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Brussel sprouts = poison

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As long as you redefine words to your liking you can support just about anything.


--- Quote from: kurplop on Mon, 29 May 2023, 07:41:06 ---As long as you redefine words to your liking you can support just about anything.

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This is exactly what the diet market has done.  Ketosis is a bodily state of desperation for humans. It is not a state of proper function.

The allure of the Keto Diet/Carnivore/Atkins  is that it affirms the taste preference of greasy meat material, which the vast majority already eat in over-abundance.

THIS is NEW,  200 years ago, only Kings and Queens had the money to eat themselves into Obesity/Diabetes/Cancer

Post WW2, technology has availed such debilities to Everyone.

Y'all are eating food? I often miss 1 or 2 meals a day because of other stuff I'm doing. Hell I went my entire Middle and high school career skipping breakfast and lunch and my body still hasn't recovered.


--- Quote from: noisyturtle on Sun, 28 May 2023, 22:05:31 ---
Americans on average consume a huge quantity of carbohydrates and processed sugars

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I would say that this is very true.

Cooking for yourself at home gives you a great deal of control, "eating out" at high-end restaurants is probably a good way get a "clean" meal as far as ingredients go, if you can afford it, although probably drowned in unnecessary fats and sugars.

Fast-food eating is almost certain to be terrible, but "prepared" meals at the store are probably even worse.


--- Quote from: noisyturtle on Sun, 28 May 2023, 22:05:31 ---
--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Sun, 28 May 2023, 19:16:15 ---In fact, most americans struggle with p00ping. Their diet is not extremely far off from Keto.

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That cannot be true, keto is very difficult to maintain.
If anything I'd believe Americans on average consume a huge quantity of carbohydrates and processed sugars, quite the opposite of keto.

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I agree. Keto isn't easy to maintain, I was in keto diet two times and its pretty difficult, when you off the carbs, you miss them very much and eating all the meat is hard, even if you think you love meat, you suddenly realise how much you miss carb products and having just one type of food is mind bending  :confused:

Americans are not close to keto - in general they eat loads of meat products but also loads of carbs, so its total opposite.

Plus I agree with tp - brussel sprouts are evil, I tried the so many times, boiled, fried, with or without garlic - nothing helps, I feel weirdly sick after it, every time. :thumb:


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