
- 62 1N41418 switching diode
Can I assume you mean 1N4148? ($0.019ea, $1.18)

- 62 LEDs of your choice (forward voltage must be <2.5v)

Depends on the color you want and how wide / narrow you want the beam to be.  Examples:  ($0.056ea, $3.47)

- 30 resisters calculate ohm for a chain of LED in series of 2's powered by a 5v supply source

This depends *entirely* on the LEDs chosen, but I'll detail the math so everyone will learn how to calculate resistor values for themselves.

So, your circuit looks like this:

5v ----------- RESISTOR -------- LED1 -------- LED2 ----------- 0v

We know the following facts:
1) The current flowing through all of these component is the same.
2) The Voltage drop across each of the LEDs is 2.1V (From the datasheet).
3) The sum of the voltages equals 5V.
4) The desired current is 10mA (From the datasheet)

So, we know that the voltage drop across the resistor is 5 - 2.1 - 2.1 = 0.8V

So, I = V / R
R = V / I
R = 0.8 / 0.01
R = 80 Ohms

Power rating required:
P = IV
P = 0.01 * 0.8
P = 8mW

So I would use this:  ($0.004ea, $0.12)

- 4 resisters calculate ohm for single LED powered by a 5v supply source

So, I = V / R
R = V / I
R = 2.9 / 0.01
R = 290 Ohms ($0.005ea, $0.02)

for the leds im looking for red like on the cm storm quickfire and the brightest ones available I dont mind paying extra I think the ones I originally had specd out were correct but their no longer available though it looks like they had the little lip around the bottom which isnt correct for the ones that fit in the switch

Oops, I didn't get the super-bright ones.  However, now I've walked you through the process of product selection, if you want to try it and get me to check your math I'd be happy to.

Btw, your final cost: $4.79
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 27 September 2012, 17:21:18
red what do you think of these i think i found the brightest red ones even if their labeled orange. this would be the next brightest .
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 20 October 2012, 21:09:28
found brighter ones on mouser and will probably be ordering those
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 20 October 2012, 21:53:58
- 62 1N41418 switching diode

- 62 LEDs of your choice (forward voltage must be <2.5v)

- 30 resisters calculate ohm for a chain of LED in series of 2's powered by a 5v supply source

- 4 resisters calculate ohm for single LED powered by a 5v supply source

wondering if someone could find me the diodes on mouser because im ordering everything else from there currently. O, and thanks for all the help __red__
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: alaricljs on Sat, 20 October 2012, 22:11:40
Just search on Mouser for 1N4148, sort by price ascending, pick the cheapest one that you can solder.  771-1N4148,133 is the cheapest thru hole in Q > 25.
Title: Re: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 20 October 2012, 22:19:20
Just search on Mouser for 1N4148, sort by price ascending, pick the cheapest one that you can solder.  771-1N4148,133 is the cheapest thru hole in Q > 25.
thanks a bunch i can now complete my parts list.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Tue, 23 October 2012, 09:07:51
Antone that is interested in getting a DOX please contact me via pm or email as I have a parts list together and all that is remaining is the plate.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sun, 04 November 2012, 01:34:56
Plate is almost done, as soon as it is i will start ordering parts. If you have any interest or questions please let me know.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: getoffmalawn on Fri, 09 November 2012, 09:16:30
Here's the layout you wanted for PCB

does anyone know where to find the costar stab measurement/specs?

Will this PCB fit in a Poker case? Or will it require some clipping as detailed here:

It looks like the same PCB to me, but I'd rather be sure before I order them. Thanks!
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Fri, 09 November 2012, 19:38:00
Here's the layout you wanted for PCB

does anyone know where to find the costar stab measurement/specs?

Will this PCB fit in a Poker case? Or will it require some clipping as detailed here:

It looks like the same PCB to me, but I'd rather be sure before I order them. Thanks!
yes it will require some clipping itll be nearly the same PCB
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: getoffmalawn on Fri, 09 November 2012, 20:25:39
yes it will require some clipping itll be nearly the same PCB

Awesome, thanks for letting me know. Do you think it could be modified to fit the Teensy++, or even the Teensy 3.0? Running a keyboard with a 32 bit ARM processor could be interesting. :)

I've got a spare Teensy++, but no regular Teensies lying around. If it won't fit, it might make sense for me to get the original PCB printed instead.

Sorry for all the questions, I'm a new comer to electronics :)
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 10 November 2012, 00:15:33
yes it will require some clipping itll be nearly the same PCB

Awesome, thanks for letting me know. Do you think it could be modified to fit the Teensy++, or even the Teensy 3.0? Running a keyboard with a 32 bit ARM processor could be interesting. :)

I've got a spare Teensy++, but no regular Teensies lying around. If it won't fit, it might make sense for me to get the original PCB printed instead.

Sorry for all the questions, I'm a new comer to electronics :)
the new dox is designed around the teensy 2.0 and that only waht works with it each controller is different especially the teensy 3.0 which naively cant be a keyboard
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: getoffmalawn on Sat, 10 November 2012, 00:25:36
the new dox is designed around the teensy 2.0 and that only waht works with it each controller is different especially the teensy 3.0 which naively cant be a keyboard

Sounds like I'll be ordering the original Dox PCB then. Thanks for getting back to me and helping me! :)

Also, not knowing too much about microprocessors, why can't an ARM processor easily be used for a keyboard?
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 10 November 2012, 00:26:15
well original wont fit poker or anthing the original pic arnt up to show that.... just warning you
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: getoffmalawn on Sat, 10 November 2012, 00:47:40
Hmm, so it won't. Is that due to the width of the LED version being 0.017 inches shorter? Again, first time using ExpressPCB... been a long time since I've used Windows too, actually.

Thanks for tolerating all my noobish questions, I feel bad.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 10 November 2012, 00:51:26
Hmm, so it won't. Is that due to the width of the LED version being 0.017 inches shorter? Again, first time using ExpressPCB... been a long time since I've used Windows too, actually.

Thanks for tolerating all my noobish questions, I feel bad.
well were working on a new one that when ordered together will be cheaper and better the plate is all thats left and thats hopefully almost done i think I can post the layout for you if you want
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: getoffmalawn on Sat, 10 November 2012, 01:01:15
well were working on a new one that when ordered together will be cheaper and better the plate is all thats left and thats hopefully almost done i think I can post the layout for you if you want

Yeah sure, that would be awesome. Thanks!

All I'm really after is a PCB that will fit the Poker, but without the Teensy integrated onto the board, as I want to use the additional pins on a Teensy++ for some other stuff later on. Worst comes to worst, I could attach the needed Teensy++ pins to the LED board with wire instead of pins... not very pretty though.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 10 November 2012, 01:15:58


All kays can have leds i believe only red, orange, yellow though. The leds are also switchable using the same style dip switch the poker had.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: getoffmalawn on Sat, 10 November 2012, 10:04:28
Thanks for that, that's given me some ideas for my layout.

For the record, the option I've gone with is to resize the original Dox PCB, and add stabilizers for the larger keys. Maybe add a mini USB port as well - that I'm undecided about.

The complexity of modifying the LED version is too difficult for a lowly noob like me. I've measured my Poker case multiple times, and I believe the unmodified Dox PCB would have fit anyway - there's quite a bit of leway - ~2-3mm both ways.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 10 November 2012, 11:00:28
Alright if your still getting one ishtob designed you should be fine if it the one dox made way at the beginning of this thread that a completly different beast.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: getoffmalawn on Sat, 10 November 2012, 11:31:23
I'm basing mine off of this: It's the one by Dox, in the first post. From what I can see, they're essentially the same in terms of fitting into a Poker case. The only differences I can see that could affect matching it with the Poker case are;

Is there something that I'm missing?
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Sat, 10 November 2012, 11:37:48
I'm basing mine off of this: It's the one by Dox, in the first post. From what I can see, they're essentially the same in terms of fitting into a Poker case. The only differences I can see that could affect matching it with the Poker case are;

  • It doesn't have the Teensy integrated, which I'm fine with.
  • Currently requires case modification to power it, which I'm rectifying in my own design.
  • The PCB sizes were very slightly different, which I've rectified.

Is there something that I'm missing?
well it was never ment for a poker case to the screw holes might not be there... originally the plate wads extended and bent to form a case. Sorry that the pics are gone. Also you  might want to wait for the GH60 GB as that has many different layouts and should suit whatever you want.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: getoffmalawn on Sat, 10 November 2012, 23:59:23
Thanks for pointing that out, I've added the mount holes now so it should be all good.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: TheProfosist on Thu, 15 November 2012, 03:37:19
Yea no problem, if you could post here once you get everything together or maybe help out the building theard by doing your own step by step.
Title: Re: Dox KB, Build your own!
Post by: ishtob on Thu, 06 June 2013, 15:12:58
welp here goes the necro.. but recent update on this project,

I've printed another board and redid my dox with a split backspace. I might do some more work for support of other LED (currently only support LED with forward voltage of <=2.5) and maybe integrated ATmega32u4 like the GH60

( (

lol sorry prof for leaving you alone for so long, finally graduated and is now on my last licensing exam, should be back on the community more now :D