geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders
leopold FC200R
--- Quote from: iMav;301783 ---I think he is wanting groups of 10 for convenience. Better to do it in groups instead of heading to the store each time another member decides they want one.
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Correct. I am not living very near to their office so i need to consolidate.
--- Quote from: overvu;302018 ---Hate to quote myself
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200R - tenkeyless
300R/400R/500R - full sized keyboards with different keycaps(english/japanese/korean).
--- Quote from: webbyboy;302020 ---200R - tenkeyless
300R/400R/500R - full sized keyboards with different keycaps(english/japanese/korean).
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In that case I'm interested in the FC300R in ANSI w/ blues
Leopold FC200R
1. verifyid - brown, keycaps - Korean
Leopold FC500R
1. verifyid - brown, keycap - Korean
Right now the only motivating part about this is that I'd be able to get Korean keycaps
Btw leopold has double shot keycaps with korean layout (black or white)
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