geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders


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Maybe I was lucky but M&C did ship out this set to me in early June.

Any word on if the Ramas were made yet?

I received a message from Mechs and Co. on May 12, 2023 saying that they have the sets in warehouse and hoping to ship, barring RAMAs, "mid to late next week." I did update my address that very day and received a reply that the change was good to go on May 16, 2023. Radio silence since then. I tried to write again today to update on yet another new address, and the email came back as undeliverable. Their website is broken. I'm just now seeing all the drama online.

Pretty sure I'm SOL but I'm starting the dispute with my credit card company now.

I see the sets are now on zFrontier and some other sets that Mechs and Co. had, they are honoring with discounted new orders. Not Earth Tones though, AFAIK.

Pretty miffed. Lesson learned. This was my first and only GB. I still want this set but now I'm kinda done with the whole thing.

If you purchased GMK CYL Earth Tones + Earth Tones Deskpad and did not chargeback, please fill out this google form here. Please note that your order confirmation must have a deskpad shown or else it will not be considered. This is because these sets have been fulfilled minus anyone who purchased a deskpad alongside.

GMK Earth tones:

Any updates re: RAMA artisans? Sounds like zero movement on that since February, 2022, and we're now in March, 2024.


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