geekhack Community > Keyboards

X-Bows software issue ('No Device')



I just bought an X-Bows keyboard second hand. I'm not quite sure which model I have, but it doesn't seem to have any backlighting (except for that logo thing in the middle), so I suspect it's an older model, but I don't know.

It works fine in general, but now I wanted to remap some of the keys, and their proprietary driver software does not seem to recognize the board, always saying 'No Device'. Since I wasn't sure about my model, I tried both the 'Lite' and the 'V2 Pre-2021' drivers; neither of them recognized the board.

I searched a bit online and found the tip to uninstall the device in the Windows Device Manager just before starting the X-Bows software, but that didn't work for me either.

Does anyone here know how to do this?


well i had to google x-bow first.. but my experience with uninstalling a driver in windows tells me to reboot afterwards to let windows find and install the "correct" driver


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