geekhack Marketplace > zFrontier

[Status Update] Starry Night DSA

<< < (10/13) > >>

That looks beautiful.
Really nice looking. I'm hoping to get the modifiers if you sell those separetly.

Yeah, I’ve been emailing them once a week since the first of January & have yet to get a response.


Looks like the March delivery is no longer happening...

Jesus. I just really need them to update my shipping information :(

I honestly believe that after the first delay, that Alex Lin's business model is now just a Ponze scheme that got out of hand. He and zfrontier have no intention of delivering product and just keep loading up on GBs. With 33 open GBs, no delivery, no response to refund requests, and stringing everyone on delays until after Paypal's 180 day dispute, then radio silence. I went back and looked at responses from their support and sure enough, responses up until about 190 days after I paid, then nothing.
I've now sent an email every week, and even made sure it is short and sweet for the translation in their office. Things like 'Update of Order #XXXXXXXXX' and now just 'Refund on Order #XXXXXXXXX' and still no response.

They should be banned from all MKB GBs and sites going forward.


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