How much would it cost to add holes for leds on each switch? No traces, just holes so that one could, if they wanted to, wire them up manually.
why not traces also? I like leds even though theyll just make the caps glow.
Cost probably wouldn't be high, but having 450+ drills I'm starting to wonder how this will influence rigidity of the board.
Some time ago I was designing a poker-sized kb with full backlighting, where you could set each key separately and this was crazy.
I'm afraid that with this number of holes and such complexity, especially on the bottom row, wiring the LEDs will be horrible.
Also take into account, that to do proper backlighting we also need 60+ resistors for the LEDs, 2 additional ICs (ULN or whatever darlington arrays) and some transistors to do the multiplexing. Of course we don't have enough pins, so this means either go for a crazy 8x8 matrix, which I have already done and I know it's very messy or 2 extra serial buffers (that would be 5 ICs, rather not doable).
If we don't do proper backlighting, but simply all on/all off, then this gets better, but it still needs a resistor for each LED and some more traces.
Just holes - there's no problem to add them, but one has to solder all of them from the back. The only problem is number of holes. I don't know...
Is it possible to just have led in switch for both caps positions?
For caps backlighting, the switches have to be in regular position (LED at the bottom, to shine through the window). If I put them like this, one of the solder pads overlaps with the mounting hole of the second switch.

Even if I rotate the switches, like I did in modifier section, and allow the LED to be in a weird position, something will always overlap...
Does the teensy allow for fn locks like what the poker has (or other such toggles like on the pure)?
The teensy allows for whatever you program it;)
There are already a few controller firmwares for the teensy that can do a lot, and I'm writing one which will be reprogrammable without recompilation and reflashing. We'll see.