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We need 8K

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Watching the new TV.  Because of 2.39:1 aspect ratio movies, 77 inch tv is only really 57 inches, we can sit about 6-8 feet from it. At that distance 8K fidelity is of use, you can see a bit of softness to the image at only 4k, especially if they only used a 2K DI during mastering.

The problem isn't making 8K TVs of course, the problem is bandwidth. We need 200gb per movie. That's hard to come-by.

Your eyes don't see in 4K, and will lose fidelity and ability to see in low light as you grow older.


--- Quote from: Findecanor on Sun, 11 February 2024, 07:53:21 ---Your eyes don't see in 4K, and will lose fidelity and ability to see in low light as you grow older.

--- End quote ---

It depends on how close we get to the screen. My point is with most movie content we're getting close enough such that the image looks soft on a 4K big screen. 8K helps with that.

For 16:9 content, there's no reason to use 8K, because you have to get at least 10 feet back to have enough vertical arc to take in the height.

Most movies and Tv are not filmed in 8k making an 8k tv pointless.

And there's a reason they aren't.
Besides demand, the cameras and bandwidth being expensive, we actually need a technological leap to make it happen for storage reasons, a TV series such as Friends is 234 episodes @ 44 minutes would be about 1 Petabyte (based on your number). Worse still, the raw footage would actually closer to 20 Petabytes. Imagine the computer needed to edit that footage... Now imagine a company like Disney or Netflix trying to store their entire archive, raw footage or not, we simply lack the technology to realistically store that.

Now imagine your personal media server...
You can build a Petabyte server pretty easily today (compared to the past) for half what it cost just a few years ago ($25k vs $40k) but it would take you more than 2 MONTHS non stop to actually copy over Friends at current drive speeds, and that's copying drive to drive, nevermind download speeds (and Windows f*cking up the transfer). How would you back that up? Backblaze? Not that they'd allow it but with an average speed of around 10 Mbit and without interruption (their server connection speed, not yours), your copy of Friends would take 30 YEARS(!) to back up. Don't forget that's ALL you could fit on that server and that server's power needs alone would be around $20-$90 per month just in power (depending on power settings) and that's with relatively cheap power (and ignoring cooling). Your ISP would also like to have a little chat about your bandwidth usel... Oh, and you couldn't use wireless to watch it, while some wireless has the speed, it lacks stability (the faster you go the less stable it is).

This is with large spinners. There is the option of using SSDs, in fact it makes it really easy as there is gigantic SSDs, but while faster and the size, maintenance and power requirements would be MUCH smaller and easier to dealw ith (similar to a gaming desktop pc), the cost to build it would be over $4mil. Again, just to hold one (rather large) tv series.

Basically we're simply not ready for those kinds of data requirements.

Here's Tp4's idea. We construct what Tp4 calls, Media Pylons, in the town square.

These will have fiber i/o, and you just bring your Striped storage over with at least 8 drives, then we can do 2GB/s. If you are loading alot of data, it'll be like tesla, we put it next to costco, you go eat some veggie stir-fry, and come back, you're ready to watch 8K.

Then there's overnight service, you leave your stripes there, we just pile it up with robots, and you come back in a day or 2, robot grabs it from the shelf, and you go home.


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