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i've got jury duty

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I've got jury duty tomorrow: Aaaaaargh.

Any tips on how to get out of it? Should I blurt out something politically incorrect?

Look up jury nullification. Talk about it.

But, really, it's your duty to do it. (And don't say a word about jury nullification, until (and if) you need to use it.)

Does your job pay you for the time?  I did jury duty six or seven time when I lived in NYC and got a lot of reading done.  You also meet a lot of weirdos.

I never got picked because I worked for a law firm.


--- Quote from: lexicon;17285 ---Does your job pay you for the time?  I did jury duty six or seven time when I lived in NYC and got a lot of reading done.  You also meet a lot of weirdos.

I never got picked because I worked for a law firm.
--- End quote ---

interesting that they didnt want lawyers, lol.  I dont think my job will pay cuz its just part time and I'm a student employee. I'll ask though.

I think the state provides lunch and about $20 per day though.

Guess I'll take a book and my alphasmart with me.

I'm not a lawyer, BTW.  I worked in paralegal administration in a big Wall St. law firm.  I think they actually avoided seating me on a jury because they figured I hated lawyers.  

They were right, at least the lawyers I worked with.


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