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Trump is encouraging foreign powers to attack the US' closest allies

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So from a European perspective this is a very strange and extremely damaging statement. Strange, as he makes it sound like a sort of membership fee, while in truth it's a domestic investment, but also a very hypocritical one as the US doesn't meet many of these target "bills" itself. There's really no country that makes all its targets in all agreements, so if one wanted, one could always find SOME argument to disband this agreement on. But most of all, this completely annihilates the whole security of NATO, as the founding principle that if one member state is attacked, all members unquestioningly respond, is now obviously moot, so this voids any deterring capability NATO has. It's more obvious than ever now that he is in Putin's pocket, who is the one clear winner in this situation.

It also seems like a bad move for the US itself. It's become clear that Europe can't necessarily count on US military support, which makes a military alliance with the US worthless. Effectively this makes the US lose its most important military ally. Why would countries still allow all these American army bases, launch installations, etc. on their soil if they're not gonna help out anyway? This just seems like such a baffling move on my part.

I was really curious to see some other people's perspective on this! Talk, talk, talk.

Trump is completely insane.

And is almost surely indebted to Putin for compromat.

The problem here isn't politics.


Wars are not fought for what we NEED,  Wars are fought over EXCESS, be it power or material.

We have all that we need, even with 1900s technology, it should be a utopia. 

But because our sense of the world is hijacked by the desire for Super Normal Stimuli, mansions/drugs/prostitutes,  the carrier capacity of the ecosystem is being burned out.

What did all of our KINGs really have, above everyone else,  A big house, drugs (alcohol), and prostitutes (harems).

Technology is a lever, and when we Only-Ever use it to Concentrate / Produce, sensory pleasure. The results are the same every time, a collapsing society.


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Wed, 14 February 2024, 10:00:29 ---The problem here isn't politics.


Wars are not fought for what we NEED,  Wars are fought over EXCESS, be it power or material.

We have all that we need, even with 1900s technology, it should be a utopia. 

But because our sense of the world is hijacked by the desire for Super Normal Stimuli, mansions/drugs/prostitutes,  the carrier capacity of the ecosystem is being burned out.

What did all of our KINGs really have, above everyone else,  A big house, drugs (alcohol), and prostitutes (harems).

--- End quote ---
Eh ok, but what is the consequence of that in relation to this situation?


--- Quote from: chyros on Wed, 14 February 2024, 10:04:57 ---Eh ok, but what is the consequence of that in relation to this situation?

--- End quote ---

The politicians are just people, their constituents are just people.  The core narrative in our modern group think is to maximize sensory pleasure.

The imbalance and distortion to human behavior is then the natural consequence. It's NOT simply the fault of political system / ideology / singular personalities.

What we have here is a collective personality black hole.  The desire for excess OF ALL humans created these situations.


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