You've seen the mod done here: and all the great mods it links to in the first post.
Thought I'd give it a go, with a slightly different twist.
This mod takes a stock AT F and does the following:
- Swaps out the big enter key for an ANSI enter key + a 1.5x backslash key
- Swaps out the 1.0x backslash and 1.0x backspace key for a single big backspace key
- Replaces the AT spacebar with a Model M spacebar and adds an extra modifier key to each side of the spacebar
- Relocates original key wire mounts from unused key to above spacebar key, reusing internal spacebar wire as external one
- Changes the left side function keys to have Esc and F1-F8
- Rearranges the numberpad into an inverted-T cursor key cluster and the navigation six pack, plus F9 - F12
- Will be using a teensy/soarer converter once I get it in the mail...
I'll just skip to the things that are a little different about this compared to other mods. What I did for the wire mounts was drill two holes above the spacebar at the same locations as on an M (slightly lower), and pull two mounts from the numpad and relocate them there:

On my first attempt I tried to remove the old mounts while retaining the plastic so I could "mushroom melt" it down to mount it like it was originally:

That did not work. So instead I epoxied them:

Positioning the new key barrels was simple:

Simple except for my outstanding rotary tool skills getting that opening just right...
Now, the changes to the side keys. On the left I need an Esc key. And I need it to be by itself. Just how I'm wired from decades of typing on M's, I sometimes keep my left hand there and having two keys instead of one there doesn't feel right to me. So on the left side here's the layout:

And on the right side, again, I'm used to an SSK, I like having space around the cursor keys, so this is the layout I chose:

Generally speaking, the inside of the F is really a pleasure to work with. Everything just falls into place nicely and I button it back up in seconds. I may mess around more with key locations.
Here's how the spacebar wire looks with the keyboard buttoned up:

My rotary tool skills are only challenged by my wire bending skills. The spacebar is just as crisp as the other keys now, I'll have to get another wire and do it cleaner, but even with my crooked wire setup, it works great.
I had to trim the case to either side of the Alt keys to get clearance, and again, my tools skills left something to be desired, but decide to leave it as is for now.
Finally, I had some white on black keys available, so decided to dress it up a bit. The black also makes the missing keys less blatant to the eye:

I know on the standard key layout the tilde key and the backslash key are supposed to be the same color as the alphanumerics. I think it looks better if they match the other keys along the sides.
As for what's next, I've checked all the new keys on a computer with a native PS/2 port, everything registers with unique bios scancodes, just need to get that soarer hooked up.
Also considering a layout of something above the backplate to mask the missing keys better than electrical tape. When it gets warmer I'm going to disassemble the whole thing, paint it, and see what else I can think of.
Thanks to wcass for the keyboard template which was great even if my cutting skills were not.
Thanks to soarer for, well, everything, and to YakMN for answering questions on his build, and everyone else who posted the threads he linked to.