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I might be a little flighty . . .


I just moved so I may not have internet for a little bit, so I won't be posting as much as usual.

I received my SMK 88 with the, according to Karl, louder black Cherry sliders, and it is loud, much louder than my Cherry ML4100. I'm going to review it and give it to my chick so she has a nice keyboard to.

Anyway, I'll get a review up soon.


I am once again interneted on the internets, as Bush might say.


--- Quote from: xsphat ---I am once again interneted on the internets, as Bush might say.
--- End quote ---

I'm sure that was tough three days for you!   :wink:

You know it, I missed Heroes! I work Monday nights at the paper, so I watch it on I will watch it tonight.

Heroes rules, anyone else dig it? If so, I 'll start a topic on it.


--- Quote from: xsphat ---Heroes rules, anyone else dig it? If so, I 'll start a topic on it.
--- End quote ---

I really started getting into it when it first started...then I came over here.  So, I am WAAAAAY behind.   :cry:


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