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Is there a Youtube downloader for Linux Mint ?

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--- Quote from: Terrysko on Fri, 05 May 2023, 05:33:12 ---My recommendation is therefore to only use plugins if there is nothing better, otherwise external applications should always be given preference!

--- End quote ---
They should, but I have yet to find one hence the plugin.

so, this uses ffmpeg to re-encode the youtube format?

this uses enormous cpu power


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Fri, 05 May 2023, 17:01:42 ---so, this uses ffmpeg to re-encode the youtube format?

this uses enormous cpu power

--- End quote ---
It does if you convert something.

Try other download formats and it may just simply download.

The most convinent one I use is a website called, it does have pop up ads n **** but so far I don’t have a virus


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