geekhack Marketplace > Artisan Services
LF: Keyboard Modder
I'm looking for someone to mod a ducky shine 2 full-size.
I'd like to make the following changes:
Swap from black mx to clear mx
Lube said clear switches.
Swap from orange leds to red leds
Paint the plate flat white. (or red, still looking for a pic of what red leds look like on a red plate. White leds on white plate looks amazing!)
As far as materials go, if you can source them it would be nice, but I wouldn't mind getting them.
I know I can get the clears from mechanicalkeyboards. Stickers and lube, not so sure, I think I saw someone in a thread mention Victorinox and/or Krytox?
LEDs, I'd need a nudge in the correct direction. Not sure what the style led does not have a square bottom (that needs to be filed off to fit).
Why can't I just do all of this myself? My left arm is like a vibrator when trying to do small precision work. I saw a YouTube video of someone stickering their switches and I almost cried having to do that for all 104 switches.
Please shoot me a PM if you can help me out.
OOPS: Forgot to add, LF someone in the CONT US.
--- Quote from: Blackehart on Thu, 03 April 2014, 12:14:00 ---Why can't I just do all of this myself? My left arm is like a vibrator when trying to do small precision work. I saw a YouTube video of someone stickering their switches and I almost cried having to do that for all 104 switches.
--- End quote ---
As somebody who is currently stickering and lubing clears, I feel you here haha.
what color stickers?
Not too picky on sticker color. Looking to add them for the stability. If I had a choice though, red, white or pink.
I'm not currently taking any new work, but I will tell you that if I was, I would charge a bunch for stickering. It's so very time consuming. Also, it adds very little to the build, and I try to discourage people from getting stickers when I can. But some people just have to have them, for the aesthetic.
As to increased stability, you will never ever notice a difference in actual use.
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