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Smaller XBOX360?

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Umm....because they don't have enough heat problems today?

wow.  I'm not sure it is possible for me to care less about a story than I do about this one.  

Do people really care about how thin the game console is?  All I care about is how good the games (and interface) look.


--- Quote from: iMav;4607 ---wow.  I'm not sure it is possible for me to care less about a story than I do about this one.
--- End quote ---

I guess it's a good thing I posted it in Off Topic, then, eh?


--- Quote from: iMav;4607 ---Do people really care about how thin the game console is?  All I care about is how good the games (and interface) look.
--- End quote ---

The Xbox 360 is one of the ugliest consoles ever made (up there with the dreamcast) so I wouldn't be surprised if they were planning a new box in an attempt to convince those of us without one to buy it.

i never have to look at ours, but the ps3 looks awfully nice under our new hdtv. =-)


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