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Climate Runaway....

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It's  not really the climate,   it's the damn hughmahnns.

As power outages exacerbate heatwaves, India plans to lease abandoned coal pits to private mining companies, a government official said on Friday, in an effort to ramp up production.

Pakistan has also faced severe power outages, with some rural areas getting as few as six hours of electricity a day.

So the power outage brought on by the heatwave, causes MORE mining of COAL, which will WORSEN future Heatwaves.

ALSO,  India quickly points the finger at everyone else, granted, everyone's doing a Shi7 job, but guess what THEY'VE GOT 1/3 of the world's COWS, 305 MILLION COWS for dairy and leather,   that is a MAJOR contributor to climate change,  significantly worse than the transport industry.

The real methane problem is that the permafrost across Canada and Siberia is melting far faster than even the pessimistic predictions foretold.


--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Sat, 14 May 2022, 21:15:58 ---The real methane problem is that the permafrost across Canada and Siberia is melting far faster than even the pessimistic predictions foretold.

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who even knows at this point,  it's all eyes wide shut from here.

Tex4s, after knocking 6 power plants offline, consumers were asked to turn thermostat up to 78 degrees to minimize electrical usage at least until 8pm of the day.


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Sun, 15 May 2022, 06:21:20 ---Tex4s, after knocking 6 power plants offline, consumers were asked to turn thermostat up to 78 degrees to minimize electrical usage at least until 8pm of the day.

--- End quote ---
This was an issue last year, too. 

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