geekhack Marketplace > The Gallows

Changes to Bro Caps policy on CTRL ALT


hey folks, just to let people know about a change in policy for bro sales on ctrl alt

from now on anyone who does not pay for their ticket will not be eligible for future sales

the exceptions to this are as follows

- if we make a mistake on your ticket (ie. you requested to win 2 bros and won 3)
- on a case by case basis at our discretion

right now too many people enter for caps, win, and then tell me 1 of 2 things more often than not, that they have had a car crash (apparently we cause at least 5 people to crash their car every sale, or that they didnt want the cap they added to their ticket (or they they added it by mistake)

we allow at least 24 hours to submit tickets almost every sale, you have plenty of time to both read the rules and ensure you have entered your ticket correctly

these types of things take far more time than people realise, its not just drawing and cancelling your original order, but it affects things like the stats on the sale, the backend, having to redraw, set up second chance sales, wait for further payments, delays shipping for everyone else, and more importantly disappointing people who would have loved to get in the sale but couldnt originally

whilst this may seem harsh, what this means for people who pay promptly if it lowers the amount of unpaid tickets is a faster turnaround on the sale, and what it means is more people per sale getting in from the start, rather than having the disappointment of failing, and then having to wait for a second chance sale


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