geekhack Projects > Making Stuff Together!

Cut the cable to a Model F, but still want to keep it. How?

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--- Quote from: wjrii on Fri, 15 November 2024, 09:20:12 ---
Just as a thought process, what's keeping you from doing that?  The desire to re-use the original cord in some way?

--- End quote ---

Sort of, yes. In this example I think he didn't execute it good at all, since the socket does not fit. However, I think there might be a problem as the surface is curved and therefore difficult to make look good. But if that could be made looking good, a female usb c would be good.

And then I would like to use the old cord and/or socket. On the other hand, this is no big deal, I was just wondering if anyone else had had this "problem".


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