geekhack Community > Keyboards

Simple Questions, Simple Answers (FAQ in the OP)

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Couple quick questions regarding QMK on Xwhatsit controller for an original Kishy. 

I have an original Kishsaver with a 2014 Rev2 Xwhatsit controller that I purchased years ago.  Would this be the correct setup to use QMK for it?  Will it flash over the top of the original firmware or will I have other steps to do to convert from using the original IBM_Capsense_Utility?

Also, can anyone confirm if the solenoid and drivers listed at ModelFKeyboards[.]com will work with that controller and physically fit in the original Kishsaver case without modifications?

I did send a PM to Pandrew over at DT but have not received a reply?  Any other sources I could post these questions?

Hello !

I LOVE nice keyboards, but don't really know keyboards. So I'm looking for guidance here. This is what I'm looking for :

Quality, ISO, TKL, nice wood case, green/brown/forest style double PBT, wireless.

Do you keyboard wiz can think of something that'd be easy and fast enough to put together ? Thank you <3

I have this K10 Pro that I replaced the stabilizers with DUROCK Stabilizer V3s and applied their stabilizer wire and housing pad. I applied 81150 Permatex Dielectric grease to the wires and lubed the housings with G-lube. I had no issues until now, where my right shift key has some resistance when popping back up from being held down, and as a result produces a loud-ping recoil sound. All my other stabilizers are perfectly fine.

I also took the enter key off and then back on which initially had no issues, and upon putting it back on it had the same recoil sound as the right shift key. The wires are in place and the grease is still there, does anyone know why this resistance/friction of the stabilizers after being held down happens?

Hi all, I'm new here, not sure if I'm asking this question in the right section or if I'll find anyone here with similar keyboards, but I'll ask nonetheless.
I'm a pretty big fan of keyboards from IBM, especially the F models.
I have two keyboards of this model
The model F XT and the model F77.
And after buying the F77 I came across a YouTube video of a person using the F107 without foam and I liked the sound of its springs so much that I also wanted to remove the foam from mine and see if the sound would change to a more resonant sound, of course I realize that the f107 is a different keyboard and it's unlikely I'll get the same sound, but I still want to know if there's a difference in the sound without the foam.

I've already found a couple forums where this topic has been discussed, but there was more talk about whether it would work after removing it and what disadvantages they would get, rather than what sound they would get

Cuby_Ruby Model F keyboards can be used without the inner foam but the barrels would not be secured in place as tightly and may wobble more, and the keyboard will be more prone to dust and debris entry, which may cause typing errors such as double key presses.  I would not recommend it.


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