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Can you watch too much TV?

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--- Quote from: Leslieann on Mon, 22 April 2024, 05:33:38 ---That's actually become a huge problem in the industry.
Big networks used to be the backbone of new shows and decided setting up streaming services was more important. To save costs they gutted their creative departments, altered decades long deals and basically just sat back waiting for the money to roll in. Except that it didn't and all they've done is accelerate the death of TV.

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Really wonder how this content war will play out. Netflix is so far ahead.  The only company that can challenge them are the likes of Tencent/ Alibaba.

But, which one of these american firms are willing to partner?

It seems like what will happen is they'll set up shop, hemorrhage money, until they fold and sell content on netflix.

Look at Steam. That's what's happening against every other E-shop.

There's a possibility that the Russian Grey Key sites can pull something together, but this is a big maybe.


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Mon, 22 April 2024, 09:56:21 ---Really wonder how this content war will play out. Netflix is so far ahead.  The only company that can challenge them are the likes of Tencent/ Alibaba.

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Mergers, hostile takeovers, purchases and a lot has already happened.

Amazon owns Prime and MGM+ which owns a ton of old school movie companies
Comcast owns Peacock, Dreamworks, Universal Pictures and a ton of old school networks such as NBC, as well as a bunch of music companies.
Disney owns Lucas, Hulu and just about everything else.
Discovery owns a bunch of small and large cable channels and their own streaming service.

I suspect it will settle into 2 or 3 major leagues plus a low end provider such as Netflix.
The weird thing is who wins may not be as obvious as you think, Disney isn't the old Disney, if someone offered enough they'd sell out all or in parts in a heartbeat and Disney+ has been a money pit. Amazon has been shown they aren't infallible and runs the risk of government intervention causing a breakup which would force a selloff. Then you have Comcast who has historically mismanaged their media arm. Discovery could either grow and buy up someone or get snatched up, it's mostly an investment firm and while they have a streaming service it's struggling to find a foothold. Tencent could afford it but I can absolutely see the feds stepping in and blocking anything like that. Apple could also be a wildcard as they have AppleTV and enough capitol to buy their way in, though they may be running out of time if their hold on Iphone lessens due to lawsuits. Google (who also faces monopoly threats) could also make a jump as Comcast is also a major internet cable supplier and if either made this jump, Microsoft could see it as a threat and snatch up something.


--- Quote from: Leslieann on Tue, 23 April 2024, 06:09:15 ---
Amazon owns Prime and MGM+ which owns a ton of old school movie companies
Comcast owns Peacock, Dreamworks, Universal Pictures and a ton of old school networks such as NBC, as well as a bunch of music companies.
Disney owns Lucas, Hulu and just about everything else.
Discovery owns a bunch of small and large cable channels and their own streaming service.

I suspect it will settle into 2 or 3 major leagues plus a low end provider such as Netflix.

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Which out of all of these is most likely to bring back FIREFLY... ?


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Wed, 24 April 2024, 12:14:54 ---

Which out of all of these is most likely to bring back FIREFLY... ?

Show Image

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I don't even think jesus rising from the dead and telling these studios to bring back firefly would make these studios bring it back.

besides, I don't think it would be as good. Somethings are just better left of as what ifs, no matter how much wasted potential came from it.


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Wed, 24 April 2024, 12:14:54 ---Which out of all of these is most likely to bring back FIREFLY... ?

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That's a bit complicated and probably why it hasn't happened.
Firefly was made by Universal who never appreciated what they had and wanted to sell it off, which is why Serenity was made under 21st Century Fox, now owned by Comcast (Paramount). Since then Universal was bought out by Disney, so Disney owns the series, the movie is owned  by Comcast and Wedon also probably owns some of it.

Wedon isn't into it (too much time has passed), I don't know if Disney execs even realize they have it, but it could make for a fight over the I.P. and do you really want a Disney based Firefly?
Be careful what you wish for.


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