If someone wants to step up and design a new Poker/Pure/GH60 aluminum case, feel free. You don't even have to wait for this GB to do it. If you want to run the GB at the same time as this one, that would also be fine, and we could link to your case GB from the GH60 GB. But I don't feel we need to include a case with this, as that is the whole point of making it compatible with the Poker/Pure cases, already extant from either those stock keyboards, or from previous/ongoing group buys.
As far as the plates go, that is really up to The_Beast how many options he wants to include. But I think we should try to keep it to about four options, like the Phantom GB was, in order to lessen confusion and to make things easier for everyone. I was thinking ANSI winkey (Poker replica), ANSI winkeyless, ISO winkey, and ISO winkeyless. Anyone wanting another layout, such as the 1.75 right shift, or the lysol bottom row, could either just do it with PCB mount switches, or they could order a specific plate on a case-by-case basis after the GB is completed.
One thing you have to keep in mind when you see group buys come up here on Geekhack, for example the imsto/oneproduct/treble318 aluminum cases, you should buy for what you think you will want in the future, not what you currently own.