geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders

[GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)

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--- Quote from: honoka on Thu, 18 January 2024, 04:18:17 ---Cobertt is not a simp!
He is a  Trust & Safety Admin Team Member of the MK Vendor Trust and Safety System.

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LMFAO all the more reason to expect an answer from him then?


--- Quote from: tactilesbad on Thu, 18 January 2024, 04:28:32 ---
--- Quote from: honoka on Thu, 18 January 2024, 04:18:17 ---Cobertt is not a simp!
He is a  Trust & Safety Admin Team Member of the MK Vendor Trust and Safety System.

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LMFAO all the more reason to expect an answer from him then?

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I don't know what you expect out of me. I vouched for this product based on my FnF unit and experience with prototypes. I provided photos of my friends and family unit and prototype to show that there was a difference between GB units as compared to the FnF unit and Prototype unit. I did not purchase a GB unit. Yes, I said I was friends with CW. We used to chat daily on Discord, but I did not know him in real life. Probably similar to how friends work in the majority of online spaces. I have not seen CW online in months on Discord. I haven't heard from him in longer. For what it's worth, my last message to him was pointing out the Reddit thread where these issues were brought to light. Not that my stance matters, because I've been painted as a simp or bad guy for enjoying a prototype and FnF unit that had zero issues that the GB keyboards experience. I'm personally frustrated that you all have been left hung out to dry. I do not think it's right, and it's left me extremely disappointed in CruelWorld. Seeing this group buy go south, absolutely sucks. The board had a lot of promise that can be seen in FnF units and prototype units and I wish that you had the same experience that I did. I don't know what went wrong with the main run. Obviously something was incorrectly machined or incorrectly modified in the files sent. Everyone in the group buy should be made whole again, and replacement PCBs to address the issue should be provided.

Who would have thought that saying, "Don't sleep on this," would cause such a massive headache? I paid full price for my FnF board ($619) in Feb of 2021 and my prototype was sold to me for $320 in November of 2021, before the open order period of the GB had even completed.  I had a good experience with original prototype units and a FnF board. I still believe that both my units are excellent keyboards. I'm sorry that GB units did not meet the standard set by FnF units. As has been said in this thread before, it really can be said that they are two different boards. It's not like people with FnF units had any idea that this would happen. I've been left in the dark as much as any of you.

As far as comments regarding MK Trust & Safety, yeah absolutely, this would be considered a "failed" group buy. 100%. MK Trust & Safety is a project that I've worked extremely hard on to give buyers as much information regarding a vendor as possible. CW is not a vendor. He has no storefront currently, and he's not selling any products. At this time he would not be allowed to advertise any projects through the platforms subscribed to the MK Trust & Safety Team. Other than that, there's no authority to be had over businesses, except allowing them to promote their projects free of charge.

From what I've been told, a Cannonkey's Bastion PCB will work in the CW60 and stop the interference from the cutout. I'm unsure if this is the case for the TKL. Again, this is not first-hand experience, as I have no group buy unit. It's what I was told in a private chat from someone who has GB board and didn't want to directly solder their JST. Your mileage may vary, but it might be worth a shot.


--- Quote from: Cobertt on Mon, 22 January 2024, 12:51:15 ---
Yes, I said I was friends with CW. We used to chat daily on Discord, but I did not know him in real life. Probably similar to how friends work in the majority of online spaces. I have not seen CW online in months on Discord. I haven't heard from him in longer. For what it's worth, my last message to him was pointing out the Reddit thread where these issues were brought to light. ... Everyone in the group buy should be made whole again, and replacement PCBs to address the issue should be provided.
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So, you haven't seen or heard anything from your, now former, friend in months. Didn't you think that was something worth mentioning? Instead, we, the community, are expected to provide updates to mods that you, a mod, already "knew" months ago. Did you honestly expect that they would still uphold their promise to produce and distribute 800-1000+ PCBs and DB shims, even after they stopped interacting with their friends? Some of us still held out a sliver of hope...


--- Quote from: incrediblejr on Fri, 26 January 2024, 04:46:22 ---
--- Quote from: Cobertt on Mon, 22 January 2024, 12:51:15 ---
Yes, I said I was friends with CW. We used to chat daily on Discord, but I did not know him in real life. Probably similar to how friends work in the majority of online spaces. I have not seen CW online in months on Discord. I haven't heard from him in longer. For what it's worth, my last message to him was pointing out the Reddit thread where these issues were brought to light. ... Everyone in the group buy should be made whole again, and replacement PCBs to address the issue should be provided.
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So, you haven't seen or heard anything from your, now former, friend in months. Didn't you think that was something worth mentioning? Instead, we, the community, are expected to provide updates to mods that you, a mod, already "knew" months ago. Did you honestly expect that they would still uphold their promise to produce and distribute 800-1000+ PCBs and DB shims, even after they stopped interacting with their friends? Some of us still held out a sliver of hope...

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If you didn't think that I was also holding out hope, you'd be sorely mistaken. I was hoping he would make this right, as I was also hoping for him to continue the projects he was working on. As I said, the board has fantastic potential based on my experience with the FnF/Proto units. Sometimes you hold out hope for people to make things right. We can all attest to that.

Please know that I am of the opinion that CW should fulfill his promise and distribute the pcbs and db shims. But to your point about MK Trust and Safety I have two things that should be worth mentioning overall. The system is put in place, and targets primarily vendors, even more so specifically to target vendors who are overextending their funds. Interrupting designer-led group buys was not what we ever intended to do in the first place. We are not the police, we felt that one area we could help is to try and provide information to the public on vendors. We also feel a responsibility for what is posted on the websites that we moderate, so we put in guidelines to allow for *free* advertisement of group buys. Something nobody is owed.  I would not consider CW a vendor. Second, this group buy was delivered. AFAIK no one is still waiting for their kit to arrive. That being said, there are issues with that kit. It does not perform the way that users expect. There is a difference between not receiving anything at all and receiving a flawed product. The board can be built, and the board can be used. It does not flex and isolate as intended and the JST is misaligned. I get there are other issues such as MDPC-X and shipper choice, but at the end of the day, the GB was delivered in full. That cannot be said of some of the vendors that the MK Trust and Safety team has been dealing with. While this group buy has clear issues, you received your product, and it doesn't live up to what was expected of customers given previous examples of the board in FnF and Prototype units nor CW's description of the board. but you have for all intents and purposes a working keyboard. I would like to repeat, that I don't think what you received is correct, nor do I think that it is acceptable of such a high-dollar board. I believe that all those affected by the aforementioned issues should receive the shims and/or PCBs that were promised by CW. You all were let down by CW. The people who excitedly vouched for this keyboard, based on the FnF and prototype runs are let down by CW. This isn't an exit scam. This isn't unfulfillment. This is a designer who did not meet the high expectations of his customers, nor the expectations he set for himself. This doesn't change that I hold him to his word, and I firmly believe he should make this right for all his customers.

Unfortunately, I'm human and I held out hope that someone I considered a friend was going to do the right thing. I'm sorry that it looks like it's not going to happen.


--- Quote from: Cobertt on Fri, 26 January 2024, 09:04:00 ---The system is put in place, and targets primarily vendors

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so the specific case of a designer self fulfilling a project and bailing on his minimal duties does not deserve community awareness since he's not technically a vendor?

--- Quote from: Cobertt on Fri, 26 January 2024, 09:04:00 ---It does not perform the way that users expect.

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of course it's the user's fault for expecting something absolutely minimal and basic for a board this price which was widely advertised and hyped as something "to not sleep on" by many highly regarded creators in the hobby. the board was either badly designed or manufactured using wrong/outdated cad files, it is NOT a matter of expectations. the board is FLAWED however you try to put it. it CANNOT be built the way it was intended to be, factually.

--- Quote from: Cobertt on Fri, 26 January 2024, 09:04:00 ---the GB was delivered in full.

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this is the absolute bare minimum and I'm appalled we're being told that this is one of the reasons no one is talking about this situation anymore. also "delivered" yes, but how? my board came scuffed and you'd be shocked to read the heap of arrogant and passive aggressive replies I had to endure from this individual before he bothered to do anything about it. and thank god he acted before the jst issue was brought to life, or I'd be stuck with a flawed AND scuffed board to boot.

I'm not targeting you individually let's be clear, cw had many more connection going on in the hobby with people that facilitated the financial success of his GB and went equally radio silent, I'm just honestly shocked at the reasons why everyone is ignoring the situation (or dismissing it as speculation lmao).
I just hope that if he ever takes the unfortunate decision of coming back and trying to sell another $600-700 board, the whole influencer section of the hobby will point out his utter unreliability.


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