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As a classical and medieval history enjoyer, I am excited to bring you my first history-themed set: KKB Alhambra.
Evident from its name, KKB Alhambra is based on the Alhambra fortress / palace complex in southern Spain.
Alhambra was constructed by the Sultans of the Sultanate of Granada, the last remaining Muslim taifa kingdom in Andalusia, during 13rd and 14th century AD. Combining Islamic and Western architecture style and elements, it represents the pinnacle of Moorish architecture and, to the present day, stands as one of the great architectural achievements of humanity.
More inspiration:More
I visited Alhambra and the city of Granada in 2020, on a cloudless, sunny day. Alhambra left me a lasting and indelible memory - I was extremely impressed by the intricate patterns which adorned the palace, and the pure, ivory-like carvings which draped its interior in a solemn elegance.
The peak of my experience was when I ascended the guard tower of the Alhambra complex, and captured the full view of Granada with my very eyes. The lucid cerulean sky blended seamlessly with the snowy tops of Sierra Nevada in the distance, connecting with the array of white houses and structures sprawling across the foot of the hill hosting Alhambra. Gazing at the ageless white houses which once hosted a flourishing community of jews a millennium ago, I was overwhelmed by a weird sense of deja vu, as if past and present connected at this moment.
Ever since that visit, the magnificence and elegance of Alhambra has stuck with me. I believe keycaps would be an interesting and fitting form of expression to showcase the palace, in particular its decorations and art style. After further research and reading, I have come up with the present project, which I hope you will like and enjoy as well.
As a side note, I strongly encourage you to visit Alhambra (and Granada / Andalusia) in general, it will be worth it. Apart from its rich culture and history, the food and wine there are also excellent.
InfoManufacturer: KKB (Keykobo) - ABS doubleshot with UV-printed sublegends / novelties
GB date: 12 August 2023 - 3 September 2023

Note: pricing is not final and may be subject to adjustments. Pricing is exclusive of VAT, customs duty, and other similar taxes / fees. Pricing for individual vendors will be announced closer to the GB date.
KittingColour chips
Taken indoors under cold and warm light, and outdoors under direct sunlight.Base Kit (Arabic)Base Kit is composed of colours which symbolise the interior carvings of Alhambra. The sandy golden accents, akin to the colour of Alhambra’s walls at sunset, provide additional flair and variety to the set. Arabic sublegends hint at the Islamic art style and connection of the palace. We have managed to add an Ñ key to both base kits, for some of that Spanish flavour.
Base Kit (Latin)
Latin Alphas
Arabic Alphas
Light ModsLight Mods brings additional elegance and subtlety, allowing the set to be enjoyed on an even greater number / colour of boards.
NoveltiesNovelties are largely inspired by the interior decorations and carvings of Alhambra, which take on the themes / motifs of nature, celestial objects, geometric patterns and calligraphy.
The R1/R4 pomegranate bulb novelty is inspired by the coat of arms of the city of Granada, while the Enter novelty is a stylised interpretation of the lion fountain at the Court of the Lions. I have included a R2 1.5u novelty as I am a heavy HHKB user.
Novelties will be in UV-print due to their complexity and the need to use multiple colours.
Deskmats and Artisan"Granada" by Roksow
"Granada" is inspired by the various carvings, patterns and natural elements that make up Alhambra and Granada, the beautiful city on which the palace sits. I am elated that Roksow is able to incorporate the Muqarnas, in all its intricate elegance, as a centerpiece of the deskmat. The Alhambra Muqarnas was in fact one of the best parts of my entire trip there, though I was unable to incorporate it into the novelties due to its overwhelming complexity."Reconquista" by KeebPixel
"Reconquista" depicts the scene of Isabella of Castille and Ferdinand of Aragon triumphantly entering Alhambra after the ultimate capitulation of the Nasrid Emirate. We do not know if the couple in fact spent time in the Courtyard of the Lions in this fashion, but we can imagine that they must have felt jubilant at that very moment.R1 1u by Aiglatson Studio
RendersHaven TKL by Atelier Haven

Leviatán by Laminar Designs
Violetta by SoSoSoya
Boomerang XT by Laminar Designs
Reflection by Han Boards

Aeroboard70 by S61

TH103 by Bina

We have multiple artisan collaborations which will occur during or after the time of the GB. In alphabetical order:
- BasilKeys
- Landcaps Keycaps
- Nuxros Keyboard
- Project Key
- Zouabee
- Zuno Studio
VendorsUSA: Clickclack
CA: Ashkeebs
EU: Eloquentclicks
UK: Prototypist
CN: zFrontier
OCE: Allcaps
LATAM: LatamKeys
Thailand: Aiglatson Studio
VN: TheKeebStore
TW: PPD Keyboard
Indonesia: Mechaland
Changelog19/06/23: "Updates" changed to "Changelog". Vendors updated.
20/06/23: Sneaky kit render update. Further vendors added.
22/06/23: Updated kitting. Tentative pricing announced.
05/07/23: Pricing and tentative GB timing announced. Kitting changes.
15/07/23: Physical colour samples and additional renders.
28/07/23: Additional renders; GB date announced!
31/07/23: Deskmat, artisan and collabs. Kitting changes.
AcknowledgementsMy thanks to:
Nindroid for assisting with the novelties.
Pensa73 for the renders.
Manu, Keebaholics and LeHoy for discussion and input throughout the design process.
Keykobo for letting me ask for quotes 35 times in a row.
KucherenkoZZZ for assistance in relation to Arabic sublegends.
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