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Why do you use Linux over Windows?

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--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Thu, 18 July 2024, 00:37:13 ---
--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Wed, 17 July 2024, 08:29:28 ---
Linux gives me the feeling of being "safer" than Windows

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mainly because malware isn't made for linux

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I was under the impression that the majority of servers around the world ran on Linux.


--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Fri, 19 July 2024, 07:47:38 ---I was under the impression that the majority of servers around the world ran on Linux.

--- End quote ---

Yeah it is, I was referring to more to malware for personal computers, which is mainly for windows. Plus a lot of these companies get hacked and breached through people on windows anyway.

Linux is under every bit as much threat as Windows.
A great many Windows threats aren't new, it's the same threats over and over because MS has a tendency to shelve vulnerabilities until they can no longer ignore them (because $$$). If it doesn't effect enough people or costs too much to fix vs the damage it causes they simply shelve it and hope it doesn't get worse. From there it gets incorporated into more and more hacking tools.

The good stuff, the new really juicy dangerous ones (0-day), those are built for both all of the time, the difference is the Linux ones are kept especially quiet because once out in the open they know they only have a limited window before they get patched. But they are created.


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