geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders

[GB] DCD Hundred Acres | UPDATE

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Hey everyone,

Thanks for all your patience, we are happy to finally announce that we will be working with Drop on completing Hundred Acres!

After the news broke about Otakeebs & KBM winding down their operations, they reached out to Cthalupa and I to discuss potential salvage options for this set.

What was ultimately decided is that Drop will manufacture the Hundred Acres set using their DCD profile, and offer the set (along with desk mats and artisans purchased) to customers of the original group buy.

This would come at minimal additional cost ($1 + shipping costs) to affected individuals.

Stay tuned for more information on the process to claim your set from the initial group buy. We are still working through the logistical challenges of accomplishing this in a smooth and intuitive manner, and will have more to share in the coming weeks.

A huge thanks goes out to Drop for graciously helping stepping in to ensure everyone can get what they paid for.


Will there be any extras available?
Yes, Drop has confirmed that there will be extras of Hundred Acres available

Do you have an ETA on fulfillment?
Currently no, there are lots of details to work out, along with manufacturing, but we will update with more information as soon as we have it

I did a charge back how does this affect me?
If you did a charge back, you will not be elegible for claiming your original GB order for $1 + Shipping

Does this cover the H75 keyboard, honey switch and mouse?
Unfortunately not, these were collaborations that are out of our control.

chad mr. drop

Regardless of what people may think about Drop, respect for helping out with this project instead of just letting it die when the whole Otakeebs situation occurred.

  "...and there was much rejoicing..."   :cool:

Just wanted to update and say everything is still on track here - we have communication between all the necessary parties for the handover to go smoothly, things like metal artisans and deskmats are being sorted, etc. We've had some very preliminary sample work done for DCD and things are looking good!

Steps for customers to take to receive their set are still being planned out, we'll have more details there as things progress.


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