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so i've got the flu

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and it sucks.

must be flu season again. I read somewhere that flu cases spike to 3x or 4x around february each year.  Guess mine came early.

Mine usually comes in the fall pretty regularly, around september. (I'm always sick on the first day of school). Or maybe thats just what school does to me.

anyway, it blows.  Cant sleep and cant be productive either. just watching netflix movies and feeling sorry for myself ;)

Saw north by northwest on pbs the other night. I've seen it before of course but for some reason, for the first time, I actually enjoyed it. Does that mean i'm getting old?  Eva saint marie is a *fox*, let me tell you. Never noticed before! She is super-sexy on the train. Not bad for someone from the 50s.

Damn, I must be getting old.

I have a pretty good immune system — I usually only get a cold or two a year. I can't attribute it to health either. I think it was all the poison I put in my body during my 20s. It made me either completely hard core or not worth enough for even the flu to want.

Its not very often I get the flu but my last time was about a year ago. I had to take a week off from work it was so bad.

I get my flu shot every year as soon as it is available.  I have only had one minor cold in the last 5 years or so.  For those that have not gotten the flu, I would highly reccomend getting the shot of you haven't done so already.


--- Quote ---Eva saint marie is a *fox*, let me tell you. Never noticed before! She is super-sexy on the train. Not bad for someone from the 50s.
--- End quote ---

Don't let the flu affect your judgment, now. :)  Let the NyQuil, and lots of it, do that.


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