Author Topic: An alternative to blank keys  (Read 2340 times)

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Offline Eclairz

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An alternative to blank keys
« on: Wed, 14 May 2008, 16:17:11 »
And also an alternative to hiding your keystrokes when typing passwords and keeping warm during winter months. Here is the keyboard sock, together with a laptop sock O_O somehow if i saw someone using the laptop sock i'd be running very fast and far away ;-)
Lenovo ThinkPad TrackPoint Keyboard
RealForce 45g UK 88UB
FILCO Majestouch TenKeyPad

Offline iMav

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An alternative to blank keys
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 14 May 2008, 17:11:27 »
Just when you think you've seen it all . . . .

Offline JohnnyBoy

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An alternative to blank keys
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 14 May 2008, 17:23:34 »
Well, it's one sure-fire way to block out all the office goings-on that might distract you from your work...

Offline Mikecase00

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An alternative to blank keys
« Reply #3 on: Thu, 15 May 2008, 12:26:52 »
Great, I've been looking for a way to safely view computer pr0n in public places...
IBM Model M 1391401 (dyed black) w/ keys from M-13
IBM M-13 Trackpoint (naturally black)
IBM Model M 1392934 SpaceSaver
Several plain IBM 1391401 Ms
Epson Equity Q203A

Offline pex

  • Posts: 145
An alternative to blank keys
« Reply #4 on: Thu, 15 May 2008, 20:56:45 »
If your hands are stuck up in that device, pr0n in a public place will not be so exciting...
Ж®Cherry G80-8113 (someday I hope to have one that reads magstripes, rfid cards, and smartcards), broken \'98 42H1292 Model M, some other Model M from a decade before that, 30 more keyboards in a box, 4 more lying here or there
Destroying Sanctity: my Model M project. Status: Dead.