Author Topic: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)  (Read 793022 times)

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Offline amnesia0287

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1200 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 17:57:58 »
You guys are WAY too paranoid. There is likely no update to provide.

I don’t really see any possibility of the GB failing. It’s just delays and delays happen.

I understand the fear of a GB failing. I got screwed on Miami Nights. I get it. But unless you have any indication that the GB might fail, and not just assumption and speculation, I think it’s wrong to suggest otherwise.

Waiting sucks, but there is a massive GB disclaimer for a reason.

What are you talking about there's no indication? There's huge indicators suggesting this group buy is not going well. Like, for example, no pictures of the polycarbonate bottoms. I have no reason to believe that those actually exist, or that Juahenza isn't hiding the fact that they don't.

The reason to believe that the GB will fail is because we've been given no reason to believe it won't. Or is this just how bad all of you are at running GB's? I think it's a bit of both.

So you think Juanhenza just really wants a collection of top cases and endless PayPal disputes? I mean I guess that could be a thing he’s into.

I get it, you think you are super important and you want an update, but what you need to remember is whether or not you have an update doesn’t change the status at all. It just makes you more comfortable with it.

I fully agree GB runners could do better about communication. But participants could also stop acting like Veruca Salt.

Offline krispy

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1201 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 17:58:16 »
Simmer down guys. I do agree we haven’t been provided with enough updates, and maybe someone’s a little tuckered out, but we’re almost there. I guess he’s busy making sure to dot the i's and cross the t's. I wish we could get it before December.

I am constantly amazed by the willingness of some GB participants to bend over and take it in the ass, repeatedly, when a particular buy is months behind schedule and the communication from its organizers is generously described as "piss poor".  This kind of bull**** is unfortunately rampant in our community and we absolutely MUST expect better from our group buys or it's only going to get worse.  STOP BEING A WELCOME MAT.  You do not speak for me, and frankly I am ****ing fed up.

This GB was sold as a "12-16 weeks" production that started at the end of February.  That's 3-4 months.  We're now into November (month #9) and have yet to receive even a firm ship date, let alone actual tracking numbers.  This is not acceptable.  No one is overreacting -- the outcome that we're facing now is bordering on fraud.  We've gone from "a few delays are to be expected" to "holy ****, what the **** happened here?" and the time to just be patient is long past.  You can take that advice and shove it.

No more empty promises.  Give us the god damn product that we paid for.

Edit: I really screwed up the math there.  Fixed.

Thank you for posting this! This expresses my main frustrations with the community perfectly. 6 out of 8 GB's I joined this year missed their original ship date by double or more. I'm still waiting on 4 boards I payed for in spring 2017. Its extremely rare to see negative comments about the delays. I'm starting to think its Stockholm syndrome since the GB organizers already have our money so we need to keep them happy or something?

I'm not worried about the GB failing its just frustrating getting told it's going to ship "soon" or constantly having the date pushed back multiple times for months. I do respect the organizers, I'm sure this isn't their full time job and that this probably takes up a lot of their free time but it's also natural for us to get annoyed by the situation we are in..

Offline dubious

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1202 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 17:58:28 »
You guys are WAY too paranoid. There is likely no update to provide.

I don’t really see any possibility of the GB failing. It’s just delays and delays happen.

I understand the fear of a GB failing. I got screwed on Miami Nights. I get it. But unless you have any indication that the GB might fail, and not just assumption and speculation, I think it’s wrong to suggest otherwise.

Waiting sucks, but there is a massive GB disclaimer for a reason.

What are you talking about there's no indication? There's huge indicators suggesting this group buy is not going well. Like, for example, no pictures of the polycarbonate bottoms. I have no reason to believe that those actually exist, or that Juahenza isn't hiding the fact that they don't.

The reason to believe that the GB will fail is because we've been given no reason to believe it won't. Or is this just how bad all of you are at running GB's? I think it's a bit of both.

delays in group buys are inevitable and almost guaranteed, they not "huge indicators suggesting this group buy is not going well"

The actual number of group buys on geekhack where the product or refunds have not been delivered is tiny.

Offline krispy

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1203 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 18:01:00 »
What's particularly frustrating is that the people running this group buy are on GH every day. Active last night, the night before, etc. They're here, they're just avoiding answering questions. I've participated in 4 group buys in the last year, 3 of them have been utter disasters. I think I too am going to be done with this for the foreseeable future. Too many people running buys without any ability to actually do what they've promised.

I'm sick of this too buddy. I think I'm done joining GB's for a while now as well.

Offline PancakeMSTR

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1204 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 18:02:05 »
You guys are WAY too paranoid. There is likely no update to provide.

I don’t really see any possibility of the GB failing. It’s just delays and delays happen.

I understand the fear of a GB failing. I got screwed on Miami Nights. I get it. But unless you have any indication that the GB might fail, and not just assumption and speculation, I think it’s wrong to suggest otherwise.

Waiting sucks, but there is a massive GB disclaimer for a reason.

What are you talking about there's no indication? There's huge indicators suggesting this group buy is not going well. Like, for example, no pictures of the polycarbonate bottoms. I have no reason to believe that those actually exist, or that Juahenza isn't hiding the fact that they don't.

The reason to believe that the GB will fail is because we've been given no reason to believe it won't. Or is this just how bad all of you are at running GB's? I think it's a bit of both.

So you think Juanhenza just really wants a collection of top cases and endless PayPal disputes? I mean I guess that could be a thing he’s into.

I get it, you think you are super important and you want an update, but what you need to remember is whether or not you have an update doesn’t change the status at all. It just makes you more comfortable with it.

I fully agree GB runners could do better about communication. But participants could also stop acting like Veruca Salt.

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You are dumb well beyond words. The goddamn nerve on you.

I have patiently waited for over 9 ****ing months for this keyboard. Did I say anything when it blew by the June deadline? No. I have, along with many others, have sat quietly by waiting for the keyboard to be produced.

But we are now blowing right by the October deadline, and at this point it looks more like the production cycle is going to continue indefinitely.

On top of that, we are given no information about what's going on.

This, as others have said, has gone way past "delays happen," and, yes, into "I want it now!"

This group buy needs to get its ass in ****ing gear or none of us will ever see this keyboard and, yes, Juahenza will be buried in paypal disputes.

Offline PancakeMSTR

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1205 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 18:05:27 »
Simmer down guys. I do agree we haven’t been provided with enough updates, and maybe someone’s a little tuckered out, but we’re almost there. I guess he’s busy making sure to dot the i's and cross the t's. I wish we could get it before December.

I am constantly amazed by the willingness of some GB participants to bend over and take it in the ass, repeatedly, when a particular buy is months behind schedule and the communication from its organizers is generously described as "piss poor".  This kind of bull**** is unfortunately rampant in our community and we absolutely MUST expect better from our group buys or it's only going to get worse.  STOP BEING A WELCOME MAT.  You do not speak for me, and frankly I am ****ing fed up.

This GB was sold as a "12-16 weeks" production that started at the end of February.  That's 3-4 months.  We're now into November (month #9) and have yet to receive even a firm ship date, let alone actual tracking numbers.  This is not acceptable.  No one is overreacting -- the outcome that we're facing now is bordering on fraud.  We've gone from "a few delays are to be expected" to "holy ****, what the **** happened here?" and the time to just be patient is long past.  You can take that advice and shove it.

No more empty promises.  Give us the god damn product that we paid for.

Edit: I really screwed up the math there.  Fixed.

 I'm starting to think its Stockholm syndrome since the GB organizers already have our money so we need to keep them happy or something?

I worry about this too, that we are supposed to keep the GB runners happy because they have our money. It's one of the major reasons I will never join another group buy again for anything but keycaps. You do not have to worry about that **** with a real business.

Offline Vigrith

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1206 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 18:05:37 »
You guys are WAY too paranoid. There is likely no update to provide.

I don’t really see any possibility of the GB failing. It’s just delays and delays happen.

I understand the fear of a GB failing. I got screwed on Miami Nights. I get it. But unless you have any indication that the GB might fail, and not just assumption and speculation, I think it’s wrong to suggest otherwise.

Waiting sucks, but there is a massive GB disclaimer for a reason.

I remember my first group buy  ;)

No offence homies but being condescending and patronising isn't helping anybody.

There are updates to provide, and as said in my previous post, if there is nothing to report then STATE that there is nothing to report - don't leave people hanging for no reason when you can literally take up 1 minute of your time to write that out on here. I'm not worried, again, as said, but I understand the people that are and I also share the frustration.

Offline Gettys

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1207 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 18:09:14 »
You guys are WAY too paranoid. There is likely no update to provide.

I don’t really see any possibility of the GB failing. It’s just delays and delays happen.

I understand the fear of a GB failing. I got screwed on Miami Nights. I get it. But unless you have any indication that the GB might fail, and not just assumption and speculation, I think it’s wrong to suggest otherwise.

Waiting sucks, but there is a massive GB disclaimer for a reason.

What are you talking about there's no indication? There's huge indicators suggesting this group buy is not going well. Like, for example, no pictures of the polycarbonate bottoms. I have no reason to believe that those actually exist, or that Juahenza isn't hiding the fact that they don't.

The reason to believe that the GB will fail is because we've been given no reason to believe it won't. Or is this just how bad all of you are at running GB's? I think it's a bit of both.

So you think Juanhenza just really wants a collection of top cases and endless PayPal disputes? I mean I guess that could be a thing he’s into.

I get it, you think you are super important and you want an update, but what you need to remember is whether or not you have an update doesn’t change the status at all. It just makes you more comfortable with it.

I fully agree GB runners could do better about communication. But participants could also stop acting like Veruca Salt.

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You are dumb well beyond words. The goddamn nerve on you.

I have patiently waited for over 9 ****ing months for this keyboard. Did I say anything when it blew by the June deadline? No. I have, along with many others, have sat quietly by waiting for the keyboard to be produced.

But we are now blowing right by the October deadline, and at this point it looks more like the production cycle is going to continue indefinitely.

On top of that, we are given no information about what's going on.

This, as others have said, has gone way past "delays happen," and, yes, into "I want it now!"

This group buy needs to get its ass in ****ing gear or none of us will ever see this keyboard and, yes, Juahenza will be buried in paypal disputes.

I think what most people are missing that want others to "calm down" is that it takes 2 seconds to say anything about whats going on, even if its nothing.  The lack of updates just shows how little effort they want to put into it.  Id rather hear bad news then nothing, and with October already over it seems like we still have longer then they want to say left to wait.

Offline amnesia0287

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1208 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 18:30:14 »
You guys are WAY too paranoid. There is likely no update to provide.

I don’t really see any possibility of the GB failing. It’s just delays and delays happen.

I understand the fear of a GB failing. I got screwed on Miami Nights. I get it. But unless you have any indication that the GB might fail, and not just assumption and speculation, I think it’s wrong to suggest otherwise.

Waiting sucks, but there is a massive GB disclaimer for a reason.

What are you talking about there's no indication? There's huge indicators suggesting this group buy is not going well. Like, for example, no pictures of the polycarbonate bottoms. I have no reason to believe that those actually exist, or that Juahenza isn't hiding the fact that they don't.

The reason to believe that the GB will fail is because we've been given no reason to believe it won't. Or is this just how bad all of you are at running GB's? I think it's a bit of both.

So you think Juanhenza just really wants a collection of top cases and endless PayPal disputes? I mean I guess that could be a thing he’s into.

I get it, you think you are super important and you want an update, but what you need to remember is whether or not you have an update doesn’t change the status at all. It just makes you more comfortable with it.

I fully agree GB runners could do better about communication. But participants could also stop acting like Veruca Salt.

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You are dumb well beyond words. The goddamn nerve on you.

I have patiently waited for over 9 ****ing months for this keyboard. Did I say anything when it blew by the June deadline? No. I have, along with many others, have sat quietly by waiting for the keyboard to be produced.

But we are now blowing right by the October deadline, and at this point it looks more like the production cycle is going to continue indefinitely.

On top of that, we are given no information about what's going on.

This, as others have said, has gone way past "delays happen," and, yes, into "I want it now!"

This group buy needs to get its ass in ****ing gear or none of us will ever see this keyboard and, yes, Juahenza will be buried in paypal disputes.

I think what most people are missing that want others to "calm down" is that it takes 2 seconds to say anything about whats going on, even if its nothing.  The lack of updates just shows how little effort they want to put into it.  Id rather hear bad news then nothing, and with October already over it seems like we still have longer then they want to say left to wait.

Unless I’m missing something the last update was 10 days ago and gave a 1-2 week time for the next update. The update after that literally said he would have an update when manufacturing was completed and didn’t have a timeline until then. Based on this; the available evidence, it seems to me like manufacturing is not yet done and so thus the promised update is not yet available. A lack of an update IS NOT EVIDENCE. Especially not this early. At worst depending on how you interpret “this week or next”on a Friday he is 3 days late for an update. At best he has 4 more days in his own update timeframe.

This is why I’m saying people are being unreasonable.

It seems to me this ALWAYS happens when GB run with no limits. Or way more often than not. I think the real issue is the GB runners are always overly optimistic. How many GB finish in 2-3 months?

If I ran a GB and thought it would be done next June, I’d probably list the ship time as like August or September. You can’t just plan for no issues or delays.

Either way though, my main point is still Delay != Failure.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with being frustrated by a delay. My issue is people relating delays and GB failure together as one has nothing to do with the other.

Offline kacase

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[GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1209 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 19:00:07 »
« Last Edit: Mon, 06 November 2017, 19:04:49 by kacase »
Orion V2 | Rama M65-A | Rama M67-A aka. Exent | Keycool TKL | Cherry MX Board 3.0

Offline wtzll

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1210 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 19:27:02 »

Offline gnarlsagan

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1211 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 20:59:20 »
This delay isn't even that bad compared to other group buys like for 7bit's Round 6 or for Ellipse's Model Fs. People have a right to complain, but personally I'm not at all worried. These delays are super common, and people that come into these buys expecting them to be timely should modify their expectations. These are community group buys, not sales from Razer or another established business.

That said, the group buy runners should also communicate more clearly and more often if they don't want people to complain. I realize that just because I feel comfortable with this group buy doesn't mean that others do. Ellipse is a good example of a group buy organizer that is running super behind schedule (over a year?), but that communicates clearly and often enough that people understand the reasons behind the delays and very few people are uncomfortable with the slow downs.

And all that said, I'd like to reiterate that "this is fine". We've seen enough of the finished components that there is very little possibility that the group buy organizers would bail at this point in the process. If they planned to do that, then they could have bailed much earlier without producing the components we've already seen.

If people do feel the need to complain or to remind the group buy organizers to provide more timely updates, it would likely be more helpful to complain in a calm and constructive manner.

Offline xondat

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1212 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 21:00:44 »
This delay isn't even that bad compared to other group buys like for 7bit's Round 6 or for Ellipse's Model Fs.

Those aren't really fair comparisons, but that's besides the point.

Offline juahenza

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1213 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 21:04:42 »
We are half way packing at the moment. Sorry for the late update.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

456GT | TGR Jane CE | Dolphin v2 | Whale | 360c | LZ FE | LZ IRON | TX-CP | Varmilo VA87M | HHKB P2 | IBM SSK P.1397681| IBM Industrial SSK P.1395682 | VE.A | Realforce 87u | Datamancer Streamline TKL | Datamancer Mechinist TKL | TANK v1 | RAMA M-4 | Realforce 108UW-HIPRO

Offline amnesia0287

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1214 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 21:08:48 »
We are half way packing at the moment. Sorry for the late update.
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@PancakeMSTR was right. HUGE Indicators... lol

Offline juahenza

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1215 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 21:15:03 »
We are half way packing at the moment. Sorry for the late update.
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Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

@PancakeMSTR was right. HUGE Indicators... lol

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

456GT | TGR Jane CE | Dolphin v2 | Whale | 360c | LZ FE | LZ IRON | TX-CP | Varmilo VA87M | HHKB P2 | IBM SSK P.1397681| IBM Industrial SSK P.1395682 | VE.A | Realforce 87u | Datamancer Streamline TKL | Datamancer Mechinist TKL | TANK v1 | RAMA M-4 | Realforce 108UW-HIPRO

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1216 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 21:17:14 »
We are half way packing at the moment. Sorry for the late update.
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Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

@PancakeMSTR was right. HUGE Indicators... lol

the board is huge, that's for sure
QFR | MJ2 TKL | "Bulgogiboard" (Keycon 104) | ctrl.alt x GON 60% | TGR Alice | Mira SE #29 | Mira SE #34 | Revo One | z | Keycult No. 1 | AIS65 | First CW87 prototype | Mech27v1 | Camp C225 | Duck Orion V1 | LZ CLS sxh | Geon Frog TKL | Hiney TKL One | Geon Glare TKL

"Everything is worse, but in a barely perceptible and indefinable way" -dollartacos, after I came back from a break | "Is Linkshine our Nixon?" -NAV | "Puddsy is the Puddsy of keebs" -ns90

Offline amnesia0287

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1217 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 21:25:54 »
Got any pics of a pink one? I thought I’d want black but I think I may have to try for a pink extra. Just to have something different.

Offline Vigrith

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1218 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 21:29:53 »
Got any pics of a pink one? I thought I’d want black but I think I may have to try for a pink extra. Just to have something different.

Right there with you brotherman, last I heard there were no pink extras unfortunately - I must agree, the pink looks AMAZING (if the picture posted a month or two ago is accurate, which it should be). Don't regret getting mine in black but definitely regret not putting in a 2nd order for a pink one. Render didn't look too promising and I didn't believe so that much is on me. Feels bad.

As for the pictures posted

Offline stand.geek

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1219 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 21:43:28 »
We are half way packing at the moment. Sorry for the late update.
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Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

@PancakeMSTR was right. HUGE Indicators... lol
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Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

d*mn it's happening soon! woohoo  :p

Offline PancakeMSTR

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1220 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 21:49:56 »
We are half way packing at the moment. Sorry for the late update.
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Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

@PancakeMSTR was right. HUGE Indicators... lol

Eat ****

Juahenza - Thank for the update. Pleased to see progress. Please be consistent with future updates.

Offline yuktsi

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1221 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 22:30:11 »

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My collection

Poker 2 | LZ CE | Leopold FC700R | KMAC 1.2 | EXE | GON NS87 | GON Nerd TKL | Duck Poker | Duck Orion | Realforce 87u 55g | OTD 456GT | LZ B7 | OTD 360C | Ducky G2 Pro | Apple Extended | Apple M0116 | Apple M0116 | Cherry G80-1220HAD | Duck Octagon | HHKB Pro 2 | Duck Unicorn | LZ B8 | LZ RE | ENVKX | OTD 456GT | LZ FE | HHKB Type S | TX1800| Duck Orion V2 | LZ FE | KPad | KMAC Happy | ENVKX | LZ RV | KMAC 2 | Whale | Dolphin | EM7 | TGR Jane | VE.A | DK Saver | Matrix 10xv1.0 | Whale | HHKB BT | Dolphin v2 | EM7 v2 | SSK | SSK (Blue Label) | LZ SQ | Duck Octagon v2 | TX84 | GON Mobik | TX-CP | LZ Ergo2 | KMAC Happy HHKB | TGR 910 | TGR Tris | Matrix 8xv1.2 | KMAC Mini | Mira | Fjell | 356mini | Dolphin GH | EM7 GH | TARO EXENT | Masterkey Pro L Crysta l OTD Koala | Duck Viper | Keycult no.1 | 356mini | 356pad | Matrix 8xv2.0 | 420cl | Matrix 8xv1.0 | Whale Special | Poly Dolphin | Keycult No.2 | FMJ80 | Singa R2 | Whale Poly | 356cl | HBCP | Dolinger | Linger | FMJ80 | KFE

Offline PancakeMSTR

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1222 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 23:06:54 »
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That's better. That's much better.

Offline dead_pixel_design

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1223 on: Mon, 06 November 2017, 23:11:25 »
Frosted acrylic looks much more transparent than the original engineering sample, any chance this is a one-off? Or are they all as transparent as this most recent photot.. I was hoping for something a little more opaque. Would be happy to wait longer...

Offline amnesia0287

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1224 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 00:15:01 »
Frosted acrylic looks much more transparent than the original engineering sample, any chance this is a one-off? Or are they all as transparent as this most recent photot.. I was hoping for something a little more opaque. Would be happy to wait longer...

Seems highly unlikely to me.

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Damn... I really want pink. I really hope there are extras, I know he said no extras of purple, but that was ordered on accident right? I guess worst case I'm gonna have to fight someone for one on MM.

Offline PancakeMSTR

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1225 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 00:27:53 »
Would be happy to wait longer...

I wouldn't.

Offline amnesia0287

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Offline dead_pixel_design

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1227 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 00:50:17 »
Seems highly unlikely to me.

Yeah, probably completely unlikely. I can just take sandpaper to the inside of it once I get it to make it a little more 'frosted'

Offline foxlive

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1228 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 02:00:47 »
Can we have some information and pictures on the alu bottom also? A vague approximation of the expected delay ?

Thanks :D

Offline dead_pixel_design

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1229 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 04:10:50 »
Can we have some information and pictures on the alu bottom also? A vague approximation of the expected delay ?

Thanks :D

Aren't the alu bottoms still in production? Probably aren't any pictures. Not until he has them in hand right?

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1230 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 06:54:21 »
You guys are WAY too paranoid. There is likely no update to provide.

I don’t really see any possibility of the GB failing. It’s just delays and delays happen.

I understand the fear of a GB failing. I got screwed on Miami Nights. I get it. But unless you have any indication that the GB might fail, and not just assumption and speculation, I think it’s wrong to suggest otherwise.

Waiting sucks, but there is a massive GB disclaimer for a reason.

You're delusional.  Read the thread.  NINE months isn't "just delays tee-hee", it's a massive ****-up and there's no assumption or speculation happening here.  The writing is very much on the wall. 

Screw your disclaimer.  This is way outside any reasonable expectation of delays.  The attitude of casual indifference you're showing is the reason this **** keeps happening.  FFS, stop it.

Offline Data

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1231 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 07:12:53 »
This delay isn't even that bad compared to other group buys like for 7bit's Round 6 or for Ellipse's Model Fs. People have a right to complain, but personally I'm not at all worried. These delays are super common, and people that come into these buys expecting them to be timely should modify their expectations. These are community group buys, not sales from Razer or another established business.
If delays of double or more beyond the expected delivery date are "super common" then we have a major ****ing problem in our community.  Why are YOU okay with this?

Just because the GB is setup by some "community member" (I use the term loosely - frequently they are from some other community and have only signed up here to generate interest) doesn't make it OK for them to take our money and then maybe, possibly, eventually deliver something that resembles what we paid for.  You're out of your mind.  In no other hobby would that be considered acceptable.

It's no surprise so much keyboard business has shifted to companies like Massdrop.  People ***** about the "community feeling" disappearing from our hobby... but it's because the community is full of spineless flakes and fraudsters!

Offline Vigrith

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1232 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 07:55:11 »
Damn... I really want pink. I really hope there are extras, I know he said no extras of purple, but that was ordered on accident right? I guess worst case I'm gonna have to fight someone for one on MM.

I really don't think there will be - shame, honestly, at this point I think I'd give up my black one for the pink (getting Time in black anyway). Best of luck to us both, though!

Offline kacase

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1233 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 08:01:44 »
This delay isn't even that bad compared to other group buys like for 7bit's Round 6 or for Ellipse's Model Fs. People have a right to complain, but personally I'm not at all worried. These delays are super common, and people that come into these buys expecting them to be timely should modify their expectations. These are community group buys, not sales from Razer or another established business.
If delays of double or more beyond the expected delivery date are "super common" then we have a major ****ing problem in our community.  Why are YOU okay with this?

Just because the GB is setup by some "community member" (I use the term loosely - frequently they are from some other community and have only signed up here to generate interest) doesn't make it OK for them to take our money and then maybe, possibly, eventually deliver something that resembles what we paid for.  You're out of your mind.  In no other hobby would that be considered acceptable.

It's no surprise so much keyboard business has shifted to companies like Massdrop.  People ***** about the "community feeling" disappearing from our hobby... but it's because the community is full of spineless flakes and fraudsters!

I don’t really get where you are going... I’ve had really bad delays on Massdrop as well.

Maybe you should try running a group buy.

The mech community can’t really be compared to any other communities either. Show me one, where every part from the product is custom machined. Even in real life every custom project has delays. Try building a house or get software developed. Those projects are really often behind schedule as well!

We received a lot of pictures throughout the whole group buy to know it’s not scam. So please calm down.

And people like PancakeMSTR who are rude, overly demanding and who insult people should have no place in this community.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Orion V2 | Rama M65-A | Rama M67-A aka. Exent | Keycool TKL | Cherry MX Board 3.0

Offline dead_pixel_design

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1234 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 08:04:45 »
If delays of double or more beyond the expected delivery date are "super common" then we have a major ****ing problem in our community.  Why are YOU okay with this?

Just because the GB is setup by some "community member" (I use the term loosely - frequently they are from some other community and have only signed up here to generate interest) doesn't make it OK for them to take our money and then maybe, possibly, eventually deliver something that resembles what we paid for.  You're out of your mind.  In no other hobby would that be considered acceptable.

It's no surprise so much keyboard business has shifted to companies like Massdrop.  People ***** about the "community feeling" disappearing from our hobby... but it's because the community is full of spineless flakes and fraudsters!

This is super common in the playing card collecting community which has a similar indie production community to mechanical keyboards, and through both Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, platforms built around this type of support funded project creation.  I'm closing in on nearly 200 crowd funding projects supported, including GBs through forums like this, and crowd funding platforms like Kickstarter, and this is not only commonplace but it is also generally expected by experienced backers. While it's not uncommon for reactions like you are having, it tends to be the minority, and frequently comes from people with limited crowd funding experience (not assuming that is you) who don't realize extreme delays aren't uncommon and that the majority of supporters don't see it as a problem so much as an understandable hiccup and frequently lean more towards a "as long as it takes to get it right" mentality.

I, personally, am OK with this because I am waiting on something completely and totally superfluous, I already have keyboards, plural, so it doesn't matter if another keyboard takes longer to show up. I would argue this is the case for everyone here since we all clearly have one text input method or another, and I would be completely shocked if no one here had at least one keyboard already, which is a little hardcore if they are going from only typing on a cell phone straight to an Exent.

Offline foxlive

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1235 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 08:14:31 »
If delays of double or more beyond the expected delivery date are "super common" then we have a major ****ing problem in our community.  Why are YOU okay with this?

Just because the GB is setup by some "community member" (I use the term loosely - frequently they are from some other community and have only signed up here to generate interest) doesn't make it OK for them to take our money and then maybe, possibly, eventually deliver something that resembles what we paid for.  You're out of your mind.  In no other hobby would that be considered acceptable.

It's no surprise so much keyboard business has shifted to companies like Massdrop.  People ***** about the "community feeling" disappearing from our hobby... but it's because the community is full of spineless flakes and fraudsters!

This is super common in the playing card collecting community which has a similar indie production community to mechanical keyboards, and through both Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, platforms built around this type of support funded project creation.  I'm closing in on nearly 200 crowd funding projects supported, including GBs through forums like this, and crowd funding platforms like Kickstarter, and this is not only commonplace but it is also generally expected by experienced backers. While it's not uncommon for reactions like you are having, it tends to be the minority, and frequently comes from people with limited crowd funding experience (not assuming that is you) who don't realize extreme delays aren't uncommon and that the majority of supporters don't see it as a problem so much as an understandable hiccup and frequently lean more towards a "as long as it takes to get it right" mentality.

I, personally, am OK with this because I am waiting on something completely and totally superfluous, I already have keyboards, plural, so it doesn't matter if another keyboard takes longer to show up. I would argue this is the case for everyone here since we all clearly have one text input method or another, and I would be completely shocked if no one here had at least one keyboard already, which is a little hardcore if they are going from only typing on a cell phone straight to an Exent.

Clearly agree with you, is it super unlikely that someone here really "need" the exent as a primary keyboard! Nevertheless, I understand the reaction of some people here (I do not caution getting rude!), but as I told I faced a "failed" kickstarter project which provide this kind of not so good communication, even with pictures and so on for about 2 years, then they stopped taking pic and responding.. They add the very bad taste to send a message one month ago telling "we will finish with our own money".. No they will not, I lost almost 300 bucks on this, but this is life of GB... I really think (and HOPE !) this will finish and that we will get our amazing keebs soon enough and everything will be okay :) ! But for sure, communication is good and it not that time consuming. I think the main point of a lot of people here is to have update on regular basis even if it is to tell bad news, delay and so on. I really agree with you that this delay, for this kind of product is "okay" at the end, but for sure communication was not the best here.

All the storm of comment had made them post some pictures! So I would say they read this post and care, but It would be nice to have some words for them also with some expected delay, avancing for process and packing...

Offline Vigrith

  • Posts: 1843
Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1236 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 08:58:04 »
I don’t really get where you are going... I’ve had really bad delays on Massdrop as well.

Maybe you should try running a group buy.

The mech community can’t really be compared to any other communities either. Show me one, where every part from the product is custom machined. Even in real life every custom project has delays. Try building a house or get software developed. Those projects are really often behind schedule as well!

We received a lot of pictures throughout the whole group buy to know it’s not scam. So please calm down.

And people like PancakeMSTR who are rude, overly demanding and who insult people should have no place in this community.

Firstly I agree with you for the better part. Delays happen, I think not expecting there to be any is naive but let's not go as far as say it should be acceptable - one should always strive to meet deadlines when providing goods or services. No matter what. If they have no power over how manufacture goes, then overshoot your initial estimate rather than undershooting it. People will be happier in the end and that is what matters.

That said, this is no longer my fight - my ONLY qualm here was with the lack of updates leading up to this point. I still think there is no excuse to remain radio silent when you have people waiting for you, not here, not anywhere else (and it is VERY common here on GH). Even if your update is "nothing to report, I'll be back next week" you should still post that. Maybe that's a cultural difference, where I live that's the norm.

Offline Rogerwyf

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1237 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 09:35:55 »
If anyone does not want to wait anymore and is willing to sell his/her spot with a black one, please let me know, thanks! :)

Offline Data

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1238 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 09:40:44 »
If delays of double or more beyond the expected delivery date are "super common" then we have a major ****ing problem in our community.  Why are YOU okay with this?

Just because the GB is setup by some "community member" (I use the term loosely - frequently they are from some other community and have only signed up here to generate interest) doesn't make it OK for them to take our money and then maybe, possibly, eventually deliver something that resembles what we paid for.  You're out of your mind.  In no other hobby would that be considered acceptable.

It's no surprise so much keyboard business has shifted to companies like Massdrop.  People ***** about the "community feeling" disappearing from our hobby... but it's because the community is full of spineless flakes and fraudsters!

This is super common in the playing card collecting community which has a similar indie production community to mechanical keyboards, and through both Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, platforms built around this type of support funded project creation.  I'm closing in on nearly 200 crowd funding projects supported, including GBs through forums like this, and crowd funding platforms like Kickstarter, and this is not only commonplace but it is also generally expected by experienced backers. While it's not uncommon for reactions like you are having, it tends to be the minority, and frequently comes from people with limited crowd funding experience (not assuming that is you) who don't realize extreme delays aren't uncommon and that the majority of supporters don't see it as a problem so much as an understandable hiccup and frequently lean more towards a "as long as it takes to get it right" mentality.

I, personally, am OK with this because I am waiting on something completely and totally superfluous, I already have keyboards, plural, so it doesn't matter if another keyboard takes longer to show up. I would argue this is the case for everyone here since we all clearly have one text input method or another, and I would be completely shocked if no one here had at least one keyboard already, which is a little hardcore if they are going from only typing on a cell phone straight to an Exent.

Clearly agree with you, is it super unlikely that someone here really "need" the exent as a primary keyboard! Nevertheless, I understand the reaction of some people here (I do not caution getting rude!), but as I told I faced a "failed" kickstarter project which provide this kind of not so good communication, even with pictures and so on for about 2 years, then they stopped taking pic and responding.. They add the very bad taste to send a message one month ago telling "we will finish with our own money".. No they will not, I lost almost 300 bucks on this, but this is life of GB... I really think (and HOPE !) this will finish and that we will get our amazing keebs soon enough and everything will be okay :) ! But for sure, communication is good and it not that time consuming. I think the main point of a lot of people here is to have update on regular basis even if it is to tell bad news, delay and so on. I really agree with you that this delay, for this kind of product is "okay" at the end, but for sure communication was not the best here.

All the storm of comment had made them post some pictures! So I would say they read this post and care, but It would be nice to have some words for them also with some expected delay, avancing for process and packing...

I think you're conflating an articulated need with a degree of subjective acceptance related to delays.  This is a logical fallacy.

I may not need a particular product.  But if I buy it, I have a reasonable expectation as a consumer that it will be delivered at some time roughly around the stated delivery window, and that the selling party will keep me informed of any and all developments.  This is basic commerce and customer service stuff.  It's not rocket science.

"**** happens", as they say, and some delays are expected.  I thought I was clear on this, so it's incredibly frustrating that I have to keep repeating the point.  No one said all delays were unacceptable.  This isn't my first rodeo.  The delays in this GB are extraordinary and when combined with wholly inadequate communication they make a trainwreck.  The team has failed to deliver the product in a reasonable time (commerce) and failed to explain why (customer service).  It's the double failure that's not acceptable.

All I'm asking is for sellers to hold up their end of the bargain and for "buyers" to stop giving them a limp-wristed pass every time they **** up.  Let's set some standards and hold people accountable to them.

Offline codywanks

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1239 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 10:20:29 »
Hi guys,

I’ve been helping Aconic and TGR prep the boards for shipping. I never intended to post here, but I feel the degree of escalation in this thread over the past two days has been unwarranted and unjustified. Allow me to explain.

Firstly, do remember that we are working out of someone else’s premises, as explained by Jua in this post.

Secondly, when Yuktsi posted this update last Friday, it was already 5:30pm over here. We’d just left the facility after a long day of sorting and packing; each of us assumed the other had taken pictures when in fact nobody did. By the time we realized this, it was too late to go back for pictures as the owner had already locked up for the weekend. This is not an excuse, it was an honest mistake on our part and I'm just pointing out what happened.

We finally got around to taking some pics late yesterday (Monday 6 Nov) and posting them today (Tuesday 7 Nov), I hope this is sufficient proof that progress is being made and people can feel more at ease.

Moving on. I’ll try to steer this thread back on track by addressing some questions/statements from you guys (*DISCLAIMER*: I could be mistaken, Jua or Yuktsi please do step in and correct me).

...last I heard there were no pink extras unfortunately

You’re right.

Frosted acrylic looks much more transparent than the original engineering sample, any chance this is a one-off? Or are they all as transparent as this most recent photo.. I was hoping for something a little more opaque.

...I can just take sandpaper to the inside of it once I get it to make it a little more 'frosted'

The pic of the engineering sample was taken in lower light compared to today’s pics. In a bright room, you can definitely see the PCB clearly when looking at the Exent from underneath, but IMO that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I’d strongly advise you to at least test the RGB underglow/diffusion before taking a piece of sandpaper to the bottom.

Can we have some information and pictures on the alu bottom also? A vague approximation of the expected delay ?

Well obviously we have missed this deadline. It is not within my jurisdiction to tell you what the new deadline is, that would be best answered directly by Jua or Yuktsi. All I can do right now is to humbly ask for a bit more patience, and hopefully that you can adjust your expectations. You are welcome to yell at me if you feel like it.

All the storm of comment had made them post some pictures!

This is patently false. Pics would have been posted regardless of the “storm”, I’m just sorry it wasn’t done before this guy decided to unload and open the floodgates.


In closing, I just want to say that we’re close to the finish line (for the polycarb kits at least), hopefully the pictures posted are proof enough. I’m super stoked for this board myself (I paid full price like everybody here), and I’m very impressed by what I’ve seen so far. This might be a stretch, but I suspect you might just forget the delays and radio silence once you’ve had the chance to unbox your package and hold the Exent in both arms ;)

Offline eddible

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1240 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 10:23:52 »
Ah, nice update! Thanks!

Offline TerryMathews

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1241 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 11:34:23 »

I think it's unfortunate that some got as agitated as they did yesterday, although few members condescending comments about patience and previous GB history did little but exacerbate the situation.

I would like to point out to you, however, that if you (collectively) we're aware that we were promised pictures and knew that you had no pictures to post, you could have simply said "Oops forgot pics, you'll see them Monday night".

That's the difference between this buy and Mira. By any reasonable standard, Mira is much further off track than this one is but there isn't anywhere near the level of agitation as the runner frequently drops status updates even if things are just status quo.

Silence breeds fear, especially when the silence comes after a missed deadline. Fight the silence. Talk to us, when you say you will, and tell us when to expect to hear from you again.

It's not too much to ask.

Offline fuzzbomb

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1242 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 11:41:43 »

In closing, I just want to say that we’re close to the finish line (for the polycarb kits at least), hopefully the pictures posted are proof enough. I’m super stoked for this board myself (I paid full price like everybody here), and I’m very impressed by what I’ve seen so far. This might be a stretch, but I suspect you might just forget the delays and radio silence once you’ve had the chance to unbox your package and hold the Exent in both arms ;)

Is the goal to ship them this week, or next week?

Offline PancakeMSTR

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1243 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 11:42:45 »

This is patently false. Pics would have been posted regardless of the “storm”, I’m just sorry it wasn’t done before this guy decided to unload and open the floodgates.

Hey, I decided to "unload" because I have been waiting 9 months, extremely patiently and politely, for consistent, clear, and informative updates to start happening. At the time I posted that, we were past the second deadline and getting zero information, even after multiple requests. After all the stories I hear about people getting burned by group buys, I, and everyone else, have every right to be concerned the same was happening here.

Furthermore, judging by the "floodgate" I "opened," it was a matter of time before someone said what I said, just as, as you said, it was a matter of time before Jua and/or Yuktsi got around to posting pictures.

Finally, it doesn't excuse anything on the end of the leadership. If you can't post pictures because the location you are using to pack is closed, mention it. The way I see it, particularly over the past couple weeks, there is no excuse whatsoever for the poor quality of information that was rendered to the community.

So stop pointing fingers at me, stop demonizing me, I simply stepped up. You want a bad community? One that will spiral into itself until it implodes? Punish or denigrate that kind of behavior.
« Last Edit: Tue, 07 November 2017, 11:47:55 by PancakeMSTR »

Offline Vigrith

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1244 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 12:11:00 »
Silence breeds fear, especially when the silence comes after a missed deadline. Fight the silence. Talk to us, when you say you will, and tell us when to expect to hear from you again.

It's not too much to ask.

This is another civil way to put it. Well said.

Edit: aw **** clean up's here.
« Last Edit: Tue, 07 November 2017, 12:13:06 by Vigrith »

Offline dubious

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1245 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 12:13:51 »
Eat ****

Somebody get this guy a set of JTK Toxic  :p

Offline Traveler

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1246 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 12:19:54 »
Is the goal to ship them this week, or next week?

I would like to know this too. Pics are good and all, but we've already had enough of them in the past to know that these boards exist. When can we hope for them to be shipped? What next date should we be looking to? That seems to be the one big question currently left unanswered.

Offline codywanks

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1247 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 12:42:24 »
I would like to point out to you, however, that if you (collectively) we're aware that we were promised pictures and knew that you had no pictures to post, you could have simply said "Oops forgot pics, you'll see them Monday night".

You're right, can't argue with you there.

I guess when we promised pics "later", the intention was "later tonight", but upon realizing we didn't have them we (mistakenly) assumed "later" would be enough to tide us over the weekend into Monday without having to come make excuses here. My apologies.

Is the goal to ship them this week, or next week?

I would like to know this too. Pics are good and all, but we've already had enough of them in the past to know that these boards exist. When can we hope for them to be shipped? What next date should we be looking to? That seems to be the one big question currently left unanswered.

It's almost 3am here and it would be remiss of me to answer this without first confirming with the main GB people. I'll see to it when we meet up tomorrow to pack more boards.

Offline PancakeMSTR

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Re: [GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1248 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 12:44:31 »
Silence breeds fear, especially when the silence comes after a missed deadline. Fight the silence. Talk to us, when you say you will, and tell us when to expect to hear from you again.

It's not too much to ask.

This is another civil way to put it. Well said.

Edit: aw **** clean up's here.

Yeah I really appreciate the mods removing any comments I made defending myself, including the civil ones for which there was no reason to remove them. Now I just look exclusively like the person stirring up a storm. Jerks.

Definitely seen enough of this community to be done with it once I get out of the buys I'm in.

Offline kacase

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[GB]EXENT - 65% made by TARO (In production)
« Reply #1249 on: Tue, 07 November 2017, 12:48:34 »
Silence breeds fear, especially when the silence comes after a missed deadline. Fight the silence. Talk to us, when you say you will, and tell us when to expect to hear from you again.

It's not too much to ask.

This is another civil way to put it. Well said.

Edit: aw **** clean up's here.

Yeah I really appreciate the mods removing any comments I made defending myself, including the civil ones for which there was no reason to remove them. Now I just look exclusively like the person stirring up a storm. Jerks.

Definitely seen enough of this community to be done with it once I get out of the buys I'm in.

You were the only person to insult people. Complaining is not the problem.

You won’t be missed.
Orion V2 | Rama M65-A | Rama M67-A aka. Exent | Keycool TKL | Cherry MX Board 3.0