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"Open Source" Generic keyboard controller.

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I've been thinking about this for a while now, and figured it was worth gauging the community interest in developing an open source (open hardware / software) generic keyboard controller for custom/mod projects.

The idea won't necessarily be to make available for sale a complete mod kit (tho if someone is willing to take up this mantle, there's no reason it can't happen), rather to put together all the information for someone with some skill/knowledge to build it on their own.

Some of the main features I've been considering for this include:

* Ability to select between PS/2, USB, (other) communications protocols.
* Ability to program the matrix/layers without needing development tools/source modifications.
* Standardized matrix interface that would make it easy to interface with most current keyboards (through separate interface cards probably), or work into new custom designs.
* Simple / inexpensive to build at home using "cheap" development tools (eg no $400 ICDs to program the chips).
* Ability to small run produce the boards cheaply.
* Well documented, easily extensible, modifiable etc.

I'd like to get an idea both of who would be interested in helping with the initial development of a project like this, and who would make use of such project if it was available (easy to use, well documented etc).

I'm interested.

There's also dmw's development which is supposed to be open source as well.

I think this is a fantastic idea.  While I dont have any specific skills to contribute, I'll definitely contribute my enthusiasm and "can-do" attitude! ;-D  I'll send out "positive vibes" at you guys while i'm meditating. And I'll create voodoo dolls of your opponents and stick them with pins.
I can also do the 'vision thing' really well, if you guys need to brainstorm at some point in the process ;)

i'm interested too :)


--- Quote from: wellington1869;120553 ---I think this is a fantastic idea.  While I dont have any specific skills to contribute, I'll definitely contribute my enthusiasm and "can-do" attitude! ;-D  I'll send out "positive vibes" at you guys while i'm meditating. And I'll create voodoo dolls of your opponents and stick them with pins.
I can also do the 'vision thing' really well, if you guys need to brainstorm at some point in the process ;)
--- End quote ---

I think the only way a project like this will succeed is if it's strongly community driven (rather then driven by the whims of the core team).   By focusing only on the controller, it will allow for the building in of almost, if not all, wanted features (as opposed to a whole keyboard design that ultimately has to be a compromise between features).


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