geekhack Marketplace > Bingecap Archive

Hyper Hyperfuse Hype Sticker Raffle

(1/268) > >>

Counts as of 10/8/2015

* Sticker 1   917
* Sticker 2   806
* Sticker 3   794
* Sticker 4   767
* Sticker 5   747
* Total           4031


Going to raffle 100 caps.  In metallics, patinas, and hyperfuse colorway. The keycaps will have MX stems.

Entry is $5.  The initial entry fee rewards the entrant with 1x sticker.

There will be 5x sticker types (stfu suicidal_orange >:( ) that are cycled and unique in this sale.  The stickers will be recolors/alterations of my last two stickers + a new 3rd sticker + new 4th sticker + new spiffy holographic 5th sticker.

After the entry fee folks may buy additional stickers as raffle tickets at $1 per sticker.  It'll look like this,

At the time of drawing each raffle ticket is considered for each key.  When someone's name is drawn in a colorway, they are not eligible for any other keys in that colorway.  Likewise max # of wins per person is 2.

The option to pick what key you want or what colorway you want is not available.

The option to pick what sticker you get is not available, but if you were to buy 3 raffle tickets you are guaranteed at least one of each sticker.

I'll give 48 hours notice to when raffle tickets may be purchased.

[Official E-mail Announcement]  There is no rush.  The raffle will remain open until 10/10/2015

I will post that information here as well as in my newsletter.

I'll be posting updates and shots of caps similar to my presale.


Previous sticker graphics from past sales,

1st completed sticker design for sale,

2nd completed sticker design for sale,

3rd completed sticker design for sale,

4th completed sticker design for sale,

I'm so in on this. JUST TAKE MY MONEY NOW. PLEASE? Also good luck with making all the caps!!

In for the stickers!

Not quite sure how to enter yet, but I'll be in when I can be :)


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