geekhack Marketplace > GMK/UNIQEY

Gmk Noel WS1 Yellowing


Mark The Weeb:
Hey there just wanted to show this issue i have had with my Noel set,So this set was bought aftermarket by a friend (new and sealed) it was opened and put on my board to showcase the set then left to sit for around a week~ (in a dark spot of his room) he then packed up the board (and the extra gmk keys in a envelope) and shipped the board to me, I received the board to see that the keys on the board are Yellowed !, I then contacted him and before he shipped they looked fine they were not yellowed at all So somehow someway they yellow Inside the box?.
Top are the ones on the board Bottom are the ones in the envelope

That's after 1 WEEK?? Does he smoke?

Unless maybe the previous owner let it bake in the sun and retro-brighted it before selling. That isn't a permanent solution, but even still that will last longer than 1 week.

Hmm, something had to happen in transit. Couldn't say what that something is, but I can say that is not normal at all for GMK sets. I got GMK Bleached & had that set installed on a board that I had on display. On the shelf it was sitting on it got blasted by sunlight for a few hrs a day, plus I had it sitting out on display for almost a month. When I swapped Bleached for a different set the caps that were exposed still had no noticeable difference in color to the caps that had been in the packaging. My advice would be to report it to the shipping company if you are 100% confident that the staining on those keys was not done by your friend somehow.

--- Quote from: _rubik on Wed, 18 August 2021, 10:19:55 ---That's after 1 WEEK?? Does he smoke?

Unless maybe the previous owner let it bake in the sun and retro-brighted it before selling. That isn't a permanent solution, but even still that will last longer than 1 week.

--- End quote ---

Even it was with a smoker for 1 week I highly doubt the keys could get stained that much. Unless every person in that household chain smokes & they live in a perpetual cloud of tobacco smoke. I've found vintage boards that smelled like an ashtray & did not have caps so badly stained TBH!


try this

"The one I tried with decent success was a container of a Hydrogen Peroxide and OxiClean. Scale this as needed to submerge your plastic, i.e. 8 pints to a gallon, so 8 Tsb of OxiClean, etc. Submerge your plastic and leave it exposed to the sun all day."

Noel is WS2, not WS1. Something similar is going on with GMK Bleached, which is also WS2:


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