Author Topic: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?  (Read 2880856 times)

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Offline fohat.digs

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6750 on: Mon, 25 May 2020, 08:36:09 »

Even AT boards took me a while to get used to, since I use ctrl quite a bit.

Depending on how handy you are, the AT can be modified to something quite close to ANSI if you can do a bit of Dremel work.

Fixing Backspace and Enter are trivial once you have it apart, and if you can grind out two 1/2" diameter half-circles in the plate then you can add 2 Alt keys beside a transplanted Model M space bar and let both Controls be outboard of that. There are multiple options for stabilizing the M space bar, but using 7/16" SAE washers over the "V" and ",<" barrels is the easiest.

Then you have to buy or acquire a small handful of parts such as 2 additional barrels and they replacement key caps.
How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008

Offline Tinman39

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6751 on: Mon, 25 May 2020, 16:20:19 »
My main board is a Durgod Taurus K320 with Cherry MX Brown switches. It was my first mechanical board. I did some research before buying it and I like it. I have a GMMK Compact in the mail to try out some other switches and see if I like 60% boards for gaming.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6752 on: Mon, 25 May 2020, 16:43:13 »
Yeah, I have a couple XTs. One found organically, which was cheeeeeaaaaaaaaaap, and the other one from clickykeyboards since I knew it was going to be perfect when I bought it. I overpaid at $200, but I mean, if clickykeyboards has it it's basically new, so I'm fine with that. I paid for the assurance with the name.

You found it organically? Where did you find an IBM XT keyboard lying around?

Well, surprisingly, back in the day, even back only 10 years ago, IBM PCs weren't thatdifficult to find. At my elementary school, we had PS/2s, I remember the mouse and keyboard, which guided me to apprehending my first Model M a couple years later. BUT, we also had 2 IBM PCs. I don't remember what exactly they were, but they did have that stepped layout and a metal cage. While that could mean keyboards from any number of people, I think it shows that these things were around. It also means I still have a slight bit of muscle memory on that layout, so it's not jarring.

Also, being vaguely interested in this kind of stuff my whole life, I always used to check out the old computers and keyboards wherever I was if they had some lying around, and as you know, many did.

I saw the IBM Personal Computer at my ex girlfriend's dad's work or something in their server room back in 09 or 10, along with a lot of old enterprise stuff. I pilfered an Optiplex, a video card, and a few keyboards from that place. It's where I got a couple of my old dome with sliders I break out occasionally (but not that often; small backspace). The PC didn't work and my basic troubleshooting didn't fix it. I opened it up and it was old enough that I didn't know what anything in there was, so it was dead to me. I dropped the keyboard in the box because I recognized the din plug, and at that time didn't know keyboards didn't all use the same protocol. Well, I brought it home and it didn't work, and I did a bit of research. The limited research I gathered was that these couldn't communicate with modern PCs, and there was no point in keeping it around. I checked out prices on ebay and we're talking like $15. To me, it wasn't worth selling, so I didn't sell it. I just never used it.

Now, and I don't know if this was actually the case 10 years ago and I just didn't see anything about it, we have tiny chips and can convert the different protocols, so old keyboards suddenly have become useful, like the Model F. My old one dropped in the box isn't in great condition, and I popped it out and played with it a bit, but the feel not too much better than the Models M and I can see rust on the backplate. I figured I'd just keep it as a museum piece.

The clickykeyboards F is fairly recent. I was over there just looking, and I saw it. He actually said something like "the only way I know this was used is there is some dust under the keys," and he put up pictures and the thing looks immaculate. So I bought it. And a Lexmark branded Model M because I'm insane and think I need to have one of every part number or something. Those don't come up that often, and for $125 I'm willing to pay the extra money to have one in perfect condition with missing rivets replaced.

Well, that's an awesome story. I don't know if it is something others would recommend here, but I would probably strip that F down and dunk anything that's rusty in a vinegar bath a few days and/or scrape the rust off with some oil and a copper brush. The vinegar will take care of all of the rust on its own with enough time, though some say that leaving metal in too long can cause the vinegar to eat the good metal too. Then I would probably hit it with some Rust-Oleum that's meant to neutralize rust in case any active rust was missed, just to stabilize it.

They're good. I think the keyfeel is a little bit better than Ms. A bit lighter, a bit smoother, but I prefer the sound of the Ms. I like the thockier sound. The Model F and a good set of Alps clickies are about even to me, but to me the sound is a fairly big deal, and, combined with the normal ****ing layout, I do prefer the Models M to the Models F, and I prefer the Alps to the rest, including that Matias that I talk about all the time. You know what does it for me on the Matias? The USB hub built in. I love that, and, considering the feel is basically the same as good Alps white, I'm okay with that.

I would have to compare sounds again, but I do believe that the F ATs are the thockiest of the Fs, since the entire case is plastic like an M. Not sure how those might compare to an M in sound. You can modify F ATs and F122s to be ANSI, if you so desired. I do also love USB hubs built into keyboards. It is one of the reasons I like my Das Pro 4 and my K70s. The Das Pro 4's hub is even USB 3.0, which I wish I saw more of.

I do hear that about the ATs. From videos I can hear on the internet, it's still got that pingyness I don't like. The sing songy metal on metal noise. Ick. It's definitely the deepest seeming according to the videos, but it's like lipstick on a pig, so to speak.

I don't need the ANSI layout. I didn't always live here in the US of A! I'm about to give you guys some really boring information. In Luxembourg, 3 layouts tend to be common, in descending order of appearance.

1. German qwertz. It's the one you usually find, and it's second nature to me.
2. Swiss German layout. This is one you often find at peoples' homes, since the Swiss German layout allows people to type accents and characters available in French more easily, but they still type in, of course, mostly Luxembourgish (a Moselle Franconian dialect; informally) or German (more formally, or for the web outside of Luxembourg).
3. French azerty. Holy **** what maniac would willingly type on this awful layout. You have to hit SHIFT FOR THE ****ING PERIOD. Ugh. Default is colon and semicolon like ****ing absolute mentalists. Even though the country's only like 30 miles wide, you do tend to see a geographic distribution on the French layout. On the extreme west of the country you tend to get more Azertys, and they're becoming more popular in high school, as they've changed the instruction language at the high school level to be predominantly French. To me the dividing line between azertys and sensible layouts is at Differdange where you get about 50/50. In Rodange, you're about 70% azerty. In Virton in Belgium, despite speaking Luxembourgish, it's like 100% azerty.

Anyway, all have the ISO enter and short left shift, which I never use anyway, though I thought the AT was basically in ANSI anyway, just with a BAE. I had a qwertz keyboard in my rotation as recently as 3 or 4 years ago.

That's very interesting. I couldn't imagine how confusing/annoying it would be with such different layouts floating around everywhere. I have always lived in the continental U.S., so I have no exposure to other layouts. I just figured that you wanted a layout closer to an M, and an ANSI mod is all that's necessary to make those boards exactly the same, besides the f row being on the left on the AT.

I sadly still have never had blue Alps, but I don't feel like I'm missing much, so I'm not up for dropping $200 for one of those boards when white are available for like $50, but still.

I do not honestly think that you are missing much at this point, now that I have been able to feel Matias switches for myself. The difference is marginal, and it is primarily noticeable in sound more than feel, with the Matias switches lacking the characteristic crisp but high-pitched SKCM click (all other characteristics of SKCM blues are usually bassy).

Is that what it is? I couldn't figure out what it was that I liked more about the Matias than my Alps boards, you know, besides the USB. The build quality is meh, the keycaps are meh, I just didn't know. It must be the lack of pinginess.

Sort of, although I don't think it is even a ping. The SKCM blues I compared against have a high-pitched click. Even Kailh box jades do, it is just that the click isn't really the most prevalant/pronounced sound of either switch, so the overall soundtrack is still bassy on both. With Matias, I have noticed that the click is not high-pitched at all, and is somewhat muted.

If I ever get enough money for a 122 key, it might change my mind, but I like all them keys I get on the Model M, and the XT layout isn't appreciably worse than the AT in my book. To me, it's about the number of keys. The F107 is the holy grail.

I could never type on an F XT. I tried, since it was the one board I had with significantly better switches than MX blues for a good period of time. The layout, and stepped caps, was just too weird. Even AT boards took me a while to get used to, since I use ctrl quite a bit.

Presumably, you could just remap the control, caps, and alt keys to do whatever you wanted, right?

I could. I never use any of the keys that are over by caps lock anyway though, and I would say that navigating with the number pad is pretty jarring as well either way. I don't like messing with custom mappings, certainly not on a computer-to-computer basis since I use one heck of a lot of computers, and I don't want to carry a converter around all of the time if I don't have to. The AT layout is the one thing I make an exception for, for the sake of vintage boards, in ruining my muscle memory and/or deviating from standard modern ANSI.

I agree on the F107. They weigh 10 pounds or more, they're completely unnecessarily long, but they're a thing of simultaneous beauty and ruggedness. Completely impractical, but there's nothing I would rather use regardless at the moment. Not to downplay the rest of the 4704 family.

Well, I performed your suggestion, let's see what happens!

Good luck. I think you'll love it once you get it.

My main board is a Durgod Taurus K320 with Cherry MX Brown switches. It was my first mechanical board. I did some research before buying it and I like it. I have a GMMK Compact in the mail to try out some other switches and see if I like 60% boards for gaming.

Nice. Durgod's boards look pretty nice.

Even AT boards took me a while to get used to, since I use ctrl quite a bit.

Depending on how handy you are, the AT can be modified to something quite close to ANSI if you can do a bit of Dremel work.

Fixing Backspace and Enter are trivial once you have it apart, and if you can grind out two 1/2" diameter half-circles in the plate then you can add 2 Alt keys beside a transplanted Model M space bar and let both Controls be outboard of that. There are multiple options for stabilizing the M space bar, but using 7/16" SAE washers over the "V" and ",<" barrels is the easiest.

Then you have to buy or acquire a small handful of parts such as 2 additional barrels and they replacement key caps.

I know, we've talked about it before. I would rather not mod my F ATs. I have an F77 and F107 to type on now as well anyway. The AT layout hasn't taken significant work to adapt to.
« Last Edit: Mon, 25 May 2020, 16:46:00 by Maledicted »

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6753 on: Mon, 25 May 2020, 17:19:57 »

I would rather not mod my F ATs.

ATs plural? Surely you would want one that you would actually use!

How the hell or why did you become a DEMO-crat?” He asked.
“Long story, but it started with Nixon, then I was educated and know history as the Republicans are all about getting power to exploit it to their benefit, while Democratic politicians, for the most part, are for distributing things more equitably. I’ll finish with the overwhelming sociological and psychological evidence in studies that identify that conservatives see the world through inherent inequity where the elite or those who seek to be elite are superior to the commoners, and it is they who should lead. At the same time, liberals look at the world as inequality and seek to make the world more equitable, and that all should be represented. Ultimately, conservatives trust those in authority, while liberals inherently distrust those in authority to take advantage for themselves or their constituency.”
He looks up and says, “No one ever explained that to me, and then asks, “If **** Cheney thinks that Trump is that bad, then it's not about DEMO-crats vs Republicans, is it.”
I resume walking and then say, “Hey, you got it; it's the Democratic and old Republican parties versus Trumpism, which is American fascism aided by the Russians.”
- RWN 2024-09008

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6754 on: Mon, 25 May 2020, 18:09:30 »

I would rather not mod my F ATs.

ATs plural? Surely you would want one that you would actually use!

Yes, I have two of them. lol. I have ... 5 model Fs now. The XT doesn't get much use, the others are usually in rotation somewhere. I have an F AT at the desk at one location at work, and the new production F77 at the other. I was using my F107 for most I had an excuse to use it for at home until this Matias board came in, so I'm using that as much as I can for the time being. My good DC-2014 is usually in rotation as well. The Unitek K151L I put box jades into should be, really. I'm actually kind of lured to the AT layout, as awkward as it is. It isn't really much of a difficulty for me to use anymore.

Offline ddrfraser1

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6755 on: Mon, 25 May 2020, 18:23:32 »
The Unitek K151L I put box jades into

That sounds like an awesome combo

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6756 on: Mon, 25 May 2020, 19:24:13 »
The Unitek K151L I put box jades into

That sounds like an awesome combo

It is. I quite like it. It didn't end up as bassy as I would have liked, probably because of the steel plate and steel lower casing, but it is still a really cool board in my opinion.

Offline ddrfraser1

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6757 on: Tue, 26 May 2020, 09:29:37 »
The Unitek K151L I put box jades into

That sounds like an awesome combo

It is. I quite like it. It didn't end up as bassy as I would have liked, probably because of the steel plate and steel lower casing, but it is still a really cool board in my opinion.

Jades are also not an inherently bassy switch. Pretty high pitched click.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6758 on: Tue, 26 May 2020, 10:22:21 »
The Unitek K151L I put box jades into

That sounds like an awesome combo

It is. I quite like it. It didn't end up as bassy as I would have liked, probably because of the steel plate and steel lower casing, but it is still a really cool board in my opinion.

Jades are also not an inherently bassy switch. Pretty high pitched click.

They're the best modern clickies I have ever heard in that regard, besides maybe box pinks. Not quite as good as the Alps family, but not far off.

Offline ddrfraser1

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6759 on: Tue, 26 May 2020, 10:38:13 »
The Unitek K151L I put box jades into

That sounds like an awesome combo

It is. I quite like it. It didn't end up as bassy as I would have liked, probably because of the steel plate and steel lower casing, but it is still a really cool board in my opinion.

Jades are also not an inherently bassy switch. Pretty high pitched click.

They're the best modern clickies I have ever heard in that regard, besides maybe box pinks. Not quite as good as the Alps family, but not far off.

Yeah, Jades are great. They are however right on the boarder of being too heavy. I'm about to mount some box pinks. I imagine those will be perfect. I've also got some noble yellows on the way.

The only contender could be zealiostotles/phoenix switches. However, my zealiostotles wouldn't rebound unless I put 67g springs in them which was too heavy imo for a clicky switch. I wanted 62g but half the stems got stuck at the bottom. I think it was a fit issue. I've ordered some of the new Phoenix stems and am eager to try them to see how they compare. But... I forgot to order springs...  :-X ;D :))

I will be VERY interested to try zeal PCs new clicky/tactile/linears even though this still seems like witchcraft heresy illegal voodoo to me  :eek:

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6760 on: Tue, 26 May 2020, 11:48:03 »
The Unitek K151L I put box jades into

That sounds like an awesome combo

It is. I quite like it. It didn't end up as bassy as I would have liked, probably because of the steel plate and steel lower casing, but it is still a really cool board in my opinion.

Jades are also not an inherently bassy switch. Pretty high pitched click.

They're the best modern clickies I have ever heard in that regard, besides maybe box pinks. Not quite as good as the Alps family, but not far off.

Yeah, Jades are great. They are however right on the boarder of being too heavy. I'm about to mount some box pinks. I imagine those will be perfect. I've also got some noble yellows on the way.

The only contender could be zealiostotles/phoenix switches. However, my zealiostotles wouldn't rebound unless I put 67g springs in them which was too heavy imo for a clicky switch. I wanted 62g but half the stems got stuck at the bottom. I think it was a fit issue. I've ordered some of the new Phoenix stems and am eager to try them to see how they compare. But... I forgot to order springs...  :-X ;D :))

I will be VERY interested to try zeal PCs new clicky/tactile/linears even though this still seems like witchcraft heresy illegal voodoo to me  :eek:

You could try some slightly lighter springs in the jades. I know I haven't had any problem with them returning properly even with the big ass enter key on my K151L, so I imagine they could handle a little lightening. I have a noble yellow in a tester I believe, although KPrepublic's labeling of my tester is not fantastic. I was actually kind of underwhelmed. The tactility is much lower than jades, and I think they were noticeably higher-pitched as well. I would have to compare them again. I need to get my hands on some pinks eventually. I think jades are pretty close to complicated Alps in terms of weighting, but maybe that's just perception.

I swore off MX-based clickies, but I probably should give stotle variants a try. Gateron and Outemu clickies aren't half bad afterall.

I'll have to look into those new switches. I hadn't heard about them. They're a departure from the MX design as well? It is good to see more of that finally happening from other players besides Kaihua then.

Offline ddrfraser1

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6761 on: Tue, 26 May 2020, 12:04:31 »
The Unitek K151L I put box jades into

That sounds like an awesome combo

It is. I quite like it. It didn't end up as bassy as I would have liked, probably because of the steel plate and steel lower casing, but it is still a really cool board in my opinion.

Jades are also not an inherently bassy switch. Pretty high pitched click.

They're the best modern clickies I have ever heard in that regard, besides maybe box pinks. Not quite as good as the Alps family, but not far off.

Yeah, Jades are great. They are however right on the boarder of being too heavy. I'm about to mount some box pinks. I imagine those will be perfect. I've also got some noble yellows on the way.

The only contender could be zealiostotles/phoenix switches. However, my zealiostotles wouldn't rebound unless I put 67g springs in them which was too heavy imo for a clicky switch. I wanted 62g but half the stems got stuck at the bottom. I think it was a fit issue. I've ordered some of the new Phoenix stems and am eager to try them to see how they compare. But... I forgot to order springs...  :-X ;D :))

I will be VERY interested to try zeal PCs new clicky/tactile/linears even though this still seems like witchcraft heresy illegal voodoo to me  :eek:

You could try some slightly lighter springs in the jades. I know I haven't had any problem with them returning properly even with the big ass enter key on my K151L, so I imagine they could handle a little lightening. I have a noble yellow in a tester I believe, although KPrepublic's labeling of my tester is not fantastic. I was actually kind of underwhelmed. The tactility is much lower than jades, and I think they were noticeably higher-pitched as well. I would have to compare them again. I need to get my hands on some pinks eventually. I think jades are pretty close to complicated Alps in terms of weighting, but maybe that's just perception.

I swore off MX-based clickies, but I probably should give stotle variants a try. Gateron and Outemu clickies aren't half bad afterall.

I'll have to look into those new switches. I hadn't heard about them. They're a departure from the MX design as well? It is good to see more of that finally happening from other players besides Kaihua then.

It's kind of a mystery tbh. They look the same as mx style switches but they claim it's influenced by the alps design soooo... Ż\_(ツ)_/Ż

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6762 on: Wed, 27 May 2020, 12:49:37 »
I am currently, and have been since I got it this weekend, using my new Matias mini "tactile" pro, which I very much like so far, other than the Mac-specific mapping and legends, for which there is literally no alternative from Matias anymore. Oh well.


Offline funkmon

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6763 on: Wed, 27 May 2020, 21:15:14 »

That's right, the first new Model M design in over 20 years is here and sitting on my desk. Here's the crazy part: it's louder even than other unicomps. This plastic chassis is insane! Perfect! I put away my Gen 1 to type with this bad lad today. Loving it so far, but I think the brilliant white keycaps and the stumpy feet could be improved. Very nice.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6764 on: Wed, 27 May 2020, 21:43:44 »

Show Image

That's right, the first new Model M design in over 20 years is here and sitting on my desk. Here's the crazy part: it's louder even than other unicomps. This plastic chassis is insane! Perfect! I put away my Gen 1 to type with this bad lad today. Loving it so far, but I think the brilliant white keycaps and the stumpy feet could be improved. Very nice.

Nice. Have you got any posts comparing it to the rest of your fleet? I may get the TKL when it comes out.

Offline funkmon

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6765 on: Wed, 27 May 2020, 22:05:45 »

No but this is what's behind me when I type on the computer right now.

There's a lot of boards there that have not seen the Geekhack light yet. Some old some new.
« Last Edit: Wed, 27 May 2020, 22:29:43 by funkmon »

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6766 on: Wed, 27 May 2020, 22:37:27 »
No but this is what's behind me when I type on the computer right now.

Why are they lurking directly behind you? Have they gained sentience and have begun to plot your demise?

I actually have a similar situation going on behind me as well. I had to take this from another angle, and the light saturation, etc, sucks since that sofa is directly beneath a loft bed. Had to take the towel off of the DC-2014, since blue Alps.


Offline Snowdog993

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6767 on: Thu, 28 May 2020, 00:27:13 »
I might have a few more lying around. Hmm.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6768 on: Thu, 28 May 2020, 08:18:13 »
I might have a few more lying around. Hmm.

Do you keep a permanent static display of Model Ms? I don't know that I would even want to try to put all of my mechanical keyboards into one single place. It would not be pretty. You've got more Model Ms than I do though.

This almost makes me wonder if there should be a threat specifically for what keyboards just so happen to be in your nearby random stack of recently-used ones. I didn't know anybody else did that. lol

Offline ddrfraser1

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6769 on: Thu, 28 May 2020, 08:23:38 »
I might have a few more lying around. Hmm.

Do you keep a permanent static display of Model Ms? I don't know that I would even want to try to put all of my mechanical keyboards into one single place. It would not be pretty. You've got more Model Ms than I do though.

This almost makes me wonder if there should be a threat specifically for what keyboards just so happen to be in your nearby random stack of recently-used ones. I didn't know anybody else did that. lol

I was thinking the same thing. My couch is always littered with keebs 😅

Offline ddrfraser1

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6770 on: Thu, 28 May 2020, 08:25:15 »
I might have a few more lying around. Hmm.

Do you keep a permanent static display of Model Ms? I don't know that I would even want to try to put all of my mechanical keyboards into one single place. It would not be pretty. You've got more Model Ms than I do though.

This almost makes me wonder if there should be a threat specifically for what keyboards just so happen to be in your nearby random stack of recently-used ones. I didn't know anybody else did that. lol

I was thinking the same thing. My couch is always littered with keebs 😅

It would have to be no cheating though. No putting out nicer keebs or repositioning.

Offline Snowdog993

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6771 on: Thu, 28 May 2020, 09:07:32 »
I might have a few more lying around. Hmm.

Do you keep a permanent static display of Model Ms? I don't know that I would even want to try to put all of my mechanical keyboards into one single place. It would not be pretty. You've got more Model Ms than I do though.

This almost makes me wonder if there should be a threat specifically for what keyboards just so happen to be in your nearby random stack of recently-used ones. I didn't know anybody else did that. lol

I was thinking the same thing. My couch is always littered with keebs 😅

It would have to be no cheating though. No putting out nicer keebs or repositioning.

All those pictures are older. That doesn't mean I don't have them anymore. Did you ever go to my link?

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6772 on: Thu, 28 May 2020, 11:56:05 »
It would have to be no cheating though. No putting out nicer keebs or repositioning.

All those pictures are older. That doesn't mean I don't have them anymore. Did you ever go to my link?

I don't believe he means that you don't have them, just that the picture looks organized, deliberate. That's why I also joked about a static Model M display. Our previous pictures were literally just what happened to be behind us that moment. It doesn't look, to me, like your images are public. The link goes to your IMGUR posts, which is a blank page.

Offline funkmon

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6773 on: Thu, 28 May 2020, 19:46:07 »
I might have a few more lying around. Hmm.

Holy smokes, what the **** is that Lexmark branded SSK? How do I apprehend one?

Here's my Industrial Lexmark with new Geekhack function keys.

« Last Edit: Thu, 28 May 2020, 19:54:43 by funkmon »

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6774 on: Thu, 28 May 2020, 20:57:39 »
I might have a few more lying around. Hmm.

Holy smokes, what the **** is that Lexmark branded SSK? How do I apprehend one?

Here's my Industrial Lexmark with new Geekhack function keys.

Show Image

Nice. I need to order some more Geekhack windows keys from them, among other things, for my F107. I would put a picture up of the Realforce 87u I just got, but it was secondhand and isn't the cleanest thing yet.

Offline ollir_

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6775 on: Fri, 29 May 2020, 05:07:47 »
My Acer 6012 that originally had white Alps, but now has blues, except on the nav cluster and numpad. The yellowing, as you can see, is severe. The logo plate especially looks like someone painted it with old piss.
Now, I *could* switch the case from my other 6012 which hasn't really yellowed much, but I just can't be bothered.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6776 on: Fri, 29 May 2020, 09:19:57 »
My Acer 6012 that originally had white Alps, but now has blues, except on the nav cluster and numpad. The yellowing, as you can see, is severe. The logo plate especially looks like someone painted it with old piss.
Now, I *could* switch the case from my other 6012 which hasn't really yellowed much, but I just can't be bothered.
Show Image

Sweet old board you've got there. I like the old piss look, it gives it character (even though I'm not even normally a fan of yellow). I don't personally get the need to make everything look brand new.

Is that coffee on the left? I can't say it surprises me that you've got a fish-themed drink coaster, in Finland.

Offline ddrfraser1

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6777 on: Fri, 29 May 2020, 11:18:28 »
This alu unit.

iKBC MF 108. Box pinks. Stabs clipped and lubed.



Offline funkmon

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6778 on: Fri, 29 May 2020, 11:20:50 »
How's it sound?

Offline ddrfraser1

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6779 on: Fri, 29 May 2020, 11:42:07 »
How's it sound?

Very tight. Very slick.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6780 on: Fri, 29 May 2020, 12:26:20 »
How's it sound?

Very tight. Very slick.

Nice board, and I imagine the switches are just as nice. I need to track down some box pinks to try.

Offline ollir_

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6781 on: Fri, 29 May 2020, 14:08:41 »

Is that coffee on the left? I can't say it surprises me that you've got a fish-themed drink coaster, in Finland.

Of course it's coffee! Nothing better than good coffee after lunch and getting to write some actual code instead of troubleshooting failing legacy systems and other meh stuff. It was a good day! The fish is

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6782 on: Fri, 29 May 2020, 15:28:44 »

Is that coffee on the left? I can't say it surprises me that you've got a fish-themed drink coaster, in Finland.

Of course it's coffee! Nothing better than good coffee after lunch and getting to write some actual code instead of troubleshooting failing legacy systems and other meh stuff. It was a good day! The fish is

What sort of coffee? Creamer? I generally drink mine black unless I specifically feel like some fancy iced coffee or something. I think that even a decent coffee, made in a french press, is fantastic on its own. I may be a space alien though anyway, because I'll choke down the random McDonalds sludge/dirt black too. There's a place local to here that serves their iced coffee black. You know that's a freaking good cup of coffee if you can serve it with no creamer and no sugar, on ice.

I'm no fish connoisseur, myself, though I don't mind eating some fresh out of a local lake from time to time, and reading about something new is always interesting.

Offline funkmon

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6783 on: Fri, 29 May 2020, 21:41:38 »
Here's an ever so slightly different industrial board.

The scheme on this one is to make it look like butts and not care. Threw a modelm sticker on that bad lad with a pink cable.

You can tell it's different basically because it's actually a terminal board so it doesn't have locklights and I felt no need for an overlay, plus it has coloured legends.
« Last Edit: Fri, 29 May 2020, 21:44:06 by funkmon »

Offline ollir_

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6784 on: Sat, 30 May 2020, 07:37:12 »

What sort of coffee? Creamer? I generally drink mine black unless I specifically feel like some fancy iced coffee or something. I think that even a decent coffee, made in a french press, is fantastic on its own. I may be a space alien though anyway, because I'll choke down the random McDonalds sludge/dirt black too. There's a place local to here that serves their iced coffee black. You know that's a freaking good cup of coffee if you can serve it with no creamer and no sugar, on ice.

I usually make my morning coffee in a moka pot, and then go for french press after lunch.

I can and will drink a ****ty filtered coffee too, there's even its own charm sometimes to go the city and just grab cup of **** coffee :D
« Last Edit: Sat, 30 May 2020, 07:38:49 by ollir_ »

Offline Eyud

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6785 on: Mon, 01 June 2020, 23:02:22 »
Just upgraded from my old Realforce 87U to a Realforce R2 PFU edition. I gotta admit, I like the old case better with the forehead and the gold badge. But otherwise the R2 is a dream.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6786 on: Tue, 02 June 2020, 10:07:18 »
Just upgraded from my old Realforce 87U to a Realforce R2 PFU edition. I gotta admit, I like the old case better with the forehead and the gold badge. But otherwise the R2 is a dream.

Did you sell it on Ebay? I just bought my first Topre board, a 55g 87u on Ebay just over a week ago. lol

I just wanted to feel the switches for myself, so I don't know much about the minutia. What makes a R2 an upgrade over an 87u?

Offline Eyud

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6787 on: Tue, 02 June 2020, 13:53:09 »
Did you sell it on Ebay? I just bought my first Topre board, a 55g 87u on Ebay just over a week ago. lol

Nope, haven't sold the old one yet but welcome to the Church of Topre. ;D Stuff I like about the new board (although some of this is exclusive to the PFU edition):

- Silenced switches. I could have installed silencing rings on the 87U but it's nice to have them preinstalled.
- Ability to swap control/caps lock with a key combo instead of a dip switch.
- Actuation point control. Cooler than I expected. The lowest setting is quite nice for games.
- The caps lock light has moved to the correct place instead of being on the key where your hand blocks your view of it.
- PBT spacebar!
« Last Edit: Tue, 02 June 2020, 14:04:10 by Eyud »

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6788 on: Tue, 02 June 2020, 15:37:43 »
Did you sell it on Ebay? I just bought my first Topre board, a 55g 87u on Ebay just over a week ago. lol

Nope, haven't sold the old one yet but welcome to the Church of Topre. ;D Stuff I like about the new board (although some of this is exclusive to the PFU edition):

- Silenced switches. I could have installed silencing rings on the 87U but it's nice to have them preinstalled.
- Ability to swap control/caps lock with a key combo instead of a dip switch.
- Actuation point control. Cooler than I expected. The lowest setting is quite nice for games.
- The caps lock light has moved to the correct place instead of being on the key where your hand blocks your view of it.
- PBT spacebar!

Thank you, but I'm just visiting the Church of Topre. I don't plan on joining the congregation. lol. I'm a clicky guy. I will say it is the nicest rubber dome I have ever felt, and will likely hold that title in perpetuity. I imagine, being capacitive like a Model F, that they'll last basically forever as well.

Do you often swap ctrl and caps lock?

I imagine yours is 45g then? I can't see myself playing any games with mine, although I do consider it when it is sitting just above my K70. I think the 55g is just a bit too stiff, as odd as that seems to me being used to MX weightings. I would love to have a switch I could control the actuation point on myself, then something like an MX red wouldn't be just a tad too sensitive. I figure I'll wait for the hall effect silo beam springs to jump into adjustable actuation, since then I can swap linears and beam springs on a whim. Maybe I should just get the Keystone right away, but I'm not a fan of its boring/pedestrian looks and construction.

I actually really like the in-key lock lights on the few boards that have them, that sure can be annoying if you want different caps and to still be able to see the lock lights though. I don't know why I would even care other than arbitrary stylistic preference since I almost never use the lock keys unless a game needs caps lock for something anyway. I also use the traditional modern caps lock location, so my hand isn't really on it unless I'm pressing it, which is rare.

Nice on the spacebar. That was always a sticking point on Topre boards, right?

Offline Eyud

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6789 on: Tue, 02 June 2020, 21:00:10 »
Do you often swap ctrl and caps lock?

I like it swapped for games but normal for general use. With my old board I just left it swapped all the time but now I can easily enable/disable that as needed.

I imagine yours is 45g then?

Yeah, I've actually only used 45g Topres. Would like to try 55s or BKE domes someday.

Nice on the spacebar. That was always a sticking point on Topre boards, right?

Yep, it was ABS on my old board. I always meant to find a PBT replacement just never got around to actually doing it.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6790 on: Wed, 03 June 2020, 14:34:03 »
Do you often swap ctrl and caps lock?

I like it swapped for games but normal for general use. With my old board I just left it swapped all the time but now I can easily enable/disable that as needed.

I imagine yours is 45g then?

Yeah, I've actually only used 45g Topres. Would like to try 55s or BKE domes someday.

Nice on the spacebar. That was always a sticking point on Topre boards, right?

Yep, it was ABS on my old board. I always meant to find a PBT replacement just never got around to actually doing it.

So you use a 45g Topre board for gaming? Have you got any pros and cons for doing that vs a more conventional tactile, or the old standby of MX linears, etc?

Offline Eyud

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6791 on: Wed, 03 June 2020, 14:49:26 »
No particular reason when it comes to gaming, I just like using one keyboard for everything and the typing experience is my top priority since I'm a software developer. When I first got into mechanical keyboards I tried a few MX switches but settled on Topre as my all around favorite and have stuck with them ever since.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6792 on: Wed, 03 June 2020, 15:40:57 »
No particular reason when it comes to gaming, I just like using one keyboard for everything and the typing experience is my top priority since I'm a software developer. When I first got into mechanical keyboards I tried a few MX switches but settled on Topre as my all around favorite and have stuck with them ever since.

You've only tried MX? I would very seriously consider Topre conversion myself if that's all I could compare it against. It is certainly smoother than anything I have felt in the MX family, and the 55g, at least, has a relatively pleasant tactility not unlike MX clears. I love clickies, but MX blue vs Topre? I might actually swing tactile in that case. It would certainly be a very tough choice either way. I was already wondering about this the other day. It seems to me that Topre was the only cool kid left on the scene with the decline and exit of Alps and IBM boards and switches. It seems, to me, like when a lot of people were getting into this hobby, their choices were mostly MX full-sized boards of (usually) questionable quality, and the HHKB, which was certainly a refreshing and appealing idea when even something as small as a TKL wasn't exactly common.

What would you choose? Some crappy Cherry-branded board (ignoring better emerging brands, or being unaware of them) with the Honda Civic of switches, or the most refined switch design still in production, in a form factor a fraction of the size of most of the rest of the market, manufactured to rigid standards of quality, in Japan? That seems to explain, to me, the success of Topre.

Offline Eyud

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6793 on: Wed, 03 June 2020, 16:21:15 »
I actually have used a Model M and a few Apple keyboards with Alps (I think) before but it's been many years. I like how buckling springs feel but they're too loud to my ears; tactile is really the sweet spot for me. Are Alps clicky or tactile? I honestly don't remember much about them.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6794 on: Wed, 03 June 2020, 16:45:07 »
I actually have used a Model M and a few Apple keyboards with Alps (I think) before but it's been many years. I like how buckling springs feel but they're too loud to my ears; tactile is really the sweet spot for me. Are Alps clicky or tactile? I honestly don't remember much about them.

Some Alps are clicky, some are tactile-ish (it has been some time since I have felt or heard them, but I'm pretty sure they're louder than you would normally expect from a tactile), and some are linear. I think most of the ones in Apple keyboards were ... silenced and/or tactile, though I believe one notable exception was that later versions of the Apple IIc's keyboard had clicky Amber Alps.

If the M is too harsh to your ears, you may like Alps SKCM, Kailh box jades and pinks, and even Matias "tactile" (actually clicky) switches. They're much deeper, and usually more subdued.

Offline Eyud

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6795 on: Wed, 03 June 2020, 23:35:35 »
Thanks, I'll have to give those a shot sometime!

Offline Crazy Designers

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6796 on: Thu, 04 June 2020, 02:15:49 »

Future Art Community.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6797 on: Thu, 04 June 2020, 09:14:07 »
Show Image


Forgive my ignorance of GB/custom stuff, but what the heck is that? Looking good.   :thumb:

Today, I have a Nan Tan keyboard with no model number. FCC ID is FMA44HKB6151, which matches other Nan Tan boards that have been found with blue Alps. This one apparently, unfortunately, only has whites. They're in fantastic shape though. The whole board is. I have not even cleaned it., and it looks practically new.


Somebody, at some point, thought they needed to drastically change the angle of the keyboard, which I'm actually disliking, being used to my keyboards basically being flat. I'm torn on removing the rubber feet though, as then it loses some of its old charm/history. There is velcro on the bottom as well, for whatever reason.

244303-1    244305-2

I think I ended up paying a bit more for it than I would like for SKCM whites, but they're in such wonderful shape (which was a category missing in my collection) that I'm still pretty happy with it. I may have to bust it open at some point to see inside as this may be the very lightest mechanical keyboard I have ever owned, even though it looks to have some sort of metal plate. It certainly flexes like crazy, not that that matters.

Offline funkmon

  • Posts: 453
Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6798 on: Thu, 04 June 2020, 16:44:54 »
I actually have used a Model M and a few Apple keyboards with Alps (I think) before but it's been many years. I like how buckling springs feel but they're too loud to my ears; tactile is really the sweet spot for me. Are Alps clicky or tactile? I honestly don't remember much about them.

Some Alps are clicky, some are tactile-ish (it has been some time since I have felt or heard them, but I'm pretty sure they're louder than you would normally expect from a tactile), and some are linear. I think most of the ones in Apple keyboards were ... silenced and/or tactile, though I believe one notable exception was that later versions of the Apple IIc's keyboard had clicky Amber Alps.

If the M is too harsh to your ears, you may like Alps SKCM, Kailh box jades and pinks, and even Matias "tactile" (actually clicky) switches. They're much deeper, and usually more subdued.

Can confirm. I have a Dell AT101W with tactile black alps and they're disgustingly loud. They don't click, but it's like, uhh. What's the best way to explain this. A black alps board isn't clicky in that there's nothing that's been designed to make a noise in it, but it's still loud as ****. Like if you tell a 3 year old to be very quiet while playing with her kitchen play set. That ****'s gonna be loud, even if she's stage whispering.

Show Image


Forgive my ignorance of GB/custom stuff, but what the heck is that? Looking good.   :thumb:

Today, I have a Nan Tan keyboard with no model number. FCC ID is FMA44HKB6151, which matches other Nan Tan boards that have been found with blue Alps. This one apparently, unfortunately, only has whites. They're in fantastic shape though. The whole board is. I have not even cleaned it., and it looks practically new.

(Attachment Link)

Somebody, at some point, thought they needed to drastically change the angle of the keyboard, which I'm actually disliking, being used to my keyboards basically being flat. I'm torn on removing the rubber feet though, as then it loses some of its old charm/history. There is velcro on the bottom as well, for whatever reason.

(Attachment Link)     (Attachment Link)

I think I ended up paying a bit more for it than I would like for SKCM whites, but they're in such wonderful shape (which was a category missing in my collection) that I'm still pretty happy with it. I may have to bust it open at some point to see inside as this may be the very lightest mechanical keyboard I have ever owned, even though it looks to have some sort of metal plate. It certainly flexes like crazy, not that that matters.

That does look good. I've never heard of that one, but I'm having a parallel. I just found a great deal on another Omnikey, and it came and it's completely perfect. No dust, but some rust on the backplate. Typed on the keyboard...feels new. Looked around for signs of cleaning. None. It might have just never gotten dirty. It came with a Din -> PS2 converter, so someone must have been using this thing. The keys are doubleshot ABS, looks like Tai-Hao but might be one of those unknown ones. No yellowing. Holy smokes. Could it be we just both got primo near perfect condition old SKCM boards?

I like the fact that yours's former owner decided he didn't like the feet. He needed to glue new ones on there. Okay dude.

Offline Maledicted

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Re: What Keyboard Are You Using Now?
« Reply #6799 on: Thu, 04 June 2020, 17:04:39 »
That does look good. I've never heard of that one, but I'm having a parallel. I just found a great deal on another Omnikey, and it came and it's completely perfect. No dust, but some rust on the backplate. Typed on the keyboard...feels new. Looked around for signs of cleaning. None. It might have just never gotten dirty. It came with a Din -> PS2 converter, so someone must have been using this thing. The keys are doubleshot ABS, looks like Tai-Hao but might be one of those unknown ones. No yellowing. Holy smokes. Could it be we just both got primo near perfect condition old SKCM boards?

I like the fact that yours's former owner decided he didn't like the feet. He needed to glue new ones on there. Okay dude.

Well, if you got an Omnikey at a good price with perfect switches, you obviously got a better deal than I did. I would describe the case as about on par with a $5 OEM rubber dome ... just with Alps switches. The caps are pretty thin too, and certainly not double shots. I almost wonder if the plate is plastic. I can't imagine how it weighs this little with a plate in it. It does sound wonderful though, at least, and I didn't have any perfect SKCM whites yet either. I'll have to use it for a while to say for sure.

The stock feet lift the board even higher than the massive rubber bricks he/she stuck on it, so maybe that specific height was preferred. Maybe the Velcro and/or feet was also an attempt at preventing the thing from sliding around? The original rubber feet are pretty dry-rotted, so I imagine they don't grip great. Speaking of which, I should probably hit them with some ATF or something to try to soften them up before they crack too much.
« Last Edit: Thu, 04 June 2020, 17:57:39 by Maledicted »