Author Topic: Ozempic  (Read 5339 times)

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Offline tp4tissue

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« on: Sat, 13 April 2024, 20:34:50 »
So, Tp4 be watching the documentary, and it' like,  the guy straight up says, 

"It takes away the joy of eating, nothing tastes the same."

You read that and it's like, ok something is horribly wrong, if "THAT" is the cure people are paying for.

So how it works is, it's a chemical that goes in the brain, and down-regulates the pathway which regulates hunger/ desire to eat/ satiation.  It's the #1 selling diet craze/fad for a few years now. People even shell out for bootleg from compound pharmacies, and based on talking to some people (in Tp4's bad people circles), Tp4 suspects they're using illegally imported Indian precursors.

Offline Rhienfo

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Re: Ozempic
« Reply #1 on: Sun, 14 April 2024, 05:29:52 »
I mean ozempic is a great innovation in both type 2 diabetes treatments and weight loss. A lot of countries have a lot of people who are obese and ozempic will help greatly with that. The only real concerns that I have is that once you are on ozempic, it's hard to get off it without gaining massive amounts of weight afterwards because it's the thing keeping your appetite down, which means that you aren't really practicing good eating/healthy practices and how it's being advertised, making it so that massive amounts of people buying it, to the point where there is shortages and also us healthcare system bad as well.

This video is pretty good about ozempic I'd recommend watching it.

keyboard collection - fjell
cherry blacks - unlubed - filmed and springswapped with tx 55g mediums - alu Plate | pretty happy with this, the blacks were cherry picked so they weren't that scratchy to begin with, but currently breaking them in, may lube them with a dry lube like ro59 or ptfe powder.
| hhkb bt
lubed with tribosys 3203 | like topre a lot, prefer it lubed but did make less tactile but that might have been a skill issue. probably will get more tactile over time as the domes age.
| m0115
bad orange alps lol | definitely needs a restoration. planning on wax boiling them and maybe a replacement pcb because the board has only 2 key rollover apparently.
| praxis
gateron yellows - lubed with 205g0 - 62g tx mediums - pc plate | probably my favourite keyboard already, feels super nice and sounds pretty good, it's got a great layout as well. probably gonna build this with mx browns, I feel like it would suit the board more.
| camo filco
stock with silent reds | Pretty cool looking board, the silent reds are actually good, they are smooth and I don't mind the mushiness (it's not even that mushy as well). the layout is pretty weird, but is useable. will probably mod this in the future. maybe a pcb and plate swap, change the keycaps to something dolch like, and also spring swap the springs in the silent reds.
| ibm model f at
stock, needs a cleaning and probably replacement foam. Do plan to change layout so it has split bs and rs, as well as ansi enter.
| baebae tkl
Built with new nixies on pc half plate. Love this board already, probably the best looking board I own, those brass accents are so mint. Really like it as is, but I do want to try an alu build (probably with nixies as well) just to experiment with that.

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Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Ozempic
« Reply #2 on: Sun, 14 April 2024, 05:35:18 »
Yeah, I asked my doc about it and she quoted me $1.2K monthly

Rich person weight loss only, I guess :(

Offline fohat.digs

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Re: Ozempic
« Reply #3 on: Sun, 14 April 2024, 08:37:26 »
I have a friend who is an excellent cook and loves cooking and eating, but suffers from diabetes.

He has been using it for nearly a year and says that it is very effective at keeping his diabetes at bay. He has also lost considerable weight, and yes, says that he gets very hungry when he skips it.

But I worry that it is sapping his energy and enjoyment of life ....
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Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Ozempic
« Reply #4 on: Sun, 14 April 2024, 12:01:02 »
The brain acclimates to semaglutide the same way it would to any exogenous chemical. Over time you'd need more. The documentary already mentions that even within a year or 2, the dosage has to go up.

But what happens if someone uses this stuff for say 20 years, and suddenly comes off,  are we going to see suicides like zoloft (ssri)/ antidepressants ?

This is not a fix for anything, hesitate to even call it a good patch.


Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Ozempic
« Reply #5 on: Sun, 14 April 2024, 17:37:00 »
Another big issue, stomach paralysis. So the increase in the hormone release slows stomach emptying, and some users end up with stomach paralysis,  and there are reports that the problem continued even AFTER they stopped taking the medication.

Offline Rob27shred

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Re: Ozempic
« Reply #6 on: Mon, 15 April 2024, 08:00:14 »
The brain acclimates to semaglutide the same way it would to any exogenous chemical. Over time you'd need more. The documentary already mentions that even within a year or 2, the dosage has to go up.

But what happens if someone uses this stuff for say 20 years, and suddenly comes off,  are we going to see suicides like zoloft (ssri)/ antidepressants ?

This is not a fix for anything, hesitate to even call it a good patch.

(Attachment Link)

There is no free lunch with anything in excess & taking any type of drug (for treatment or recreation) leads to an excess of whatever it mimics or forces our bodies to overproduce. Anyone who has any experience with drugs can tell you this stuff for weight loss is a terrible ideal. I get using it for diabetes or any other life threating condition cause the positives outweigh the negatives in that situation. For any other reason though, you're just asking for trouble.

Offline OrinNYC

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Re: Ozempic
« Reply #7 on: Fri, 13 December 2024, 18:33:15 »
I took it - lost a bunch of weight but i also maintained my diet and the gym after i stopped!

Offline pixelpusher

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Re: Ozempic
« Reply #8 on: Sat, 14 December 2024, 13:39:35 »
So, Tp4 be watching the documentary, and it' like,  the guy straight up says, 

"It takes away the joy of eating, nothing tastes the same."

You read that and it's like, ok something is horribly wrong, if "THAT" is the cure people are paying for.

Show Image

So how it works is, it's a chemical that goes in the brain, and down-regulates the pathway which regulates hunger/ desire to eat/ satiation.  It's the #1 selling diet craze/fad for a few years now. People even shell out for bootleg from compound pharmacies, and based on talking to some people (in Tp4's bad people circles), Tp4 suspects they're using illegally imported Indian precursors.

I've been on terzepatide for 4 months.  I'm now down to the weight I was as a young adult entering college.  I slowly increased my dosage each month and then decreased when my appetite dropped too low.  It doesn't take the joy out of eating for me at all.  I just don't think about food as much.  The body's "crave" mechanism is curbed.  I actually have to remind myself to eat if I'm busy doing other things.  I've always eaten fairly healthy, so I don't really eat anything different on the shots but I do eat less.  And because of that, it promotes better eating.  Do I want to eat a cookie that tastes delicious and find myself "full," knowing that I just ate empty calories, or do I want to eat health complex carbs and protein?  Easy choice!

I find myself much more satisfied and feeling better throughout the day. It's so nice to never feel overly full.  It's like getting rid of a beast inside you that was always in charge.  Always telling you to eat, then causing issues if you eat too much or too little.  That's all gone.  I don't even have to worry about blood sugar issues if I delay eating.  That's huge for me.  I'm not diabetic, or even pre-diabetic, but I was very sensitive to low blood sugar levels for the past two decades.  I always knew that I couldn't delay eating more than an hour or two without feeling terrible.  But that's gone. 

I consider it pretty magical.  Side effects for the first week: I felt very cold.  Almost like when are getting sick.  That lasted one week.  Then, on days of injection (once per week) I would get indigestion.  After 5-6 weeks that once a week indigestion is gone.

I consider it the most effective medicine I've ever taken in my life.  I'm fortunate because I get it for $25 a month through my insurance.  I have to enroll in a program where I meet with a "coach" every 2 weeks, but the meetings are easy and short zoom calls.
« Last Edit: Sat, 14 December 2024, 13:42:32 by pixelpusher »

Offline tp4tissue

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Re: Ozempic
« Reply #9 on: Sat, 14 December 2024, 13:44:12 »
Keep us posted PixelPusher.  Glad it's working out for you.

Heard some crazy side effect stories where this one woman's bowels stop moving completely even after stopping the drug. She can't poot, it doesn't move.